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Thaksin Arrives In Cambodia By Private Jet : Thai Fm


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Thaksin may have flown to Cambodia for a close stand by to observe the result of the "Red Shirts" protests activities in BKK and other areas, in order to facilitate a rapid entry into Bangkok if possible, with a view to take his country politically over again, due to being welcomed enthusiastically by the street protesters (red shirts)

Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

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He needs to have short and guaranteed lines of communication and propaganda. UAE may cut him off. Cambodia is safe for that. His lieutenants may cock everything up as they lack strategic talent (the UDD leaders) or PR skills (Sae Daeng etc) and Thaksin has invested a lot into this (resources and his name as much as money) and cant afford to keep having his lieutenants make a mess of everything, which to date they have

It makes sense for him to be in Cambodia.

i think you're right...and a part of him may be wishfully thinking that his reds will bring up a new election and he can pick up where he left off...but think about how he stepped in to begin with.....this time he'd have to spend the rest of his offshore savings buying votes. man, one day he'll realize there are no atms in the next life. well, at least he'll be happy he won't have to pay taxes there.

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Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

I don't ever remember Ayatollah Khomeini ever being welcomed into the streets of Baghdad. :) Did I miss something?

As for what you have said though, it is a possibility that The Fugitive may try to cross the border and try to further incite and gather more supporters. So far though, the criminal has shown far too much cowardice to suggest he would actually try to do such a thing - unless the game had already been decided.

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It's not good move for Thaksin....

Apparently he was asked to leave the comforts of Dubai. Where else was he going to go? Poor guy.

I cannot find any credible information that substantiates the claims that Thaksin has been kicked out by Dubai. This kind of speculation here and at several other places on TV is just spreading rumor until we see some evidence.

Please let's stick to just the facts. There is enough tension now without try to create hysteria with unsubstantiated rumors.

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We should value the present events by the way the Thai Government seem in harmony with The King, The Army, The Police in Bangkok, the financial markets and all the Bangkokian whom are staying at home to avoid any confrontation without asking them too much like welcoming sincerely the visitors. It is interesting how things have changed for so much better the past 2 years when before every one was against each other in Bangkok Governing Departments.

Containing and directing people flow in Bangkok should be working out according to Government plans not demonstrator wishes consequently by Monday let's turn the page and all of us looking forward: enough is enough Thaksin era is over He Has Been.

Hat off to PM Abbisit whom has firmly but softly taken over the Nation grip not by playing golf at all.


.....and meanwhile the Nation gets more and more divided than ever. The Genie is already out of the bottle and it isnt going to go away.

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I would not be surprised if this "old dog" is up to his old (proven) tricks . . . . What do you guys think of the following scenario:

[take into account that IF he could somehow manage to get the current government thrown-out, and IF fresh elections were to be held - it is a "no-brainer" that Thaksin would easily be elected again]

1. All that money they have taken from him,would be handed back to him.

2. The criminal conviction would easily be overturned, rendering him "clean" again

3. With his vast wealth returned to him, he could then pay-off those Army & Police chaps who helped him (making them very rich indeed).

Ergo: Bob's your Uncle

Conclussion: Thaksin's in Cambodia, because the very moment this government falls, all he has to do is walk into Thailand, to a, no doubt, hero's welcome, especially in that part of Thailand . . .

I would not be surprised


spot on.

however he canot continue to pay forever. the big buisness will have their way w/ him. soon.he seems to be their puppet.

it seems possible if the frontman has " problems " a replacement is rehearsing as we speak.

i hope ower king will go public, lead the good people who love him. drastic times require drastic measures.

and where is his son in all of this??????????

good luck to all.

P.S. have anyone had a look at thai stocks?..........singapore gas? :D:D:D

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The fact that Thaksin is flying on his private jet whilst his supporters can hardly feed their families is not only akin, but in lock-step with the financial defrauders of the west. The Wall Street traders are collusory, or better, responsible for the disintegration of the economy, and so what do the banks do for them? Why, give them millions of dollars in bonuses for their "troubles" while the rest of America pays for it.

My point: Dont Thaksins supporters see the embedded hypocrisy? I dont blame them for wanting a better life for their families, but theyve chosen the wrong mascot for this game.

I agree with that point to a certain extent, but doubtless that any former leader would travel such a distance on foot or by tractor. As far as I am aware there are no direct flights between the Middle East and Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos. Obviously he can't fly via Thailand with a conviction hanging over his head, so it is completely understandable that he would use a private jet.

I don't support the reds or yellows, but I can understand why many of them feel a sense of loyalty towards Thaksin. For better or worse he did give many of them hope. The red shirt supporters are not as daft as many people would have you believe. Many of them are just as educated as the rest of the population. They are wise enough to know that whoever in charge of the government is corrupt to a certain degree, and the fact that Thaksin abused his position is little different from the norm, but at least they felt that he was giving something back to the north and north-east.

All that said, I still believe that Thailand needs a completely new set of fresh faces in politics and the population has to work together towards a true democracy and complete fairness at the ballot boxes. It's not going to happen very soon. But if and when the middle class

becomes a majority, we may finally see changes. For the foreseeable future there will continue to be vote buying, rainbow coalitions and street protests. Events could very well turn for the worse when an unmentionable death finally occurs and there is a vast vacuum of power and wealth to be fought over. What we are seeing now is possibly only the supporting event to the main event in the not too distant future.

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I cannot find any credible information that substantiates the claims that Thaksin has been kicked out by Dubai. This kind of speculation here and at several other places on TV is just spreading rumor until we see some evidence.

Please let's stick to just the facts. There is enough tension now without try to create hysteria with unsubstantiated rumors.

i think it is nothing than rumour and comes from the same source than last time. the foreign ministry.

if you doubt the credibility of such statements some board members that follow delusional beliefs will not hesitate to call you a Thaksin apologist.

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Thaksin may have flown to Cambodia for a close stand by to observe the result of the "Red Shirts" protests activities in BKK and other areas, in order to facilitate a rapid entry into Bangkok if possible, with a view to take his country politically over again, due to being welcomed enthusiastically by the street protesters (red shirts)

Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

Naaa, Thaskin is a gutless egomaniac. He pays people to demonstrate (and possibly fight and die) for him. He will never be in the front of the cause. At least Sondhi and Khun Chamlong had the guts to be right in the middle of it, even leading the crowds at one point.

I agree, being there, at the right time, would probably bring about the desired results, except, in the end, it's hard to hold on to power long, with a Thaksin corpse, propped up as a leader ;-) Why let a guy come in with the crowds, who has caused so much trouble for Thailand, and let him take over, when a bullet can finish the whole problem. (Without somebody paying the bills, the demonstrations are finished and without Thaksin as the posterboy, TRT, PPP and all the spin-offs are finished as well.

Where is the CIA, when you need them ;-)

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The fact that Thaksin is flying on his private jet whilst his supporters can hardly feed their families is not only akin, but in lock-step with the financial defrauders of the west. The Wall Street traders are collusory, or better, responsible for the disintegration of the economy, and so what do the banks do for them? Why, give them millions of dollars in bonuses for their "troubles" while the rest of America pays for it.

My point: Dont Thaksins supporters see the embedded hypocrisy? I dont blame them for wanting a better life for their families, but theyve chosen the wrong mascot for this game.


All that said, I still believe that Thailand needs a completely new set of fresh faces in politics and the population has to work together towards a true democracy and complete fairness at the ballot boxes. It's not going to happen very soon. But if and when the middle class

becomes a majority, we may finally see changes. For the foreseeable future there will continue to be vote buying, rainbow coalitions and street protests. Events could very well turn for the worse when an unmentionable death finally occurs and there is a vast vacuum of power and wealth to be fought over. What we are seeing now is possibly only the supporting event to the main event in the not too distant future.

It's difficult to imagine Thailand without vote buying and corruption everywhere. The Bangkok middle class rejects Thaksin and his paucity of middle class values and thereby does provide some reason to hope for a better quality of leadership at some point in the future, but it's still difficult to imagine that the culture, society and civilization can produce a transformational leader. Abhisit is a Thai who is a product of Oxbridge and its prep school system which in the UK and for other countries shapes and molds reasonably responsible and visionary leaders, but Abhisit himself is at best a shaky promise of the present (who with Korn and a few others are still the best presently or forseeably on offer).

After the anticipated passing occurs, the tradition institution and its forces will need to struggle in unprecedented ways to continue to survive. There's just not much promise in the past 100 years or in the present that Thai culture, society or civilization can produce leaders of the required quality that can produce a peaceful or reasonable resolution to a country so divided that the traditional institution no longer can act as a definitively unifying force, and in which the insurgent rural dispossed elements can successfully get their piece of the pie.

Everyone in the country is still out for their interests and theirs only. They've never been able to see an inch beyond that, and continue to show no signs of doing so presently or in the crutial immediate future. The education system, the family system, the massive corruption endemic to the police force, referred to by the New York Times as the "largest criminal organization in Thailand", the self-rightous military, the clown class of political leaders and the ethically challenged business and corporate class leave litte to hope for. Sorry to be so grim in the assessment of the situation, but the evidence of the past century and of the first decade of this one simply don't offer much promise when promise imperatively needs now to become reality.

Edited by Publicus
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Thaksin may have flown to Cambodia for a close stand by to observe the result of the "Red Shirts" protests activities in BKK and other areas, in order to facilitate a rapid entry into Bangkok if possible, with a view to take his country politically over again, due to being welcomed enthusiastically by the street protesters (red shirts)

Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

Always nice to have an opinion, but please do a little research before making foreign comparisons. Your remarks above makes you look a bit silly.

It was not Khamenei, but Khomeini who bacame Iran's leader after the revolution and Iran's capital is Teheran.

Better luck next time...

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Thaksin may have flown to Cambodia for a close stand by to observe the result of the "Red Shirts" protests activities in BKK and other areas, in order to facilitate a rapid entry into Bangkok if possible, with a view to take his country politically over again, due to being welcomed enthusiastically by the street protesters (red shirts)

Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

Always nice to have an opinion, but please do a little research before making foreign comparisons. Your remarks above makes you look a bit silly.

It was not Khamenei, but Khomeini who bacame Iran's leader after the revolution and Iran's capital is Teheran.

Better luck next time...

What a divine vision of pure democracy. At this stage I am not so sure Thailand (all of it, not just the reds) doesn't deserve such a tragedy, as the old saying goes, the people get the government they deserve.
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My point: Dont Thaksins supporters see the embedded hypocrisy? I dont blame them for wanting a better life for their families, but theyve chosen the wrong mascot for this game.

Takkie's followers see him as a demi-god, as close to the highest that you can be in Thai society as is possible (and even that may be up to debate who ranks first amongst his followers). From what I understand the simple folk feel he has reincarnated to this rich and successful being because in his past life he did incredible good. Cult of personality, indeed.

Edited by tominbkk
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Thaksin may have flown to Cambodia for a close stand by to observe the result of the "Red Shirts" protests activities in BKK and other areas, in order to facilitate a rapid entry into Bangkok if possible, with a view to take his country politically over again, due to being welcomed enthusiastically by the street protesters (red shirts)

Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

Always nice to have an opinion, but please do a little research before making foreign comparisons. Your remarks above makes you look a bit silly.

It was not Khamenei, but Khomeini who bacame Iran's leader after the revolution and Iran's capital is Teheran.

Better luck next time...

What a divine vision of pure democracy. At this stage I am not so sure Thailand (all of it, not just the reds) doesn't deserve such a tragedy, as the old saying goes, the people get the government they deserve.

I think the other half of that quote, "The people get the government they deserve," is "and to get it good and hard." :)

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

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Perhaps he is looking forward to having the opportunity to enter Thailand in the same way as the then Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who entered Baghdad during the Iranian peoples massive streets protests and was received with such wild enthusiasm that it resulted in a total revolution which gave the Ayatollah total political power.

Reading through your previous posts and topics you seem to be well informed in many fields.Can't wait for the info in your next post.Or better stick to your own topic avoid being a typical stupid farang :):D

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

Good post wharfdaddy, and more importantly it's all true :D The yellow shirted Thai-chinese elite see themselves as the real Thais, when in fact the real Thais are the those in Issan and the outlying provinces who are the backbone of this country! Thai history shows us that when the folks in Issan and the northern provinces have had enough they will rise up and take their country back, in the spirit of Ya Mo and Taksin the great :D We are seeing the beginings of this movement this weekend in Bangkok, the people will be heard despite the gestopo tactics of Abhisit :)

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Good post wharfdaddy, and more importantly it's all true :) The yellow shirted Thai-chinese elite see themselves as the real Thais, when in fact the real Thais are the those in Issan and the outlying provinces who are the backbone of this country! Thai history shows us that when the folks in Issan and the northern provinces have had enough they will rise up and take their country back, in the spirit of Ya Mo and Taksin the great :D We are seeing the beginings of this movement this weekend in Bangkok, the people will be heard despite the gestopo tactics of Abhisit :o

Thai-chinese ... real Thais ... history ... take their country back ... spirit ...

of course the isaan people should be respected too, but bringing class and race/nationality this way into the debate sounds not so good neither.

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The guy isn't stupid, he know's how to do business & has learnt from the trick's pulled on him by the military. To be close at hand places increased pressure on the government & nervy generals, I hope all concearned realise an election with an amnesty for him (however hard to swollow) will stop the self destruct button being pushed!

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

hmmm utter nonsense, what proof do you have that the evil yellow shirts were praying on the poor as loan sharks, and no one forced these people to take out loans with crazy intrest rates.....if your not smart enough to realize that its not possible for you to repay a loan with high intrest rate, or to bother figuring out how much that loan is going to cost you over the term you deserve to be poor. Stupid people are stupid people the world around.

hel_l id like a 10 million usd loan, but i know i dont make enough to pay it back,

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

Any pseudo analysis that tries to present Thaksin as anyone who isn't out for himself, his family, chauffer, housemaids, tribal political cronies and corporate co-conspiritors is completely off the mark. Thaksin is worse than ALL the others because he's such an egomaniac and has an insatiable compulsion for wealth and power that ALL the others wouldn't and couldn't ever imagine or conceive of.

Thaksin's time as prime miscreant far exceeds the sins or evils of other criminal PMs. Moreover, while other deposed or convicted leaders have picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and got on with their lives, Thaksin is obsessed and driven to have his personal way come the flames of hel_l or the destruction of all that is Thailand no matter what the consequence.

In what country has there been a deposed figure so monomaniacial or cynically determined as is Thaksin? In which country has there ever been a booted out PM or president who has wreaked such turmoil and havoc on it as he has? Thaksin is conspiritorial, he's scheming; Thaksin is possessed by himself and sees the country as his personal possession and property regardless of any other considerations or realities.

Anyone who can't imagine Thaksin back in power is perhaps as dangerous as Thaksin himself.

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The fact that Thaksin is flying on his private jet whilst his supporters can hardly feed their families is not only akin, but in lock-step with the financial defrauders of the west. The Wall Street traders are collusory, or better, responsible for the disintegration of the economy, and so what do the banks do for them? Why, give them millions of dollars in bonuses for their "troubles" while the rest of America pays for it.

My point: Dont Thaksins supporters see the embedded hypocrisy? I dont blame them for wanting a better life for their families, but theyve chosen the wrong mascot for this game.

I agree with that point to a certain extent, but doubtless that any former leader would travel such a distance on foot or by tractor. As far as I am aware there are no direct flights between the Middle East and Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos. Obviously he can't fly via Thailand with a conviction hanging over his head, so it is completely understandable that he would use a private jet.

I don't support the reds or yellows, but I can understand why many of them feel a sense of loyalty towards Thaksin. For better or worse he did give many of them hope. The red shirt supporters are not as daft as many people would have you believe. Many of them are just as educated as the rest of the population. They are wise enough to know that whoever in charge of the government is corrupt to a certain degree, and the fact that Thaksin abused his position is little different from the norm, but at least they felt that he was giving something back to the north and north-east.

All that said, I still believe that Thailand needs a completely new set of fresh faces in politics and the population has to work together towards a true democracy and complete fairness at the ballot boxes. It's not going to happen very soon. But if and when the middle class

becomes a majority, we may finally see changes. For the foreseeable future there will continue to be vote buying, rainbow coalitions and street protests. Events could very well turn for the worse when an unmentionable death finally occurs and there is a vast vacuum of power and wealth to be fought over. What we are seeing now is possibly only the supporting event to the main event in the not too distant future.

Actually there are many direct flights from Dubai to both Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, but I see your point.

Im not saying he should take a songtaew or hoof it.

And Im not saying I wouldnt take a private jet - I would if I were Thaksin, if Im being honest. Then again, I wouldnt be Thaksin.

What I was trying to say was that it doesnt look "right." It looks dirty and shady, especially since he's not even HERE.

But then again, he holds mass appeal; that cannot be denied. Also, he has helped many and hurt many people, so he is LOVED and HATED by many people. Is it any different with any other politicians approval ratings? No.

You can please some of the people all of the time.

You can please all of the people some of the time.

You cannot please all of the people all of the time.

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