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Why Do People Who Live Here Always Go Out Of There Way To Say How Good It Is ?


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So what is so good about living in Thailand ?? I have lived here for 6 years now and to be honest living in Thailand overall is no better than living back home in the United Kingdom.

Yes some things are better in Thailand, but alot of things are alot worse in Thailand.

Most Farangs move here to begin with becuase of : - 1 , the weather . 2 , the girls or a girl. 3 , becuase it was cheap.

Ok when on holiday for a few weeks / months them 3 things are great.

But when living here you can soon find out they are not great at all. 1 , The weather here can be to hot. 2, some thai girls are good looking but then again alot of western girls are good looking to ( just happens that alot of guys on this fourm say thai girls are much better looking than western girls. Do they ever stop and take a look in the mirror and then maybe think why the western girls they have been with are not so good looking ! ? ) , but most of the time when you get to know Thai girls, a real relationship is hard becuase of how different the cultures are. Also i find western girls alot more fun to be around for nights out and to talk to than Thai girls. 3 , Thailand is not as cheap as it once was 5 or 10 years ago, Most things in thailand i can get cheaper and better back in the UK.

Now i no i will get slated by alot of ' we love thailand and thailand is the best country in the world people ' . But i am just saying what i think at least 50 % of the farangs who live here will think but would never say.

Edited by dave30
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Title was a bit misleading - thought it is normally the other way guessing on the moaning that is normally here on TV.

Been coming here for since 1991, and lived here since 2005 - Thailand - it's not perfect, but then nowhere is. I still can't complain - if it's so bad for the OP, then there is a simple answer - look elsewhere.

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Well you have attracted the usual predictable replies............

Here is a thought for you........

A persons opinion of the place they currently reside, can be influenced by the life left behind.........you don't think your country of Origin was/is so bad.......

Perhaps some think otherwise..........indeed often an opinion voiced in this very forum!!!....

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I believe what I tell people about Thailand and because of my incessant bragging about how awesome it is here a bunch of people have visited and then moved here as well. I'm currently showing a friend around who arrived about five days ago and he has said something along the lines of 'this is heaven' or 'this is paradise' or 'why didn't I come here sooner' at least once ever few hours since he has arrived. The only thing he has called into question is my claim that it is cheap here - this I think has a lot to do with the exchange rate currently.

To sum it up: Thailand is awesome to many people. If you don't agree, then go back to the UK. Something tells me you will appreciate it a lot more after being there for a few months.

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Well you have attracted the usual predictable replies............

Here is a thought for you........

A persons opinion of the place they currently reside, can be influenced by the life left behind.........you don't think your country of Origin was/is so bad.......

Perhaps some think otherwise..........indeed often an opinion voiced in this very forum!!!....

If that was/is the case then why bother coming here to live in the first place and then stay when you prefer it elsewhere/back home, doesn't make any sense to me.

I had a great life back in the UK but enjoy it here more, else I'd be back in the UK or somewhere else. I may move back at some point if I stop enjoying it here or some other reason makes the UK a more sensible/enjoyable place to live.

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Title was a bit misleading - thought it is normally the other way guessing on the moaning that is normally here on TV.

Been coming here for since 1991, and lived here since 2005 - Thailand - it's not perfect, but then nowhere is. I still can't complain - if it's so bad for the OP, then there is a simple answer - look elsewhere.

Hold on... Where did i say Thailand so ' so bad ' ??? I never did i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK

I guess it is wrong of me to say anything bad at all about Thailand. Thailand is the great country in the world. I hope that makes you all happy.

Farangs who live in Thailand are the most touchy and childish people there are.

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Well you have attracted the usual predictable replies............

Here is a thought for you........

A persons opinion of the place they currently reside, can be influenced by the life left behind.........you don't think your country of Origin was/is so bad.......

Perhaps some think otherwise..........indeed often an opinion voiced in this very forum!!!....

If that was/is the case then why bother coming here to live in the first place and then stay when you prefer it elsewhere/back home, doesn't make any sense to me.

I had a great life back in the UK but enjoy it here more, else I'd be back in the UK or somewhere else. I may move back at some point if I stop enjoying it here or some other reason makes the UK a more sensible/enjoyable place to live.

So if a person enjoys living where they are at........they can't, or shouldn't try somewhere else?........a pretty poor thought don't you think?

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Well you have attracted the usual predictable replies............

Here is a thought for you........

A persons opinion of the place they currently reside, can be influenced by the life left behind.........you don't think your country of Origin was/is so bad.......

Perhaps some think otherwise..........indeed often an opinion voiced in this very forum!!!....

If that was/is the case then why bother coming here to live in the first place and then stay when you prefer it elsewhere/back home, doesn't make any sense to me.

I had a great life back in the UK but enjoy it here more, else I'd be back in the UK or somewhere else. I may move back at some point if I stop enjoying it here or some other reason makes the UK a more sensible/enjoyable place to live.

So if a person enjoys living where they are at........they can't, or shouldn't try somewhere else?........a pretty poor thought don't you think?

Not if they enjoy the elsewhere place less, unless there's some massive monetary benefit, whats the point?

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Well you have attracted the usual predictable replies............

Here is a thought for you........

A persons opinion of the place they currently reside, can be influenced by the life left behind.........you don't think your country of Origin was/is so bad.......

Perhaps some think otherwise..........indeed often an opinion voiced in this very forum!!!....

If that was/is the case then why bother coming here to live in the first place and then stay when you prefer it elsewhere/back home, doesn't make any sense to me.

I had a great life back in the UK but enjoy it here more, else I'd be back in the UK or somewhere else. I may move back at some point if I stop enjoying it here or some other reason makes the UK a more sensible/enjoyable place to live.

So if a person enjoys living where they are at........they can't, or shouldn't try somewhere else?........a pretty poor thought don't you think?

Not if they enjoy the elsewhere place less, unless there's some massive monetary benefit, whats the point?

It's called experiencing different cultures and broadening your horizons........exploring options......and how do you ascertain your domicile preference until you have spent a considerable amout of time in differing locations?

edit spelling

Edited by 473geo
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Everything becomes rosier seen through a haze of nostalgia. Britain is currently in the depths of the biggest recession in 60 years. People are worried about their jobs, their homes, their futures. And it doesn't look like improving any time soon. January was a month in the freezer, with snow staying around for weeks on end. Gordon Brown is an idiot. David Cameron is a lightweight who can't outline a single detailed policy. The only one who even strikes you as having a clue is Vince Cable (ex-chief economist at Shell) and he's deputy leader of the Lib Dems, who don't stand a chance of getting elected.

You know what? Give it a go. Spend 3 months - just 3 months - back in Britain and perhaps then you'll remember why you left in the first place.

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I don't think all expats are like the OP suggests. Many (like me) enjoy a lot of things about Thailand and also dislike many things about Thailand. The list of likes and dislikes will be different for any country (and each person). For me, bottom line is that I feel I am better off being in Thailand (which relates both to Thailand and my personal circumstances). That could change. I often say Thailand is not for everyone.

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Everything becomes rosier seen through a haze of nostalgia. Britain is currently in the depths of the biggest recession in 60 years. People are worried about their jobs, their homes, their futures. And it doesn't look like improving any time soon. January was a month in the freezer, with snow staying around for weeks on end. Gordon Brown is an idiot. David Cameron is a lightweight who can't outline a single detailed policy. The only one who even strikes you as having a clue is Vince Cable (ex-chief economist at Shell) and he's deputy leader of the Lib Dems, who don't stand a chance of getting elected.

You know what? Give it a go. Spend 3 months - just 3 months - back in Britain and perhaps then you'll remember why you left in the first place.

So you'll be living in Thailand, as you appear not to be too enamered with the UK at present.......at least isn't that how the thinking goes on this thread?........if you don't like it move!!!

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It is actually pretty simple why most people here contend that Thailand is "good," so-to-speak.  The people who stay here are the type of people who generally like what Thailand has to offer.  If they are the type of people not to like Thailand, then they don't stay, and they don't hang around a Thai forum.

Most expats I know living in Japan like the place.  But among the military people stationed there, those without a choice, in other words, there is quite a bit of complaining and bitching about the place.

Given the choice, more people will gravitate towards living somewhere they like and avoid places they don't like.

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I wouldn't say that Thailand was a fantastic place and bang on about how wonderful it is but, for me, it is now home and I am happier here than I ever was in the UK although I can't exactly say why. Perhaps a combination of a better climate, the availability of the bar scene although I rarely frequent it, the more relaxed attitude to law enforcement on the roads (No speed cameras at least not in Pattaya) and a generally more relaxed approach to life.

It's certainly far from perfect but short of a revolution or running out of money I can't see me ever returning to the UK.

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It is actually pretty simple why most people here contend that Thailand is "good," so-to-speak.  The people who stay here are the type of people who generally like what Thailand has to offer.  If they are the type of people not to like Thailand, then they don't stay, and they don't hang around a Thai forum.

Most expats I know living in Japan like the place.  But among the military people stationed there, those without a choice, in other words, there is quite a bit of complaining and bitching about the place.

Given the choice, more people will gravitate towards living somewhere they like and avoid places they don't like.

I agree with that, and more. When you move to a new country, there is a huge emotional and financial investment getting settled. Once you are settled anywhere there can be an inertia effect. It would take a lot of bad to get me to want to leave. I'm totally settled here. It could be Peru or Fiji in that sense, but it isn't, its Thailand.

Edited by Jingthing
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If you can't be happy living in Thailand then you are doing something wrong. Or, you expect the world to owe you a living without doing anything to earn it. No money = no honey... same as anywhere. Pick a country and there will be problems. It all depends on what you want out of life. If you soul purpose to living is making a lot of money, then Thailand probably isn't the place for you. Of course, if you want EVERYTHING without putting any effort into getting it then I can't help you. Having a lot of money truly DOES make living easier, but it can't always buy you happiness. You just have to CHOOSE to be happy. Its all up to you.

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It's actually a very good question .... My guess would be they really just don't know any better. Or that this is the best they can do on a limited income so they blind themselves to the obvious low living standards. So it's most likely either ignorance or denial.

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I think its kinda charming that the Thai's have so much to look forward to: new gadgets, blenders, microwaves, ceiling tiles!, hot showers, etc etc... ohh life could one day be so, so... convenient!

I see my wife's family gradually getting better and better, and they strive for a better life... and they are getting it - on labourers/farming wages!

what on earth is there to aim for now in the West? - The kids leave the hometown with a crushing student debt, get a bigger debt on the semi and car, etc etc until one day they wake up old and knackered, with more whinging sprogs, whos only goal is to get a bigger house so they dont have to deal with neighbours.... even a tart on welfare and a few sprogs has every mod con invented... yawn.. slow euthanasia for the masses...

Then again, i have chosen to live in CM, where nature is ever present, and the majority of Thai's are very relaxed, dare I say... happy.


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