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Video: Organizers Hand Out Cash To Red-shirt People


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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

Especially the ones who'll be missing work. We all have bills to pay and it's not like the UK where you can just take a sicky and go on a march/rally for 3-7 days. Here no work no pay! If they do get 1 million on the march it still makes 4 million queen quids at 2000B a pop. Pennies for Mr. T! It's much easier for us westerners to stand up for what we believe in as even if we get fired due to taking a week off we still have welfare. As I recall the yellow shirts were paying 500B a day?

Edited by Jirapa
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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

The majority if these people from out of town are doing it for the money. It is a big deal. If they were passionate about seeing Mr. T reinstated and passionate about the cause, they'd come no matter what. But they come because they are paid and it's a hel_l of a lot more money than any of these people make in a day. Try Bt200 a day for the majority. Do the math. Food is already provided at these events. There is no per diem needed. This is salary pure and simple.

On 200 Baht a day for working in the fields, 4,000 Baht a month in a restaurant and so on, how would you expect the majority of these people to get to Bangkok?

OK, they get a hand out. A hand out of a few hundred baht a day. Not exactly going to make them rich, is it?

Liken it to strike pay :)

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my stepson was offered twice by his boss to counter-demonstrate against the reds - for free, as a description of the job he is doing (a security guard for the military company, protecting governmental buildings). My stepson declined and is ready to quit the job if pushed harder, even if he is going to forfaith his outstanding wages.

I am not sure what is the meaning of your post, you mean he will not demonstrate for free? Is that the point? If he were paid say 1,000 a day would he demonstrate against the reds?

The idea here is that people do not demonstrate for free. It is true or not I do not know but I would just like to know true percentage of all those who will turn up to demonstrate how many were paid to do it.

Interesting times.

Yep, the point is that if the demonstrators are being paid then we can assume they are there because they are being paid, not out of any political conviction, ie any kind of "democratic ideals" And so this demonstration is no longer about democracy. Its about a small group of power hungry thugs paying gullible people in an attempt to extort the current government in order to put their "boss" back in power.

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Big Deal !!!

Nothing comes for free in this world !

But, in your country does your party pay you to demonstrate, no, no money, no protest. Or should l say, small protest. :)

Without this money, the majority of red shirts wouldn't even have enough money to come protest if they wanted to. Driving from the North and North East to Bangkok isn't exactly cheap for the average poor Thai.

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As long as there is no violence it is OK!, hope this is 1,000 Baht a day, if somebody parts with cash and others use it for something else it is business. They want to buy their protests that is ok, you pay me I go to protest for you!. I would be worried if they were protesting for free. Bought protests are expensive but cheap. What a big deal, if you pay everybody 5,000 a day you can probably get 20 mil people to protest for you.

Ok guys, just remember no violence and no destroying of property, burning and so on. If you do shame on you and your families. Be a nice protester. We all see you and appreciate your effort of coming to bkk.

Thailand needs business so remember that if you cannot find a job in the future it might be partly a result of your actions. Peace is good for business and riots, violence etc. is bad, basic school of money.

My view entirely!

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my stepson was offered twice by his boss to counter-demonstrate against the reds - for free, as a description of the job he is doing (a security guard for the military company, protecting governmental buildings). My stepson declined and is ready to quit the job if pushed harder, even if he is going to forfaith his outstanding wages.

I am not sure what is the meaning of your post, you mean he will not demonstrate for free? Is that the point? If he were paid say 1,000 a day would he demonstrate against the reds?

The idea here is that people do not demonstrate for free. It is true or not I do not know but I would just like to know true percentage of all those who will turn up to demonstrate how many were paid to do it.

Interesting times.

Yep, the point is that if the demonstrators are being paid then we can assume they are there because they are being paid, not out of any political conviction, ie any kind of "democratic ideals" And so this demonstration is no longer about democracy. Its about a small group of power hungry thugs paying gullible people in an attempt to extort the current government in order to put their "boss" back in power.

Look back in the forum....yellow pay the same 500 bath per day...same same.

Democracy? where? tell me one country in world that have PM or president a simple employee yhay dont have milions for pay him power.

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Big Deal !!!

Nothing comes for free in this world !

But, in your country does your party pay you to demonstrate, no, no money, no protest. Or should l say, small protest. :)

Without this money, the majority of red shirts wouldn't even have enough money to come protest if they wanted to. Driving from the North and North East to Bangkok isn't exactly cheap for the average poor Thai.

This is only another example of Thaksin's style of democracy. Pay for votes, pay to protest and nothing more.

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In many cases it may be paid back rather then paid. Groups get paid all the time for party work.

I also see paper work which means they pay only certain people and note they are showing an ID and signing for the money. So go find out who what and why. It is called reporting..

Lets not interview anyone getting the money, lets just assume we know. That's good reporting.

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'bout time they get some of their tax money back from their puppet master, and the interest on those oh-so-generous loans he "offered" a couple of years back. maybe they can ride into battle on well fed buffalos for the next and "final showdown"

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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :)

The difference is that the majority of yellow shirts were middle- and upper-class Bangkok citizens, while the majority of the red shirts are poor Thais from the North and North East. That's also the reason why many of the yellow shirts could afford to sit around for months and occupy the government house and the airport for over a week, while the red shirts need to go home after a few days because they can't afford to lose their income. Sure, the yellow shirts had "shifts" when some came and others went home, but you can't sit around for months during the day and work at night, or sit around and night and work during the day.

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//Post removed

You have only a few post and related to this...tell me...why the red they must be killer or violent people? as i see in youtube..ALL red yellow black blue have someone inside that is like that, but say what you said is a little bit too much no?

I think in the last hours we have some peoples try to flame about the red...moderator...try to check. :)

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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :clap2:

The difference is that the majority of yellow shirts were middle- and upper-class Bangkok citizens, while the majority of the red shirts are poor Thais from the North and North East. That's also the reason why many of the yellow shirts could afford to sit around for months and occupy the government house and the airport for over a week, while the red shirts need to go home after a few days because they can't afford to lose their income. Sure, the yellow shirts had "shifts" when some came and others went home, but you can't sit around for months during the day and work at night, or sit around and night and work during the day.


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I bet the current government is happy they didn't continue to block Youtube now.


All that's now needed is someone posting a video on YouTube that will irk the local keepers of morality and culture and YouTube will be blocked again together with all the 'evidence' by evil, red wrong-doing... :)  

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Big Deal !!!

Nothing comes for free in this world !

But, in your country does your party pay you to demonstrate, no, no money, no protest. Or should l say, small protest. :)

Most strikes and protests in the west are money motivated anyway. Okay you don't get a handful of cash to attend but protests are usually due to poor wages, lay offs, high taxes or the introduction of new taxes so the incentive to attend is still financial.

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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :)

Thats right, so what.

Say this to nicco and some ohter people...as i said the last 2 hours we have on the forum people talk about this matter whitout reason.

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As long as there is no violence it is OK!, hope this is 1,000 Baht a day, if somebody parts with cash and others use it for something else it is business. They want to buy their protests that is ok, you pay me I go to protest for you!. I would be worried if they were protesting for free. Bought protests are expensive but cheap. What a big deal, if you pay everybody 5,000 a day you can probably get 20 mil people to protest for you.

Ok guys, just remember no violence and no destroying of property, burning and so on. If you do shame on you and your families. Be a nice protester. We all see you and appreciate your effort of coming to bkk.

Thailand needs business so remember that if you cannot find a job in the future it might be partly a result of your actions. Peace is good for business and riots, violence etc. is bad, basic school of money.

My view entirely!

Rubbish. For the past few weeks we've been swamped with posts telling us just how many people would protest because they wanted to support the reds, and the sheer weight of numbers will be proof of just how many people share their view. Sorry guys, buying a mob and using it as proof of them supporting your policies doesn't really cut it. And the really funny thing? Some of the very same posters who were vehemently denying that the reds paid money are on this post now trying to justify it. Seems some poster's allegances can be bought just as easy as a red shirted protestors. And, as Thaksins little jaunt to Cambodia has put paid to the lie that it's not all about him, and the video showing the "peaceful" protestors can't even make it to Bangkok before attacking someone, it looks like any legs you had to stand on are well and truly broken.

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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :)

The difference is that the majority of yellow shirts were middle- and upper-class Bangkok citizens, while the majority of the red shirts are poor Thais from the North and North East. That's also the reason why many of the yellow shirts could afford to sit around for months and occupy the government house and the airport for over a week, while the red shirts need to go home after a few days because they can't afford to lose their income. Sure, the yellow shirts had "shifts" when some came and others went home, but you can't sit around for months during the day and work at night, or sit around and night and work during the day.

That is my take on it as well.

It is interesting that the original estimations were THB 3,000 per pickup and it now appears to be THB 2,000. Maybe they see this thing dragging on longer than they first thought.

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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :clap2:

The difference is that the majority of yellow shirts were middle- and upper-class Bangkok citizens, while the majority of the red shirts are poor Thais from the North and North East. That's also the reason why many of the yellow shirts could afford to sit around for months and occupy the government house and the airport for over a week, while the red shirts need to go home after a few days because they can't afford to lose their income. Sure, the yellow shirts had "shifts" when some came and others went home, but you can't sit around for months during the day and work at night, or sit around and night and work during the day.


nah, the yellows needed some decoration so to look bigger than they are. This why they had to pay too. :cheesy:

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A short video showing some people with a list handing out some cash to people on the list. Wow...that is pretty clandestine stuff....and allowing someone to record the whole

thing a close range.... absolute proof that reds only protest for cash.... :) Now if this was the other side....they would never do anything this stupid....the money would be wire transferred to an offshore bank account... dam_n it if you are going to do corruption....do it right for gawds sake......

Hit....Nail....Head!  :D

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As long as there is no violence it is OK!, hope this is 1,000 Baht a day, if somebody parts with cash and others use it for something else it is business. They want to buy their protests that is ok, you pay me I go to protest for you!. I would be worried if they were protesting for free. Bought protests are expensive but cheap. What a big deal, if you pay everybody 5,000 a day you can probably get 20 mil people to protest for you.

Ok guys, just remember no violence and no destroying of property, burning and so on. If you do shame on you and your families. Be a nice protester. We all see you and appreciate your effort of coming to bkk.

Thailand needs business so remember that if you cannot find a job in the future it might be partly a result of your actions. Peace is good for business and riots, violence etc. is bad, basic school of money.

My view entirely!

Rubbish. For the past few weeks we've been swamped with posts telling us just how many people would protest because they wanted to support the reds, and the sheer weight of numbers will be proof of just how many people share their view. Sorry guys, buying a mob and using it as proof of them supporting your policies doesn't really cut it. And the really funny thing? Some of the very same posters who were vehemently denying that the reds paid money are on this post now trying to justify it. Seems some poster's allegances can be bought just as easy as a red shirted protestors. And, as Thaksins little jaunt to Cambodia has put paid to the lie that it's not all about him, and the video showing the "peaceful" protestors can't even make it to Bangkok before attacking someone, it looks like any legs you had to stand on are well and truly broken.

Thank you!!

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Feces-throwing and historically-proven violent mercenaries caught in the act of receiving their payoffs

You have only a few post and related to this...tell me...why the red they must be killer or violent people? as i see in youtube..ALL red yellow black blue have someone inside that is like that, but say what you said is a little bit too much no?

I think in the last hours we have some peoples try to flame about the red...moderator...try to check. :)

I don't know? Maybe you can enlighten as to why last year during the summit and Black Songkran they chose to be violent and killers.

Back on topic as this really has nothing to do with paying people to attend a protest.

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