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Thaksin Vows To Continue Legal Fight 'Till The End'


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If Thaksins team withheld evidense in the hope it wouldn't become a double edged sword if released,

then they might have something ex culpable, but if not thney are not likely to fiud it left out of the

prosecutions case.

This seems posturing and building up hopes for next months denial of hearning,

because nothing new can be presented.

Thus Thaksin can whine they are unfair etc ad infinitum.

If they put up the best defense that money can buy in Thailand,

and still loist 46 biollion baht, they must have screwed the pooch big time

and left a paper trail kilometers wide. But the lawyers want another pay day,

so they'll take a shot at it anyway.

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Among the dozens of recent ideas Thaksin has announced, there was one which mentioned a scholarship fund. It's presumed its intent was to encourage young people to strive for greatness, or something along those lines. Well, here's a voice from the peanut gallery addressed to Mr. Thaksin:

Do it. You've still got bazillion dollars. Go and focus on one good project that might assist some young people. I could add more words, such as 'inventions' 'innovation' and 'alternative power solutions,' but I'll let Mr. Thaksin fill in the spaces.

Mr Thaksin, instead of scattering your focus around to dozens of countries with dozens of get rich projects, try just picking one righteous project that could benefit some people other than your immediate family and fellow honchos. Believe me when I say: You'll feel a whole lot better (and do a whole lot more good for the world) doing something like that, than doggedly chasing after money and power. I can guarantee your blood pressure will lower and you'll sleep better at night.

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Thaksin to continue legal fight 'till the end'

lets hope the ''end'' for Thaksin comes sooner rather than later......

Perhaps he would get the help he needs if he has a long stay in a Mental Health Hospital for the criminally insane.

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Can we not ask the Israeli's to solve this.

Interesting. an elder relative of mine was a career man with the CIA, even before the CIA, he was an OSS operative. More than a few times I heard him mention that if there was a particularly gnarly problem that the CIA or MI5 couldn't handle, he suggested (with only a hint of jest) that they should hire Mossad (Israeli undercover corps) to do the job.

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Among the dozens of recent ideas Thaksin has announced, there was one which mentioned a scholarship fund. It's presumed its intent was to encourage young people to strive for greatness, or something along those lines. Well, here's a voice from the peanut gallery addressed to Mr. Thaksin:

Do it. You've still got bazillion dollars. Go and focus on one good project that might assist some young people.

According to his own website, it would seem he prefers to help out students in a foreign country (in exchange for that country allowing him to set up gold mines) than help those of his fellow Thais as this news clipping posted there reveals.


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What a load of rubbish and it makes me wish the journalists would check their facts before publishing a story. The facts are that Thaksin cannot use the International Court of Justice as the international court of justice can only hear cases brought by nation states and give advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by authorized international institutions and the UN General Assembly.

It will not hear a case brought by an individual!!

I read somewhere today,that Attorney-general Chulasingh Vasantasing said on Wednesday he will immediately ask the Supreme Court to issue an order seizing 46.37 billion baht of Thaksin Shinawatra's assets, as set out in Friday's verdict, even though the ousted prime minister's lawyers say they will provide fresh evidence justifying a new trial within the requisite 30 days.

So obviously they can have a new trial? and it sounds like the Attorney General wants to make the last verdict null and void by not waiting for the requisite 30 day's. Is he breaking the law by doing this?

I believe this will also incite violence with the Red Shirts if he was allowed to do this.

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Well we all know his 'Lottery Project' in Thailand was a sham and a scam.

So now he's setting it up in a 'surprise visit' in Uganda, land of Idi Amin,

and a long standing bastion of democracy don't ya know.

Make a big show about one guy winning a Nissan,

and all the people will start buying lottery tickets weekly,

and the money rolls in for whom ever controles it,

and no doubt Dr. T. gets a nice quid pro quo...

Smells big time.

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Of course Thaksin will continue the legal fight.

You cannot have a situation in a so-called democracy where the Military junta make laws up on the hoof, (equivalent to acts of parliament!!! indeed).

And then have Military junta appointed judiciary undertake political showtrials.

Where does a Military Junta "coup issued law" take its place in a democracy?

The Military Junta "coup issued law" was obviously illegal in thailand before the Military junta appointed judiciary ruled it was valid in a "democracy".

Be interesting to see the the world court's reaction to that take on democracy.

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Of course Thaksin will continue the legal fight.

You cannot have a situation in a so-called democracy where the Military junta make laws up on the hoof, (equivalent to acts of parliament!!! indeed).

And then have Military junta appointed judiciary undertake political showtrials.

Where does a Military Junta "coup issued law" take its place in a democracy?

The Military Junta "coup issued law" was obviously illegal in thailand before the Military junta appointed judiciary ruled it was valid in a "democracy".

Be interesting to see the the world court's reaction to that take on democracy.

My understanding was that the coup issued 'law' was simply about creating and appointing the AEC to investigate Thaksin. If this is true it means their job was to gather evidence and forward it to the NACC and government prosecutors to review and decide whether to proceed based on the evidence. Is this what you are railing on about CLOD? If, in my limited knowledge, the situation was something different than I've described above then I am more than willing to be educated by other posters here who have followed more closely.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Apart from being so selfish, gotta admit that he's one smart human being. However it's too bad selfishness doesn't make the world goes around, that'why one being selfish can't stay happy that long.

if he was smart, he would not have left his ill gotten gains here to be seized.....

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Of course Thaksin will continue the legal fight.

You cannot have a situation in a so-called democracy where the Military junta make laws up on the hoof, (equivalent to acts of parliament!!! indeed).

And then have Military junta appointed judiciary undertake political showtrials.

Where does a Military Junta "coup issued law" take its place in a democracy?

The Military Junta "coup issued law" was obviously illegal in thailand before the Military junta appointed judiciary ruled it was valid in a "democracy".

Be interesting to see the the world court's reaction to that take on democracy.

My understanding was that the coup issued 'law' was simply about creating and appointing the AEC to investigate Thaksin. If this is true it means their job was to gather evidence and forward it to the NACC and government prosecutors to review and decide whether to proceed based on the evidence. Is this what you are railing on about CLOD? If, in my limited knowledge, the situation was something different than I've described above then I am more than willing to be educated by other posters here who have followed more closely.

Being educated by life is good.

Learning from others is good.

You already have this right though.

The AEC was just what it's name says it was an investigative body,

like a special prosecutors investigative committee.

It then passed on it's findings to the pre-existing NCCC and AG.

At that point it was only passing organized data to a legal prosecutorial entity.

And then on to the final prosecutor...

There issue 10 years back was that the junta committee tried to ALSO prosecute

and I think it was Choonhaven got it back. They didn't make this mistake again.

Thaksin has no case on this score. Not to mention TWICE the courts have said the AEC is valide.

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Thaksin to Send Letter to World Leaders

Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra says he is in the process of drafting a letter which will be sent to world leaders.

He says the content of the letter will explain that Thailand is using a law which was drafted during the military coup to seize his assets.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-04


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Oh gee, world leaders those bad army guys appointed a investigative committee to look at my finances,

and when the found something concrete they passed it on to prosecutors,

who THEN verified TWICE that there was a case, prosecuted that case and won...

But oh so unfairly, since I lost. So lets go back to the twice failed fruit of a poisoned tree argument.

Thing is most all world leaders have a full dossier on this case and know as much as they care to

about Thaksin and his machinations. When was the last time ANY world LEADER, of any STATURE,

said word one in defense of Thaksin?

A world class silence since Songkran last when he was caught on CNN and Al Jazera

fomenting revolution, and with clearly WRONG facts.

This letter will be filed in the 'Tin Pot Dictator Wannabe' whining circular file.

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Of course Thaksin will continue the legal fight.

You cannot have a situation in a so-called democracy where the Military junta make laws up on the hoof, (equivalent to acts of parliament!!! indeed).

And then have Military junta appointed judiciary undertake political showtrials.

Where does a Military Junta "coup issued law" take its place in a democracy?

The Military Junta "coup issued law" was obviously illegal in thailand before the Military junta appointed judiciary ruled it was valid in a "democracy".

Be interesting to see the the world court's reaction to that take on democracy.

Interesting that Thaksin and the red apologists did not declare the court a show-trial before the verdict. Maybe one of the red apologists can talk us through the detail of the verdict. We will wait a long time. Their official line is that corruption by Thaksin is no problem because others do it. And therefore he is innocent. And therefore he should not have been prosecuted. Not very bright are they?

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Interesting that Thaksin and the red apologists did not declare the court a show-trial before the verdict. Maybe one of the red apologists can talk us through the detail of the verdict. We will wait a long time. Their official line is that corruption by Thaksin is no problem because others do it. And therefore he is innocent. And therefore he should not have been prosecuted. Not very bright are they?

Excellent :)

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Apart from being so selfish, gotta admit that he's one smart human being. However it's too bad selfishness doesn't make the world goes around, that'why one being selfish can't stay happy that long.

if he was smart, he would not have left his ill gotten gains here to be seized.....

He didn't, Thaksin himself claimed recently to have a couple of hundred million dollars offshore, it may well be more, those big-suitcases (carried by all the family pre/post-coup) weren't empty, now were they ? :D

Thaksin to Send Letter to World Leaders

Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra says he is in the process of drafting a letter which will be sent to world leaders.

He says the content of the letter will explain that Thailand is using a law which was drafted during the military coup to seize his assets.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-04


I'm sure his "good friends" George Bush and Tony Blair are eagerly awaiting its arrival. :)

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Western world leaders were open to Thaksin's whining BEFORE Black Songkran. Now he is delusional if he thinks there is any support out there for him other than from fringe countries like Nicaragua.

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The Military Junta "coup issued law" was obviously illegal in thailand before the Military junta appointed judiciary ruled it was valid in a "democracy".

I keep on reading about the 'Junta Appointed Courts', so I became curious as to who actually appointed the current crop of judges. Here are a couple of quotes from the Thai Supreme Court's website:

Judges are recruited by the Judicial Commission and are appointed by His Majesty the King. Besides having certain qualifications such as being of Thai nationality, passing the examination of the Thai Bar Association to become a Barrister-at-law, and having not less than two years working experience in the legal profession, a candidate must pass a highly competitive examination given by the Judicial Commission. Once candidates are recruited, they have to serve as judge trainees for at least one year.

Justices of the Supreme Court shall be appointed from among justices of the Courts of Appeal with seniority, extensive knowledge and experience.

As a result of the 1997 Constitution, the Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions was set up within the Supreme Court to act as a trial court for cases where the Prime Minister, a minister, member of the House of Representatives, senator or other political official is accused of becoming unusually wealthy, committing malfeasance in office according to the Criminal Code, performing duties dishonestly, or of corruption under to other laws.

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Western world leaders were open to Thaksin's whining BEFORE Black Songkran. Now he is delusional if he thinks there is any support out there for him other than from fringe countries like Nicaragua.

Jing it was clear to many of us he was well and truly delusional well before this.

My sense is that contributed substantially to making the coup needed.

Still doesn't stop others from plowing deeper furrows in his name.

At this point I can imagine why, besides profit motive or blinkered mentality.

Well lets also add the old world fuedal links that he professes to be against,

but uses so willingly for his own neds.

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The Military Junta "coup issued law" was obviously illegal in thailand before the Military junta appointed judiciary ruled it was valid in a "democracy".

I keep on reading about the 'Junta Appointed Courts', so I became curious as to who actually appointed the current crop of judges. Here are a couple of quotes from the Thai Supreme Court's website:

Judges are recruited by the Judicial Commission and are appointed by His Majesty the King. Besides having certain qualifications such as being of Thai nationality, passing the examination of the Thai Bar Association to become a Barrister-at-law, and having not less than two years working experience in the legal profession, a candidate must pass a highly competitive examination given by the Judicial Commission. Once candidates are recruited, they have to serve as judge trainees for at least one year.

Justices of the Supreme Court shall be appointed from among justices of the Courts of Appeal with seniority, extensive knowledge and experience.

As a result of the 1997 Constitution, the Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions was set up within the Supreme Court to act as

a trial court for cases where the Prime Minister, a minister, member of the House of Representatives, senator or other political official is accused of becoming unusually wealthy, committing malfeasance in office according to the Criminal Code, performing duties dishonestly, or of corruption under to other laws.

So lets make this utterly clear.

Thaksin has been successfully prosecuted under the 1997 CONSTITUTIONAL laws.

The only thing set in place by the junta was a investgative comittee,

nothing prosecutorial was done by them, they just gathered evidence.

All his whineing is just so much hyperbole, because he is STILL losing

under the laws he wants to roll the clock back too.

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