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Guest IT Manager

You can't that I have ever seen.

I have a pack of 21 mg. Will send to your lady if you want them.

Have a good trip mate.



What is the point of putting poison into your system via a patch, rather than a fag?

I am a Hypnotherapist and I have helped 879 people to stop

killing themselves with Tobacco.

It takes just one one & half hour session to kick it forever,

IF YOU WANT TO!  There's the rub. You MUST want to.....

I have just got a postcard from a lady who smoked 45 a day.

She stopped last year, and with the money she saved went on a cruise. She will live a lot longer now.

When you light-up thousands of Chemicals are produced by the combustion. Five are deadly poison. And because these poisons go into your bloodstream, and your blood goes everywhere in your body, they damage every part of you.

On a box of cigarettes it tells you that 'Smoking Kills' and yet you STILL DO IT!  ARE YOU MAD???

I work a morning a week in a big London Hospital helping people with Smoking related diseases to die pain free.

Done that for three years, and NOT ONE of them has ever said "I am glad I smoked" before they died........

Yesterday, in my local Greengrocers, a woman with a fag in her mouth held-up a bag of Carrots and said "John, are these Organic?"

Couldn't help it I said " Even if they are not Organic they won't kill you, but that cigarette will".

"Mind your own F'ing business" she replied......

I shall be in Thailand very soon, so if you want to live longer and healthier, give me an Email [email protected]

and we will fix a time & place.

I have just got a postcard from a lady who smoked 45 a day.

She stopped last year, and with the money she saved went on a cruise. She will live a lot longer now.

Not if the ship sinks!

Guest IT Manager

What is the point of putting poison into your system via a patch, rather than a fag?

In my opinion, humble as that is, you were once a smoker. If not you wished you were.

I am a  grown up and take responsibility for what I put in my body, be it nicotine or a fag, though truth to tell, to date I haven't tried that little energy.

Carl, who I hope will speak for himself is likewise a grown up.

Your advertising is neither required nor appreciated, by me, however I respect your right to post here. But remember this, I now believe you are probably a christian as well, so credibility may be an issue.

From my own perspective, not on behalf of anyone else, I personally wish you would shut up about hynosis adn quitting. If I could I would, I can't so I don't. I blame god who gave me the smoking gene.


I concur with the above. Responsible adults can kill themselves if they want with nicotine without jive asses telling them otherwise. Stupid f*ckin' non-smoking crusaders are responsible for the current wind that prohibits smoking in bars in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe. I support a backlash that would have all PC non-smoking assh*oles whipped, beaten and drawn and quarted in public...preferably outside a bar that was previously 'non-smoking'.

With regard to non smoking long haul flights the Swedish Church on Sukhumvit soi 33 offers snoose that you place between lip and gum and does the trick. A good load is better than 3 Marlboros and no muss nor fuss.

Nicotine addicts unite...otherwise don't be surprised when you find yourselves in chains...

tutsi on the warpath....


I do agree ... this anti-smoking crusade is boaring!

even 12h of flight or so, you can't even light a cigarette in the runway that drive you to the luggages, it's impossible to smoke in most airport in the world B)

useless to talk about all the other public places ...

for me this represent the perfect example of politic's hypocrisy :D

raise the price of tobacco, shout out loud "stop to smoke", put no-smoking signs everywhere, and at the same time, big tobacco companies continue to make a lot of money B)

what the ###### ... can't they let us do what we like?

when I go pick-up my daugter at school, I leave the pack of cigarette at home ...

better not to have any temptation B)

can cost a lot to light a cigarette close to the school here B)

"once, it has been said ; did you know that freedom exists in school book?"

we should make a poll about what's your favorite brand? :o

or cigars or cigarette? B)


In BKK it is the least of our worries! :o

How many chemicals are in the smog in BKK, DavidCharles?

How much would you charge to hypnotise the the police to completely ignore farang? Now thats a service I would pay for! :D

How much would you charge to hypnotise the the police to completely ignore farang? Now thats a service I would pay for!

we will all contribute to this glorious crusade :o

hhahahaha good one :D

What is the point of putting poison into your system via a patch, rather than a fag?

What a post. Written with a vengeance and so full of hate and perhaps driven by withdrawal symptoms.

How comes that always the non-smokers or former smokers (?) attack the others?

I believe it will not happen that a smoker tries so vehemently to convert a non-smoker. If you do not want to smoke you get my blessing but don't pollute the air with such tirades.

There are people in this world who do not want to go on a cruise, albeit cigarettes on board are duty-free, means by far more affordable.

If you do not want to smoke, don't go to places where others do. If you want to sell your hypnotherapist services, put paid ads but don't use this forum for free of charge advertisements. Hate is bad for your health.


I gave up 3 years ago Axel. But I haven't become a smug anti smoking evangelist The decision to quit was mine, and mine alone. I used the patches very effectively but got them overseas. Thailand hasn't approved them, a decision, in my view, based on the Tobacco Monopoly outcomes. Don't worry one iota about a few more weeks poison. Our bodies took toxic cigarette smoke for a long long time. A few more weeks will be a breeze, and the patches give you only nicotine.


Be careful of the dosage of the patches you use. I tried them once, but used patches which were a bit too strong (as smoke lights) apart from my arm going numb felt sick as a dog - but it did the trick :o


I have not smoked for over 4years, luckily for me i was not an everyday smoker, i only smoked when i had a drink, and also i was not an everyday drinker.

If i did not drink for 3 weeks i would not smoke at all, then as soon as i had a few beers i would smoke, then after a few more i would be nearly chain smoking, then nothinhg again till the next drinking session.

I was lucky i guess, i packed up drinking and smoking on the same day, 28th september 1999, havn't touched either since. I do agree that ex smokers are the worse critics, and when my mate that smokes came round my house he was smoking non stop, it took a few days for the smell to go, plus my clothes, towels e.t.c. stank. As for restaurants e.t.c., i will not eat at a restaurant unless i can get non smoking, and i am now in Tokyo, if any of you have been here you will know that the Japanese like a puff, so to find smoke free is hard................ 70% of Adult Males smoke here, i dont care what they do, i am sure that they would like to pack it up but can't.

Some non smokers are under the impression that only non smokers know the dangers of smoking,....................... i am sure smokers are all too aware of the dangers and in western countries the financial cost of the addiction. Any that are going to try to pack it in........Good Luck, those that can't........Up To You, but i do know that for me, i am glad i stopped, i was lucky to be able to.

Guest IT Manager

Now DavidCharles, Pet, if you want to hypnotise someone, you have about 100,000 non volunteers. Can't miss them, they will be wearing brown uniforms.

While at it, suggest that if they ask for a bribe, oops, tea money, they will be reborn as buffalo.

Good luck, enjoy your stay in Thailand, leave your bible at home. New poll re cigars seems a good idea.

Guest IT Manager
"Mind your own F'ing business" she replied......

Just accidentally read the end of your post, Reverend Charles..

She sure got it right. :o


Respect Dr. and Begs for stopping. I lived for many years in Japan, not smokng there is difficult, even the airlines kept smoking seats for years on flights to Japan.

For myself, I smoke when I like to. By my own decision I do not smoke at home.

Of course I do go out more often!

I do not like the airlines' no-smoking rules and especially not in the way it is presented, referring to safety etc. and same time selling duty-free cigarettes and cigars on board. 2-3 hours on board is not a real problem, 12 hours is still ok for me. Afterwards?

In Thailand I expect the laws to be stronger enforced as far as this is possible.

Can save a lot of money for people who do not eat out in no-smoking restaurants.

Then Singapore. I see more and more places where the owners took windows and doors out and replaced by a cold aircon-wall. Albeit it is no longer 'indoors'. My staff walks out evey hour for 10 minutes as smoking in offices is prohibited they have to go on the street where the office-owners provide ashtrays.

So you smoke or you don't is everybody's decision. But I do not need a schoolmaster for education.

Btw. Yes what is about cigars? Clinton used them, Churchill smoked them,

Interesting subject, who of the great leaders smoked and who did not, who was more successful smokers like Churchill, non-smokers like?

Guest IT Manager
Btw. Yes what is about cigars? Clinton used them, Churchill smoked them,

OMG did you really say that.... B):o:D


Nothing you poor Nicotine addicts said surprised me......I pity you.

I gave up cigarettes 25yrs ago. So I am hardly an evangelist who has just packed it in and wants everyone else to do the same.

Someone said I was "Full of hate"....Well I sure saw some hate in your posts.

Go on die an early, painful death if that is what you want, but I bet you won't be so 'cocky' when you are taking your last few breaths......


nicorette chewing gum is occasionally available at the first chemist on the right as you go into sukhumvit 22.

as an "ex smoker" who still gets cravings and can now smoke one cigarette a week and not want another for a week , my way of cutting back to one a week was to analyse my smoking habit.

i found that out of the 15 a day i was smoking, at least ten of those were pure reflex action,i did not enjoy them at all, i just smoked them.

the only ones i enjoyed were the early morning one with coffee,the after lunch,the after dinner and the late evening one.

i cut back to 4 or 5 a day quite easily, from there i decided i would not smoke indoors again,and soon was down to one or two a day. i did not miss smoking at all, and eventually stopped. i sometimes get a real craving and in thailand i can nip out and buy one single cigarette and smoke it. but this is a once a week thing if that.my health and fitness levels improved enormously, and my taste buds came to life again. a definate bonus in thailand.

if i'm feeling really self righteous i go and buy the nicorette gum.

nicotine is an extremely addictive compound and the addictive qualities are magnified by the inclusion of various chemicals in the tobacco mix.the companies really ought to be brought to book over it, but they are powerful entities and bring in big tax revenues for governments.

i'd rather be in a non smoking bar/restaurant etc than in a smoking one, and even when i'm in severe crave mode i find the smell of other peoples cigarettes disgusting, and am all for the separation of smokers and non-smokers in indoor public places.

to all those who are trying to stop, i wish you luck. but you really do have to want to do it. once you are sure you want to and have reasons to want to then it becomes easy to give up or control.i dont know if hypnosis works or not,but i believe that just being able to be in control of your own will is enough. its not that difficult.

to those who are long term smokers,well, you know the risks you are taking with your health. do you really enjoy every ciggy you smoke?? i doubt it.


Tax Exile!


one cigarette a week



nicotine is an extremely addictive compound

all the best ones are!


i'd rather be in a non smoking bar/restaurant etc than in a smoking one.

I'd rather be in a smoking one (for the after dinner smoke) but it is now extremely difficult to find one.


the separation of smokers and non-smokers in indoor public places.

Tempered moderation. I like that.


just being able to be in control of your own will is enough.

Ah. Thats the bit I have difficulty with.


i dont know if hypnosis works or not.

Worked for my Grandmother, failed within 2 days for my Father. Probably down to the will thing you were taking about.


risks you are taking with your health. do you really enjoy every ciggy you smoke??.

Nope. But then I can't really say that I "enjoy" breathing either. It's just one of those necessities prioritised below eating but higher than cleaning the bathroom.

good post I like it.


Forget patches. The best medicine for quiting the habit is to go visit a cancer ward in any hospital and have a chat with some poor old geezer who's dying of lung cancer, or throat cancer, or ....


Coo! I only wanted to buy something and it's turned into a right little handbag flailing session.

###### - Thanks for the offer, i'm in town from friday onwards, if i turn up nothing, I'll be in touch.

To be honest I would love to follow some of your advice and quit smoking. Indeed I have done so for three months about 8 years ago, but ironically a medical condition i have reacted to that and i had to spend 2 weeks in hospital on a ventolator. Not worth doing again in my opinion :o


Guest IT Manager

Hi Karl,

Was just thhinking that.

To the Rev. Charles, thanks. I would love to stop but someone re-iterated it isn't about being hypnotised so much as having will power. I don't at the moment. But I hope to buy some next weekend.

Karl, hide the handbag darling or the buggers will work it out.



Patches for Temp users are not the best. Use the gum or something else. The problem with the patch is it brings up a nicotine level in your system, thus controlling the urge. Your body gets used to constant level really quick, When you take it off. You end up smoking a lot more.

You can get Anti Smoking aids but you have to see a doctor.

Patches are great I used them to quit, tried the gum but I liked it to much. Trick with the patch buy the 21mgs clear ones. Then cut them down to size. This saves a lot of cash and you can dose to your need.

They say not to do it on the box but that is pure marketing. The Clear ones have adhesive through out the patch the other only on the boarders.


You said you wanted to quit.

Set a date and do it.

One of the things I used was a saying that really helped. When the urge comes up say to your self “I can have one in 5 min” Something

I also did was start to walk and then run.

It really helps you keep all the stress and agitation built up from not smoking and take it out on the shoes. I ended up losing 5 Kilos by quitting.

Guest IT Manager

Good reply. I just looked at the pack and it says don't use patches just for aplane flight, use the gum. May be a good opportunity to stop Karl.


ITM: you know the job i do - do you REALLY think i could go without a smoke dealing with this mob ? :o

Anyways, as i said, i tried, it affected my health adversly so i failed. And thanks to suggestion of going to a cancer treatment hospital - but is it ONLY smokers who get cancer ? I can personally say no, so that wont wash with me.

And anyways, i could get hit by a bus tomorrow.


And thanks to suggestion of going to a cancer treatment hospital - but is it ONLY smokers who get cancer ? I can personally say no, so that wont wash with me.


You're quite right Phazey. Not all lung cancer victims were smokers. Only about 95% of them.

And anyways, i could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

Well, yeah and your chances of getting hit are increased if you cross a busy road 30 times a day.

Forget patches. The best medicine for quiting the habit is to go visit a cancer ward in any hospital and have a chat with some poor old geezer who's dying of lung cancer, or throat cancer, or ....

ABSOLUTELY! I work in a London \Cancer Ward one morning a week helping people to die peacefully and painlessly, with Hypnosis (painkillers don't work anymore) and it is an awful thing to see, believe me.

Attended an autopsy the other day of a guy who had died of Emphacema.....

I passed-out. The inside of his lungs were full of Tar.....UGH.

If the same warnings 'Smoking Kills etc' were put on packets of Bread or whatever,

would you consume it?

Don't bother to answer that.........

If the same warnings 'Smoking Kills etc' were put on packets of Bread or whatever,

would you consume it?

depends on the cheese that come with :o:DB)

helping people to die peacefully and painlessly

Isn't there a law against that.

If the same warnings 'Smoking Kills etc' were put on packets of Bread or whatever,

would you consume it? 

Who in thier right mind smokes bread?????

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