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Trying to get any info I can about exporting motorcycles and or motorcycle parts to Australia, England and New Zealand. Is there any kind of work permit or similar requird? I am married to a Thai so could everything go through her name and I not have to worry about it. Can used bikes be shipped there without too much problem and too much duty. Would it be better to deal in used parts rather than new on the duty side of things. Any help is apreciated.



Trying to get any info I can about exporting motorcycles and or motorcycle parts to Australia, England and New Zealand. Is there any kind of work permit or similar requird? I am married to a Thai so could everything go through her name and I not have to worry about it. Can used bikes be shipped there without too much problem and too much duty. Would it be better to deal in used parts rather than new on the duty side of things. Any help is apreciated.



I was thinking same a few years back, especially when the pocket rockets were all in vogue and were making good money in uk ( mainly CBR 400'S) and there was ton's of them in Pattaya. Used to buy alot biketrader mags so at the time I was pretty clued up about what everthing was making. i think there is such a big market in uk compared to thailand that the prices were pretty much the same especially if you could spot a bargain in the uk and not have to include import fees/transportation.

Anyway I think 'accessories' are the way to go, for eg back in '97 when i was home i paid 20 pounds for a disk lock where as here you can walk into a shop and pay 4 pounds retail, plus anodized bolts,carbon fibre extras,etc are next to nothing here where back at home u pay thru the roof.

Helmets and clothing stuff are a good bet as well ,have u seen the prices of gear back in uk, the profits are huge, but a website would be the way to go.

Anyway as I said I never really did anything about it as i have 'real job' but it would be nice to work with something that u enjoy



Beware of things like design standards and safety requirements. Australia at least will require protective gear such as helmets to conform to australian sftey standards. Of course this doesnt stop you from wering one but if found out you could see your insurnce claim get knocked back.

New model bikes that have never been imported to Aus generally also need to be certified as safe. This usually involves a series of crash tests. There are also strict laws on what can be imported. The easiest route is parts.

For more info on importing to australia take at look at www.dotars.gov.au.


motorcycles were easy years ago before pollution controls and noise controls,

now I am sure if its new they need to be tested,

used bikes are another thing but some models are a fad for only a short time and you could be stuck with them unsold and out of fashion


For motor cycle parts to NZ, there should be no problem. Fully built up models should be ok also, but it would help to speak to a customs Broker first.I can give you a few names and numbers if you wish of good NZ customs agents.

  • 1 year later...

Just did a search and found this and was wondering if anyone is exporting bikes from Thailand to anywhere. Are there any problems with shipping the old 2 strokes to England, Australia, NZ or the US?

Thank you

Just did a search and found this and was wondering if anyone is exporting bikes from Thailand to anywhere. Are there any problems with shipping the old 2 strokes to England, Australia, NZ or the US?

Thank you

Why dun you just export it from japan instead of thailand ?


The exporting side should not be an issue, most countries encourage the export of manufactured goods, and do not impose tax or duty on outgoing goods. You will need to find a good shipping agent if you are doing it in any sort of quantity. Ask Axel, I believe he has contacts there.

Getting the product onto shelves in your target market may be a different kettle of fish. You would do better to check with the relevant authorities in each market. A call to the commercial attache at the embassies or a search of their web sites will give you links to the rules you will have to live by. Duties, taxes and other charges should be available from the shipping agent.

Don't let the fact that you are not the first to try the idea discourage you, just make sure you know what hoops you have to jump through to get you product to your customers legally and make your business decisions based on that.

As a business that is exporting, you may be able to own it completely, check with a legal adviser like sunbelt or indo-siam.

Good luck.


oily sang, I think my chances of finding the old 2 strokes here would be easier and a heck of alot cheaper.

Chang paarp, thanks for the info and will look into it.

Trying to get any info I can about exporting motorcycles and or motorcycle parts to Australia, England and New Zealand. Is there any kind of work permit or similar requird? I am married to a Thai so could everything go through her name and I not have to worry about it. Can used bikes be shipped there without too much problem and too much duty. Would it be better to deal in used parts rather than new on the duty side of things. Any help is apreciated.



AFAIK there are already exporters from Thailand for the brand I know best (Tiger) and there is some money to be made, although it isn't as easy as you might think.

Wheels and performance parts are perhaps more simple as you don't need to safety test and so on; however there are plenty of Chinese, Thai and Japanese boy racers doing most of this stuff, as much of the market in NZ is selling to non white people. As you may know, many of the Chinese and Thais etc don't actually bother learning english, and find it easier to cut a low margin deal off someone down there who speaks their language. The threshold for margins for some of those people is quite low; they have a route to market through personal contacts and can probably buy cheaper than you here.

But still lots of opportunities nonetheless if you know something about this sort of thing no doubt.

oily sang, I think my chances of finding the old 2 strokes here would be easier and a heck of alot cheaper.

Chang paarp, thanks for the info and will look into it.

What is your budget ? how many cc you looking at ?i got some contact in japan and i got a relative in chiang rai selling second hand motorcycle to chiang mai every week ........


Oilysang, Looking for the 150 cc bikes first but any larger than that but they have to be 2 stroke. Also interested in the old 50cc motorcycles (not moped).

Oilysang, Looking for the 150 cc bikes first but any larger than that but they have to be 2 stroke. Also interested in the old 50cc motorcycles (not moped).

CAn you pm your budget , as for the 150cc above i dun think there are much in thailand/ at least in chiang rai. The 50cc bike i just got a second hand bike at 3000 baht, honda made.If you are looking for bulk i think you can get cheaper price.

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