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Racism In Thailand. Does The Goverment See It As A Problem


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Sometimes, this racism is also colored by what people call Nationalism. The kind where people say, "My country is better than your country". If you count that as racism - just imagine how the locals treat their neighbors - the Burmese, Laos and Cambodians.

We Aussies aint racist mate.

Worst! Indian student killing and racism in Australia one party was a racism politic over there

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[quote name='phetaroi' date='2010-03-05 07:07:45' ............. "You no speak good Angrish." Well, after being good-natured about the whole thing up that point, that popped my cork. I stood up and pointed to him and said, "No! English is my native language and I've been speaking and writing it for 60 years. You are the one who cannot speak proper English...not Angrish."


I am a not native English speaker and studied English at school, I must admit I have sometimes very much difficulties to understand some English native speakers, especially the ones who use the word "f..." every three words.

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Sometimes, this racism is also colored by what people call Nationalism. The kind where people say, "My country is better than your country". If you count that as racism - just imagine how the locals treat their neighbors - the Burmese, Laos and Cambodians.

We Aussies aint racist mate.

Yeah we dont like anybody other than aussies and a few kiwis :)

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Sometimes, this racism is also colored by what people call Nationalism. The kind where people say, "My country is better than your country". If you count that as racism - just imagine how the locals treat their neighbors - the Burmese, Laos and Cambodians.

A good post, spot on.

There is a good OP on Nationalism in general in today's Best. Interesting. Many good responses. Read it.

Racism, Nationalism, Religious Fanaticism, Colour intolerance vs Internationalism, Atheism, Globalization, Tolerance, Multi-culturalism, etc.

Neither of this BS is actually bad or good. It exists. Always has been around. Nevermind the terminology. Because it is in Human Nature. And it always will be around. Nothing wrong with it.

TO A POINT! Birds of feather flock together... naturally. Men prefer women, whites prefer whites, blacks stick to their brothers, Christians disapprove Muslims, Catholics are up against Protestants, Anglicans vs Roman Catholics, All together against the 'bloody' Jews, and so on...(well, there are sometimes exceptions). No problem, so far but...

TO A POINT! The point, the pivoting point, the point that turns a natural harmless individual preferences into wars, killings, crimes against humanity,- this point is reached when the natural INDIVIDUAL preferences are politically manipulated, organised and directed FROM ABOVE, by the respective Governments.

Than, and only than we see Crusaders Wars, Conquistadores, Inquisition, Turkish Armenian mass extermination, Jewish Holoucast, Tatar and Chechen displacement, African Tribal mass exterminations, so called War on Terror, etc.

Now, if we have to return to the question about Thailand...

Are Thais different from farang? - Yes.

Is this a problem for farang on INDIVIDUAL level? - No.

Are these differences politically manipulated, organised and directed FROM ABOVE through the mechanisms of Legal, Immigration, Employment and Economic authorities? - I am not sure :D:):D

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My advice to stop racism in Thailand would be for tourists to learn to behave themselves well, before complaining about the way they are treated. I hope the world never becomes so PC that Thai people are pressured not to be racist to white people standing in Nana Plaza or similar places.

How right you are. It sickens me me to see farangs of all countries coming her and behaving abominably just because they have a wallet stuffed full of baht.mad.gif

Totaly agree with both posts but i wouldnt call that racism.The main threat of racism comes within,Thais trying everything to become whiter,and any dark skinned Issan individual are a monkey,now that is sick,and also some farangs talk like that,possibly being influenced by the Bangkok wannabees.

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... I don't have a problem with a culture that finds light skin and being smarter and richer than the other guy a good thing...



I would actualy call that total greed and no compassion for the less well off,realy stinks bad that comment


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I think it is worthwhile to note the distinction between government policies and private business practices.

I would consider a policy racist IF different races of all Thai nationals are subject to different practice by the government.

To my knowledge, I am not aware of such policies. Someone mentioned Malaysia and south Thailand- which I believe is an excellent example. All Thai citizens have the same access to education and job opportunities- regardless of their religion.

to me that says the policies are not racist.

foreigners being subject to different rules and regulations to me does not qualify for calling the racist card. Every country will implement laws that protect its own citizens and the interests of its economy and security.

having said that - what every private business owner practices is a different story. Yes, Im sure there are employers who would choose people of a certain background over others when it comes to job placement. Yes there are businesses that choose to charge some people more than others - in some cases based on the fact that some customers are foreign, but there are also cases where 2 Thai citizens may be charged different prices!

I know some will raise the question about national park entry fees - which are government run. I link that back to the issue of taxes ( a bit simplified - but I think it does play a role). As tax paying citizens in most developed and developing nations, one can and does expect the government to use those taxes to provide infrastructure and basic necessities to its citizens - education, health care, roads, recreational facilities. Such facilities will be available to non citizens too, but at a fee. Seems to be the modus operandi in other parts of the world too - not just Thailand :) You go to Singapore - as a non citizen its likely you will have to pay 4 times the education fee that locals do. You go to Germany - as a senior citizen and student - you have free entry to musuems and galleries. You go to Thailand - entry to some temples/musuems are free to citizens, entries to national parks are at a subsidised fee.

I now hear some that are working in Thailand and paying taxes will raise the question of taxes....and yes I hear your point. Yet, I have also heard some cases from this site where local expats have managed to get similar fees to Thais to such national parks based on their work permit. As I said, I cant justify it fully, but the national park entry seems to me more of an isolated incident, rather than an across the board government policy targeted to overcharge foreigners?

(Ive read lots of threads on double pricing by the government on this forum, but the only case that I recall always being brought up is those of national parks - hence my argument is focused on national parks, and yes the Grand Palace. So if there are other major case of where the Thai government practices double pricing....feel free to share them.....it would interest me to hear and understand if there is any logic to it. Does any one have any experience with their children who are non-Thai citizens going to a public school? Are they charged the same fees as citizens?)

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This is just a troll, using a "done to death" subject. The fact they are racist here is no new news whatsoever. You can see this within half a day of your arrival in Bangkok. Next i'm expecting the OP to start another sin sod topic :)

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Oh yeah, the little brown natives are defintey racist...I mean they dare pass laws to look after themselves, they dare exert their authority over us and worse of all, they have forgotten to smile and roll out the red carpet everytime I step foot in their country with my NON IMMIGRANT visa. How cheeky of them to admonish us whenever we decide to misbehave, get drunk or otherwise behave in a culturally insensitive manner when we are on holidays here spending our pounds, dollars and euros; after all, we are just having fun and they are getting rich from me and me friends.

And when I offer my two cents worth about how they ought to run their country, they ignore me just because I am not local!

I find it insulting they can't be bothered to learn my language thus causing great inconvenience to my lifestyle here; I mean is it my fault that they live in a dilapidated hut 100m away from my 5bedroom, 5 bathroom house with swimming pool? I am very kind to them; I employ them as maids and cleaners and handymen. Although I pay them third world low wages, they should be grateful because otherwise they'd be unemployed sitting under the shade tree outside my compound, being a nuisance to me and my foreign neighbours (mental note: need to gate the village and employ security guard to exclude these pesky natives, who are usually thieves). The local workers are next to useless anyway, but I really can't be bothered to train them because it is just so hot here and the many beers I need to quench my thirst just makes me incredibly drowsy by noon. They should understand I am not used to this weather and seek to accomodate me and understand my difficulties...anything less is pure racism. It is simply impossible for me to learn Thai. But I am a Thai culture expert because I am married to an ex-cashier who worked in Patpong but she was definitely not a bar girl.

So why am I still here in Thailand? Oh because back home, there are too many foreigners. They can't speak English, tend to congregate together, complain all the time, were starting to move into my neighbourhood and oh, the weather is too cold! These foreigners are starting to own everything and the government just refuses to do anything about "these people". But I am not racist... :)

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Oh yeah, the little brown natives are defintey racist...I mean they dare pass laws to look after themselves, they dare exert their authority over us and worse of all, they have forgotten to smile and roll out the red carpet everytime I step foot in their country with my NON IMMIGRANT visa. How cheeky of them to admonish us whenever we decide to misbehave, get drunk or otherwise behave in a culturally insensitive manner when we are on holidays here spending our pounds, dollars and euros; after all, we are just having fun and they are getting rich from me and me friends.

And when I offer my two cents worth about how they ought to run their country, they ignore me just because I am not local!

I find it insulting they can't be bothered to learn my language thus causing great inconvenience to my lifestyle here; I mean is it my fault that they live in a dilapidated hut 100m away from my 5bedroom, 5 bathroom house with swimming pool? I am very kind to them; I employ them as maids and cleaners and handymen. Although I pay them third world low wages, they should be grateful because otherwise they'd be unemployed sitting under the shade tree outside my compound, being a nuisance to me and my foreign neighbours (mental note: need to gate the village and employ security guard to exclude these pesky natives, who are usually thieves). The local workers are next to useless anyway, but I really can't be bothered to train them because it is just so hot here and the many beers I need to quench my thirst just makes me incredibly drowsy by noon. They should understand I am not used to this weather and seek to accomodate me and understand my difficulties...anything less is pure racism. It is simply impossible for me to learn Thai. But I am a Thai culture expert because I am married to an ex-cashier who worked in Patpong but she was definitely not a bar girl.

So why am I still here in Thailand? Oh because back home, there are too many foreigners. They can't speak English, tend to congregate together, complain all the time, were starting to move into my neighbourhood and oh, the weather is too cold! These foreigners are starting to own everything and the government just refuses to do anything about "these people". But I am not racist... :D

......and even a done to death topic like this goes flying over the apologist head. Keep up the posts mate they are terrific :)

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Sometimes, this racism is also colored by what people call Nationalism. The kind where people say, "My country is better than your country". If you count that as racism - just imagine how the locals treat their neighbors - the Burmese, Laos and Cambodians.

We Aussies aint racist mate.

so why all those Indian students getting beaten up in Aussie, even Aussie prime minister made a public apology. you want to hear racist comments ask an Aussie about abo's as they are called. Racism exists every where.

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Personally, having been subjected to racism in the States, and having my family been subjected to SERIOUS racism for centuries (my Grandfather's Uncle was a Slave in the US), living in Thailand is great.

Yeah yeah I know about the "Black Man" Mops and the old Herbal Tooth paste commercial and what not. But as far as how I am treated on a individual level, it's great. I love it and, in 9 years of being here, I have never been subjected to any racism here in Thailand for being black other than what has come from White tourists or expats here.

Now that being said, I do get the same double pricking racism bit that everyone that can't pass as Thai gets when they come here. And that shit has to stop, I really wish them all the ill and malice they can receive for ripping off people based on the color of their passports.

But that stuff I have work arounds for and I can deal with that.

But at least I don't have to deal with the, "I wanna lynch you because your black and your sub human" type racism that was really prevalent in the States back in the day.

i have been to southern states in a America and am amazed at how the racism still thrives, i just wonder if New Orleans had been a white suberb would it have taken so long to get basic water supplies to the victimes. also why did the police not go into the Dome and provide some law an order instead of letting the rapes etc go on.. Southern Boy president at the the time i guess. glad you get none of it here, i some times feel a victim of racism here but i think its ignorance and greed, not so much racism

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I could very easily switch Sweden with Thailand. It seems to be an immigrant thing around the world.


Submitted by Immigrant in Sweden (Sweden), Mar 7, 2009 at 18:05

I lived in several European countries and that gave me a good knowledge that makes me able to compare racism and discrimination in these countries. Unfortunately I don´t know much about racism in Denmark but I can speak about Sweden.

Sweden is the most racist and cynical European country. A humane country on the books given the numbers of refugees Sweden has taken in but one has to consider the interests behind any Swedish action for what Sweden gives with one hand it takes away with the other. They do not let refugees in because they are generous and nice guys.

Swedes are unable to accept others "as equal". Swedes are xenophobes who are completely convinced that their country is the best in the world.

Sweden is a country of racism and intolerance.


Source: www.danielpipes.org/comments/151832

Exactly the same could be said of Norway too!!! After 5 & 1/2 years I couldn't stomach it anymore.

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I tend to think that everybody is racist in some way

Sometimes, this racism is also colored by what people call Nationalism. The kind where people say, "My country is better than your country". If you count that as racism - just imagine how the locals treat their neighbors - the Burmese, Laos and Cambodians.

A good post, spot on.

There is a good OP on Nationalism in general in today's Best. Interesting. Many good responses. Read it.

Racism, Nationalism, Religious Fanaticism, Colour intolerance vs Internationalism, Atheism, Globalization, Tolerance, Multi-culturalism, etc.

Neither of this BS is actually bad or good. It exists. Always has been around. Nevermind the terminology. Because it is in Human Nature. And it always will be around. Nothing wrong with it.

TO A POINT! Birds of feather flock together... naturally. Men prefer women, whites prefer whites, blacks stick to their brothers, Christians disapprove Muslims, Catholics are up against Protestants, Anglicans vs Roman Catholics, All together against the 'bloody' Jews, and so on...(well, there are sometimes exceptions). No problem, so far but...

TO A POINT! The point, the pivoting point, the point that turns a natural harmless individual preferences into wars, killings, crimes against humanity,- this point is reached when the natural INDIVIDUAL preferences are politically manipulated, organised and directed FROM ABOVE, by the respective Governments.

Than, and only than we see Crusaders Wars, Conquistadores, Inquisition, Turkish Armenian mass extermination, Jewish Holoucast, Tatar and Chechen displacement, African Tribal mass exterminations, so called War on Terror, etc.

Now, if we have to return to the question about Thailand...

Are Thais different from farang? - Yes.

Is this a problem for farang on INDIVIDUAL level? - No.

Are these differences politically manipulated, organised and directed FROM ABOVE through the mechanisms of Legal, Immigration, Employment and Economic authorities? - I am not sure :D:):D

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Personally, having been subjected to racism in the States, and having my family been subjected to SERIOUS racism for centuries (my Grandfather's Uncle was a Slave in the US), living in Thailand is great.

Yeah yeah I know about the "Black Man" Mops and the old Herbal Tooth paste commercial and what not. But as far as how I am treated on a individual level, it's great. I love it and, in 9 years of being here, I have never been subjected to any racism here in Thailand for being black other than what has come from White tourists or expats here.

Now that being said, I do get the same double pricking racism bit that everyone that can't pass as Thai gets when they come here. And that shit has to stop, I really wish them all the ill and malice they can receive for ripping off people based on the color of their passports.

But that stuff I have work arounds for and I can deal with that.

But at least I don't have to deal with the, "I wanna lynch you because your black and your sub human" type racism that was really prevalent in the States back in the day.

i have been to southern states in a America and am amazed at how the racism still thrives, i just wonder if New Orleans had been a white suberb would it have taken so long to get basic water supplies to the victimes. also why did the police not go into the Dome and provide some law an order instead of letting the rapes etc go on.. Southern Boy president at the the time i guess. glad you get none of it here, i some times feel a victim of racism here but i think its ignorance and greed, not so much racism

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's gone in the States, only that we are cleaning it up faster than any other country who ever had such extremes. If Katrina was 50 years ago it would have been much worse and no one would have even talked about the racial aspect of it for 20 years or more.

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Personally, having been subjected to racism in the States, and having my family been subjected to SERIOUS racism for centuries (my Grandfather's Uncle was a Slave in the US), living in Thailand is great.

Yeah yeah I know about the "Black Man" Mops and the old Herbal Tooth paste commercial and what not. But as far as how I am treated on a individual level, it's great. I love it and, in 9 years of being here, I have never been subjected to any racism here in Thailand for being black other than what has come from White tourists or expats here.

Now that being said, I do get the same double pricking racism bit that everyone that can't pass as Thai gets when they come here. And that shit has to stop, I really wish them all the ill and malice they can receive for ripping off people based on the color of their passports.

But that stuff I have work arounds for and I can deal with that.

But at least I don't have to deal with the, "I wanna lynch you because your black and your sub human" type racism that was really prevalent in the States back in the day.

Hi there I am glad to hear you dont have problems here. I think prejudice against black people is overstated in Thailand. My thai wife was not so pleased to see black people and moslems when she was in Sweden, so obviously I thought that when I met an african-american soldier here in our village, my wife and her family would not be impressed. The reaction was quite different, the liked him much more than than the white or hispanic soldiers. If he had proposed to my wifes sister, I think she would have said yes immediatly.Now they might be different than thai people in general, but I dont think so. That probably leaves me as the racist in the family, because if I meet black people in Sukumvit, I will immediatly presume that they are nigerians up to no good. On the other hand I get my fair share of racism too, but all in all I would have much more to complain about back in Sweden

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Most of the issues you'll face here are less overt than the 'western' or 'international' brand of racism. Racists here are more likely to go out of their way to avoid you or put on their best 'acting' face when they do have to deal with you. This allows you to exist in a state of bliss and imagine that whoever you don't have contact with is simply 'shy' or 'busy.'


Edited by Heng
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Oh yeah, the little brown natives are defintey racist...I mean they dare pass laws to look after themselves, they dare exert their authority over us and worse of all, they have forgotten to smile and roll out the red carpet everytime I step foot in their country with my NON IMMIGRANT visa. How cheeky of them to admonish us whenever we decide to misbehave, get drunk or otherwise behave in a culturally insensitive manner when we are on holidays here spending our pounds, dollars and euros; after all, we are just having fun and they are getting rich from me and me friends.

And when I offer my two cents worth about how they ought to run their country, they ignore me just because I am not local!

I find it insulting they can't be bothered to learn my language thus causing great inconvenience to my lifestyle here; I mean is it my fault that they live in a dilapidated hut 100m away from my 5bedroom, 5 bathroom house with swimming pool? I am very kind to them; I employ them as maids and cleaners and handymen. Although I pay them third world low wages, they should be grateful because otherwise they'd be unemployed sitting under the shade tree outside my compound, being a nuisance to me and my foreign neighbours (mental note: need to gate the village and employ security guard to exclude these pesky natives, who are usually thieves). The local workers are next to useless anyway, but I really can't be bothered to train them because it is just so hot here and the many beers I need to quench my thirst just makes me incredibly drowsy by noon. They should understand I am not used to this weather and seek to accomodate me and understand my difficulties...anything less is pure racism. It is simply impossible for me to learn Thai. But I am a Thai culture expert because I am married to an ex-cashier who worked in Patpong but she was definitely not a bar girl.

So why am I still here in Thailand? Oh because back home, there are too many foreigners. They can't speak English, tend to congregate together, complain all the time, were starting to move into my neighbourhood and oh, the weather is too cold! These foreigners are starting to own everything and the government just refuses to do anything about "these people". But I am not racist... :)

That has got to be the best post i have ever read in my life.It would be an honour to buy you a drink sometime,as i live in Pattaya for 6 years and share the same views lol lol lol.

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Racism in Thailand? Oh my. Against who?

According to my friends, the Burmese are not human, so it is really not racism.

And based upon what I read in Thai Visa, it seems that there are many self professed political experts who provide regular assurances to us that the Cambodians are the enemies of Thailand. (Planning to invade and take over the R&D facilities of Pattaya I guess. )Since, these horrid cambodians are land grabbing ogres whatever measures are taken to keep these frothing at mouth savages at bay are acceptable. Several of these self annoited experts are ex-special forces and MI5/6 and CIA so they know. :)

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I think many people here are missing the point of the original post. Of course racism exists everywhere. I believe that it also exists in every person, every one of us. Maybe only the degree of it is different. Self awareness and being aware of our own racial attitudes when they happen have a lot to do with being able to control it.

But the point here was if there are racist attitudes coming from above, the government level and is the government doing anything to rein-in racism. In my opinion the answer to the first question is unfortunately YES and the second, unfortunately NO. I think the reason why there are some official racist policies towards farang is that they play well with the Thai public so the governments/politicians find it a useful tool to get acclaim. And the reason that they don't do anything about educating about racism is that according to Thai culture it's not nice to TALK and BRING UP bad things. So the chances are nothing is going to EVER be done about racism in this society. And this is quite sad ... yet another reason to have a beer I guess :)

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Just laughing at white people complaining about racism in Thailand. The OP is funny.

Thailand is one of the most racist countries in the world, uh huh.

Try this: Thailand is the most racist country in the world that I've lived in because the other countries I've lived in are full of people who look like me or speak my language.

OP doesn't speak Thai well, understand what racism is, has ever experienced actual racism, take your pick. Want actual racism in Asia? Try Korea or China where people will attack you for walking hand in hand with a local woman.

I could just as easily start another thread called "The advantages foreigners receive in Thailand just for being foreigners."

Yeah it's a tough bid living here in Thailand. So much rampant racism how can we survive? We're all victims of Thai oppression!!!!

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I could just as easily start another thread called "The advantages foreigners receive in Thailand just for being foreigners."

Please do.......it will be educational if nothing else !!!!! :D

It might even be amusing :)


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