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Four grenade attacks damage Bangkok Bank branches


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Targeting banks or any other institution with grenades is despicable, but targeting companies like Bangkok Bank and CP and attending people on the fact that they are coup sponsors and anti democratic is a good thing at least it inform people who can find another business to go to.

It really is sickening to see Thaksin's apologists here trying to justify that it's okay to hurl a grenade at Bangkok Bank, or CP. Your man is a thief, a liar, a corrupt tyrant who personally ordered extra judicial killings: "In this war, drug dealers must die", and let's hope Abhisit follows up on his movements to investigate these murders. But, even if he was a sweet, innocent, hard done by man, there is no excuse for anyone to be condoning explosive attacks in public places made in his name.

Its not fully clear that poster was saying that. He should have been clearer. Perhaps he was implying it is a good idea to propose boycotts of companies that are supporting your opposition. Certainly if that is done with PR instead of bombs, that is a perfectly legitimate and sometimes effective tactic. I think the global activism targeting companies doing business with South Africa during apartheid did make an impact and contribute to that system's eventual crumbling.

He could have made it perfectly clear by stating something like targetting Bkk Bank with non violent protests/demonstrations/calls for boycotts etc. The fact that he made this statement in the current thread, and worded it the way he did speaks volumes. if I were to write the post agreeing with your view on it, (and I do agree, everyone has the right to call for peaceful protest), it would go something like:

"Targeting banks or any other institution with grenades is despicable. However, targeting companies like Bangkok Bank and CP and attending people, on the premise that they are coup sponsors and anti democratic, with nonviolent protest is a good thing. At least it inform people who can find another business to go to".

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"Current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government had predicted unrest after the court ruling on Thaksin's wealth."

This incredible precognitive insight is without peer and could only have been mastered by studying at the most prestigious Ivy League universites that England has to offer! I am so impressed!!! :)

Oh, please. What did you want him to say? We had no idea the verdict may upset some people?

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I was standing around 30 m across the road in Silom when this happened.

It was really loud sound.. just a single time. no smoke or fire seen.

We walked closer to see what was it... all we saw from across the road (that is opposite bangkok bank).. a shattered glass of telephone booth.. a pink taxi in front with some minor damage... and about 3 lebanese guys (or may be more like italian to me) running up and down and taking photographs.. .later i was told those lebanese guys were owners of a restaurant in that area... and they got famous for assisting police in getting caught of bike robbers (in earlier times).. and so they acted like heros and took control of the situation.

no police in sight for a long time... only say about 30-45 minutes.. a first cop arrived on scene.

and then for the next few hours... that side of the road was blocked from mahesak road junction.

and we had no idea what caused it up until i see the news in website.





WHEN HEARING EXPLOSIONS, SEEING GUNS DRAWN - SEEING PEOPLE BRANDISH WEAPONS... THE ONLY DIRECTION TO GO IS DOWN, FLAT ON THE GROUND, COVER YOUR FACE, THEN, ASAP, HIGH TAIL IT IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. .......I recall walking with a newly arrived American friend by sidewalk vendors one evening last year. He saw a Thai man draw a gun, pointing it at another about 30 M down the street. I turned, and grabbed my friend, threw him on the ground behind a parked taxi. He had wanted to "...see what was going on..." I told him no way pulling him up behind me as we turned a corner and took the first taxi away.....I have followed a policy of avoiding drunk, violent, hot scenes as I traveled and lived all over Asian and Latin America the past 20 years. For some reason, it seems Westerners in Thialand gravitate TOWARDS those situations.......


Simply, use your heads, Keep them down. This goes a bit further too.

Thais are a generally peaceful people, relative to many other cultures, who have been dealing with a lot of social changes and cultural transformations in a short span of time. They do remarkably well, spilling less blood, and venting differences verbally and with demontrations much more peaceful than many we have seen back in Europe and the Americas. Westerners will have a much better time by simply avoiding the small percentage of Thais involved in exploitation and going into the more grounded circles of Thais engaged in normal life and business activities.

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The grenades are not necessarily Thai Army sourced. They have been around for donkey's years, and millions were left behind when the yanks lost their war in Nam. I'm sure they could be purchased for a quite reasonable price. Over the years since, corrosion of the detonator and deterioration of the explosive charge could be the cause of the 2 misfires, and a 50% failure rate is certainly not acceptable in issued weapons.

they are definitely not large firecrackers! the lethal component is a coil of flat wire designed to fragment into pieces about half an inch long. these will penetrate the body but don't have the mass to travel too far, though the lethal range is further than you can throw one -ain't that a nice thought!

hollywood BS is responsible for the expectation of huge explosions with flames, and bodies flying through the air.

I did like the comment that use of them in a public place is despicable. I fully agree. To qualify it by saying that it's a good way to point out companies whose political leanings you don't like is equally despicable.

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I'm curious as to where this bank is... I've stayed numerous times at the Narai Hotel at 222 Silom... So where is the bank?? In fact I'm staying at the Narai within 2 months.

the bank is opposite, but you should be save. Narai is a good choice.

the bank is not opposite narai.

Bangkok Bank to Narai Hotel.. Click Here

A is where the bangkok bank is... B is where Narai hotel is.. about 400 m. Both are on the same side.

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WHEN HEARING EXPLOSIONS, SEEING GUNS DRAWN - SEEING PEOPLE BRANDISH WEAPONS... THE ONLY DIRECTION TO GO IS DOWN, FLAT ON THE GROUND, COVER YOUR FACE, THEN, ASAP, HIGH TAIL IT IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. .......I recall walking with a newly arrived American friend by sidewalk vendors one evening last year. He saw a Thai man draw a gun, pointing it at another about 30 M down the street. I turned, and grabbed my friend, threw him on the ground behind a parked taxi. He had wanted to "...see what was going on..." I told him no way pulling him up behind me as we turned a corner and took the first taxi away.....I have followed a policy of avoiding drunk, violent, hot scenes as I traveled and lived all over Asian and Latin America the past 20 years. For some reason, it seems Westerners in Thialand gravitate TOWARDS those situations.......


Simply, use your heads, Keep them down. This goes a bit further too.

Thais are a generally peaceful people, relative to many other cultures, who have been dealing with a lot of social changes and cultural transformations in a short span of time. They do remarkably well, spilling less blood, and venting differences verbally and with demontrations much more peaceful than many we have seen back in Europe and the Americas. Westerners will have a much better time by simply avoiding the small percentage of Thais involved in exploitation and going into the more grounded circles of Thais engaged in normal life and business activities.

it is me again... apart from the loud noise... at first it even didn't look an explosion... But just a VERY LOUD NOISE.

And, there were at least 100 person staring at the scene and at least tens walking in the exact same spot where the shattered glass is.

There really was nothing to panic (at visual level) at that time... and by the way i am not westerner.

only the loud noise that panicked everyone.. but no fire.. no smoke... and not even sure the shattered glass was real until close inspection at 10 m range.

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The grenades are not necessarily Thai Army sourced. They have been around for donkey's years, and millions were left behind when the yanks lost their war in Nam. I'm sure they could be purchased for a quite reasonable price. Over the years since, corrosion of the detonator and deterioration of the explosive charge could be the cause of the 2 misfires, and a 50% failure rate is certainly not acceptable in issued weapons.

they are definitely not large firecrackers! the lethal component is a coil of flat wire designed to fragment into pieces about half an inch long. these will penetrate the body but don't have the mass to travel too far, though the lethal range is further than you can throw one -ain't that a nice thought!

hollywood BS is responsible for the expectation of huge explosions with flames, and bodies flying through the air.

I did like the comment that use of them in a public place is despicable. I fully agree. To qualify it by saying that it's a good way to point out companies whose political leanings you don't like is equally despicable.

From an old retired Army guy, the kill radius is 5 meters, the casualty radius is 15 meters, and as old as I am and drunk to boot, I can still send it30 meters. just clarifying :)

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I'm curious as to where this bank is... I've stayed numerous times at the Narai Hotel at 222 Silom... So where is the bank?? In fact I'm staying at the Narai within 2 months.

333 Silom Down the Road from Sala Deang BTS on the opposite side of the road from The Pat Pong Soi's

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I'm curious as to where this bank is... I've stayed numerous times at the Narai Hotel at 222 Silom... So where is the bank?? In fact I'm staying at the Narai within 2 months.

333 Silom Down the Road from Sala Deang BTS on the opposite side of the road from The Pat Pong Soi's

no it is not... it is on the same side as the patpoing sois.. and the same side as the narai hotel.

it is on the opposite side of holiday inn... vorawat building.. jewelry trade centre...etc.

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"Current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government had predicted unrest after the court ruling on Thaksin's wealth."

This incredible precognitive insight is without peer and could only have been mastered by studying at the most prestigious Ivy League universites that England has to offer! I am so impressed!!! :)

Oh, please. What did you want him to say? We had no idea the verdict may upset some people?

Let's just say that this typifies the same skills as exhibited in the exceptional planning and execution of the 2009 ASEAN Summit in Pattaya last April. Oh wait, that one was overrun by a huge gang of protesters that not only forced the cancellation of the summit, but also required the immediate helicopter evacuation of all attending foreign summit members. Of course, even the Prime Minister, himself, was put directly in harm's way when his limo was attacked as he was attempting to leave the conference. There was almost no evidence of any security precautions whatsoever having been implemented as, amazingly, no threat to the summit nor its foreign dignitaries had been anticipated. Thailand has long been trying to live that fiasco down (among others) . :D

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Its another happy new Red dawn courtesy of The People revolution rising for The People, the People's revolution party speaking for The People etc. hoo~ray.

Shame about the innocent bystanders who always end up getting blown to bits eventually, but I suppose they are not The People, just 'some people' or 'remains of people'. Nurses and doctors and gravediggers are people too, and they get more work thanks to The People Party. Hiphip for the Reds.


I don't care what anybody says,my opinion: Thaksin is a monster because he stirs up embers & tries to create infernos. I think he should have $0 & life in jail. That People Power for the rural poor thing is BS, there's urban poor too & they get bombed because that clown Thaksin has turned disagreements into bombs, and turned people on their friends.

Thaksin was the last democratically elected Prime Minister, and elected by a wide margin in almost every Province

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I'm curious as to where this bank is... I've stayed numerous times at the Narai Hotel at 222 Silom... So where is the bank?? In fact I'm staying at the Narai within 2 months.

333 Silom Down the Road from Sala Deang BTS on the opposite side of the road from The Pat Pong Soi's

no it is not... it is on the same side as the patpoing sois.. and the same side as the narai hotel.

it is on the opposite side of holiday inn... vorawat building.. jewelry trade centre...etc.

Opposite side of road from Patpong I'm sure. Ive darted thru the traffic there on many a drunken night.

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I'm surprised there isnt some CCTV.....it is a big bank afterall??

yes but did you know that the last episode of a particular lakorn was on the same day? maybe security found an alternative use for the vcr.....

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I'm curious as to where this bank is... I've stayed numerous times at the Narai Hotel at 222 Silom... So where is the bank?? In fact I'm staying at the Narai within 2 months.

333 Silom Down the Road from Sala Deang BTS on the opposite side of the road from The Pat Pong Soi's

no it is not... it is on the same side as the patpoing sois.. and the same side as the narai hotel.

it is on the opposite side of holiday inn... vorawat building.. jewelry trade centre...etc.

Opposite side of road from Patpong I'm sure. Ive darted thru the traffic there on many a drunken night.

Opposite Pat Pong is the Bangkok Bank head office, which also has a branch. I understand (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that this is not the one that was hit, but instead the branch further down Silom Road, on the same side as Pat Pong.

Edited by tombkk
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Thaksin was the last democratically elected Prime Minister, and elected by a wide margin in almost every Province

I thought Thailand used a parliamentary system? In a parliamentary system, the Prime Minister is not elected by the people at all, but is simply the leader of the government (which may be a single party or a coalition).

Did Thaksin's name actually appear on ballots throughout Thailand?

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Many current models of grenade have secondary safety devises beyond the traditional pin. The US issued M67 has a clip that holds the spoon in place even if the pin is pulled. In high stress situations there are more than a few stories of people forgetting to pop this clip before throwing the grenade. An amateur whith know training may not have known about the clip. If this were the case then there is no danger in approaching the grenade and taping down the spoon. THis is speculation based on one posters description. Without seeing the grenade it's hard to know for sure what happened.

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one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

I hate that phrase. Freedom fighters attack their oppressors... so attacks at military targets, etc. are justified. Attacks at banks for political goals? At civilians for the same? I consider those terrorism (yes, before someone brings up the bombing campaigns of WWII, I consider all the combatants of WWII to have engaged in terrorism).

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Thaksin was the last democratically elected Prime Minister, and elected by a wide margin in almost every Province

Huh? What about Samak and Somchai and Abhisit. Help me out here .... almost every province includes where? Central Thailand? No. The South? No Bangkok? No

Not to mention as has already been pointed out that Thaksin has not appeared on a ballot directly. He was number 1 Party list in votes for TRT. So if ANYONE from TRT were elected in that section he would get a seat in Parliament. Not to mention the use of the words "democratically elected" when you note that TRT was disbanded for massive electoral fraud by part executives.

Edited by jdinasia
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PM: Unnecessary to invoke special security law after Bangkok bombings

BANGKOK: -- (TNA) Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday

it is still unnecessary for the government to invoke the Internal Security Act following a series of bombings in the capital late Saturday.

Mr Abhisit told journalists after his weekly television and radio address that some groups of people will continue creating unrest in the country after Saturday’s bombing incidents and that he had ordered the military to assist the police in setting up and manning more security checkpoints in the capital.

“The troublemakers are a small group of people who neither want democracy

nor justice, but only want to create chaos," he asserted. "They also have a hidden agenda.

“They want to create more divisiveness in society and (encourage) conflict between the government and political demonstrators.”

The prime minister urged those who participated in political assemblies not to believe in the troublemakers and quarrel with the government.

Reiterating that it is still not necessary to invoke the Internal Security Act after Saturday’s bombing incidents, Mr Abhisit said the bombers were from the same group of people.

He declined to say whether the bombings were linked to Privy Council president Gen Prem Tinsulanonda who is also an honorary adviser of Bangkok Bank whose premises were targeted by bombs.

According to Mr Abhisit, four bombs were planted in the capital and its outskirts, with two exploded at Bangkok Bank facilities, causing damages

to glass doors and telephone booths. Two other bombs were defused. No

injuries were reported. (TNA)


-- TNA 2010-02-28


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Its another happy new Red dawn courtesy of The People revolution rising for The People, the People's revolution party speaking for The People etc. hoo~ray.

Shame about the innocent bystanders who always end up getting blown to bits eventually, but I suppose they are not The People, just 'some people' or 'remains of people'. Nurses and doctors and gravediggers are people too, and they get more work thanks to The People Party. Hiphip for the Reds.

I don't care what anybody says,my opinion: Thaksin is a monster because he stirs up embers & tries to create infernos. I think he should have $0 & life in jail. That People Power for the rural poor thing is BS, there's urban poor too & they get bombed because that clown Thaksin has turned disagreements into bombs, and turned people on their friends.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Be interesting to see whether the ISA is invoked as that passes on a lot of powers to the military.

Whether everything is hunky dory in that department is another matter. Handing over power to the military could be the last thing the govt. wants. Lets see what happens next. Whether there is a step up in the game to create conditions for that scenario or not and to whose benefit that will be.

Never a dull day especially when there is a fitting scenario for action.

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Its another happy new Red dawn courtesy of The People revolution rising for The People, the People's revolution party speaking for The People etc. hoo~ray.

Shame about the innocent bystanders who always end up getting blown to bits eventually, but I suppose they are not The People, just 'some people' or 'remains of people'. Nurses and doctors and gravediggers are people too, and they get more work thanks to The People Party. Hiphip for the Reds.


I don't care what anybody says,my opinion: Thaksin is a monster because he stirs up embers & tries to create infernos. I think he should have $0 & life in jail. That People Power for the rural poor thing is BS, there's urban poor too & they get bombed because that clown Thaksin has turned disagreements into bombs, and turned people on their friends.

Thaksin was the last democratically elected Prime Minister, and elected by a wide margin in almost every Province

Apart from being inaccurate, he is still a crook, although no doubt some reds are hoping that the judiciary can be bought or placemen put in some time in the future. A return of the funds can be put to good use, eh?

Edited by yoshiwara
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