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Red Shirts Plan To Paralyse Bangkok, Topple Thai Government

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And another piece of red shirt propaganda is shot down in flames, and comes screaming to the ground in order to bite them on their rear ends.


" Red Shirt Propaganda "

There's no answer to that really is there? Well at least no answer that would break forum rules by ridiculing your almost seemingly deliberate obtuseness. BTW I'm on record as referring to Thaksin as a "turd" so I doubt I'm on his short list for the next position as PR manager.

I just want to thank you for posting that, it is sobering, true and thought provoking..........

I think it should be realised that this "situation" is far more complex than most at Thai Visa recognise or want to admit.

Sooner or later some Government in Thailand will have to address the accumulated injustices or the place will fall apart.



Thaksin was PM in 2004................ Well spotted.

Go to the top of the class.

The point is the " accumulated injustices " and the excessive use of force.

My point has FA to do with reds, yellows, pinks or "betta splendens"......


At least someone gets it.

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If we're going to be fair and balanced about the red shirts violence here's the Thai security forces showing their " crowd control " techniques.

i am quite surprised, MCA, that you missed the beginning of the clip....

which showed the crowd were throwing objects into group of officers.... and more....

would you expect the officers protecting the premise to just take it on their chins....?

the arrested individuals were ordered in thai to lay down.... several times.... norn-roung.... but apparently did not follow orders....

however, kicking a person several times should really not be condoned either.... yellow red or black....


I hear what you're saying nakachale but I'd expect them not to act like a bunch of thugs themselves. The word is "riot control" isn't it?

Of course there are other ways of getting a rioter/protester to follow orders rather than kicking them violently in the head a few times. Plus one of the arrested individuals was already face down with his hands behind his head when he got another boot to the skull.

And of course the tragic end to Tak Bai where nobody was throwing anything.

Basically I'm praying that it doesn't go off at the weekend but if it does innocent protesters (bought or not) aren't involved in another Tak Bai or Thammasart to be conveniently swept under the carpet while the culprits all the way to the top walk away scot free under some "immune from prosecution" emergency law <deleted>.

I've said my piece. Night all.

Sounds like they are importing Laotians to protest in Bangkok otherwise the guy on the megaphone would be speaking Thai instead of Laotian unless that's what they speak in Naka Nowhere.

Lao is indeed what they speak in most of Isaan, though there are substantial areas there that speak Mon-Khmer languages.

Sounds like they are importing Laotians to protest in Bangkok otherwise the guy on the megaphone would be speaking Thai instead of Laotian unless that's what they speak in Naka Nowhere.

Lao is indeed what they speak in most of Isaan, though there are substantial areas there that speak Mon-Khmer languages.

Oh... thanks, I learned something new today.


Right now Al Jazeera is running a story......one red shirt leaders said they will stay one day, one week, one month or even one year until they get what they want. I am paraphrasing.


it has never been like this before....

that each redshirt leader would try to make oneself more informed and more important than the others....

each one has his own wishes and agenda to fulfill.... irrespective of the majority followers' wishes and directions....

if and when their violence becomes unbearable to the general public.... the redshirts would have no choice but to retreat for the final curtain....

back to where they come from....

but judging from the past, most of the less informed northeasterners would still vote for the same old, same old bunch of forged tonuge politicians....

and we will be back to square one again....


Right now Al Jazeera is running a story......one red shirt leaders said they will stay one day, one week, one month or even one year until they get what they want. I am paraphrasing.

It's not going to work as planned.

Ok, maybe a bunch of people will show up, but the existing government will be fine after the dust settles. Have there been reports of payments for attending?

The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration. It's another last-ditch and desperate means for an extremely selfish man to try and put his hands back on big money and absolute power.

I see the OP photo of Thaksin with the words "Thailand needs change" He's trying to copy Obama's success with that line. Yes, Thailand needs change, it needs to get good people in leadership roles, and get away from the ugly patterns of having people like Thaksin in the driver's seat. Thailand needs to change being so tolerable to treasonous people like Thaksin. It needs to change being so forgiving to Thaksin's puppets, like Sae Daeng, who toss explosives here and there.

The sooner Thailand changes from being harassed from Thaksin and his followers, the sooner Thailand can get moving forward to improving quality of life and cleaning up the environment and doing the many other things that have been put off because of the incessant hassling from Thaksin and his paid intimidators.

"The Abhisit government is legit and decent"? Legit? By who's standards? A government that gained power by military coup while the democratically elected PM was overseas is legit?

the Abhisit government was put in place by the PPP because the PPP got caught cheating

Any update on what the Nakhon Sawan and Khorat gatherings look like? I am expecting them to be quite impressive

Based on estimates, this is going to be known as "The Bust in Bangkok."

It actually took some 3 years for the recent verdict on Thaksin's assets to be decided, so you are not being exactly true to say the PAD cases are being unusually delayed.


how long it took that "our man at the airport" during the yellow show became the FM of the Abhisit cabinet?


i asked you and others self-proclaimed "voices for the red shirts" some questions.

can you _PLEASE_ stop trolling?

answer my questions:

what are the visions of the red shirts?

what's the strategies to accomplish it?

who's the personal to lead it?

With respect, I'd like to add some more questions:

- Whats' your rationale for using a very corrupt dicator who many times said 'democracy is not important for Thailand' as your champion of democracy?

- Why don't you share the curriculum / the materials / the literature you are using in your 495 'democracy schools' across Essan and the North? Surely, if you genuinly want to promote genuine democracy you would want your literate spread as far and as wide as possible.

The UDD red/shirts said some months ago they would accept nothing (meaning democracy) less than what is practiced in the most advanced countries in the world. So surely that means giving your followers a lot of detail of what good quality democracy look like with solid detail of why it is good, explain the pillars of democracy and how they need to be strongly and quickly protected, etc.

So come on please share your literature.

- What are the credentials of the teachers who are teaching democracy in your 495 schools? Are they widely recognised as balanced people?

It actually took some 3 years for the recent verdict on Thaksin's assets to be decided, so you are not being exactly true to say the PAD cases are being unusually delayed.


how long it took that "our man at the airport" during the yellow show became the FM of the Abhisit cabinet?


i asked you and others self-proclaimed "voices for the red shirts" some questions.

can you _PLEASE_ stop trolling?

answer my questions:

what are the visions of the red shirts?

what's the strategies to accomplish it?

who's the personal to lead it?

With respect, I'd like to add some more questions:

- Whats' your rationale for using a very corrupt dicator who many times said 'democracy is not important for Thailand' as your champion of democracy?

- Why don't you share the curriculum / the materials / the literature you are using in your 495 'democracy schools' across Essan and the North? Surely, if you genuinely want to promote genuine democracy you would want your literature spread as far and as wide as possible.

The UDD red/shirts said some months ago they would accept nothing (meaning democracy) less than what is practiced in the most advanced countries in the world. So surely that means giving your followers a lot of detail of what good quality democracy look like with solid detail of why it is good, explain the pillars of democracy and how they need to be strongly and quickly protected, etc.

So come on please share your literature.

- What are the credentials of the teachers who are teaching democracy in your 495 schools? Are they widely recognized as balanced people?

Yes. Let's also ask:

What models of parliamentary procedures are you teaching?

Are 'red learning institutions' advocating republicanism?

Are the 'red teachers' advocating Social Democratic structures?

Is Jakrapob writing a nouveau Marxist catalog of ways to change the country,

to his absolutist, misunderstanding of Marxism?

When you make the 'Elites give back Thailand to the people',

will anyone labeled Elites still be labeled Thai people still.

When you 'redistribute' the holdings of the elites to the masses,

who do you have that is trained enough to actually keep those properties

working' and making jobs for the poor to have? Or is this thinking too far ahead?

What monetary system is planned, who will run the banks for instance?

Surely you can't leave 'the Elites' in charge of all the money after your red revolution?

Who are your money managers and loan amortization experts?

Are the 'Red Learning Institutions' teaching anything like

macro economics on a international scale? Home economics maybe?

Is Minkwan your best economist in awaiting? (Shudder)

In essence, is anyone teaching anything that can run the country,

AFTER you erase the elites from power and take power?

Have you thought past the take down and election of your favorites?

What is the Red Curriculum for their 495 Red Learning Centers????

Or is asking this, as fruitless as asking bupkes Rumford the 2nd

to post relevant comments. Prostak shlemieltov.

It actually took some 3 years for the recent verdict on Thaksin's assets to be decided, so you are not being exactly true to say the PAD cases are being unusually delayed.


how long it took that "our man at the airport" during the yellow show became the FM of the Abhisit cabinet?

LOL ... and the PTP leader that is being protected from arrest over the Songkran episode last year only because he has immunity from prosecution WHILE he is a Member of Parliament? The rest of the PTP leadership being in question for their behavior? Nah ... only look at the PAD/Democrat single crossover case (Where a leading Democrat also happened to be a PAD member ) Quite funny!

I am not suggesting that you should lock up the PTP leadership or even cancel the immunity granted WHILE they are MP's I am suggesting that perhaps in situations like this they should be impeached and then put on trial! We could have both of them PLUS a few more PTP leaders in the docks if that were to happen :)

BangkokDan: Just passed Abhisit's house, solid security presence; easy traffic around downtown

My guess is that Abhisit, Prem and Sutheps house guards have

stocked up on all the available Scotchguard clothing spray they could find.

Lord knows I would hope the Red Projectiles would just

rinse off with a light sponging if they get hit...


Interrogation of the factory owner in Wang Noi, Ayuthaya producing home made grenade launchers should be very interesting.

The problem of people dressing up as soldiers is a real one, last year the reds complained Newin's blues dressed up as reds and seized the gas truck.

Now what would happen if some reds dressed up as soldiers and attacked some reds?

Yes. Let's also ask:

What models of parliamentary procedures are you teaching?

Are 'red learning institutions' advocating republicanism?

Are the 'red teachers' advocating Social Democratic structures?

Is Jakrapob writing a nouveau Marxist catalog of ways to change the country,

to his absolutist, misunderstanding of Marxism?

When you make the 'Elites give back Thailand to the people',

will anyone labeled Elites still be labeled Thai people still.

When you 'redistribute' the holdings of the elites to the masses,

who do you have that is trained enough to actually keep those properties

working' and making jobs for the poor to have? Or is this thinking too far ahead?

What monetary system is planned, who will run the banks for instance?

Surely you can't leave 'the Elites' in charge of all the money after your red revolution?

Who are your money managers and loan amortization experts?

Are the 'Red Learning Institutions' teaching anything like

macro economics on a international scale? Home economics maybe?

Is Minkwan your best economist in awaiting? (Shudder)

In essence, is anyone teaching anything that can run the country,

AFTER you erase the elites from power and take power?

Have you thought past the take down and election of your favorites?

What is the Red Curriculum for their 495 Red Learning Centers????

Or is asking this, as fruitless as asking bupkes Rumford the 2nd

to post relevant comments. Prostak shlemieltov.

As with all the recent Red Shirt posters here, very unlikely that you will get an answer to the question. No doubt like his "champion of democracy" he probably has a green (if ok) and red sign (if he doesn't want to answer) which he holds up at each question. :)


These leaders really have no idea what they are doing. Jatuporn declared last week that yesterday (Friday) the government would be out of office, or else! Friday passed, and it was moved until Sunday.

Sunday is no longer D-Day, Monday is! I can only infer after tomorrow, Tuesday will be D-Day.


Weng Tochirakarn, a leader of the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), said the protesters intend to proceed with their planned massive rally Sunday to call for the government to dissolve parliament.

He said if the government refuses to budge, the protesters would “seize every corner of Bangkok after March 15.”

According to government figures, 70,000 people are expected to attend. Nevermind the other 930,000 we have heard about ad naseum. Anyone know how many street corners are in Bangkok? Let's see. 70,000/xxxxx = how many on each corner? As long as they remain lawful and don't harass, attack or kill innocents like last year, they should be fine. Enjoy your small corner of the world.


These leaders really have no idea what they are doing. Jatuporn declared last week that yesterday (Friday) the government would be out of office, or else! Friday passed, and it was moved until Sunday.

Sunday is no longer D-Day, Monday is! I can only infer after tomorrow, Tuesday will be D-Day.


According to government figures, 70,000 people are expected to attend. Nevermind the other 930,000 we have heard about ad naseum. Anyone know how many street corners are in Bangkok? Let's see. 70,000/xxxxx = how many on each corner? As long as they remain lawful and don't harass, attack or kill innocents like last year, they should be fine. Enjoy your small corner of the world.


If all they can muster is 70,000 then it reassures me a bit, because with 50,000 troops and police it seems difficult for them to make much trouble. Of course, I might well be wrong.


Based on the 35.5 million valid votes in the 2007 national election, Thaksin's party got around 14 million (the Democrats a similar amount). The Reds expected 1 million to march on Bangkok, but it looks like they will get less than 100,000. This is hardly a representative voice of the people. If they do this again in April, I suggest they pay more.

These leaders really have no idea what they are doing. Jatuporn declared last week that yesterday (Friday) the government would be out of office, or else! Friday passed, and it was moved until Sunday.

Sunday is no longer D-Day, Monday is! I can only infer after tomorrow, Tuesday will be D-Day.


According to government figures, 70,000 people are expected to attend. Nevermind the other 930,000 we have heard about ad naseum. Anyone know how many street corners are in Bangkok? Let's see. 70,000/xxxxx = how many on each corner? As long as they remain lawful and don't harass, attack or kill innocents like last year, they should be fine. Enjoy your small corner of the world.


If all they can muster is 70,000 then it reassures me a bit, because with 50,000 troops and police it seems difficult for them to make much trouble. Of course, I might well be wrong.

I have no idea what that number will be either. The government says 70,000, while UDD/DADD will say 500,000. I'm with you though, I hope 70,000 or less for the reasons you stated.


If one looks at the figure of 1.000,000 (one million) demonstrators although an impressive figure and indeed sight it is actually less than 1% (one per cent) of the population of Thailand.

I hardly think that qualifies as an overwhelming popular demand for the return of Thaksin brand of DEMONOCRACY

Oh dear did I make a typo :) ? DEMONOCRACY V DEMOCRACY ?

Lots of clear arguments from the rational people. Zip from the 'Thaksin is our savior" brigade. Typical.

If you live in the south or Bkk you never see Thailand as it is.

I feel for the people of Thailand who all they want is a fair Election in which whoever wins gets to govern without being kicked out through a coupe.

Unlike most of you on here, the red shirts couldn't afford to come to BKK without being paid, but they would rather not have to come in the first place.

This isn't fun or funny it's people fighting for Democracy, fairness. Forget Thaksin for a while and if he is a liar, bad, good, a saint, or the devil.

He WAS the Prime Minister of Thailand, he never got voted out of power the people who voted for him - over 60% - do not think this fair. If it were to happen in Germany, the US or the UK would YOU think it fair?

I hope no one gets hurt I hope it is peaceful, and I wish them well.

Shame on all you ignorant fools who think you are far better than most Thai's, and I include you if you are Thai too.

If you live in the south or Bkk you never see Thailand as it is.

I feel for the people of Thailand who all they want is a fair Election in which whoever wins gets to govern without being kicked out through a coupe.

Unlike most of you on here, the red shirts couldn't afford to come to BKK without being paid, but they would rather not have to come in the first place.

And by that you are claiming that you can see Thailand better than the rest of us who have lived here for years? I think that most people will agree that they all want a fair election, and that includes us who are anti-Thaksin as well. And yes, the winner would indeed like to govern without being kicked out through a 2-door coupe :) . But democracy only works if you have equality and justice as well. For example, can the Democrats or Bhumjaithai campaign in Isaan without being harassed by Thaksin's goons?

This isn't fun or funny it's people fighting for Democracy, fairness. Forget Thaksin for a while and if he is a liar, bad, good, a saint, or the devil.

He WAS the Prime Minister of Thailand, he never got voted out of power the people who voted for him - over 60% - do not think this fair. If it were to happen in Germany, the US or the UK would YOU think it fair?

I hope no one gets hurt I hope it is peaceful, and I wish them well.

Shame on all you ignorant fools who think you are far better than most Thai's, and I include you if you are Thai too.

Nobody disagreed that his party got the majority votes to form a coalition government (and no despite what you read at no point did 60% ever vote for him; they voted for his party AND his coalition parties to form the government).

And yes, I am Thai who has lived in both Chiang Mai and Bangkok and plenty of my relatives in Chiang Mai hate Thaksin too, so please don't insult our intelligence.

If one looks at the figure of 1.000,000 (one million) demonstrators although an impressive figure and indeed sight it is actually less than 1% (one per cent) of the population of Thailand.

I hardly think that qualifies as an overwhelming popular demand for the return of Thaksin brand of DEMONOCRACY

Ummm, there's around 67 million people in Thailand, so that's actually about 1.5% of the population. In reality, that's huge, and for example, FAR larger than the Iran protests which gained so much media attention in the West. Really, when was the last time you heard about 1.5% of an entire country getting together to protest in the capital? Doesn't happen too often.

I don't know, but if 1.5% of Canada's population (~540,000 people) of all a sudden showed up in Ottawa to protest against the government, I'd say that'd cause a pretty decent stir nationwide.


This is certainly some refreshing news from the TAN network:

Thai Asean News (TAN) Network INN: Criminal Court approves arrest warrant for Arisman Pongruerngrong for inciting violence during rally at Khan Nakorn

The same dude that wanted Bangkok to set afire and for feces to be thrown at officials. Good riddance Arisiman.


(Edited for linkage)

Lots of clear arguments from the rational people. Zip from the 'Thaksin is our savior" brigade. Typical.

If you live in the south or Bkk you never see Thailand as it is.

I feel for the people of Thailand who all they want is a fair Election in which whoever wins gets to govern without being kicked out through a coupe.

Unlike most of you on here, the red shirts couldn't afford to come to BKK without being paid, but they would rather not have to come in the first place.

This isn't fun or funny it's people fighting for Democracy, fairness. Forget Thaksin for a while and if he is a liar, bad, good, a saint, or the devil.

He WAS the Prime Minister of Thailand, he never got voted out of power the people who voted for him - over 60% - do not think this fair. If it were to happen in Germany, the US or the UK would YOU think it fair?

I hope no one gets hurt I hope it is peaceful, and I wish them well.

Shame on all you ignorant fools who think you are far better than most Thai's, and I include you if you are Thai too.

Thaksin apologist puts on the bleeding heart act. A 'feeling' Red. Whatever next? Read between the lines though and there is the usual whitewash of corruption.

If one looks at the figure of 1.000,000 (one million) demonstrators although an impressive figure and indeed sight it is actually less than 1% (one per cent) of the population of Thailand.

I hardly think that qualifies as an overwhelming popular demand for the return of Thaksin brand of DEMONOCRACY

Ummm, there's around 67 million people in Thailand, so that's actually about 1.5% of the population. I don't know, but if 1.5% of Canada's population (~540,000 people) of all a sudden showed up in Ottawa to protest against the government, I'd say that'd cause a pretty decent stir nationwide.

I agree and to answer the question am I claiming that I can see Thailand better than the rest of you who have lived here for years?

Well possibly yes......ever heard of the saying can't see the Wood for the Trees? I talk to Thai's most days and I read the Times, The Independent, watch BBC News and many other English speaking newspapers including The Bangkok Post and The Nation. I'd say the Thai newspapers are slightly biased wouldn't you? Or perhaps you haven't noticed.

I take just as much an interest in Thailand than I do the UK because I intend to live in Thailand when I retire because I like it and the people.

Lots of clear arguments from the rational people. Zip from the 'Thaksin is our savior" brigade. Typical.

If you live in the south or Bkk you never see Thailand as it is.

I feel for the people of Thailand who all they want is a fair Election in which whoever wins gets to govern without being kicked out through a coupe.

Unlike most of you on here, the red shirts couldn't afford to come to BKK without being paid, but they would rather not have to come in the first place.

This isn't fun or funny it's people fighting for Democracy, fairness. Forget Thaksin for a while and if he is a liar, bad, good, a saint, or the devil.

He WAS the Prime Minister of Thailand, he never got voted out of power the people who voted for him - over 60% - do not think this fair. If it were to happen in Germany, the US or the UK would YOU think it fair?

I hope no one gets hurt I hope it is peaceful, and I wish them well.

Shame on all you ignorant fools who think you are far better than most Thai's, and I include you if you are Thai too.

Thaksin apologist puts on the bleeding heart act. A 'feeling' Red. Whatever next? Read between the lines though and there is the usual whitewash of corruption.

How come most on here are "incognito"? You know....some people who say they care......do care.

You no doubt are from the "They are dogs we kick them" camp. What we call in England a ( you guess) tosser, jolly decent chap.

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