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Crackdown On Pattaya Beach Road Prostitutes

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Actually I wish they would do something serious about this lot, have you ever tried walking down that promenade by night, it's near impossible without being forcibly accosted by someone every 10 meters refusing to let you pass (a real turn off if ever there was one), they practically manhandle you in the hope you'll be 'persuaded' to go home and make love with them. And when you get tough trying to escape it they react aggressively as if you're starting a bar fight. Ladyboys are the worst.

You might find that if you don't give them the eye they'll leave you alone but strutting along like a dog with two dicks in a street full of lamp posts you get what you ask for.

C'mon admit it, it gives you a little stiffy don't it?

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Pattaya Police clear Pattaya Beach of Prostitutes

PATTAYA: -- Following orders from the new Pattaya Police Chief, Police Colonel Nantawoot, a team of Pattaya Police Officers assisted by civil volunteers, known in Thai as “O-Po-Po-Lor”, conducted a late night operation on Wednesday to clear Pattaya

Beach of Prostitutes and others suspected of loitering with intent to engage in anti-social or criminal activity.

A total of 60 people were rounded-up, including 20 transsexuals and 40 women.

All were charged with offenses relating to loitering with intent and prostitution and paid a small fine before being released back onto the Beach where they presumably continued with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest.



Very brave reporting from Howard !


My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

So you're a bar owner then? :D

Very unfair comment, these girls simply prefer to work for themselves (or so I'm told), :) .

BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

Of course, they're all free spirited, independently minded entrepreneurs who don't want to be tied down by the rules imposed by "The Man". Well obviously their clients are discerning gentleman not threatened by a strong independent woman and wanting something more than a submissive bar girl. (With a one in three chance of getting something more)



It has been a long time since i have added comment.

1.) How are you going to solve this problem when you take them from the street.

they are going to go pay the SMALL fine, go with the next customer on the beach and the money is back.

2.) If they are realy getting all those of the street, Where are they going to go? Jomtien beach probaly.

3.) There are also many People going to the beach Relax on their own Risk( but still like it) and make other things with those girls by the beach.

Also there is also a good thing about these People being at the beach, they keep the area busy. it is safer to walk when there are many peoples then there are no peoples. there are good and there are bad things to get rid of them.

or am i wrong.


I think the' folklore' linked to prostitution, aside from the prostitution itself, counts for 80 percent of the charm of Pattaya.The strange ' zoo' which is the Beach at night is one of the tourist attractions of the city! Otherwise WHO would take a stroll along the beach?It's polluted, crowdy,noisy.So TAT should ENCOURAGE prostitution on the beach, and police should do the same.I like the beach the way it is.It is an institution, a sanctuary, a living museum, a unique scene for unrrivaled stand comedian. It s almost poetic, at times...


This sounds like just another 'crackdown' du jour, done for PR purposes and cash. The girls on the Beach Road are defenseless when it comes to the Police. Afterall, both groups need to make a living. I suspect this is mostly the new Chief of Police trying to show who is in charge. What? Does he think that this has never been done before? And how can there even be prostitutes in Pattaya because it's clearly been explained to me in the past that since prostitution is illegal, it's not possible that there are any here.

As for the Bar Owner that posted that the girls on the Beach Road are HIV/Aids victims, or not capable of working in a bar, I have a question for you and for them: Has anyone (customers) ever seen a medical certificate from ANY girl they've taken from a bar? No, I think not! As for girls not being capable of working in a bar, come on now. Most of these girls have about 6 years of school. Bar work is not rocket science. The girls on the Beach I've talked to make far more than many girls in any bars except for some GoGo Bars. They are their own boss, wake up, work, and sleep when they want to without being fined from an ugly old fat mamasan for being late. Besides, assuming you are using a condom, it's very statistically unlikely that you'll get anything from them. They would be the ones to be more susceptible, not you.

Remember, all this too will pass...............

I think the' folklore' linked to prostitution, aside from the prostitution itself, counts for 80 percent of the charm of Pattaya.The strange ' zoo' which is the Beach at night is one of the tourist attractions of the city! Otherwise WHO would take a stroll along the beach?It's polluted, crowdy,noisy.So TAT should ENCOURAGE prostitution on the beach, and police should do the same.I like the beach the way it is.It is an institution, a sanctuary, a living museum, a unique scene for unrrivaled stand comedian. It s almost poetic, at times...

I love the free people watching. More interesting than the zoo.

The crazier pattaya is and the more outrageously dressed its attractions the better as far as I'm concerned as they all add to give the place a unique flavor like nowhere else on earth.

And for all the complainers, there are a zillion other beaches in Thailand you could walk down that are exactly the way you like so why pressure to change this one? And in case you weren't aware, taking one of the girls is NOT compulsory despite them being there

Silly question - but why do the police wait for late at night - there are lots of "girls" hanging around in the daytime - or are they just relaxing?

It's too hot.

I like this one.


Where is the line drawn between beach hookers vs the 1000s of other freelance hookers who troll pattaya?

Is it because they are an easy target with only one way to run?

This sounds like just another 'crackdown' du jour, done for PR purposes and cash. The girls on the Beach Road are defenseless when it comes to the Police. Afterall, both groups need to make a living. I suspect this is mostly the new Chief of Police trying to show who is in charge. What? Does he think that this has never been done before? And how can there even be prostitutes in Pattaya because it's clearly been explained to me in the past that since prostitution is illegal, it's not possible that there are any here.

As for the Bar Owner that posted that the girls on the Beach Road are HIV/Aids victims, or not capable of working in a bar, I have a question for you and for them: Has anyone (customers) ever seen a medical certificate from ANY girl they've taken from a bar? No, I think not! As for girls not being capable of working in a bar, come on now. Most of these girls have about 6 years of school. Bar work is not rocket science. The girls on the Beach I've talked to make far more than many girls in any bars except for some GoGo Bars. They are their own boss, wake up, work, and sleep when they want to without being fined from an ugly old fat mamasan for being late. Besides, assuming you are using a condom, it's very statistically unlikely that you'll get anything from them. They would be the ones to be more susceptible, not you.

Remember, all this too will pass...............

I'm not buying it that taking a girl from the beach is as safe as one from a bar.

All the stories of tourist druggings and thefts seem to involve girls picked up from the beach.

However, that's my level of risk taking, feel free to behave as you'd like, I'm not making a moral judgement, simply a practical one regarding safety

I think the' folklore' linked to prostitution, aside from the prostitution itself, counts for 80 percent of the charm of Pattaya.The strange ' zoo' which is the Beach at night is one of the tourist attractions of the city! Otherwise WHO would take a stroll along the beach?It's polluted, crowdy,noisy.So TAT should ENCOURAGE prostitution on the beach, and police should do the same.I like the beach the way it is.It is an institution, a sanctuary, a living museum, a unique scene for unrrivaled stand comedian. It s almost poetic, at times...

Would tend to agree with you on this one. Despite all the TOT bs about making Pattaya a family destination, in reality it's never going to happen. They'd drive away the guaranteed tourists / ex-pats they have, and replace them with a very small amount of tourist families. Coming to Thailand for a family holiday is very expensive, particularly for tourists from the west. I think it's also true that families demand better safety conditions for their children, such as lifeguards, safe bathing areas, being able to cross the road without fear of danger etc.

Guess the new chief need the money he 'invested' in his new position back fast?

He' s also got "1990 User(s) are reading this topic (1522 Guests and 6 Anonymous Users)"

(By the way you 6, We know who you are :)


"PATTAYA: -- Following orders from the new Pattaya Police Chief, Police Colonel Nantawoot, a team of Pattaya Police Officers assisted by civil volunteers, known in Thai as “O-Po-Po-Lor”, conducted a late night operation on Wednesday to clear Pattaya

Beach of Prostitutes and others suspected of loitering with intent to engage in anti-social or criminal activity."

I really like this new guy, not sure he is good for Pattaya but boy is he entertaining!

BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

The Thai's are the ones with the sun-tan? :)

wow 1113 people viewing this dont worry guys it looked like business as usual today. reference girls cannot get job in bars like some of us they like to be self employed not tied to a bar with strict start finish times, cut for not enough drinks or bar fines or have another day job.

Absolutely Nalak. That was obviously the reason as why should the girls have to be so restricted AND pay their bar owning pimp bosses for the privilege. Nothing wrong with honest prostitution if the girl is willing to sell pussy and the guy willing to pay for it. What I really hate is pimps making money out of them and forcing them to do what they maybe do not want to do with whom they do not want to sell to as well. There are many nice and clean girls on beach road and other places without having to pay the pimpy bars their inflated bar fines. Just wish the bars would stick to selling drinks and their girl staff keeping the customers entertained IN the bar area. Any bar fines should ONLY be to pay for the girls lost wages whilst she is away from her place of work, the making of money out of her selling pussy or forcing her to sell it so many times a month or lose wages is simply and honestly pimping and bloody anti social and unfair to the girls, no other explanation unless someone can give me an honest reason why this is not the case. If I was a Thai girl I would work totally freelance if I wanted to sell pussy, so the beach road girls are maybe the clever ones, who do not want to be exploited by the crap pimps. I support any police action that clamps down on pimps and hard drug pushers, that would make beach road a better place to be at night.

Am I talking crap or what?? If so please explain.

Stupid question I know; but what`s the point of this excerise?

The point is the police were able to get money - fines - from those arrested before they released them. I'll bet those officers will have a huge party this weekend. Hope some don't use the money to help the Red Shirts exercise the violence they want to do in Bangkok. Somebody is paying big money for the buses, food, & payments to those tens of thousands of Red Shirts headed to Bkk from Northern Thailand. I don't think Thaksin is paying for all of it. Wondering if the Government is stopping the buses headed from Northern & Northeastern Thailand and checking and confiscating the weapons.


I agree. It is the pushers and not the working girls that need cleaning up on Beach Road.

Last Saturday night I was offered the whole array of drugs from outside Soi 9 to Walking Street, the area between Soi 9 nick (supplies R Us?) and Royal Garden being the very worst.

Maybe if Colov's lot got off their backsides and went in plain clothes along Beach Road with some marked banknotes they could do some stings, instead of inappropriately cosying up to them indoors.

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

The girls in beer bars are obviously clean and respectable, no yaba users or HIV+ girls there, of course.

How about some girls not wanting a job at a bar, getting pawed by all and sundry and forced to drink for the benefit of bar owners and mamasans? Too hard to imagine that?

Few years back (in Thaksin's era), I don't remember drug pushers being so obvious on the beach. These days they very loudly offer drugs to everybody passing by -- they're getting almost as pushy as the Indian tailors. It would be nice to know what sort of deal they have with the police.

Beach road girls are the easiest target out there, with nowhere to run. The predators who extort money from them are disgusting. Frankly, it's extortion, not law enforcement.

Silly question - but why do the police wait for late at night - there are lots of "girls" hanging around in the daytime - or are they just relaxing?

Theyre ONLY Sunbathing !!! :):D:D

What :D a 'crackdown' on crack along Pattaya Beach Road, whats this coming to?

I think your post may imminently see a TV crackdown on crack cracks :D

Personally, I don't see what the problem is with a bit of crack along the beach road, some of us drive along their just to get an eyeful :D

WHAT SORT OF CRACK , are they cracking down on.

i enjoy a stroll on ,, COCONUT BAR ..

somebody , allways wants me...it,s the aftershave i use.. :)

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Excuse me, but you are one ignorant sob when it comes to Pattaya, prostitutes, and the beach. The beach is for free lancers. Some are too young to work in a bar as that age is 20. Some are part-timers, and many have no desire to hang in a bar 12 hours a day. To assume anything else about HIV or otherwise is absurd. I lived in Pattaya for five years, had a salon and personally know many girls in the trade. They come from all over and make their choice as to where to work. So, put a sock in your mouth and choke on your ignorance.

Silly question - but why do the police wait for late at night - there are lots of "girls" hanging around in the daytime - or are they just relaxing?

During the day they are busy harassing som tam and other small vendors.

wow 1113 people viewing this dont worry guys it looked like business as usual today. reference girls cannot get job in bars like some of us they like to be self employed not tied to a bar with strict start finish times, cut for not enough drinks or bar fines or have another day job.

Absolutely Nalak. That was obviously the reason as why should the girls have to be so restricted AND pay their bar owning pimp bosses for the privilege. Nothing wrong with honest prostitution if the girl is willing to sell pussy and the guy willing to pay for it. What I really hate is pimps making money out of them and forcing them to do what they maybe do not want to do with whom they do not want to sell to as well. There are many nice and clean girls on beach road and other places without having to pay the pimpy bars their inflated bar fines. Just wish the bars would stick to selling drinks and their girl staff keeping the customers entertained IN the bar area. Any bar fines should ONLY be to pay for the girls lost wages whilst she is away from her place of work, the making of money out of her selling pussy or forcing her to sell it so many times a month or lose wages is simply and honestly pimping and bloody anti social and unfair to the girls, no other explanation unless someone can give me an honest reason why this is not the case. If I was a Thai girl I would work totally freelance if I wanted to sell pussy, so the beach road girls are maybe the clever ones, who do not want to be exploited by the crap pimps. I support any police action that clamps down on pimps and hard drug pushers, that would make beach road a better place to be at night.

Am I talking crap or what?? If so please explain.

No, you're not. When I was single, a long time ago, I'd never use bar girls for the simple reason I thought the bar fine system was akin to slavery. Plus, of course, every other punter in the bar is ex-special forces. :)

I agree with you, nothing wrong with an honest business transaction, for that's all it is really. Seems to be the same the world over, the "I've got higher morals than you" brigade, telling the rest of us how to live, when in reality, they're the worst offenders. As for the hard drug pushers, as far as I'm concerned, round 'em up, sentence them, execute immediately - problem solved.


barfine? Well those are the conditions of work at said establishment. No one is forcing the lady to work under those conditions, she can easily not work there and just freelance. Choice is up to her. :)

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Excuse me, but you are one ignorant sob when it comes to Pattaya, prostitutes, and the beach. The beach is for free lancers. Some are too young to work in a bar as that age is 20. Some are part-timers, and many have no desire to hang in a bar 12 hours a day. To assume anything else about HIV or otherwise is absurd. I lived in Pattaya for five years, had a salon and personally know many girls in the trade. They come from all over and make their choice as to where to work. So, put a sock in your mouth and choke on your ignorance.

I must admit, I thought the same as "Theyreallrubbish" all seems a bit scary and dangerous to me, I don't go near, so don't know. I have been here 15 years by the way, and never taken a freelancer, ever, just seems too risky.

"All were charged ... before being released back onto the Beach where they presumably continued with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest".

LOL this really made me laugh out loud...

TIT :)

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Excuse me, but you are one ignorant sob when it comes to Pattaya, prostitutes, and the beach. The beach is for free lancers. Some are too young to work in a bar as that age is 20. Some are part-timers, and many have no desire to hang in a bar 12 hours a day. To assume anything else about HIV or otherwise is absurd. I lived in Pattaya for five years, had a salon and personally know many girls in the trade. They come from all over and make their choice as to where to work. So, put a sock in your mouth and choke on your ignorance.

Oh well said sir! This poster seriously needs to get a sense of humour. Sadly about the only thing unavailable on the beach road.

Personally I've always thought that for the girls to hang around in a bar all day, can only lead to alcohol related problems in later life. Sensible approach must be to always protect yourself, with any new sexual partner, no matter where they're from, and especially those with "dangly bits". :)

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Excuse me, but you are one ignorant sob when it comes to Pattaya, prostitutes, and the beach. The beach is for free lancers. Some are too young to work in a bar as that age is 20. Some are part-timers, and many have no desire to hang in a bar 12 hours a day. To assume anything else about HIV or otherwise is absurd. I lived in Pattaya for five years, had a salon and personally know many girls in the trade. They come from all over and make their choice as to where to work. So, put a sock in your mouth and choke on your ignorance.

I must admit, I thought the same as "Theyreallrubbish" all seems a bit scary and dangerous to me, I don't go near, so don't know. I have been here 15 years by the way, and never taken a freelancer, ever, just seems too risky.

Yes, I am ignorant of that scene, as I keep clear. By the way, I don't own a bar.

"PATTAYA: -- Following orders from the new Pattaya Police Chief, Police Colonel Nantawoot, a team of Pattaya Police Officers assisted by civil volunteers, known in Thai as "O-Po-Po-Lor", conducted a late night operation on Wednesday to clear Pattaya

Beach of Prostitutes and others suspected of loitering with intent to engage in anti-social or criminal activity."

I really like this new guy, not sure he is good for Pattaya but boy is he entertaining!

BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

The Thai's are the ones with the sun-tan? :)

With the amount of "whitening creams" sold in Thailand, maybe the Thai girls are the ones without the sun-tan. :D

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