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Ketchup On Pizza


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Ask some Thais. I have and get this response -- it tastes good so why not? Of course to me its horrifying, ketchup or mayo on a pizza and it also seems really low class. This reminds me of an experience I once had on a small cruise ship in Europe. I was dining with some sophisticated Europeans and we were served an apple for dessert. Before I could even think about it, I started biting into the apple as Americans do. The other guest were shocked. I then realized they were going to eat the apple with utensils. I didn't stop. I just said, well this is the way Americans eat apples, directly ...


Every country has adapted their own "version"with ethnic food. An American pizza is not like the pizzas one finds in Italy; Westerners seem to have the desire to put soy sauce on Asian food when the locals do not; and "Mexican" food in North America is not really from Mexico...just their own version. I don't think I can condemn Thais for putting ketchup on their pizza...probably easier to use than tomato sauce (and my Thai friends find tomato sauce bitter).

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OK In America, my mom's ex boyfriend ( farang ) used to put ketchup on his pizza..and I thought that was totally disgusting....but when I was in high school everyone put ranch dressing on their pizza and I also thought it was nasty until i tried it one day...and it was really delicious....

My Thai bf thought it was strange when he came to America and the pizza didn't come with ketchup but finally he learned to eat it without ketchup and he said it tasted better .. After coming back here to Thailand...we have been to some pizza places...and when we go to not so real pizza places such as Pizza Co. he has started the ketchup thing again......... NOW for some reason..I decided to try it, and since i eat Thai food pretty much all the time, I guess I'm used to adding sugar, chilli powder, vinegar to..almost everything..

Now, Ketchup has vinegar + sugar SO I believe it fits in all the thai ADD-ON's for their food, so it can be adjusted to their liking, with added chilli powder that is on the table too.............

This is just my opinion, I can't believe I'm admitting to you that I put ketchup on my pizza...(but only Pizza Co. pizza....) Not that it taste good, because it doesn't, I just feel like something is missing... BUT when I go back to eat real pizza in America then I won't be putting ketchup on it, or if I can find a pizza in Thailand with good flavor then I won't have to........There is some half-way decent pizza in Thailand but....ehhh just not the same...

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Sprinkling red chile flakes on pizzas is very common in the US. I ask for dried chile to put on my pizzas here and the Thais seem to think that is weird. Oh well ...

As far as soy sauce with Chinese food, I don't think it is at all inauthentic to use that as a dipping sauce for some common in the US dishes, such as pot stickers (dumplings).

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As far as soy sauce with Chinese food, I don't think it is at all inauthentic to use that as a dipping sauce for some common in the US dishes, such as pot stickers (dumplings).

Pot sticker sauce has soy in it already - in its most basic form it can simply contain soy, black vinegar, and sesame oil (although often the sauce may contain garlic, ginger, and chili).

I am not referring to items that require dipping, where soy sauce will do in a pinch... but the habit of putting it on everything from Chow Mien to KungPao chicken to fried rice. Although not quite as common as putting ketchup on pizza here, it's still is fairly common -- at least in the US.

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As far as soy sauce with Chinese food, I don't think it is at all inauthentic to use that as a dipping sauce for some common in the US dishes, such as pot stickers (dumplings).

Pot sticker sauce has soy in it already - in its most basic form it can simply contain soy, black vinegar, and sesame oil (although often the sauce may contain garlic, ginger, and chili).

I am not referring to items that require dipping, where soy sauce will do in a pinch... but the habit of putting it on everything from Chow Mien to KungPao chicken to fried rice. Although not quite as common as putting ketchup on pizza here, it's still is fairly common -- at least in the US.

Ketchup on pizza = cat crap on the floor = vomit in the toilet = dead dog on the road= fetid fish with maggots on it = :)

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I am in the Philippines today, and they put ketchup on pizza, and ketchup is sauce of choice for pasta.

But who cares?  I go to Peter Lugers and put a dab of ketchup with my t-bone (I think steak sauces are too strong for a great piece of beef), mayo on my french fries, miracle whip on my burgers, a bit of ketchup in my pot roast instead of tomato paste, sandwiches with peanut butter, huckleberry preserves, and miracle whip,  Trader Joe's olive tamponade on my salami subs, and use my good wine with a bit of sprite to make sangria.  If you like it, eat it.  And who cares if others think it is "horribly wrong" or "gauche?"

And if you are a cook, you need to cook for your market, be that others or just yourself.

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I wonder, for example, if most Americans might feel that putting vinegar on their French fries is similarly horrible.

I am guessing no, Americans would mostly not be horrified by that at all (as it is delicious).

I LOVE malt vinegar on chips/fries. :D

Me too. It's great. I still don't see how even people who don't understand it could be disgusted by it. It's just vinegar, like vinegar and oil for a salad dressing.

Firstly, got to have vinegar on yer chips! from the chip shop there's nothing like the smell of hot chips with vinegar on them!

Yes, mayo on chips in Holland, tastes good too!

Ketchup on pizza? Yeah I'd do that too, didn't realise it was a Thai thing. If it was a nice pizza in an Italian restaurant then, no, I wouldn't but at home, with a sh1tty one from Asdas then yeah I would. Ketchup lovers will put ketchup on anything, maybe not cornflakes but pretty much anything else! :)

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Firstly, got to have vinegar on yer chips! from the chip shop there's nothing like the smell of hot chips with vinegar on them!

Yes, mayo on chips in Holland, tastes good too!

Ketchup on pizza? Yeah I'd do that too, didn't realise it was a Thai thing. If it was a nice pizza in an Italian restaurant then, no, I wouldn't but at home, with a sh1tty one from Asdas then yeah I would. Ketchup lovers will put ketchup on anything, maybe not cornflakes but pretty much anything else! :)

I'm from California, and have been eating mayo with french fries since I was a kid -- not every time, but whenever I got bored with ketchup. When I got older, I started mixing chipotle or tabasco sauce in with the mayo. Mmmm.

As for Fish & Chips.... always enjoyed malt vinegar with that.

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I wonder, for example, if most Americans might feel that putting vinegar on their French fries is similarly horrible.

Im an American and love vinegar on my fries. What i dont understand is the fish stuffed pizza crust. But I guess its healthier than cheese-filled

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It could indeed be related to sugar as Thai ketchup has lots of sugar or at least fake sugar. You might ask why not just add sugar? Well pizza has tomato sauce so it might make sense to add sugary red stuff on there.

When I first arrived in Thailand in the 70s, a lot of Thais did sprinkle sugar on pizza. They began switching to ketchup in the late 80s, far as I could tell.

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I have no reply for the OP but, thanks for explaining some of the food mystery.

I usually have pizza delivered and get all disappointed to find not enough cheese on its base, like the cook has begrudged me of this one small caprice. BUT, woo-hoo, I get a half kilo of ketchup in sachets, 1 sachet of what tastes like tabasco sauce, and 1 small freakin' sachet of what appears to be basil or some kind of herb. No, it's not pepper, either. And I'm thinkin wth?

I've seen pizza sold in Tesco slathered with mayo and, like another poster on here, am repulsed to the point of losing my appetite. Also, I don't understand the adding of sugar to a perfectly good bowl of noodles. But to each his own taste, i guess.

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  • 2 months later...

QUOTE (Jingthing @ 2010-03-09 19:55:27) Ask some Thais. I have and get this response -- it tastes good so why not? Of course to me its horrifying, ketchup or mayo on a pizza and it also seems really low class. This reminds me of an experience I once had on a small cruise ship in Europe. I was dining with some sophisticated Europeans and we were served an apple for dessert. Before I could even think about it, I started biting into the apple as Americans do. The other guest were shocked. I then realized they were going to eat the apple with utensils. I didn't stop. I just said, well this is the way Americans eat apples, directly ...


Every country has adapted their own "version"with ethnic food. An American pizza is not like the pizzas one finds in Italy; Westerners seem to have the desire to put soy sauce on Asian food when the locals do not; and "Mexican" food in North America is not really from Mexico...just their own version. I don't think I can condemn Thais for putting ketchup on their pizza...probably easier to use than tomato sauce (and my Thai friends find tomato sauce bitter).

Last time I checked Mexico is in North America.

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I've seen pizza sold in Tesco slathered with mayo and, like another poster on here, am repulsed to the point of losing my appetite.

If you are referring to "Pizza Time", that is not "mayo" per se.

Its some concoction they call "mayonnaise-cheese" - and who knows how much cheese is really in it - if any.

Never seen this stuff anywhere before here.

And yes, it is absolutely disgusting - I don't even know how Thais can palate the stuff.

But something tells me not all Thais can, as the Pizza Time at my local Lotus has disappeared.

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I still haven't acquired the taste for pizza covered in mayonnaise that seems to be popular addition on Thai made pizzas.

And the mushiness of them, the MSG overdose, the canned peas and carrot pieces...... yuk!

But it's something to be proud of-as it is indisputable THAI!

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Zippy, from the famous Zippy the Pinhead comix series, useta put taco sauce on his Ding Dongs...

it's un-American to put anything but ketchup on yer french fries...

Zippy, Zerbina, little Zippy and all the other residents of Dingburg put taco sauce on dam_n near everything. Even on Wheat-Thins...

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I was in Pizza Hut in Jakarta last week, the pizza arrived with a bowl of mayo and there were ketchup and chilli sauce bottles on the table.

The locals I was dining with had a 1cm coating of pink slop on top of their pizza - mayo, ketchup and sambal all mixed together. Looked gross, but then the pizza wasn't up to much anyway. No real ham or pepperoni but 'turkey ham' and 'beef pepperoni', god I was glad to get home for a bacon sarnie!

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My children putting ketchup every where even on the sofa and WII remote :) .

Made with them home made tomato ketchup from fresh pomodory tomato's with olive oil, garlic and some basil, sun dry the tomato's.

Now i am also put some extra on my pizza, mmmmmmmmm

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  • 2 weeks later...

i once saw a cooking show where a famous chef was using ketchup as the tomato sauce base.... he claimed he never found a better alternative.

having said that, I found the koreans love to use it on their lobster...

which do you find more wrong????ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif

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i once saw a cooking show where a famous chef was using ketchup as the tomato sauce base.... he claimed he never found a better alternative.

having said that, I found the koreans love to use it on their lobster...

which do you find more wrong????ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif

Actually, ketchup is used to make sauce for the popular Singapore Chili Crab/Lobster.

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