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Red Or Yellow Victory


Red or Yellow  

67 members have voted

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Whether the Red truck or the Yellow truck shoulders the other into the ditch, either way, it will only guarantee long term resentment by the other and another 80 years of turmoil and instability, like the past 80 years.

My choice is Option 3!

Edited by eggomaniac
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Remember, folks, the vast majority of people in Thailand do not support EITHER red or yellow.

Both should just go away forever

That is a 'head in the sand' statement if ever I heard one. If you are living in Thailand I feel that you owe it to yourself to get a perspective of what is going on. I've heard all the excuses 'we can't vote', 'nothing we can do' etc. so why bother. What an insular attitude. The political future of this Country could very well depend on your ability to remain here.

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Remember, folks, the vast majority of people in Thailand do not support EITHER red or yellow.

Both should just go away forever

That is a 'head in the sand' statement if ever I heard one. If you are living in Thailand I feel that you owe it to yourself to get a perspective of what is going on. I've heard all the excuses 'we can't vote', 'nothing we can do' etc. so why bother. What an insular attitude. The political future of this Country could very well depend on your ability to remain here.

He's right though. Perhaps you haven't noticed but both the reds and the yellows have agenda's that are entirely self serving to their leaders and as such are dangerous.

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It is impossible to vote in this "poll" so I just won't bother :)

If the Reds would drop Thaksin and his thugs promoting violence they would have a lot more validity as a political force.

Moonrakers is missing something imho --- there ARE a good number of reds that want a real change in how things are done here in Thailand and are not tied to Thaksin. There are also (I would suggest the vast majority) of yellows that are actually the emerging middle-class of Thailand (the tax-payers) that just don't want to be taxed out of existence. They aren't "controlled" by anyone.

I am firm in my anti-Thaksin stance and still would like to see more change for the poor in Thailand, I just don't want to see that change at the expense of the middle-class. Back "home" I would guess that most of "us" were middle-class or upper-middle-class and would have severe problems with FORCED wealth distribution.

There is a way forward and I think that the Democrats (note -- Democrat does NOT equal "yellow") are on the right track to finding a middle ground. Obviously (or at least I find it obvious) education is the only answer.

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Oh --- why I couldn't vote

The reds (Thaksin in this case) being crushed won't happen because of the yellows. Thaksin's own violations and those of his lackey's like Sae Daeng will be what kills the reds. Hubris will be his ondoing.

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I would guess that most of "us" were middle-class or upper-middle-class and would have severe problems with FORCED wealth distribution.

What are you talking about? I've always been happy to pay tax, a fairly large chunk of which goes to transfer payments (very obviously a form of forced wealth redistribution). The British tax system is also based on progressive taxation, so, in theory though not in practice, as your wealth increases, the proportion of income you pay in tax also increases. This is a Good Thing and I think even America shows some of these semi-communist symptoms.

But in answer to the OP, let's hope the forces of reaction and conservatism are swept away once and for all. Of course, as the forces of reaction and conservatism have a complete monopoly on power, it's a bit unlikely.

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Moonrakers is missing something imho --- there ARE a good number of reds that want a real change in how things are done here in Thailand and are not tied to Thaksin. There are also (I would suggest the vast majority) of yellows that are actually the emerging middle-class of Thailand (the tax-payers) that just don't want to be taxed out of existence. They aren't "controlled" by anyone.

That may or may not be the case but as long as they stick with their current icons I.E.: Thaksin and Sondhi etc (and I have never heard about anybody from either group denouncing their leaders), then they lose all credibility in my book regardless of their intentions. Get rid of them and they may gain more sympathy.

Thaksin as a figurehead for a fight for democracy, you couldn't make it up.

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Remember, folks, the vast majority of people in Thailand do not support EITHER red or yellow.

Both should just go away forever

That is a 'head in the sand' statement if ever I heard one. If you are living in Thailand I feel that you owe it to yourself to get a perspective of what is going on. I've heard all the excuses 'we can't vote', 'nothing we can do' etc. so why bother. What an insular attitude. The political future of this Country could very well depend on your ability to remain here.

He's right though. Perhaps you haven't noticed but both the reds and the yellows have agenda's that are entirely self serving to their leaders and as such are dangerous.

what are the other options are there?

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They have to learn to live together and be considerate to each other and to the majority who are neither. However, while powerful elites fight each other that wont be easy. What is that saying about when elephants fight?

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There are also (I would suggest the vast majority) of yellows that are actually the emerging middle-class of Thailand (the tax-payers) that just don't want to be taxed out of existence. They aren't "controlled" by anyone.

JD, what is the source of this claim? Unless I've misunderstood, it suggests that the drive behind the yellow movement since 2005 has been resentment of increased taxation or its possibility.

From all I've seen and heard of the Sonthi lectures at Thammasat, Lumbhini Park and the TEC Tero Hall through to the rallies at Makkasan, the occupation of Government House and subsequently, I don't recollect taxation policy or the squeezing of the Bangkok middle class as a theme.

All I've heard and seen is outrage at the scale of Thaksinist corruption (by his family and his retainers), demands for more accountable government and honest leadership, desire to protect the monarchy from corrupt and power-hungry people, and somewhat chauvinistic responses to the Phra Viharn and other border issues with Cambodia.

Maybe I've not listened and seen enough, or maybe you've been talking with PAD supporters who are primarily hip-pocket driven. Please set me straight. (I don't get out enough.)

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Remember, folks, the vast majority of people in Thailand do not support EITHER red or yellow.

I have made this comment in other posts.

It's true, a Poll even reported 70% consider themselves neither red or yellow.

However, do NOT confuse them with the Silent Majority in the West which steers political outcomes. The apolotical in Thailand are the Muted Majority. They are ready to 'firmly' fall in line behind whatever side comes out on top. They LET the drunk driver take the wheel.

There is enough in numbers for them to form a White Shirt movement and drown out the factional Red and Yellow gang warfare, but there is no backbone for that.

The Thais 'conditioning' to instability, changing constitutions, coups, travel warnings, airport and international conference blockades have them enured to what is going to crash on the shores.

It looks like the perfect storm is brewing.

It would take a visit from Vishnu to develop a solution which would get thailand working together, instead of tearing the Kingdom in parts, OR they could study and Implement 'The Joseph Solution'!!!

As somebody mentioned, the forces in the deep South are probably smart enough to let the yellows and reds go at each other, then strike at their convenience.

They probably think this strife in the north is a gift from Allah!!!

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