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Motorcycle Road Racing.


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Anyone here ever been involved in organising motorcycle road racing? The roads around by Royal Cliff and the Tourist Police Office would make an ideal street circuit.

Special races could be held for Tuk-Tuks and food vending side cars. Helmets would be optional.

Seriously though, there's enough motorcycles in Pattaya. Anyone do any road racing before?



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Yeah, I've come across circuit racing in Thailand but, with all due respect to them, circuit racing is boring. Road racing is where it's at.

I hear you Spalpeen, ever thought of going to Bira and speaking to Graham at highside tours, maybe arrange something to coincide with bang sean street circuit??,

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Road racing Thailand, interesting thought. But with the organization I have seen at times I don't think I would want to find out the dogs, cows Ect., really know it's race day.

Maybe if there is some place where thing can actually be controlled. I would rather watch though. You take your life in your hand just walking in Pattaya.

Good Luck hope it works out for you.

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It sounds a great idea, the Pattaya TT, but have a friend live on Isle of Man who said the problem was the idiots who illegally raced the circuit when the road had been returned to normal use.

The TT races of the Isle of Man have many fatalities every year, not just riders but also spectators as well, and after the races an all year round stream of bike accidents and fatalities due to hot heads trying to see how fast they can go.

Do we really want this in Pattaya?

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I thought it went on 24 hours a day in Pattaya now. :)

There are enough road tracks around now, including Birra. What they really need is a dirt track speedway with stands and the works. All the young Thai's could then have a go. If anyone wants to start one up, i would be willing to invest in it.

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i've always thought the roads of koh chang would be a great rally circuit :)

I was just down in Koh Chang a few weeks ago. You're right. When they get the coast road completed around the south end of the island the circuit of Koh Chang would rival the Isle of Man as a track.

As for Pattaya, we've already got idiots racing around and getting killed What we don't have is any kind of organised annual street race. Pratumnak Hill would make a great bike circuit and I think a baht bus Grand Prix around Beach Rd. and Second would be good for a laugh.

Pattaya - The Monaco of the East !


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The roads are too dirty and tht would lead to a plot of spills.

Also, there would be people flying off their bikes into building and the like unless the race were held way out north of Maprchan lake, but then no one would be there to see it.

I have to go along with the no race crowd.

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Just check out Bira on a track day, "marshals" asleep in their boxes or the guy painting the bridge with his can of paint hanging from his belt whilst bikes race underneath at 140mph. I would wager the death toll to far exceed the IOM TT, something along the lines of the film Deathrace would be nearer the mark.

Great idea I'll enter the missus.

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