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Open Season On Gays In Iran


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Viva la revolution in Iran. That regime is seriously disgusting. Read the reports here about murders of gays and burning their luscious long hair. Now they are fleeing to Turkey to save their lives. The details about their gaydar eyebrows is quite interesting. Personally, I don't like the look. Too femme. On the other hand, the unibrow is too much in the other direction. A while back I was watching an Iranian film and a girl character muses, I want to marry my dream man, with ONE eyebrow! It's too funny. But this topic isn't funny. Its very serious for the people of Iran.


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I'll never forget what happened when the current Iranian dictator went to the U.S.A. & proclaimed before an audience of thousands, "There are no gay people in Iran"...or words to that affect. The man is obviously a religious lunatic & I only wish that any Iranian who values freedom, could escape the this prison of a country without any harm.

Power to the Iranian gay people.

Ps I think "Sean" would fit in over there...lol

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