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Goodbye And Thankyou

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It's always an unpleasant shock when you call the airline to confirm the departure date only to find that it's a week sooner than you expected, especially when you know that this time you will be away for a long long time before returning, but after one unforgettable year (- 1 week) of living all over Thailand in persuit of job satisfaction and the love of a good woman, (I at least had samples of both), it is time to leave and sort out what I am going to do for the rest of my life.

If it hadn't been for this very website then I would have probably wouldn't have lasted very long past September and would have most likely gone home skint, instead of going home with a fair amount money to get by.

Before I go any further and get all sentimental, I have a question which doesn't really need a post of it's own, and that is - I have about 65,000 Baht left in my Siam Commercial bank acount, but I only have the simplest of ATM cards.

What is the best way to go about ensuring that I can retrieve my cash from the U.K. without drawing it all out and taking it to the airport?

I can't think of anything else I need to sort out, I've left DVD's in Hua Hin and my pinstripe suit jacket is in Splitlid's spare room and I don't feel ready to leave my comfort zone yet, but do we ever?

It's not like I am coming back in a few months, I could easily enough fly back out to teach but that is no long term soloution to my life and I never want to go back to teaching where I started out, it's not a respected job for unqualified foreigners here and snobby as it sounds, I'd rather stay home than sing 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' six times a day, just as a means to stay here, though home these days is here really.

Through Thaivisa I have made over 90% of the farang friends and contacts I now have in Thailand, and the site has been the creative outlet I needed, despite many of my posts being a pile of toss, there has been the occasional one that has endered me to those who tolerate my ramblings and repelled those who don't, either way I've perhaps utilized ThaiVisa more than most, and yes, I am guilty of enjoying the recognition and attention, perhaps because back in England I'd always wanted to be famous for my creativity in whatever area, but in the years prior to my first visit to Thailand I was carott dangled and given false hopes by record companies, scriptwriters, TV producers, a pop star and an Israeli bloke who became a millionaire by bending spoons, so after years of confidence erosion and self doubt, I eventually found myself on the other side of the world in a place where just a good circle of friends, close proximity to a tropical beach, food I could moan about and the smile of a good looking woman was more than enough to keep me happy.

I was once criticised by the owner of a well know magazine here for putting creative energy into a site where I won't make any money, I also had one of my younger colleagues at the World Carnival say to me, "What are you doing spending your time on expat websites with a bunch of sad nerds and perverts?" ..In fact they couldn't have been further from the truth, of course he'd never had a look himself but his childish assumptions have deprived him of a mine of information and potential networking.

I am tempted to cut and paste a nutshell summary of the past twelve months, however, I don't want to make a meal of this post, so instead I'll say a BIG SPUDS style thankyou to all who have helped me out over the past year, be it putting me up or simply buying me a drink when the chips were down - it's been a bigger adventure than four years ago when I spent my first year, (and fifteen times more cash) exploring SEA.

A big thankyou to the following members:

Bluecat, Baht & Sold, Splitlid, Tornado, Blake 7, Random Chances, 12Call, LovelyCutie, Erco, Fatter Than Harry, Stroll, RDN, and not forgetting those who I had the pleasure of meeting for a beer or nine, DaveThailand, Toastwars, Phazey, Wolfie, George, Nat, Insight, Sego, The Moog, Igotworms, Toster, Candyflip, Honeyen, Jockstar, Stumonster and Gisele.

It would be rude of me not to also acknowledge those who I have never had the pleasure of meeting but who have offered advice, stuck up for me or simply made me feel welcome, so cheers to Darknight, Dr Pat Pong, Britmaveric, Simon 43 (what happened to him?) - Medicinebox, Stocky, BkkMadness, ThaiPauly, thaiflyer1, Boo, Thomas Merton and anyone else who I may have forgotten... No Oscar jibes please. :D ..Also a big thankyou to the Thai girl from the SeaPearl hotel in Patong who approached me last November, the last time I had a lump in my throat like a big girl, just because I was sat on Patong beach in a suit and tie with 18bht to my name after being deemed 'not dishonest enough' to sell timeshare. She gave me 200 baht to buy some food. I have not been able to get hold of her since boxing day.

Anyway, cheers all who have been nice, I'm a of a sensitive bugger at times and it's a pleasant feeling to feel appreciated, especially for me. :D

No idea what the future holds but The Gentleman Scamp will be back, someday, with a new plan, and I will of couse be back on ThaiVisa as soon as I have found somewhere to drop anchor and hijacked someones PC.

If anyone wants to beat me up, or buy me a drink, or simply say hello - I plan to have a few farewell drinks with some friends and any of the above members who can attend, from 7pm this Saturday (14th) - Larry's Dive, Sukhumvit Soi 22.

Everybody welcome.



Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Scampy take your ATM card into SCB and ask for an international ATM card.........costs 300 baht and only takes 5 mins (ive got one..they are Mastercard and Cirrus backed).

Good Luck for the future and dont forget to drop in from time to time.


Edited by thaiflyer1
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Scampy  take  your  ATM  card  into  SCB  and  ask  for  an  international  ATM  card.........costs  300  baht  and  only  takes  5  mins  (ive  got  one..they  are  Mastercard  and  Cirrus  backed).

Good  Luck  for  the  future  and  dont  forget  to  drop  in  from  time  to  time.

:D  :o


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Good luck, you now have to join the hoards of us in England who can't satisfy their career aspirations in Thailand. Still I enjoy my regular trips all the more for having a good job in blighty.

If only I could reconcile the two......

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So you're definitely coming up, Torny? :D

Yeah, bring Stroll with ya :D:D

Torny- as Stroll's Bodyguard - he has decided since I am not in country yet. He will politely decline your invitation. :D

you mongs do take things WAY to seriously :D

Anyway, we get back on topic, before Scamp gets upset.

Larrys Dive, great food BTW. :o

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Cheers Scampy and best of luck.

Don't forget to keep us uptodate with you experiences in "A cold Country..." again.

You can take the Man out of LOS, But you'll never take LOS out of the man....

Astalavista Baby, You'll be back :o

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(A Sinatra pastiche)

Performed by The Gentleman Scamp courtesy of Ambassador records.


And now, the time has come

It has been fun, yet so uncertain

I've seen, them come and go

From 12Call, to Thomas Merton

I've lived a life online

but now it's time, to hit the runway

Oh no, no turning back - I'm flying one way

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, just that suspension

Last year, when I was new, I had a wart - not worth a mention

And now, the year I've had, will soon be dead... Upon arrival Sunday

Goodbye, my dear Bangkok, ...I'll be back one day.

Yes, there were times, in Hua Hin

Thought I would die (but not with Ning)

But to you all, I pen this song

From DJ Pat, to Doctor Pong,

I'll live in hope, I'll dodge the soap, and return some day

I've tried, I've taught and learned

I've spent and earned, I've been a carny

Down south, when in Phuket, I met tornado, but missed tsunami

To think, I did all that,

And to be honest, in quite a dumb way,

Oh no, no not again... Back on the runway

For what is a Scamp, who goes in blind?

I changed my avatar, but not my mind

To post the things, inside my brain, and not the words, of those who flame

The postings show, I had some blows, now I fly one way :D


Yes, I'll return one day

Thankyou and goodnight. :D

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I've always enjoyed reading your posts... drivel or not!! I hope you can make it online to update us once in a while.

Best of luck to you. Having the insight and guts to make a change is usually the first step in something great.

An Irish blessing-

May the road rise to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

May your glass be ever full.

May the roof over your head be always strong.

And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.


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