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Crackdown On Pattaya Beach Road Prostitutes

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Stupid question I know; but what`s the point of this excerise?

You said it :) just read a few posts and fill the odd blank space.

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Funny how no mention of the drug dealers.

Every time i walk or run down the beach late at night or early morning i am followed and annoyed every 20 meters by some drug dealer offering drugs.

May be rather then rounding up working girl who do nothing but sit around, they should round up the dealers.

Also the raid was done in the evening, what about day time and night time????

Most criminal activity take place at night ie after midnight.

Family's with kids are out day time not late evenings, so the purpose of this crack down is what? new chief showing his "balls" or need to pay his new position, so start from the bottom and work it way up?

2000 baht fine from each person, 80 in total, makes it a nice pay for few hours of work.


Seems after all that things going on in Pattaya now , as if reverend Moon or someone alike have booked the whole place. Context my friends, context!

Shame they concentrate on the Thai ladies and not the Russian Mafia prostitutes. I have nothing against the females, only their scumbag bosses. Of course, this exercise is really only about beer money anyway. I hope Pattaya's finest enjoy their ice cold Beer-Chang tonight, for tomorrow promises to be an interesting day! :)

You got it bud. :crazy:And the ruskies are creeping in everwhere, the world over.

They also control the drugs and prostitution in Goa India, they try to get in where ever dirt can settle, I do not visit areas where the Russians have some control. Years ago I had to entertain a group of them in Canada where I found they were stealing car emblems off car hoods. Cheesy eh!

Shame they concentrate on the Thai ladies and not the Russian Mafia prostitutes. I have nothing against the females, only their scumbag bosses. Of course, this exercise is really only about beer money anyway. I hope Pattaya's finest enjoy their ice cold Beer-Chang tonight, for tomorrow promises to be an interesting day! :)

You got it bud. :crazy:And the ruskies are creeping in everwhere, the world over.

They also control the drugs and prostitution in Goa India, they try to get in where ever dirt can settle, I do not visit areas where the Russians have some control. Years ago I had to entertain a group of them in Canada where I found they were stealing car emblems off car hoods. Cheesy eh!

I forgot to mention that in Russia they have to take their windshield wiper blades off their cars when they park, because their fellow country men will steal them. That is why they like Pattaya and Goa. They can leave them on their cars.


I think this is wonderful. Finally we see a government in Thailand that is willing to stand up and embrace the world opinion of Pattaya. A crack down and recent arrests on foriegn criminals hiding out in Pattaya and now a crackdown on the prostitution and sex industry. Well done Thailand :):D:D:D:D:D I know my comment may offend the criminal element and the sex tourists members here but hey wouldn't life in Thailand be much better without you?

"PATTAYA: -- Following orders from the new Pattaya Police Chief, Police Colonel Nantawoot, a team of Pattaya Police Officers assisted by civil volunteers, known in Thai as “O-Po-Po-Lor”, conducted a late night operation on Wednesday to clear Pattaya

Beach of Prostitutes and others suspected of loitering with intent to engage in anti-social or criminal activity."

I really like this new guy, not sure he is good for Pattaya but boy is he entertaining!

BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

The Thai's are the ones with the sun-tan? :)

Really? I would never have known!

Ha ha ha

Mind you, I never notice the Eastern European girls. Give me lovely Thai skin anytime.

I think this is wonderful. Finally we see a government in Thailand that is willing to stand up and embrace the world opinion of Pattaya. A crack down and recent arrests on foriegn criminals hiding out in Pattaya and now a crackdown on the prostitution and sex industry. Well done Thailand :):D:D:D:D:D I know my comment may offend the criminal element and the sex tourists members here but hey wouldn't life in Thailand be much better without you?

1. Korean lad nabbed - yet to know his fate and see if he paid his way out.

2. Kiwi lad nabbed, but paid his way out of it.

3. A pointless rounding up of Beach Rd ladies, Men, and Katoeys, fined and released where they go back to business as usual.

Yes - very successful start for the New lad in charge. :D

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Excuse me, but you are one ignorant sob when it comes to Pattaya, prostitutes, and the beach. The beach is for free lancers. Some are too young to work in a bar as that age is 20. Some are part-timers, and many have no desire to hang in a bar 12 hours a day. To assume anything else about HIV or otherwise is absurd. I lived in Pattaya for five years, had a salon and personally know many girls in the trade. They come from all over and make their choice as to where to work. So, put a sock in your mouth and choke on your ignorance.

Well said! I see many girls who I have met in bars working as freelancers. They say they are not tied to working everyday, and can choose when to work and who they go with.

Shame they concentrate on the Thai ladies and not the Russian Mafia prostitutes. I have nothing against the females, only their scumbag bosses. Of course, this exercise is really only about beer money anyway. I hope Pattaya's finest enjoy their ice cold Beer-Chang tonight, for tomorrow promises to be an interesting day! :)

You got it bud. :crazy:And the ruskies are creeping in everwhere, the world over.

im not against prostitution per se, but it has occured to me that thailand would be a whole lot better without it, im sure most of the problems farangs experience in LOS are as a direct result of its image as the worlds prostitution capital.....?



Shame they concentrate on the Thai ladies and not the Russian Mafia prostitutes. I have nothing against the females, only their scumbag bosses. Of course, this exercise is really only about beer money anyway. I hope Pattaya's finest enjoy their ice cold Beer-Chang tonight, for tomorrow promises to be an interesting day! :)

You got it bud. :crazy:And the ruskies are creeping in everwhere, the world over.

im not against prostitution per se, but it has occured to me that thailand would be a whole lot better without it, im sure most of the problems farangs experience in LOS are as a direct result of its image as the worlds prostitution capital.....?



Wow, this seems to be a popular topic, I think there are some worried people on tvf tonight! :)

Don't worry guys, I'm sure that everything is the same as it ever was. With all the stories of drugs and violence, it sounds like it has gotten rougher since the last time I was there, (3 years ago). Wasn't there a thread once about some web cam on walking street? Then you can check it out!


Found it! Here you go guys! It does look a little quiet though...

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

Excuse me, but you are one ignorant sob when it comes to Pattaya, prostitutes, and the beach. The beach is for free lancers. Some are too young to work in a bar as that age is 20. Some are part-timers, and many have no desire to hang in a bar 12 hours a day. To assume anything else about HIV or otherwise is absurd. I lived in Pattaya for five years, had a salon and personally know many girls in the trade. They come from all over and make their choice as to where to work. So, put a sock in your mouth and choke on your ignorance.

Well said! I see many girls who I have met in bars working as freelancers. They say they are not tied to working everyday, and can choose when to work and who they go with.

Lot's of knights have been charging forward in this thread to defend the poor damsels' distress.

There's no point answering them individually as reducing everything to absolutist arguments is a symptom of an inability to think in anything other than black and white terms which makes reasoned discussion impossible.

The basic point however is that the use of logical fallacies such as exceptionalism or relativism does not counter my point. The point being that beach girls are more LIKELY to have HIV. Not that EVERY single one has HIV. That beach girls are more LIKELY to have severe drug addictions making it impossible for them to hold a job with regular hours. Not that EVERY beach girl is a hardcore drug addict.

And the counterpoint is not that NO bar girls have HIV or drug problems, but that overall their infection rates and addiction rates are LOWER than a sample of beach girls. NOT ZERO

So the basic point is that taking beach girls is more risky than taking bar girls. Responding with a strawman as if the point was that going with a beach girl means instant death is not a useful response.

I've stated already I have no moral position, but purely one of relative risk assessment. Without using exceptionalism ("I met one that didn't kill me so your entire argument is wrong") does anyone really believe its LESS risky?

Wow, this seems to be a popular topic, I think there are some worried people on tvf tonight! :)

Don't worry guys, I'm sure that everything is the same as it ever was. With all the stories of drugs and violence, it sounds like it has gotten rougher since the last time I was there, (3 years ago). Wasn't there a thread once about some web cam on walking street? Then you can check it out!


Found it! Here you go guys! It does look a little quiet though...

you are correct nothing to worry about.....everyone rounded up must have made bail :D just left and business as usual


^what about freelancers in Lucifer's, Marine or Insomina? I wonder if they are just as risky? :)

Bottom line - its risky behaviour all the way around unless you know the sexual history of every lady you take. (numbers would be infinitesimal) So if you want safe better to not participate at all. :D Oh and use a condom for christ sake!!! :D


Street meat has an adverse effect on the real cash cow in the bars. Its going back to the way things where, no free enterprise, you work, you pay,..soon we will see the return of std cards. They were vary useful to police in need of cash. My wife was once held up for 500 baht for being with a white man and not having a card. The fact we were married and she was 8 months along made no difference. Your really going to enjoy the up coming police state.

^what about freelancers in Lucifer's, Marine or Insomina? I wonder if they are just as risky? :)

Bottom line - its risky behaviour all the way around unless you know the sexual history of every lady you take. (numbers would be infinitesimal) So if you want safe better to not participate at all. :D Oh and use a condom for christ sake!!! :D

Why not just find a decent lady respect her and treat her well. There is no need to seek a lady of the night unless you really have to, if you know what I mean :D If you seek a true thai lady then the country is full of them.

Street meat has an adverse effect on the real cash cow in the bars. Its going back to the way things where, no free enterprise, you work, you pay,..soon we will see the return of std cards. They were vary useful to police in need of cash. My wife was once held up for 500 baht for being with a white man and not having a card. The fact we were married and she was 8 months along made no difference. Your really going to enjoy the up coming police state.

std card???? you talk about ID Card or??? I´ve never heard story like that but somehow it doesn´t surprise me at all. But still an insult to you and your wife I would say.

:D I was thinking that it's about time someone tried to clean up the beach road and walking street, until I read that last line.
All were charged with offenses relating to loitering with intent and prostitution and paid a small fine before being released back onto the Beach where they presumably continued with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest.

I assume that the Pattaya One news writers are native English speakers, but the phrasing of this made me laugh!

"Here we see the not-so-rare Pattayaus Prostitutinus being released into the wild once more to continue its role in the beautiful the circle of life..." :D:D:D:)

Isnt the main man from pattaya one news the Brit Robocop police volunteer featured in btit?


Well Rimmer you definitely hit the mark with this subject. Not suggesting that all TVers are 'sex tourists' but quite a few here know their way around the market stalls.


Prostitution exists since the start of human civilization. There's no way to control it. Ratchada road is full of soapy massage and legal or not sexual services are provided 100% of the time.

Men look for sex, while women look for economic means.

I hope my twisted mind does not offend people on this forum.


Well Rimmer you definitely hit the mark with this subject. Not suggesting that all TVers are 'sex tourists' but quite a few here know their way around the market stalls.

^called being knowledgeable about all things Thai. :)

^already have Ms. Brit, so no worries here. :D

Interested on your definition of what a true thai lady is?? :)

Well as my wife tells me and she is a thai lady, A true thai lady is a persons who respects her family, herself, her boby and above all budha. but that is just a thai ladies point of view I am sure others from the west will disagree.

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

The girls in beer bars are obviously clean and respectable, no yaba users or HIV+ girls there, of course.

How about some girls not wanting a job at a bar, getting pawed by all and sundry and forced to drink for the benefit of bar owners and mamasans? Too hard to imagine that?

Few years back (in Thaksin's era), I don't remember drug pushers being so obvious on the beach. These days they very loudly offer drugs to everybody passing by -- they're getting almost as pushy as the Indian tailors. It would be nice to know what sort of deal they have with the police.

Beach road girls are the easiest target out there, with nowhere to run. The predators who extort money from them are disgusting. Frankly, it's extortion, not law enforcement.

Like my gf says-- "Coconut Bar, open all day, open all night with 7/11 beer prices." That's gotta piss somebody off. So, I guess somebody has to pay the bar fine. That would be the ladies and the others who engage in that untaxed behavior. Let us all hope that the taxes don't get out of control and destroy the beach ambiance. OC

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