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Video: Organizers Hand Out Cash To Red-shirt People


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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :)

The difference is that the majority of yellow shirts were middle- and upper-class Bangkok citizens, while the majority of the red shirts are poor Thais from the North and North East. That's also the reason why many of the yellow shirts could afford to sit around for months and occupy the government house and the airport for over a week, while the red shirts need to go home after a few days because they can't afford to lose their income. Sure, the yellow shirts had "shifts" when some came and others went home, but you can't sit around for months during the day and work at night, or sit around and night and work during the day.

That is my take on it as well.

It is interesting that the original estimations were THB 3,000 per pickup and it now appears to be THB 2,000. Maybe they see this thing dragging on longer than they first thought.

Thaksin has enough to pay for another 100 protests like this one. If he had nearly 2 billion USD in Thailand after he was removed as PM, he probably has another 20 billion USD outside of Thailand. He's a smart, otherwise he wouldn't have made billions of dollars. And I doubt there's any billionaire in the world that puts all his money in one place. Especially not after he's been removed as PM by a military coup. The money that was left in Thailand is probably just a very small part of his wealth. The current government will run out of support before Thaksin runs out of money.

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my stepson was offered twice by his boss to counter-demonstrate against the reds - for free, as a description of the job he is doing (a security guard for the military company, protecting governmental buildings). My stepson declined and is ready to quit the job if pushed harder, even if he is going to forfaith his outstanding wages.

I am not sure what is the meaning of your post, you mean he will not demonstrate for free? Is that the point? If he were paid say 1,000 a day would he demonstrate against the reds?

The idea here is that people do not demonstrate for free. It is true or not I do not know but I would just like to know true percentage of all those who will turn up to demonstrate how many were paid to do it.

Interesting times.

Yep, the point is that if the demonstrators are being paid then we can assume they are there because they are being paid, not out of any political conviction, ie any kind of "democratic ideals" And so this demonstration is no longer about democracy. Its about a small group of power hungry thugs paying gullible people in an attempt to extort the current government in order to put their "boss" back in power.

You sound like the elite who accuss the farmers and workers of the north of being gullable simpletons. Shame on you! It doesn't take a university degree to have a political opinion. Why don't we just take away their right to vote and rename it "selective democracy"

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Without this money, the majority of red shirts wouldn't even have enough money to come protest if they wanted to. Driving from the North and North East to Bangkok isn't exactly cheap for the average poor Thai.

Which would then speak massive volumes if they made the effort without the cash. The whole point of a protest, no?

Paying them 4x what they'd earn through their normal work is entirely missing the point and massively damages the impact of the protest to observers.

If lack of transportation and food is the issue, give out transportation and food.

And if the yellows are guilty of this too, then shame on them. There was nobody in our office back in 2006 taking cash for participating in the original PAD protests though.

Edited by Insight
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As long as there is no violence it is OK!, hope this is 1,000 Baht a day, if somebody parts with cash and others use it for something else it is business. They want to buy their protests that is ok, you pay me I go to protest for you!. I would be worried if they were protesting for free. Bought protests are expensive but cheap. What a big deal, if you pay everybody 5,000 a day you can probably get 20 mil people to protest for you.

Ok guys, just remember no violence and no destroying of property, burning and so on. If you do shame on you and your families. Be a nice protester. We all see you and appreciate your effort of coming to bkk.

Thailand needs business so remember that if you cannot find a job in the future it might be partly a result of your actions. Peace is good for business and riots, violence etc. is bad, basic school of money.

My view entirely!

Rubbish. For the past few weeks we've been swamped with posts telling us just how many people would protest because they wanted to support the reds, and the sheer weight of numbers will be proof of just how many people share their view. Sorry guys, buying a mob and using it as proof of them supporting your policies doesn't really cut it. And the really funny thing? Some of the very same posters who were vehemently denying that the reds paid money are on this post now trying to justify it. Seems some poster's allegances can be bought just as easy as a red shirted protestors. And, as Thaksins little jaunt to Cambodia has put paid to the lie that it's not all about him, and the video showing the "peaceful" protestors can't even make it to Bangkok before attacking someone, it looks like any legs you had to stand on are well and truly broken.

I think you did not get the meaning of the posts! I also think that buying votes is not the way to support the democracy! We were just commenting on the fact that most people will not go demonstrating unless they are paid to do so. Proof that this whole thing has broken legs indeed.

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Will say again! Taskin goes to Cambodia (he is advisor to the Cambodian Government), his red shirts are protesting in Bangkok hoping to topple government! .......... ok you with me so far?

Cambodia recently did a rocket demonstration near the border. It will only be used if there borders are crossed! Don't they lay claim to some land that the Thais lay claim to as well?

North and North East Thailand , the majority of people support Taskin, (So I read anyways)...... so ok how many of you have now fallen off the train of thought here?

By all means I hope my train of thought is totally wrong and this does not get ugly and this does not end up with a neighbouring country coming to visit!

I would like to see a stable Thailand and things to be done democratically, so maybe the Thai Government will back down and go to the polls and have a proper ellection!

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Without this money, the majority of red shirts wouldn't even have enough money to come protest if they wanted to. Driving from the North and North East to Bangkok isn't exactly cheap for the average poor Thai.

Which would then speak massive volumes if they made the effort without the cash. The whole point of a protest, no?

Paying them 4x what they'd earn through their normal work is entirely missing the point and massively damages the impact of the protest.

They're not getting 4x of what they normally earn. They're getting 2000 or 3000 Baht. If you have a car and have ever driven to the North or North East, you've likely paid that much or more to go and come back.

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Will say again! Taskin goes to Cambodia (he is advisor to the Cambodian Government), his red shirts are protesting in Bangkok hoping to topple government! .......... ok you with me so far?

Cambodia recently did a rocket demonstration near the border. It will only be used if there borders are crossed! Don't they lay claim to some land that the Thais lay claim to as well?

North and North East Thailand , the majority of people support Taskin, (So I read anyways)...... so ok how many of you have now fallen off the train of thought here?

By all means I hope my train of thought is totally wrong and this does not get ugly and this does not end up with a neighbouring country coming to visit!

I would like to see a stable Thailand and things to be done democratically, so maybe the Thai Government will back down and go to the polls and have a proper ellection!

So make me wise because now you lost me, what are proper elections? Who pays more wins? 200-500 per head? This is your definition of democracy?

Edited by macwalen
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Without this money, the majority of red shirts wouldn't even have enough money to come protest if they wanted to. Driving from the North and North East to Bangkok isn't exactly cheap for the average poor Thai.

Which would then speak massive volumes if they made the effort without the cash. The whole point of a protest, no?

Paying them 4x what they'd earn through their normal work is entirely missing the point and massively damages the impact of the protest.

They're not getting 4x of what they normally earn. They're getting 2000 or 3000 Baht. If you have a car and have ever driven to the North or North East, you've likely paid that much or more to go and come back.

Would be interesting to know how the people in the video arrived at the protest location....

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And so by the same logic if I paid people to vote for me, this would all right too in the red supporter's eyes? I am paying people to "cover travel and lodging expenses" that will incur when they travel to the voting booths.

Twisted sense of logic really, these red shirts...

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Wonder if it will make national TV? Of course every big demo ever in Thailand is boosted with pay to play types. They are handing out quite a lot. More than the usual going rate. This demo must be quite important to whoever is funding it

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Without this money, the majority of red shirts wouldn't even have enough money to come protest if they wanted to. Driving from the North and North East to Bangkok isn't exactly cheap for the average poor Thai.

Which would then speak massive volumes if they made the effort without the cash. The whole point of a protest, no?

Paying them 4x what they'd earn through their normal work is entirely missing the point and massively damages the impact of the protest.

They're not getting 4x of what they normally earn. They're getting 2000 or 3000 Baht. If you have a car and have ever driven to the North or North East, you've likely paid that much or more to go and come back.

Would be interesting to know how the people in the video arrived at the protest location....

Well, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you'll see that the money was handed out in Nakhon Panom. So my guess is that they got the money in Nakhon Panom, then filled up their pickup truck and drove to Bangkok. Does that make sense to you? If not, get a map.

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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :D

But were the PAD dumb enough to have it filmed, and shown on YouTube, I don't think so ! :D

Thaksin wants the finest democracy-protest that money can buy, as the whole world can see here, still doesn't make it any-the-more real though. :)

Bla bla bla bla bla...

The yellow shirts did do the same thing last year with the airport closure.


There was an airport closure in 2009 ? :D

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Hmmm same thing happened with the yellows, don't see it any different! Same Same!!! :)

The difference is that the majority of yellow shirts were middle- and upper-class Bangkok citizens, while the majority of the red shirts are poor Thais from the North and North East. That's also the reason why many of the yellow shirts could afford to sit around for months and occupy the government house and the airport for over a week, while the red shirts need to go home after a few days because they can't afford to lose their income. Sure, the yellow shirts had "shifts" when some came and others went home, but you can't sit around for months during the day and work at night, or sit around and night and work during the day.

That is my take on it as well.

It is interesting that the original estimations were THB 3,000 per pickup and it now appears to be THB 2,000. Maybe they see this thing dragging on longer than they first thought.

Thaksin has enough to pay for another 100 protests like this one. If he had nearly 2 billion USD in Thailand after he was removed as PM, he probably has another 20 billion USD outside of Thailand. He's a smart, otherwise he wouldn't have made billions of dollars. And I doubt there's any billionaire in the world that puts all his money in one place. Especially not after he's been removed as PM by a military coup. The money that was left in Thailand is probably just a very small part of his wealth. The current government will run out of support before Thaksin runs out of money.

The point is not how much he has outside of Thailand, but what can be put into cash inside of Thailand and then paid out. For these amounts, the BOT will be looking at incoming transfers very closely (they are). Of course, he can pay someone offshore who already has the money onshore, but who would that be?

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Why do the Thaksin/UDD/DADD apologists continually bring up yellow shirts. There are threads on the forum already, albeit a few years back...this is about the red shirts being paid TODAY to attend the rally. The yellows are not even a factor in this at all.

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Well, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you'll see that the money was handed out in Nakhon Panom. So my guess is that they got the money in Nakhon Panom, then filled up their pickup truck and drove to Bangkok. Does that make sense to you? If not, get a map.

No point getting sensitive, rainman; I wouldn't like to be stuck defending this video either.

Everybody is receiving the cash. One person, one pick-up truck? They can fit a few more people in them.

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The point is not how much he has outside of Thailand, but what can be put into cash inside of Thailand and then paid out. For these amounts, the BOT will be looking at incoming transfers very closely (they are). Of course, he can pay someone offshore who already has the money onshore, but who would that be?

Or he can bring it in through Cambodia or Laos. I've been across the river to both countries before without even stamping a visa or showing my passport. Just hand 20 Baht to the guard boats on the river.

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Well, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you'll see that the money was handed out in Nakhon Panom. So my guess is that they got the money in Nakhon Panom, then filled up their pickup truck and drove to Bangkok. Does that make sense to you? If not, get a map.

No point getting sensitive, rainman; I wouldn't like to be stuck defending this video either.

Everybody is receiving the cash. One person, one pick-up truck? They can fit a few more people in them.

The video doesn't show money being handed out to every single one of the supposed 500,000 to 1,000,000 protesters, did it? Most likely it was the drivers that were getting the money. I doubt there's billions of Baht in cash sitting around and the organizers just sweeping 2000 or 3000 off the stack for every person that walks by.

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Well, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you'll see that the money was handed out in Nakhon Panom. So my guess is that they got the money in Nakhon Panom, then filled up their pickup truck and drove to Bangkok. Does that make sense to you? If not, get a map.

No point getting sensitive, rainman; I wouldn't like to be stuck defending this video either.

Everybody is receiving the cash. One person, one pick-up truck? They can fit a few more people in them.

The video doesn't show money being handed out to every single one of the supposed 500,000 to 1,000,000 protesters, did it? Most likely it was the drivers that were getting the money. I doubt there's billions of Baht in cash sitting around and the organizers just sweeping 2000 or 3000 off the stack for every person that walks by.

True, it's not long enough.

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Why do the Thaksin/UDD/DADD apologists continually bring up yellow shirts. There are threads on the forum already, albeit a few years back...this is about the red shirts being paid TODAY to attend the rally. The yellows are not even a factor in this at all.

Because it's a DOUBLE STANDARD. The yellows showed it was okay to do it. It's okay to sit at the airport and government house to protest. The army didn't do anything. It was okay for the yellow shirts to hand out money. And it was okay for the yellow shirts to set the stage for a coup.

And finally, the yellow shirts are still running free and not in jail, so it must not have been all that un-democratic. So why is it not okay for the red shirts to do the same now? And for the record, the red shirts have never occupied government house or the airports.

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The point is not how much he has outside of Thailand, but what can be put into cash inside of Thailand and then paid out. For these amounts, the BOT will be looking at incoming transfers very closely (they are). Of course, he can pay someone offshore who already has the money onshore, but who would that be?

The unmentionable media source had a piece today listing all the PTP dignatories giving the red rally a miss. Apparently there are some who dont want to get involved in charges that could be of avery very serious nature in Thailand and wreck their careers and families forever so they just sit back and dont get involved and watch. Finding people who will disburse the money is getting harder. There are already reports of middle men still being owed for previous services and a family member was named in a recent report as stepping into to provide 30% of what was needed in the Isaan. It will only get harder to disburse funds unless the governemnt falls

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Well, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you'll see that the money was handed out in Nakhon Panom. So my guess is that they got the money in Nakhon Panom, then filled up their pickup truck and drove to Bangkok. Does that make sense to you? If not, get a map.

No point getting sensitive, rainman; I wouldn't like to be stuck defending this video either.

Everybody is receiving the cash. One person, one pick-up truck? They can fit a few more people in them.

From what I've read, they are hoping for 10 per pickup, which would indicate they aren't being paid all that much per person. Maybe it will be in their lunch boxes when they get to Bangkok.

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Why do the Thaksin/UDD/DADD apologists continually bring up yellow shirts. There are threads on the forum already, albeit a few years back...this is about the red shirts being paid TODAY to attend the rally. The yellows are not even a factor in this at all.

I have a probable answer for you. Yellows do not want to be beaten up! They do not believe that the protest will be peaceful. I have not doubt that reds have superior hand combat skills. If you are a middle class person you will likely not entertain an idea or being possibly attacked by people that you do not consider peaceful.

If they thought they would not be attacked I believe they would protest too. This is only my humble opinion.

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I was just told a rather amusing story from our corner of Samutprakan. Not worth any serious analysis but just for entertainment value.

Locals were being rounded up for the City Hall rally this morning at a generous 300 baht / head. A couple of pickup loads were gathered from our area and driven down to the demo. Once the march was over, no cash was paid out and they all had to find their own way home.

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Well, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you'll see that the money was handed out in Nakhon Panom. So my guess is that they got the money in Nakhon Panom, then filled up their pickup truck and drove to Bangkok. Does that make sense to you? If not, get a map.

No point getting sensitive, rainman; I wouldn't like to be stuck defending this video either.

Everybody is receiving the cash. One person, one pick-up truck? They can fit a few more people in them.

The video doesn't show money being handed out to every single one of the supposed 500,000 to 1,000,000 protesters, did it? Most likely it was the drivers that were getting the money. I doubt there's billions of Baht in cash sitting around and the organizers just sweeping 2000 or 3000 off the stack for every person that walks by.

According to reports it is 500 people from Nakhom Phanom (shows Chavalit gave it a miss). Reports are that 350 million baht was the total sum allocated for the rally

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The point is not how much he has outside of Thailand, but what can be put into cash inside of Thailand and then paid out. For these amounts, the BOT will be looking at incoming transfers very closely (they are). Of course, he can pay someone offshore who already has the money onshore, but who would that be?

Or he can bring it in through Cambodia or Laos. I've been across the river to both countries before without even stamping a visa or showing my passport. Just hand 20 Baht to the guard boats on the river.

Of course you have, how else would you slip over and see your little mate, thaksin. By the way rainy, how much is he paying you to haunt the pages of TV?

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I was just told a rather amusing story from our corner of Samutprakan. Not worth any serious analysis but just for entertainment value.

Locals were being rounded up for the City Hall rally this morning at a generous 300 baht / head. A couple of pickup loads were gathered from our area and driven down to the demo. Once the march was over, no cash was paid out and they all had to find their own way home.

This happened in Chonburi a few years ago too. If numbers are too low it is common

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The point is not how much he has outside of Thailand, but what can be put into cash inside of Thailand and then paid out. For these amounts, the BOT will be looking at incoming transfers very closely (they are). Of course, he can pay someone offshore who already has the money onshore, but who would that be?

Or he can bring it in through Cambodia or Laos. I've been across the river to both countries before without even stamping a visa or showing my passport. Just hand 20 Baht to the guard boats on the river.

Of course you have, how else would you slip over and see your little mate, thaksin. By the way rainy, how much is he paying you to haunt the pages of TV?

Enough to comfortably retire once this is all over. :)

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Will say again! Taskin goes to Cambodia (he is advisor to the Cambodian Government), his red shirts are protesting in Bangkok hoping to topple government! .......... ok you with me so far?

Cambodia recently did a rocket demonstration near the border. It will only be used if there borders are crossed! Don't they lay claim to some land that the Thais lay claim to as well?

North and North East Thailand , the majority of people support Taskin, (So I read anyways)...... so ok how many of you have now fallen off the train of thought here?

By all means I hope my train of thought is totally wrong and this does not get ugly and this does not end up with a neighbouring country coming to visit!

I would like to see a stable Thailand and things to be done democratically, so maybe the Thai Government will back down and go to the polls and have a proper ellection!

So make me wise because now you lost me, what are proper elections? Who pays more wins? 200-500 per head? This is your definition of democracy?

NOPE, never said it was MY idea of democracy, All I was saying is that a proper election should be held. Let the people decide, I do not believe in BUYING votes, votes should be done on the individuals choice, and not who hands out the biggest wad of money!

All I want is proper election and peace to reign, instead of unrest and threat of bloodshed!

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