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Queue and surprise at Suvanapum!

The tourists could have the 210 € in their pocket but what an humiliation to be obliged to show them at the immigration counter!

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Is this supposed to mean carrying 20,000 baht of cash, at minimum, to show on demand when processing thru Immigration at Suvarnabhumi???

Or are copies of bank statements and such going to be accepted as proof???

Or copies of the cash?

So does this mean if I come for vacation I should have in my possession Thai currency already? I mean, I usually wait until my arrival to use an ATM machine to get my dosh.

Any currency permitted....read the post again and concentrate... :)

Why are people panicing? 10,000 baht is nothing. It's approx $300. usd/$320 CAD/$330AUD and 220 Euro. It's hardly a fortune.

If you are not carrying some cash on you when you travel, then you are not being prudent. What happens if there is a power failure and the atms or cc systems go dowm? what happens if you are stranded somewhere and there is a gigantic line at the atm or it runs out of cash? What do you do if the atm eats your card? What happens if you are stranded and the cc doesn't work. I have had all of these scenarios happen to me in the past 5 years of traveling. That's why I carry cash. I have yet to be robbed, scammed or pickpocketed (knock wood.)

Those who are panicky are the cheap charle..... :)

Why are people panicing? 10,000 baht is nothing. It's approx $300. usd/$320 CAD/$330AUD and 220 Euro. It's hardly a fortune.

If you are not carrying some cash on you when you travel, then you are not being prudent. What happens if there is a power failure and the atms or cc systems go dowm? what happens if you are stranded somewhere and there is a gigantic line at the atm or it runs out of cash? What do you do if the atm eats your card? What happens if you are stranded and the cc doesn't work. I have had all of these scenarios happen to me in the past 5 years of traveling. That's why I carry cash. I have yet to be robbed, scammed or pickpocketed (knock wood.)

Those who are panicky are the cheap charle..... :)

The airfare alone will probably set most people back 10-20,000 baht.

This title needs to be changed to stop hysteria. THIS IS NOT A NEW RULING it has been there for years.

So it has & of course I always wear my massive 5 baht gold chain around my neck and if questioned I would just flash them the currency accepted in every land.....GOLD! :)

Yep. Been a requirement for a long time but very rarely enforced.

Gives them a good excuse if they do not like the look of you.

I think this sums it up. They just want a reason to not let in some scruffy, destitute-looking types................


The point is not to know if it's fair or not. If it's new or not.

The point is to know if it will be implemented.

The point is to know how many countries in the world do that.

I mean similar countries: the ones who are suppose to be free and welcoming tourists.

When you go to Burma or North Korea or Zimbabwe, you expect (you hope?) to be annoyed by authorities. This is adventures. When you arrive in Thailand, you expect everything smooth as silk.

What you do with 10.000 ?

I spend 10.000 on Sukhumvit in one day ! :)

some Thai families with kids can live in Bangkok 1 month with it. Upcountry even longer.

Thai's live in Bangkok for 8,000B and still send some home to mom. Small food, moto taxi - BTS, cheap condo and leave the AC off a lot. That still leaves money for dinners out sometimes and a haircut somehow.


"The point is to know how many countries in the world do that".

Well, they do that at Heathrow. The officer I encountered there was the rudest I have ever encountered, and was just itching to find a reason to not let me in. Which is what they apparently do to many people there...........

Yep. Been a requirement for a long time but very rarely enforced.

Gives them a good excuse if they do not like the look of you.

I think this sums it up. They just want a reason to not let in some scruffy, destitute-looking types................

That's about it. Just wear a nice pair of long trousers and a collared shirt, and decent shoes, on the plane and nobody wants to give you any trouble when you get here, not if you look respectable.


Well if everyone has to carry cash, guess we won't hear anymore whinging about 120 ATM fees.

I am only surprised that they don't say you must have 10k to enter the place and prove that you spent it all while here.

Ok, I will shut up now.


Sorry folks, sometimes you are to quick to write before you read. The op says

The above funds may be held in any permitted currency.Kindly adhere to the above as insufficient funds on arrival could result in refusal to enter Thailand.

Has been the requirement for many, many years.

An antiquated regulation put on the books before anyone had ever heard of ATM, credit cards or Internet Banking.

They want to make sure you have enough money for the scams at the airport :)

Oh my, nice one!!!

Sorry folks, sometimes you are to quick to write before you read. The op says

The above funds may be held in any permitted currency.Kindly adhere to the above as insufficient funds on arrival could result in refusal to enter Thailand.

Has been the requirement for many, many years.

That's all and fine but surely in the year 2553 where cards are the norm, they gonna stop some high roller from the ME from entering cause only flashes his Infinite Visa Card?

Edit to add: Instead of telling TV members - half of which live here what they already know, why doesn't TAT roll out one of their fancy press releases to the world on this topic to those considering flying in will be aware?

If I read it correctly, a US citizen, entering on a tourist visa needs to be able to show about 700 USD ?

You see if they would think outside of the box - below the line (think of any other corny saying that is appropriate), they would make people deposit the money at the time of applying for their visa.

In exchange they would get a pre-loaded bank card of the equivalent which can only be used locally.


I don't see a problem with this and those are relatively low numbers. Surely they would allow you to visit the ATM machine before they booted you out of the country, if you didn't have paper currency.

I got hassled last time I entered the UK because I had something like five euro's on me and was dressed like a bum (also had a big beard at the time). They made me go to an ATM and show them my balance despite the fact that I had a nice laptop with me and multiple ATM, Debit and Credit cards - and had visited the UK many times in the past.

Thanks i have been in and out 7 years but never heard of this one. Amazing Thailand

I was aware of these rules/requirements, but they are seldom inforced.

However, a friend of mine in Chiang Mai did run into problems with regards to this at the border in Mae Sai one time.

For my next 2 or 3 runs there I made sure I was carrying the necessary funds. (I don't bother anymore).

Having travelled here several times a year on Visa on arrival, Tourist, and the last 4 or 5 years on Non O, I have never been asked to show funds. However, I would never enter the country without at least the required amount, just in case.

Why are people panicing? 10,000 baht is nothing. It's approx $300. usd/$320 CAD/$330AUD and 220 Euro. It's hardly a fortune.

If you are not carrying some cash on you when you travel, then you are not being prudent. What happens if there is a power failure and the atms or cc systems go dowm? what happens if you are stranded somewhere and there is a gigantic line at the atm or it runs out of cash? What do you do if the atm eats your card? What happens if you are stranded and the cc doesn't work. I have had all of these scenarios happen to me in the past 5 years of traveling. That's why I carry cash. I have yet to be robbed, scammed or pickpocketed (knock wood.)

A lot of people (myself included) would probably wait until they arrived in Thailand before going to an ATM machine to withdraw THB.

A simple solution would be to install ATM's before you go through immigration. Have you ever seen the rates they give for THB in say Heathrow Airport?

If it's 52 baht to the £ in Thailand, you'll probably get 42 in London.

Just another stupid rule really...TiT!


If every falang arriving in Thailand must have minimum 10,000 CASH, this will be a significant leg-up for the muggers, bag-snatchers and thieves. And if you must have it on entry, it will be enforced that you must have it on you at all times. Therefore, all thieves and robbers will be certain that falang are always going to be a good hit. This will mean that ordinary Thais won't have to worrry about crime of this sort as no sane mugger/thief will bother them when there are so many foreign walking atms to be hit.

If we follow the logic, crime stats are also likely to go down. No falang in his right mind will bother the police if he is robbed or mugged as he will be in breach of the 'must have 10k on you at all times' rule if/when that money is stolen.

This is in keeping with the 'in possession of a prescription drug but with no script and you go to jail for minimum one year" rule. Many of the drugs that you get legally across the counter in other countries officially require a prescription in Thailand. Valium for your fear of flying, heart medicine that you have been taking for years or even viagra and its derivatives can get you into trouble.


They want to make sure you have enough money for the scams at the airport :D


Is it going to be enforced? It would be a problem in Mae Sai - there are no ATMs in Tachilek and no where to go from there - if you don't have a Myanmar visa, you are only allowed in a restricted area.

Thanks i have been in and out 7 years but never heard of this one. Amazing Thailand

I was aware of these rules/requirements, but they are seldom inforced.

However, a friend of mine in Chiang Mai did run into problems with regards to this at the border in Mae Sai one time.

For my next 2 or 3 runs there I made sure I was carrying the necessary funds. (I don't bother anymore).

Having travelled here several times a year on Visa on arrival, Tourist, and the last 4 or 5 years on Non O, I have never been asked to show funds. However, I would never enter the country without at least the required amount, just in case.

It's fairly normal that people will spend around ten grand a week on a holiday here anyway, so it's in everyones' best interests to prove it at the customs desk before they let us in.


If you feel humiliated, just kindly ask the immigration official to show you how much he has in his pockets. Then wave your wad of 1000's in front of him and give him a 20 baht tip :):D :D

I'm sure he'll be less than impressed, but what the hel_l, he asked to see.

I don't see a problem with this and those are relatively low numbers. Surely they would allow you to visit the ATM machine before they booted you out of the country, if you didn't have paper currency.

I got hassled last time I entered the UK because I had something like five euro's on me and was dressed like a bum (also had a big beard at the time). They made me go to an ATM and show them my balance despite the fact that I had a nice laptop with me and multiple ATM, Debit and Credit cards - and had visited the UK many times in the past.

Here's a tip. Don't go to the UK if you have a beard. Even when I was a resident in the UK (pre-9/11), everytime I returned I was stopped and questioned. It got to the stage that I even got to know the Special Branch chap who would pull me out of the line whether I was with others or not. It was clear that they were profiling for men with beards. As soon as I shaved it off, I became invisible to them.

Remember that the UK likes its terrorists not to become dependent on state handouts! So if you have a beard, either shave it off or have wads of cash. (Hint - this is irony!)

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