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I Be Going For A Temple Tour......


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Greetings everyone..

I've been invited by Thais for a tour in Ayutthaya, we'll probably be going there by a minibus, and I thought it would be interesting so I just agreed to go along with them...

Then, thereafter, I discovered we were going to visit not 1, not 2, but 9 temples! In one day alone. :)

Anyway, I came to Thailand also to understand more about Thai culture and see their lifestyle, so I'm still okay about it.. But I would like to ask more experienced friends here what do I have to take note when I go with Thais to a temple tour, and what to do etc., what not to do.. and what not to say - any superstitions? What about entrance fees, photography, all that? I think no dressing inappropriately yes, but what else do I need to expect?

Those on the bus with me are all Thais so they don't speak English probably might have some miscommunication, and some of them are doing official work with me....

Any help and advice greatly appreciated ^^


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I dont think there are any fees to pay in Ayutthaya to visit temples,maybe there is now? photograhy is normally ok and just be yourself relaxed and respectful of what is going on around you.

What kind of official work are you doing?this would help people understand what type of thais you will be travelling with and give you a better understanding of the way they will behave,are you staying overnight?

Keep your money in your pocket.

And wear flip-flops easier taking them off and putting them on if you are doing it 9 times!! :)

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It depends, A group of thai people I know did this the other day, took loads of photos of them sitting in front of the temple (not inside mind you) and seemed to make a fun trip of it- nothing too serious like a 9 church catholic trip might be assumed to be. :) As with most things- follow their lead.

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Well... Actually it's not exactly official work, they just asked me to go on the trip with them, I am staying in a serviced apartment, and the Thais going with me there are those working in the apartment (mechanic, laundry staff, housekeepers..)

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Be careful, you will pay for everything including everyone's fees for all 9 temples, lunch for 9 and the mini van - BTW, you'll get a bit tired of temples after about number three or four, unless you're really into temples.

My advice is dont go with this group, you don't need these sort of Thais with you when going into a temple and they almost certainly won't be interested in teaching you anything about the culture. A visit to a temple inevitably costs money. I am sure that your group are all going to claim poverty and that is probably why you have been invited along as the guest of honour/ATM for the day. I am not anti Thai but the group of workers you describe will be on low incomes and will assume you are super rich and therefore going to pay for everything. This will give you a negative view of Thai culture. Go by yourself or with some friends that you can trust and I think you will have a much more possitive experience of Thai culture.

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Hi thanks for the input, I will most certainly be careful. Yeah it's going to be quite a new experience going with them but apparently their manager is also going, so I don't know if I'll be their ATM or not.. Will tread carefully, thanks for the advice.. Oh btw I'm not farang, neither am I a man... In case some of you are wondering..

They quote me 400 baht thereabouts for to and fro transport from Chonburi to Ayutthaya...

PS: How much will be the entrance for temple? Some of you said no charge, yet some say charge?

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Hi thanks for the input, I will most certainly be careful. Yeah it's going to be quite a new experience going with them but apparently their manager is also going, so I don't know if I'll be their ATM or not.. Will tread carefully, thanks for the advice.. Oh btw I'm not farang, neither am I a man... In case some of you are wondering..

They quote me 400 baht thereabouts for to and fro transport from Chonburi to Ayutthaya...

PS: How much will be the entrance for temple? Some of you said no charge, yet some say charge?

In my experience on tours with thais,they normally look after themselves especially as its a works sort of do!

I have been on a disco bus once from Sa kaeo up to Chang mai for the flower festival and it really was fun having a party on the bus and then everyone sleeping and starting all over again.Funny how all the men sit at the back and get hammered very quickly :D

I suspect your trip in a mini van will be a few hours of fun stopping to eat a few times and the odd drink or two,all depends on the people?? and a whistle stop tour of the sights stopping longer at the more important ones,they will want fun also as it is after all a day out,just go with the flow and when offered a shot of sangsom or leo take it :D or decline it! at the very least it will make the journey a bit easier.

You will be the centre of attention on the bus even though you are not farang?? or a man as you put it!

I am not sure the cost of entry as i do not know where you are going but as you say you are not farang so will not be charged differently from your group.It will be minimal a should think?

In reply to an earlier poster you have the right as an individual and adult to spend your money as you wish and not feel intimidated by anyone thinking otherwise,if it offends someone that you are not willing to be an atm.... then you have got your answer as to there perception of friendship towards you....easy! but they could be and probably are very nice people and maybe will surprise you.

As i said personally i would try to keep my money in my pocket,but that does not mean i would not take my corner and spoil the day out,even buying knum and soft drinks for a small party is a nice gesture and remember you will be seeing them again.

Have a good day and let us know the outcome! :)

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I speak from first hand experience.

I was invited by a lovely girl from Buriram to visit her family in the village she is from. When we got there I met everyone in the village that happened to be her entire family of over 70 people.

The following day she said she wanted to take me to visit a "castle" in Buriram. She was referring to the Khmer temple Phanom Rhung. I agreed to go with her to see the temple. That morning, Dad took a spanking new 4 by 4 double cab Isuzu truck out of a shed and said that Mom will also accompany us. OK, so far. 15 relatives later cramming the cab and the bed of the pick-up truck we set out on our way. I was asked to help driving and with fuel. I claimed I only had credit cards and Travelers checks. We did not stop to gas up after what I said. When we arrived to the temple (lovely and interesting, really) I was presented with a THB500 as entrance fee. When I asked why it was so high the entrance fee I was told by my lovely Thai vixen that I was paying for the entire family of 15 and myself. My fee alone was THB150, six times what a Thai national would pay. At exactly 12 noon, the entire army of relatives descended from the temple (about a mile away) onto a makeshift eatery and were busily ordering and munching on snacks. I was invited to join the party at the table and they made room for me. Sensing that I was going to be used as a walking ATM to pay for their meals, 15 people mind you. I said I was not hungry and instead ambled to a fruit stand and bought myself a bunch of bananas which I ate with gusto and kept me from having a "cashectomy" (total removal of my cash). I evaded monetary mayhem... only momentarily.

When we rode into town, I saw a 7-11 and when the gang decided to stop there I craved an iced coffee. I said to myself while in the 7-11 "there is no way I will spend one more day with this band of freeloaders". The vixen had already had me for a VIP bus ticket from Morchit to the village the name of which I don't even want to remember. So I decided to grab a basket and get me some sandwiches for the journey home the following day. I put snacks and sandwiches in the basket and saw that the gang of 15 got busy putting from packs of yogurts to diapers in my basket. I put the basket on the counter, picket out only my purchases and paid. All of them looked at me with disgust and later muttered a few words while marching out of the 7-11 without paying for everything the put in my basket! The following day, they concocted a trip to Pattaya for which I was graciously invited. Before leaving for Pattaya I was required to put around THB700 worth of diesel in their truck. I declined, summoned a tuk-tuk and headed for the bus station. While waiting for the bus to take me back to Bangkok, the shiny pick-up truck pulled up in front of me with Mom, Dad and Vixen in it and asked me what happened. I said I had an urgent appointment later that day.

After a few days passed, Vixen called me and said that her family liked me but that they did not like the fact that I was stingy.

Go figure! Temple traveler beware!!!

Pisico :)

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I speak from first hand experience.

I was invited by a lovely girl from Buriram to visit her family in the village she is from. When we got there I met everyone in the village that happened to be her entire family of over 70 people.

The following day she said she wanted to take me to visit a "castle" in Buriram. She was referring to the Khmer temple Phanom Rhung. I agreed to go with her to see the temple. That morning, Dad took a spanking new 4 by 4 double cab Isuzu truck out of a shed and said that Mom will also accompany us. OK, so far. 15 relatives later cramming the cab and the bed of the pick-up truck we set out on our way. I was asked to help driving and with fuel. I claimed I only had credit cards and Travelers checks. We did not stop to gas up after what I said. When we arrived to the temple (lovely and interesting, really) I was presented with a THB500 as entrance fee. When I asked why it was so high the entrance fee I was told by my lovely Thai vixen that I was paying for the entire family of 15 and myself. My fee alone was THB150, six times what a Thai national would pay. At exactly 12 noon, the entire army of relatives descended from the temple (about a mile away) onto a makeshift eatery and were busily ordering and munching on snacks. I was invited to join the party at the table and they made room for me. Sensing that I was going to be used as a walking ATM to pay for their meals, 15 people mind you. I said I was not hungry and instead ambled to a fruit stand and bought myself a bunch of bananas which I ate with gusto and kept me from having a "cashectomy" (total removal of my cash). I evaded monetary mayhem... only momentarily.

When we rode into town, I saw a 7-11 and when the gang decided to stop there I craved an iced coffee. I said to myself while in the 7-11 "there is no way I will spend one more day with this band of freeloaders". The vixen had already had me for a VIP bus ticket from Morchit to the village the name of which I don't even want to remember. So I decided to grab a basket and get me some sandwiches for the journey home the following day. I put snacks and sandwiches in the basket and saw that the gang of 15 got busy putting from packs of yogurts to diapers in my basket. I put the basket on the counter, picket out only my purchases and paid. All of them looked at me with disgust and later muttered a few words while marching out of the 7-11 without paying for everything the put in my basket! The following day, they concocted a trip to Pattaya for which I was graciously invited. Before leaving for Pattaya I was required to put around THB700 worth of diesel in their truck. I declined, summoned a tuk-tuk and headed for the bus station. While waiting for the bus to take me back to Bangkok, the shiny pick-up truck pulled up in front of me with Mom, Dad and Vixen in it and asked me what happened. I said I had an urgent appointment later that day.

After a few days passed, Vixen called me and said that her family liked me but that they did not like the fact that I was stingy.

Go figure! Temple traveler beware!!!

Pisico :)

Tight-arse !

Only VIP bus, why not taxi.

Another cheap Charlie heading back to the ghettos of Pattaya.

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Well... Actually it's not exactly official work, they just asked me to go on the trip with them, I am staying in a serviced apartment, and the Thais going with me there are those working in the apartment (mechanic, laundry staff, housekeepers..)

WOW 9 temples - you must have REALLY sinned.

Following in the footsteps of Khun Thaksin who felt it necessary to make merit at 9 temples to atone for his excessive wrong-doings.

Edit: Oops, error his was a 99 temple excursion.

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I speak from first hand experience.

I was invited by a lovely girl from Buriram to visit her family in the village she is from...After a few days passed, Vixen called me and said that her family liked me but that they did not like the fact that I was stingy...

So I guess you're saying that sex with your "vixen" (your choice of words) was not as cheap as you had expected?

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I dont think there are any fees to pay in Ayutthaya to visit temples,maybe there is now? photograhy is normally ok and just be yourself relaxed and respectful of what is going on around you.

What kind of official work are you doing?this would help people understand what type of thais you will be travelling with and give you a better understanding of the way they will behave,are you staying overnight?

Keep your money in your pocket.

And wear flip-flops easier taking them off and putting them on if you are doing it 9 times!! :)

Yes some Wat you have to paid but Mai Paeng hehe sam sip Baht

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Be careful, you will pay for everything including everyone's fees for all 9 temples, lunch for 9 and the mini van - BTW, you'll get a bit tired of temples after about number three or four, unless you're really into temples.

My advice is dont go with this group, you don't need these sort of Thais with you when going into a temple and they almost certainly won't be interested in teaching you anything about the culture. A visit to a temple inevitably costs money. I am sure that your group are all going to claim poverty and that is probably why you have been invited along as the guest of honour/ATM for the day. I am not anti Thai but the group of workers you describe will be on low incomes and will assume you are super rich and therefore going to pay for everything. This will give you a negative view of Thai culture. Go by yourself or with some friends that you can trust and I think you will have a much more possitive experience of Thai culture.

lol your right its not free he will paid everry thing Food i know when im going some place whit GF familly i know i have to paid Food better go alone and rent a Tuk Tuk for the day save more money

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I don't know for sure, but 9 temples in Ayutthaya might not be 9 operating temples with 9 entrance fees. I would think it would include some of the old temple ruins in or around the old city which didn't have the restrictions of an operating temple. Or at least no one told me they did and I was there with 3 former tourist information center employees. I wore shorts and the only restriction I remember was you weren't supposed to take a picture with your head in place of the Buddha's head where the statue's heads were cut off (for the underground relic trade).

For one entrance fee, I remember covering a lot of different buildings. Where you see walls around wats in most places, I recall a couple wats that had no walls and you just walked right up. Looking back, I have shorts, but I find some pictures that were clearly inside of temples and I recall being in one in particular. So I guess I went in with shorts (but in an a nice button up business casual shirt). I actually think this is less of an issue in less touristy areas, but perhaps I'm just offending everyone so don't go by my example.

I recall the entire day being really inexpensive, which would be consistent with Ayutthaya69's statement. At one point we needed to cross the river and took a 2 or 3 baht boat ride across. Maybe it was the cheap way in versus the tourist way in. I'm not sure.

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My wife and I did the 9 temples in a day thing a few years ago in Bangkok. There was a certain pattern that needed to be followed, so even if temple number 2 was across the street from number 4, we still had to go out of our way to temple number 3 first. I do not understand the method behind this, but we had a lot of fun :) . We started at 7:00am and completed our journey at 3:30 PM.

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Be careful, you will pay for everything including everyone's fees for all 9 temples, lunch for 9 and the mini van

Maybe. Maybe not. I've been invited out on these types of things and had extreme difficulty paying for anything - to the extent that I felt seriously embarrassed. And if you don't pay admission to a temple, make a donation. It doesn't have to be much and the benefits will vastly outweigh the costs.

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Wow, thanks everyone for the wonderful insights... Some quite funny too lol if you know what I mean =P I'm really glad some of you enjoyed the 9 temple tour trip so I'm really looking forward to it too. :D

Ah, thanks Ayutthaya69 for the info, if it's 30B or so like you said "maiphaeng", then okay... I was worried if it was hundred bahts or so per temple or so then it really set me back, seeing I'm a student... :) And yes, I think I would probably follow and make a donation, just not very sure about these stuff, so I guess I'll go with the flow, see what the Thais do and just follow them... *cross my fingers and hopefully all goes well!*

Thank you very much once again for you guys suggestions.. any more input very welcome ^^

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Hi Folks,

In the Historical Park all the Wats (Temples) that I visited charged me 50 Baht as a none Thai. :D

I should know I went there 3 months ago.

Hope you have a nice blue sky like I did 'smint' for your photos :D

Hot and sticky, so buy some soft drinks, water etc. before hand.

Sawadee :)

P.S. Map below. Also lots of info and photos :-


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I speak from first hand experience.

I was invited by a lovely girl from Buriram to visit her family in the village she is from. When we got there I met everyone in the village that happened to be her entire family of over 70 people.

The following day she said she wanted to take me to visit a "castle" in Buriram. She was referring to the Khmer temple Phanom Rhung. I agreed to go with her to see the temple. That morning, Dad took a spanking new 4 by 4 double cab Isuzu truck out of a shed and said that Mom will also accompany us. OK, so far. 15 relatives later cramming the cab and the bed of the pick-up truck we set out on our way. I was asked to help driving and with fuel. I claimed I only had credit cards and Travelers checks. We did not stop to gas up after what I said. When we arrived to the temple (lovely and interesting, really) I was presented with a THB500 as entrance fee. When I asked why it was so high the entrance fee I was told by my lovely Thai vixen that I was paying for the entire family of 15 and myself. My fee alone was THB150, six times what a Thai national would pay. At exactly 12 noon, the entire army of relatives descended from the temple (about a mile away) onto a makeshift eatery and were busily ordering and munching on snacks. I was invited to join the party at the table and they made room for me. Sensing that I was going to be used as a walking ATM to pay for their meals, 15 people mind you. I said I was not hungry and instead ambled to a fruit stand and bought myself a bunch of bananas which I ate with gusto and kept me from having a "cashectomy" (total removal of my cash). I evaded monetary mayhem... only momentarily.

When we rode into town, I saw a 7-11 and when the gang decided to stop there I craved an iced coffee. I said to myself while in the 7-11 "there is no way I will spend one more day with this band of freeloaders". The vixen had already had me for a VIP bus ticket from Morchit to the village the name of which I don't even want to remember. So I decided to grab a basket and get me some sandwiches for the journey home the following day. I put snacks and sandwiches in the basket and saw that the gang of 15 got busy putting from packs of yogurts to diapers in my basket. I put the basket on the counter, picket out only my purchases and paid. All of them looked at me with disgust and later muttered a few words while marching out of the 7-11 without paying for everything the put in my basket! The following day, they concocted a trip to Pattaya for which I was graciously invited. Before leaving for Pattaya I was required to put around THB700 worth of diesel in their truck. I declined, summoned a tuk-tuk and headed for the bus station. While waiting for the bus to take me back to Bangkok, the shiny pick-up truck pulled up in front of me with Mom, Dad and Vixen in it and asked me what happened. I said I had an urgent appointment later that day.

After a few days passed, Vixen called me and said that her family liked me but that they did not like the fact that I was stingy.

Go figure! Temple traveler beware!!!

Pisico :)

Tight-arse !

Only VIP bus, why not taxi.

Another cheap Charlie heading back to the ghettos of Pattaya.

I'm with the Farrang on this one sounds like an on the take hussie with a family of freeloaders consider this a lucky escape! A lot of Thais are not like this but you did the right thing in not being a sucker. The poster that calls you a tight arse if he really believes this only encourages more Thais to participate in what even they know to be outrageous behaviour, he's probably regularly taken to the cleaners himself and his so called Thai friends probably refer to him as Mon or Kwai! He probably also pays for his girlfriends family as well as her! Good on you and learn from it....I've been there before but only once and have been here for 6 more years since Sucker free! and the girlfriend is free!

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I speak from first hand experience.

I was invited by a lovely girl from Buriram to visit her family in the village she is from. When we got there I met everyone in the village that happened to be her entire family of over 70 people.

The following day she said she wanted to take me to visit a "castle" in Buriram. She was referring to the Khmer temple Phanom Rhung. I agreed to go with her to see the temple. That morning, Dad took a spanking new 4 by 4 double cab Isuzu truck out of a shed and said that Mom will also accompany us. OK, so far. 15 relatives later cramming the cab and the bed of the pick-up truck we set out on our way. I was asked to help driving and with fuel. I claimed I only had credit cards and Travelers checks. We did not stop to gas up after what I said. When we arrived to the temple (lovely and interesting, really) I was presented with a THB500 as entrance fee. When I asked why it was so high the entrance fee I was told by my lovely Thai vixen that I was paying for the entire family of 15 and myself. My fee alone was THB150, six times what a Thai national would pay. At exactly 12 noon, the entire army of relatives descended from the temple (about a mile away) onto a makeshift eatery and were busily ordering and munching on snacks. I was invited to join the party at the table and they made room for me. Sensing that I was going to be used as a walking ATM to pay for their meals, 15 people mind you. I said I was not hungry and instead ambled to a fruit stand and bought myself a bunch of bananas which I ate with gusto and kept me from having a "cashectomy" (total removal of my cash). I evaded monetary mayhem... only momentarily.

When we rode into town, I saw a 7-11 and when the gang decided to stop there I craved an iced coffee. I said to myself while in the 7-11 "there is no way I will spend one more day with this band of freeloaders". The vixen had already had me for a VIP bus ticket from Morchit to the village the name of which I don't even want to remember. So I decided to grab a basket and get me some sandwiches for the journey home the following day. I put snacks and sandwiches in the basket and saw that the gang of 15 got busy putting from packs of yogurts to diapers in my basket. I put the basket on the counter, picket out only my purchases and paid. All of them looked at me with disgust and later muttered a few words while marching out of the 7-11 without paying for everything the put in my basket! The following day, they concocted a trip to Pattaya for which I was graciously invited. Before leaving for Pattaya I was required to put around THB700 worth of diesel in their truck. I declined, summoned a tuk-tuk and headed for the bus station. While waiting for the bus to take me back to Bangkok, the shiny pick-up truck pulled up in front of me with Mom, Dad and Vixen in it and asked me what happened. I said I had an urgent appointment later that day.

After a few days passed, Vixen called me and said that her family liked me but that they did not like the fact that I was stingy.

Go figure! Temple traveler beware!!!

Pisico :)

Tight-arse !

Only VIP bus, why not taxi.

Another cheap Charlie heading back to the ghettos of Pattaya.

I'm with the Farrang on this one sounds like an on the take hussie with a family of freeloaders consider this a lucky escape! A lot of Thais are not like this but you did the right thing in not being a sucker. The poster that calls you a tight arse if he really believes this only encourages more Thais to participate in what even they know to be outrageous behaviour, he's probably regularly taken to the cleaners himself and his so called Thai friends probably refer to him as Mon or Kwai! He probably also pays for his girlfriends family as well as her! Good on you and learn from it....I've been there before but only once and have been here for 6 more years since Sucker free! and the girlfriend is free!


Thanks for understanding the situation. I was always aware that Thailand is a Third World country; it is not derogatory: it simply IS what it is. I know this kind of mentality is prevalent around these parts. Farang has money therefore, Farang has to pay. This Buriram vixen is not a gold-digger per se. She runs a small business in Lat prhao and studies for MBA. She is not a bad person: she is Thai. That is the reason that Farangs pay to visit temples, palaces, etc. and Thais do not. If we did this back home it would be labeled as discrimination. Not here. Thai way is sneaky and gentle. I suppose that many Thais are not that way; I have met only 2 who are not. It is not a matter of being a "tight arse" to quote Chaimai who spoke like a real John or trick (you make the call) it is a matter of disguising true intentions under a cloak of kindness. I was never told that the group would include 15 members of the family. It was represented as Mom, Dad and Vixen wanted me to see the temple. An interesting point is that this family owns a 2009 4 by 4 double cab pick-up truck and yet, are unwilling to pay their own way. Hmm! It does not add up. Months later I learned that the girls in the family are 70% married to Farangs in Pattaya. Hmm, curious detail.

I know very little of Pattaya. One time there. What I saw was not conducive to intelligent thought or behavior. I prefer my flat in Arun Amarin from which I can see all day long the Grand Palace, the Rama bridge and the Chao Praya. Chaimai seems to have very little to be happy about in this life. :D


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I speak from first hand experience.

I was invited by a lovely girl from Buriram to visit her family in the village she is from. When we got there I met everyone in the village that happened to be her entire family of over 70 people.

The following day she said she wanted to take me to visit a "castle" in Buriram. She was referring to the Khmer temple Phanom Rhung. I agreed to go with her to see the temple. That morning, Dad took a spanking new 4 by 4 double cab Isuzu truck out of a shed and said that Mom will also accompany us. OK, so far. 15 relatives later cramming the cab and the bed of the pick-up truck we set out on our way. I was asked to help driving and with fuel. I claimed I only had credit cards and Travelers checks. We did not stop to gas up after what I said. When we arrived to the temple (lovely and interesting, really) I was presented with a THB500 as entrance fee. When I asked why it was so high the entrance fee I was told by my lovely Thai vixen that I was paying for the entire family of 15 and myself. My fee alone was THB150, six times what a Thai national would pay. At exactly 12 noon, the entire army of relatives descended from the temple (about a mile away) onto a makeshift eatery and were busily ordering and munching on snacks. I was invited to join the party at the table and they made room for me. Sensing that I was going to be used as a walking ATM to pay for their meals, 15 people mind you. I said I was not hungry and instead ambled to a fruit stand and bought myself a bunch of bananas which I ate with gusto and kept me from having a "cashectomy" (total removal of my cash). I evaded monetary mayhem... only momentarily.

When we rode into town, I saw a 7-11 and when the gang decided to stop there I craved an iced coffee. I said to myself while in the 7-11 "there is no way I will spend one more day with this band of freeloaders". The vixen had already had me for a VIP bus ticket from Morchit to the village the name of which I don't even want to remember. So I decided to grab a basket and get me some sandwiches for the journey home the following day. I put snacks and sandwiches in the basket and saw that the gang of 15 got busy putting from packs of yogurts to diapers in my basket. I put the basket on the counter, picket out only my purchases and paid. All of them looked at me with disgust and later muttered a few words while marching out of the 7-11 without paying for everything the put in my basket! The following day, they concocted a trip to Pattaya for which I was graciously invited. Before leaving for Pattaya I was required to put around THB700 worth of diesel in their truck. I declined, summoned a tuk-tuk and headed for the bus station. While waiting for the bus to take me back to Bangkok, the shiny pick-up truck pulled up in front of me with Mom, Dad and Vixen in it and asked me what happened. I said I had an urgent appointment later that day.

After a few days passed, Vixen called me and said that her family liked me but that they did not like the fact that I was stingy.

Go figure! Temple traveler beware!!!

Pisico :)

Tight-arse !

Only VIP bus, why not taxi.

Another cheap Charlie heading back to the ghettos of Pattaya.

I'm with the Farrang on this one sounds like an on the take hussie with a family of freeloaders consider this a lucky escape! A lot of Thais are not like this but you did the right thing in not being a sucker. The poster that calls you a tight arse if he really believes this only encourages more Thais to participate in what even they know to be outrageous behaviour, he's probably regularly taken to the cleaners himself and his so called Thai friends probably refer to him as Mon or Kwai! He probably also pays for his girlfriends family as well as her! Good on you and learn from it....I've been there before but only once and have been here for 6 more years since Sucker free! and the girlfriend is free!


Thanks for understanding the situation. I was always aware that Thailand is a Third World country; it is not derogatory: it simply IS what it is. I know this kind of mentality is prevalent around these parts. Farang has money therefore, Farang has to pay. This Buriram vixen is not a gold-digger per se. She runs a small business in Lat prhao and studies for MBA. She is not a bad person: she is Thai. That is the reason that Farangs pay to visit temples, palaces, etc. and Thais do not. If we did this back home it would be labeled as discrimination. Not here. Thai way is sneaky and gentle. I suppose that many Thais are not that way; I have met only 2 who are not. It is not a matter of being a "tight arse" to quote Chaimai who spoke like a real John or trick (you make the call) it is a matter of disguising true intentions under a cloak of kindness. I was never told that the group would include 15 members of the family. It was represented as Mom, Dad and Vixen wanted me to see the temple. An interesting point is that this family owns a 2009 4 by 4 double cab pick-up truck and yet, are unwilling to pay their own way. Hmm! It does not add up. Months later I learned that the girls in the family are 70% married to Farangs in Pattaya. Hmm, curious detail.

I know very little of Pattaya. One time there. What I saw was not conducive to intelligent thought or behavior. I prefer my flat in Arun Amarin from which I can see all day long the Grand Palace, the Rama bridge and the Chao Praya. Chaimai seems to have very little to be happy about in this life. :D


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Chaimai seems to have very little to be happy about in this life. :D


Au contraire Pisico. For the record I have many things to feel happy about and several involve taking out my wallet occasionally. :D

I suspect that your post did not tell the full story. Communication is one factor here and I also would not pay for a bus load of free-loaders. I have paid for meals for family members - knowingly, willingly and I have never had the p!ss taken out of me by them (at least not to my face :) and never financially).

Your post made you sound like one of the "I'm not paying for sex", "I'm not giving the family a Satang" brigade. In reality (I think) the balance is about paying/providing for what YOU want, if that fits with what your partner wants then harmony should ensue - and this is true anywhere in the world, not just Thailand.

It seems like either you, or your girlfriend of the day, made an error in judgement with that trip.

Edited by Chaimai
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My wife and I did the 9 temples in a day thing a few years ago in Bangkok. There was a certain pattern that needed to be followed, so even if temple number 2 was across the street from number 4, we still had to go out of our way to temple number 3 first. I do not understand the method behind this, but we had a lot of fun :) . We started at 7:00am and completed our journey at 3:30 PM.

Wow, I'm glad I got the condensed version.

How does this work? Do you show up, sign up with a local guide/van and they do the tour? Or is it some map thing and you're on your own?

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Chaimai seems to have very little to be happy about in this life. :D


Au contraire Pisico. For the record I have many things to feel happy about and several involve taking out my wallet occasionally. :D

I suspect that your post did not tell the full story. Communication is one factor here and I also would not pay for a bus load of free-loaders. I have paid for meals for family members - knowingly, willingly and I have never had the p!ss taken out of me by them (at least not to my face :) and never financially).

Your post made you sound like one of the "I'm not paying for sex", "I'm not giving the family a Satang" brigade. In reality (I think) the balance is about paying/providing for what YOU want, if that fits with what your partner wants then harmony should ensue - and this is true anywhere in the world, not just Thailand.

It seems like either you, or your girlfriend of the day, made an error in judgement with that trip.

A great reply and thank goodness you are not one of the sucker brigade, but point taken, on the 'we all end up paying one way or another' theme even Prince Charles once referred to most British housewives as whores and I take his and your points on this one.

My similar experience when I first came to Thailand was that I was invited to a disco by a girl I met, the girl brought 12 'friends' who not only drank but ate food and guess who was presented with the 5000 baht bill and guess also which girl was subsequently dumped! Its sometimes Good to have a bad experience and to learn from it needless to say I am extreemly cautious about these situations now and have no problem in describing myself as Farrang Kee kneee owww with a smile on my face to the piss takers. They usually mutter something to themselves and go away.

There are a lot of Thais out there who would never act like these spongers and also strongly dissaprove of their behaviour. I have learnt that as anywhere you have to chose your company wisely and don't be scared to reject people.

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I speak from first hand experience.

I was invited by a lovely girl from Buriram to visit her family in the village she is from. When we got there I met everyone in the village that happened to be her entire family of over 70 people.

The following day she said she wanted to take me to visit a "castle" in Buriram. She was referring to the Khmer temple Phanom Rhung. I agreed to go with her to see the temple. That morning, Dad took a spanking new 4 by 4 double cab Isuzu truck out of a shed and said that Mom will also accompany us. OK, so far. 15 relatives later cramming the cab and the bed of the pick-up truck we set out on our way. I was asked to help driving and with fuel. I claimed I only had credit cards and Travelers checks. We did not stop to gas up after what I said. When we arrived to the temple (lovely and interesting, really) I was presented with a THB500 as entrance fee. When I asked why it was so high the entrance fee I was told by my lovely Thai vixen that I was paying for the entire family of 15 and myself. My fee alone was THB150, six times what a Thai national would pay. At exactly 12 noon, the entire army of relatives descended from the temple (about a mile away) onto a makeshift eatery and were busily ordering and munching on snacks. I was invited to join the party at the table and they made room for me. Sensing that I was going to be used as a walking ATM to pay for their meals, 15 people mind you. I said I was not hungry and instead ambled to a fruit stand and bought myself a bunch of bananas which I ate with gusto and kept me from having a "cashectomy" (total removal of my cash). I evaded monetary mayhem... only momentarily.

When we rode into town, I saw a 7-11 and when the gang decided to stop there I craved an iced coffee. I said to myself while in the 7-11 "there is no way I will spend one more day with this band of freeloaders". The vixen had already had me for a VIP bus ticket from Morchit to the village the name of which I don't even want to remember. So I decided to grab a basket and get me some sandwiches for the journey home the following day. I put snacks and sandwiches in the basket and saw that the gang of 15 got busy putting from packs of yogurts to diapers in my basket. I put the basket on the counter, picket out only my purchases and paid. All of them looked at me with disgust and later muttered a few words while marching out of the 7-11 without paying for everything the put in my basket! The following day, they concocted a trip to Pattaya for which I was graciously invited. Before leaving for Pattaya I was required to put around THB700 worth of diesel in their truck. I declined, summoned a tuk-tuk and headed for the bus station. While waiting for the bus to take me back to Bangkok, the shiny pick-up truck pulled up in front of me with Mom, Dad and Vixen in it and asked me what happened. I said I had an urgent appointment later that day.

After a few days passed, Vixen called me and said that her family liked me but that they did not like the fact that I was stingy.

Go figure! Temple traveler beware!!!

Pisico :)

Tight-arse !

Only VIP bus, why not taxi.

Another cheap Charlie heading back to the ghettos of Pattaya.

I'm with the Farrang on this one sounds like an on the take hussie with a family of freeloaders consider this a lucky escape! A lot of Thais are not like this but you did the right thing in not being a sucker. The poster that calls you a tight arse if he really believes this only encourages more Thais to participate in what even they know to be outrageous behaviour, he's probably regularly taken to the cleaners himself and his so called Thai friends probably refer to him as Mon or Kwai! He probably also pays for his girlfriends family as well as her! Good on you and learn from it....I've been there before but only once and have been here for 6 more years since Sucker free! and the girlfriend is free!


I was always aware that Thailand is a Third World country; it is not derogatory: it simply IS what it is.

Actually Thailand is not a third world country, the term was used many years ago to refer to non-aligned countries and has nothing to do with the things you think it does, development, income or wealth.

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