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I am to land at 11:30 am Tue. March 16th. Do you think they will stop the planes from landing ?


It will all be over by then. All 10,000 of the reds will have begun the long walk home. Anyway, I think this government knows how to protect an airport, unlike the previous one, which just handed it over :)

Not a fair statement netfan --- Somchai's government did not just hand over the airport! (The AOT just handed it over!)

edit --- sorry that was me participating in something off-topic!

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I am to land at 11:30 am Tue. March 16th. Do you think they will stop the planes from landing ?


It will all be over by then. All 10,000 of the reds will have begun the long walk home. Anyway, I think this government knows how to protect an airport, unlike the previous one, which just handed it over :)

Not a fair statement netfan --- Somchai's government did not just hand over the airport! (The AOT just handed it over!)

Ok, technically you're right - but everyone and their grandmother knew thats where PAD was headed, and no one stopped them.

To be fair, I believe it was the daughters that were running away to Germany for the trade show.

What's he trying to trade them for?

A German residency? :)

I am to land at 11:30 am Tue. March 16th. Do you think they will stop the planes from landing ?


It will all be over by then. All 10,000 of the reds will have begun the long walk home. Anyway, I think this government knows how to protect an airport, unlike the previous one, which just handed it over :)

Not a fair statement netfan --- Somchai's government did not just hand over the airport! (The AOT just handed it over!)

Ok, technically you're right - but everyone and their grandmother knew thats where PAD was headed, and no one stopped them.

All of this is off-topic .. so why bother with it now.

Any more news about folks fleeing the country ahead of the violence they are planning?

edit to move my new text outside of the quoted boxes

So once this is all sorted out and if the instigators are indicted for treason, as they rightfully should be, I suppose I would rather be out of the country as well.

Judging by how long it is taking to bring the yellows to court for their actions I would guess the reds have no need to rush to get out the country, oh wait, how silly of me, the yellows acted with impunity, the reds do not.

Yet another "balanced" report by Tony. There are cases proceeding agaisnt the PAD leadership. Cases move at different speeds as we all know. However .... bringing up "the yellows" in a thread about people that all are linked to Thaksin (so far) fleeing the country is just a typical "red" diversion on TV. The new red motto should be "If your position is indefensible, Obfuscate!"

"Cases move at different speeds as we all know". That is part of the problem that everyone does not know that cases move at different speeds and more importantly the reason why they move at different speeds. I am sure there are good legal reasons for this, but the Government machine is failing to inform the public as to the whys and wherefores, which is loosing them credibility. One good reason of course for dealing with the "Reds" first is to shoot the crocodile that is nearest the boat which then gives them time to work out how you are going to deal with the rest. It's called the survival instinct. Fingers crossed for a peaceful demo tomorrow folks, a pity the "Reds" have to nail their colours to the Thaksin cause and be so involved with Phuea Thai because without it, i am sure people would be much more understanding and sympathetic. But there again, where would they get the enormous amount of funding needed to run a large demo? :)


The courts handle cases, not the government.

Could we avoid the usual obfuscation and 'they did bad so we can do too' BS in this thread?

I am to land at 11:30 am Tue. March 16th. Do you think they will stop the planes from landing ?


It will all be over by then. All 10,000 of the reds will have begun the long walk home. Anyway, I think this government knows how to protect an airport, unlike the previous one, which just handed it over :)

Not a fair statement netfan --- Somchai's government did not just hand over the airport! (The AOT just handed it over!)

Ok, technically you're right - but everyone and their grandmother knew thats where PAD was headed, and no one stopped them.

yes, stop them, I wonder why they never tried after all the flack when they tried to stop the previous protest, added to criminal investigations now for the police and politicians at the time.

I am to land at 11:30 am Tue. March 16th. Do you think they will stop the planes from landing ?


It will all be over by then. All 10,000 of the reds will have begun the long walk home. Anyway, I think this government knows how to protect an airport, unlike the previous one, which just handed it over :)

Not a fair statement netfan --- Somchai's government did not just hand over the airport! (The AOT just handed it over!)

Ok, technically you're right - but everyone and their grandmother knew thats where PAD was headed, and no one stopped them.

Not only that but the Government of the day then let the PAD march on and take the second airport! Still, a bit unfair to expect that nice Mr Somchai to have any tactical or strategic appreciation :D

Cowards they shall always be.

And are you living in your land of birth or have you moved to pastures greener?...

The difference might be;

many of us are just courageously exploring our WHOLE available world,

not just parochially, and oh so safely, sticking to our patch of origin.

I don't have to be here, but I want to discover here, and not just the Travel agency version.

Contrasting this with those fleeing their land of origin because they

have made such a hash of it, that there might not be another choice for them.

Cowards they shall always be.

And are you living in your land of birth or have you moved to pastures greener?...

The difference might be;

many of us are just courageously exploring our WHOLE available world,

not just parochially, and oh so safely, sticking to our patch of origin.

I don't have to be here, but I want to discover here, and not just the Travel agency version.

Contrasting this with those fleeing their land of origin because they

have made such a hash of it, that there might not be another choice for them.

Context counts huh?


Suthip served 6 months in jail for leading the yellow shirts to suvarnabhum airport. Get ur facts straight.

To really get the facts straight, can we have a reference to that?

yes please.

As usual facts are not something you easily come across at this forum.

rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Some people don't seem to realize that Thaksin is the LEGAL democratically elected head of the Thai government. The military took over when he was on a trip out of Thailand. He was the people's choice to lead the country. We seem to be currently under military control without elections. I am sure if you were in his shoes you would want your family to leave the country to insure they were out of harm's way.

Please when posting try and make some effort to actual understand your positions in a factual way.

Thaksin removed himself from office in 2006 via calling a snap electioon,

and failed to successfully run the follow up election.

At that point he was no more than a Care Taker Prime Minister, without a legislature seated.

That position has a time limit on it, and for Thaksin that time limit had expired.

There is no possible stretch of the imagine that makes Thaksin the legal,

democratically elected PM of Thailand at this time.

Even if you COMPLETELY ignore the 2007 election his parties wone without him running,

and the TWO PPP governments he controlled as puppets and the 3rd government after that.

Once upon a time he was the peoples choice to run the country,

that time was before he threw out his mandate in 2006.

Get used to reality.

Mods can we get a Thaksin facts emoticon to just click that states

the legal facts at the touch of a button.

I really need a macro for TRUTH, this weekend...

So once this is all sorted out and if the instigators are indicted for treason, as they rightfully should be, I suppose I would rather be out of the country as well.

Judging by how long it is taking to bring the yellows to court for their actions I would guess the reds have no need to rush to get out the country, oh wait, how silly of me, the yellows acted with impunity, the reds do not.

Boy, is this argument old and tired. The PAD leaders court case is in progress. How many Reds from Songkran have been sentenced? Oh, same number as from PAD airport seizure. And isn't Seh Daeng out on bail? And don't forget the lovely Mrs. T was allowed to leave the country. Who is acting with impunity?

The legal system worked pretty fast when it came to ban opposition politicians to participate in politics though.

rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Some people don't seem to realize that Thaksin is the LEGAL democratically elected head of the Thai government. The military took over when he was on a trip out of Thailand. He was the people's choice to lead the country. We seem to be currently under military control without elections. I am sure if you were in his shoes you would want your family to leave the country to insure they were out of harm's way.

Please when posting try and make some effort to actual understand your positions in a factual way.

Thaksin removed himself from office in 2006 via calling a snap electioon,

and failed to successfully run the follow up election.

At that point he was no more than a Care Taker Prime Minister, without a legislature seated.

That position has a time limit on it, and for Thaksin that time limit had expired.

There is no possible stretch of the imagine that makes Thaksin the legal,

democratically elected PM of Thailand at this time.

Even if you COMPLETELY ignore the 2007 election his parties wone without him running,

and the TWO PPP governments he controlled as puppets and the 3rd government after that.

Once upon a time he was the peoples choice to run the country,

that time was before he threw out his mandate in 2006.

Get used to reality.

Mods can we get a Thaksin facts emoticon to just click that states

the legal facts at the touch of a button.

I really need a macro for TRUTH, this weekend...

2) The PAD leaders currently have court cases running for what they did at the airport and government house.

:) and run they do, anybody seen them where they are now at the moment? :D

There was an announcement last week, feel free to look it up.

Back on topic --- any more Red shirt/PTP leadership fleeing the country yet?

I am glad I am in Chiang Mai and not BKK and that my partner is leaving BKK this evening to spend some time at the beach.

There was an announcement yesterday from them too.


Clearly the red apologists would rather not talk about their leaders doing a runner. Hey if Thaksin did it, why not the others. No doubt Thaksin has not offered the leaders a sufficient improvement on the standard 500 baht for them to stay. This week's action is about the threat of red violence as a re-run of last Songkran. It was last Songkran which has provided the current government with sufficient notice of what the Reds had in mind. Songkran cooked their goose. Apologists left whining about double standards. They haven't a clue.

So once this is all sorted out and if the instigators are indicted for treason, as they rightfully should be, I suppose I would rather be out of the country as well.

Judging by how long it is taking to bring the yellows to court for their actions I would guess the reds have no need to rush to get out the country, oh wait, how silly of me, the yellows acted with impunity, the reds do not.

Boy, is this argument old and tired. The PAD leaders court case is in progress. How many Reds from Songkran have been sentenced? Oh, same number as from PAD airport seizure. And isn't Seh Daeng out on bail? And don't forget the lovely Mrs. T was allowed to leave the country. Who is acting with impunity?

The legal system worked pretty fast when it came to ban opposition politicians to participate in politics though.

Kind of like Burma .. just ban your opponents


I hope the buggers all choke on their "1st. class" food on the flights and we don't see them back here again. (Dream on)

Kind of like Burma .. just ban your opponents

In Thailand the E.C. just banned party-leaders/executives, from further political-activities for 5 years, it didn't put them under house-arrest or, as this thread discusses, prevent them from travelling in/out of the country.

Also the Burmese junta didn't hesitate to shoot dead protesters and monks, contrast this with the army's careful measured response to Red Songkran last April, so No it's not "kind of like Burma", Thank God ! :)

Let's also remember that the yellow shirts are educated. They made a legitimate use of force to remove a corrupt regime. They're liberators.


Looking at the different CRIMES of the so called EDUCATED yellow shorts on YouTube, I can only LMAOROF.

The attack on a motorcycle taxi on the way to the airport and the "killing" of a motorcycle with basebal clubs by the yellow shirts shows clearly their "EDUCATED" level.

Yes, liberators of VIOLENCE.


Just to be clear, I was of course speaking very sarcastically.

rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Some people don't seem to realize that Thaksin is the LEGAL democratically elected head of the Thai government. The military took over when he was on a trip out of Thailand. He was the people's choice to lead the country. We seem to be currently under military control without elections. I am sure if you were in his shoes you would want your family to leave the country to insure they were out of harm's way.

I'm not sure how many on here know what the hel_l they are talking about. I'm married to an Issan woman, a nurse and certainly educated. I read all I can about the situation in Thailand and I'm a red, pro Thaksin. The government now in power is 100% NOT elected. The FACT is that if there were an election and Thaksin were allowed to stand he would win. Anyone want to argue that fact?

rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Some people don't seem to realize that Thaksin is the LEGAL democratically elected head of the Thai government. The military took over when he was on a trip out of Thailand. He was the people's choice to lead the country. We seem to be currently under military control without elections. I am sure if you were in his shoes you would want your family to leave the country to insure they were out of harm's way.

Please when posting try and make some effort to actual understand your positions in a factual way.

Thaksin removed himself from office in 2006 via calling a snap electioon,

and failed to successfully run the follow up election.

At that point he was no more than a Care Taker Prime Minister, without a legislature seated.

That position has a time limit on it, and for Thaksin that time limit had expired.

There is no possible stretch of the imagine that makes Thaksin the legal,

democratically elected PM of Thailand at this time.

Even if you COMPLETELY ignore the 2007 election his parties wone without him running,

and the TWO PPP governments he controlled as puppets and the 3rd government after that.

Once upon a time he was the peoples choice to run the country,

that time was before he threw out his mandate in 2006.

Get used to reality.

Mods can we get a Thaksin facts emoticon to just click that states

the legal facts at the touch of a button.

I really need a macro for TRUTH, this weekend...

Thaksin was thrown out of power by a military coup. However you try to obfuscate it, it is still a fact.

The last election held in Dec 2007 was won by PPP. The first PM got thrown out of power by the Constitutional Court due to appearing in a cooking show. Later the entire party was thrown out, also from a ruling by the same court. Without those rulings Abhisit would hardly be the PM today, and those rulings would hardly have had the same outcome without the yellow's blockade of the government and the airports.

A PM is democratically elected when he wins an election. Not when a court is throwing out the party in power, while the opposition is holding the entire country in hostage.

There you have your TRUTH for this weekend...

Clearly the red apologists would rather not talk about their leaders doing a runner. Hey if Thaksin did it, why not the others. No doubt Thaksin has not offered the leaders a sufficient improvement on the standard 500 baht for them to stay. This week's action is about the threat of red violence as a re-run of last Songkran. It was last Songkran which has provided the current government with sufficient notice of what the Reds had in mind. Songkran cooked their goose. Apologists left whining about double standards. They haven't a clue.

Do you believe that if the shoe were on the other foot, you would see any different behaviour?


Suthip served 6 months in jail for leading the yellow shirts to suvarnabhum airport. Get ur facts straight.

To really get the facts straight, can we have a reference to that?

yes please.

As usual facts are not something you easily come across at this forum.

THis Forum is most certainly not unique in exploring the edges of truth, reason or just rumour........... our anonymity is our 'shield', sadly necessary with a minority (?) of Malcontents roaming around, beasting or BSing through their day :) , IMHO, naturally.



I'm not sure how many on here know what the hel_l they are talking about. I'm married to an Issan woman, a nurse and certainly educated. I read all I can about the situation in Thailand and I'm a red, pro Thaksin. The government now in power is 100% NOT elected. The FACT is that if there were an election and Thaksin were allowed to stand he would win. Anyone want to argue that fact?

I don't think most educated Thais are arguing against that. What they are arguing is that Thailand is not mature enough to be a full democracy.

In this forum there may be quite a few though...

Thaksin was thrown out of power by a military coup. However you try to obfuscate it, it is still a fact.

The last election held in Dec 2007 was won by PPP. The first PM got thrown out of power by the Constitutional Court due to appearing in a cooking show. Later the entire party was thrown out, also from a ruling by the same court. Without those rulings Abhisit would hardly be the PM today, and those rulings would hardly have had the same outcome without the yellow's blockade of the government and the airports.

A PM is democratically elected when he wins an election. Not when a court is throwing out the party in power, while the opposition is holding the entire country in hostage.

There you have your TRUTH for this weekend...

Thaksin was the Caretaker PM when the coup happened. While being the Caretaker PM he was supposed to organise new elections, but he failed for the 6 months that he was Caretaker PM.

Samak got dumped because the courts found he was working for a company while being PM. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samak_Sundaravej#Court_decision)

The rulings would have had the same outcomes. The reasons for the decisions are well documented. They may have taken a bit longer without the protests.

The PM is chosen by the elected MPs (usually along party lines), not by the people. After the PPP was banned and the PPP MPs moved to the smaller parties, the Democrats formed a coalition with the smaller parties, and the majority of elected MPs chose Abhisit as PM.

I'm not sure how many on here know what the hel_l they are talking about. I'm married to an Issan woman, a nurse and certainly educated. I read all I can about the situation in Thailand and I'm a red, pro Thaksin. The government now in power is 100% NOT elected. The FACT is that if there were an election and Thaksin were allowed to stand he would win. Anyone want to argue that fact?

He probably would win.

But, I'm just wondering, given how much money Thaksin personally made by changing the laws while PM, why are you pro-Thaksin? Do you want to let him get away with that?

I can understand why you are pro-red for their stated aims of helping the poor farmers, but don't understand about Thaksin.

rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Some people don't seem to realize that Thaksin is the LEGAL democratically elected head of the Thai government. The military took over when he was on a trip out of Thailand. He was the people's choice to lead the country. We seem to be currently under military control without elections. I am sure if you were in his shoes you would want your family to leave the country to insure they were out of harm's way.

Please when posting try and make some effort to actual understand your positions in a factual way.

Thaksin removed himself from office in 2006 via calling a snap electioon,

and failed to successfully run the follow up election.

At that point he was no more than a Care Taker Prime Minister, without a legislature seated.

That position has a time limit on it, and for Thaksin that time limit had expired.

There is no possible stretch of the imagine that makes Thaksin the legal,

democratically elected PM of Thailand at this time.

Even if you COMPLETELY ignore the 2007 election his parties wone without him running,

and the TWO PPP governments he controlled as puppets and the 3rd government after that.

Once upon a time he was the peoples choice to run the country,

that time was before he threw out his mandate in 2006.

Get used to reality.

Mods can we get a Thaksin facts emoticon to just click that states

the legal facts at the touch of a button.

I really need a macro for TRUTH, this weekend...

Thaksin was thrown out of power by a military coup. However you try to obfuscate it, it is still a fact.

The last election held in Dec 2007 was won by PPP. The first PM got thrown out of power by the Constitutional Court due to appearing in a cooking show. Later the entire party was thrown out, also from a ruling by the same court. Without those rulings Abhisit would hardly be the PM today, and those rulings would hardly have had the same outcome without the yellow's blockade of the government and the airports.

A PM is democratically elected when he wins an election. Not when a court is throwing out the party in power, while the opposition is holding the entire country in hostage.

There you have your TRUTH for this weekend...

Got thrown out?


they broke the law

thats what its all about


I'm not sure how many on here know what the hel_l they are talking about. I'm married to an Issan woman, a nurse and certainly educated. I read all I can about the situation in Thailand and I'm a red, pro Thaksin. The government now in power is 100% NOT elected. The FACT is that if there were an election and Thaksin were allowed to stand he would win. Anyone want to argue that fact?

You might kick it off by presenting the facts for that they are not elected or that Thaksin would get the most votes.

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