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I don't want to kill them but it's getting ridiculous. I can't even figure out what they're eating to have so many there. There are no moths or any other small insects in the house, just geckos. My biggest problem is just the poop. So much of it. Can't keep up with cleaning up after them. Is there a humane way to deter them. And no I don't want a snake loose in my house!

Thanks for any info.


Put screens on all your windows and doors and keep them closed at all times. Food for them will no longer be available.

Get a cat or two and you won't have any problems.



They are called Jin Jock's and cats love em :D

Sure, now instead of sweeping up jinjo poop every day, now you're emptying a stinkin' litter box every morning. What a choice. :)


We have three cats. They spend most of their time outdoors where they appear to do their business.

At night they are inside and only once or twice a week do we find a pile in the bathroom (they appear to know where to do their dumping). All we have to do is use a showerhead in the bathroom and flush it out down the drain.

No litter box here!



They are called Jin Jock's and cats love em :D

Sure, now instead of sweeping up jinjo poop every day, now you're emptying a stinkin' litter box every morning. What a choice. :)

Dont worry I would opt for the Jin Jocks over a cat anyday.....ur right about stinkin cats, a guy that lives down the soi has about a dozen of the baaastards and they're always in my yard peeing in my garden, which is why ive got a dog now and I don't feed him much either :D


Same here. We tried the cat route and now instead of a bit of poo we have bits of half eaten gekkos lying everywhere. The cat just seems to like killing them and then leaving them to attract the ants. Plus the cats as said don't eat the mozzies.


What about those Tokays??, do they eat them?

We have had one of those fella's on our outside kitchen wall, must have been at least a foot in length.

Must have a big appetite to get that big.

Not too scared of humans either, or deaf!, had to get a piece of bamboo to move him on.

Also have a female Bang Kaew dog, she is good at killing gecks at ground level, again never eats them, just half chewed up remains littering the place.

Now if your talking about sh-t around the property, we are plagued with several pigeons who have decided to take up residence.


I have a house void of Jing jokes, I have screens on all the windows, doors and no cats. I have made sure there are no access points for bugs, twokays, mice and jing jokes. When I see a jing joke I catch it with my hand and toss it outside which is once a month maybe. It is a quickly learned skill like trying to learn to catch a lobster. I do not allow them to stay long enough to lay eggs. Three years jing joke shit free and happy.


Well if somethings coming out of them then somethings going into them,

They"re obviously eating something ?

Minimize anything you may think they could eat,

As posters noted, tight fitting screens, door thresholds, etc, will go along way but you may have to get more agressive,

Let us know how it works out.


We have one resident tokay. My wife gave up trying to catch him. Since he keeps the jing joks under control, she decided to let him stay in the house. She figures cleaning up one big turd is better than cleaning up 20 small turds.


screens on the windows do the trick but, I haveta admit that I like the little buggers; we commune in silence when taking a dump in the toilet...

that bein' said, I don't haveta clean up their turds...I leave that up to my nieces ('Boh, yew missed one here...')

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