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Why Can I Not Buy Benson & Hedges Cigarettes In Phuket Anymore?


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Before anybody writes Smoking is bad for you I am posting this for many others

Why can I not get Benson & Hedges in Southern Phuket Chalong Rawai anymore any ideas?

If anybody knows where to get them as all 7/11's Dons Mall even the Chinese Supermarket near Nikitas all used to sell them but alas no more.

Any reasons or stockists names very welcome



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Its the same here in Pattaya and Chonburi. Can't find B & H anymore at 7/11 or anywhere else for that matter and it's stressing me out! All the other makes of ciggies here are just to rough....please tell me it's not true that B.A.T have withdrawn from Thailand! :)

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When things dissapear like that it normaly means they are gone for good. As somebody said, companies make decisions to go elsewhere and take their product with them. One that upset me a few years back was when Carlsberg vanished over night.

I reckon you'll just have to break a new brand in. Rough as, for a couple of weeks but won't take long for the taste buds to adapt.

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When things dissapear like that it normaly means they are gone for good. As somebody said, companies make decisions to go elsewhere and take their product with them. One that upset me a few years back was when Carlsberg vanished over night.

I reckon you'll just have to break a new brand in. Rough as, for a couple of weeks but won't take long for the taste buds to adapt.

Understand that Chang Beer is Carlsberg Elephant Beer made in Thailand under licence - but could be wrong? Anyone else heard about this?

Sorry to hear about the ciggies. Gave up 17 years ago and still miss them, not. Sorry, someone had to have a dig at the nicotine brigade. Go on smokers, have a go at me and tell me what a sanctimonious b*st**d I am, and you are of course right! By the way have you noticed how fewer and fewer educated people now smoke and how more and more Myanmar and poor Thai workers smoke their little heads off? :):D:D You go ahead and enjoy yourselves ya hear.

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re .... All the other makes of ciggies here are just to rough

a good b and h replacement is .... london ( gold packet ) .... sold everywhere but expensive @ about 450 baht for 200 when i gave up smoking 3 years ago.

if you want cheaper try .... wonder red ( red packet ) ..... sold eveywhere @ about 50 baht for 20

enjoy .... dave2

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They (B&H) were off for about three or so weeks in December, too. Luckily, I was able to stock-up when I saw signs of the shortage appearing (too many shop keepers saying 'finished'). There's a thread about the December shortage somewhere, if you want to search. In that thread, one BM suggested that there had been some sort of issue over the amount of import duty paid, but who knows? I dare say they will become available again. It seems that (once they become available again) it may be worth keeping a month's float for a while, because (for me) there are no decent alternative brands.

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I have just been told by the Mrs who made some enquiries it is because the Thai Import Company that had the B&H Franchise has gone Bankrupt whether thats true or not I do not know. That means ome young Thai Entrepenuer should step in and re-import. I hope so.

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Thanks dave2

London are okayish but compared to B&H they're really cheap! B & H cost 98 Baht a pack, well used to!

I have found a Japanese Brand, Mild Seven -Original that aren't too bad I guess...time to consider packing this disguting habit in altogether me thinks! :)

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  • 1 month later...
You can still buy Van Nelle Tobacco I stock it in Farangmart, It's the Van Nelle export comes in a dark blue pouch.

Why dont you try stocking Benson & Hedges as well I am sure you would do a good trade?

Looks like Benson&Hedges have been dropped from Thailand. For Carlsberg drinkers looks like it will be available in Phuket early next month!

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Gawd, reminds me of the dark old days when about the only smokes you could get were Marlboro or the local ones. As to Carlsberg, they made valiant attempts to capture some market share in Phuket in the 90s (lots of promos and giveaways) but finally gave up on it. Better luck this time around.

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