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Red-shirts To Splash One Million Cc Of Blood On Govt House

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Man the international news are gonna a field day over this. If the reds wanted some international credibility this is hardly the way to do it. Now the government is saddled with having to treat all those people for possible blood infections etc. Way to go red shirts!

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T-shirt entrepreneurs, now is your big chance!

For example --

Grandpa got to throw his blood on Government house, but all I got was this f**&$#$ t-shirt!

Or maybe some underwear as well, with a message on the back --

Red shirt bomb factory here, just add stinky fish!

UDD threatens to hose Govt House with blood

BANGKOK (NNT) – A core leader of the anti-government demonstrators announced that one million milliliters of blood will be collected tomorrow and splattered around the Government House after the Prime Minister has shrugged off their House dissolution request.

The United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship’s core figure, Mr Nattawut Saikua, declared in his speech at the rally that 10 milliliters of blood will be collected from each of the 100,000 participating demonstrators for the purpose.

Mr Nattawut added if the government still refuses to comply with their demand, another one million milliliters of blood would be collected and poured in front of the Democrat Party’s headquarters.

If no response is still given, one more million milliliters of blood will be poured in front of the Prime Minister’s residence. He said the measure is the UDD’s standard counteraction.The blood collection will start at 08.00 hrs tomorrow.

In the meantime, thousands of UDD supporters have started heading back to the main rally site on Ratchadamnoen Road after a 4-hour gathering in front of the 11th Infantry Regiment on the outskirts of Bangkok to pressure the Abhisit government to resign.


-- NNT 2010-03-15


Might as well bleed them to death at this rate.


they are going to use animal blood from the slaughter houses, get real people. Mission impossible. Nobody would take their blood and have it handed over for spilling it around, in a short term, is unthinkable, unaesthetic and it would be a crime against fellow citizens who are in need for blood donation.

they are going to use animal blood from the slaughter houses, get real people. Mission impossible. Nobody would take their blood and have it handed over for spilling it around, in this in a short term, is unthinkable, unaesthetic and it would be a crime against fellow citizens who are in need for blood donation.

i was ready to post the same

few pigs died for the good ??? cause !

they are going to use animal blood from the slaughter houses, get real people. Mission impossible. Nobody would take their blood and have it handed over for spilling it around, in a short term, is unthinkable, unaesthetic and it would be a crime against fellow citizens who are in need for blood donation.

You are just speculating here. It would be more symbolic for them the "shed" their blood for their fanatic cause.


if Thai ppl really love their king and see him as a father, they should be doing vigil in front of Siriraj hospital with "get well soon" signs instead of wearing different colored shirts and protesting in the streets.


Agree with the stupidity of said 'symbolic' act and that Piggy Blut or HBase Sierra Red Emulsion will be the offending effluent used.....

A pointless act to end(?) a pointless weekend charade....

IMO anyway,


1 Million cc is 1000 Litres or approximately 264 US Gallons / 219 Imperial (UK) Gallons.

1million mile march, 1 million cc of blood....

probably be only 150,000 cc.

I think I may the only one that smells more manure. Like 150,000 people are going to draw their own blood, bag it and toss it.That would be asking for social desease spreading; kinda like Pattaya roulette isnt it? You all buying this malarkie?

they are going to use animal blood from the slaughter houses, get real people. Mission impossible. Nobody would take their blood and have it handed over for spilling it around, in a short term, is unthinkable, unaesthetic and it would be a crime against fellow citizens who are in need for blood donation.

You are just speculating here. It would be more symbolic for them the "shed" their blood for their fanatic cause.

no speculation, just common sense. People who'd take their blood for this purpose would lose all, their jobs, licences if any and face, including those who announced this action. But I must admit Thaksin is trying everything

witchcraft related to curse the Nation further. - NERO in action.


Well, we'll see. I do bet you some of the protesters when they heard that hair brained idea, probably thought, oy, what kind of crazy people have I got myself involved with! Time to go home. Yes, the Thais do say oy.


I was watching this proposal on live TV this afternoon and it was so lame they had to repeat it three or four times for it to have much impact.

Maybe that's why most comedians and public speakers DON"T YELL AT PEOPLE ALL THE TIME.

But of course, it worked for Hitler.

Hitler ? Why ? Any black shirt demonstrating ?


The bloodletting plan was just announced on CNN. So now the whole world is aghast and of course they are thinking that Thailand is barbaric. Let's just hope that they realise that it's just a few fanatics and such actions don't shame the whole of Thaialnd and Thai people.

But seriously, I recognise that Thaksin is a very shrewd businessman. How on earth could he not have judged the negative PR that is already resulting from this scheme, both inside and outside Thailand? If he was actually successful in becoming the next PM of Thailand, the media of course will refer to him as "Dr. Thaksin, who regained power through a large demonstration of his "red shirts" in the streets of Bangkok that included spreading their own blood on Government House...."

This is getting really bizarre!

The bloodletting plan was just announced on CNN. So now the whole world is aghast and of course they are thinking that Thailand is barbaric. Let's just hope that they realise that it's just a few fanatics and such actions don't shame the whole of Thaialnd and Thai people.

But seriously, I recognise that Thaksin is a very shrewd businessman. How on earth could he not have judged the negative PR that is already resulting from this scheme, both inside and outside Thailand? If he was actually successful in becoming the next PM of Thailand, the media of course will refer to him as "Dr. Thaksin, who regained power through a large demonstration of his "red shirts" in the streets of Bangkok that included spreading their own blood on Government House...."

This is getting really bizarre!

It's unfortunate that the protesters still can't see they are continually being used in every way possible for Thaksin to get his money and position back. I'm certain the leaders will not use dirty needles, but hey, the folks they brought in are expendable and now owe the devil for that 2,000baht. Sad they can't see through this.

There are unconfirmed reports by the Foreign Ministry that there are concerns of vampires coming to Bangkok ...

You need vampires?

Just employ chavalit's wife, she's seriously into this stuff. And maybe they need the cash, he's not been seen for quite a while, so guess they've missing out of the 500Baht handouts.


Is it just me, or does it seem that the previously vocal red shirt supporters have been absent from this thread?

Their silence is deafening...and telling.

And as an addendum....CNN's announcer just said "Thaksin's supporters have threatened to throw blood on government house if their demands are not met". [Dramatic emphasis on 'throw blood']


This is the rugby forum isn't it?

I noticed reds being mentioned and heard they lost after a couple of well executed efforts by the forwards bot eventually were let down by there under-performing backs.

I tend to agree with most pundits that the overall management is well past its 'sell-by date' and should look ahead for a more stable coach. I was very disappointed to here about the blood substitutions - let's hope all concerned are careful next time and play in the spirit of the game.

Good sportsmanship prevailed anyway apart from a few slaps here and there.

Come on the blues! I've got my saltire, are there a few thousand with me? A hundred? Okay I'll meet the ten of you's in the bar before kickoff!

Is it just me, or does it seem that the previously vocal red shirt supporters have been absent from this thread?

Their silence is deafening...and telling.

And as an addendum....CNN's announcer just said "Thaksin's supporters have threatened to throw blood on government house if their demands are not met". [Dramatic emphasis on 'throw blood']

If they were to comment, I would imagine they would be saying that we are yellow bellied elitists who are culturally insensitive to the rich blood throwing traditions of the Thai peasantry. Now pass the curried rat, please!

Yes the world is definitely laughing at Thailand now. Thank you, Khun Thaksin, for the memories.

I know the risks of aids being transmitted, but I like the idea in general. The Reds were looking for some way to save face given they were falling on their face.

Now they can return to their families and proclaim they bled for their country. They can hold their heads up high.

I know this all sounds so stupid to us, but if it works for them, it works for us.

"I know this all sounds so stupid to us, but if it works for them, it works for us".

Sorry I don't begin to understand what you mean, could you please explain.

Further, I can just imagine the conversation:

Mother: "Daddy went to Bangkok and they took blood from him and threw it at government house".

Child: "why?"


AGREED. These people are behaving like wild animals, absolutely disgusting and very disrespectul. :)

This is the very line of thinking that has many of these Red Shirts angry. Yes, they are not as educated as many of the patrons of this forum, as well as the majority of the white collar workers typically residing in the cities. But that doesn't give the so-called "educated" the right to relegate them to a less-than-civil level of humanity, or categorize them as "wild animals".

This elitist attitude is just as big a problem that needs to be addressed as the lack of education of the huge segment of Thailand's population that make up much of the Red Shirt movement. To these predominantly rural poor, it is this attitude that they find "absolutely disgusting and very disrespectful. :D "


Yes, but tossing blood and feces is rather primitive. You can't escape that reality. Nobody is expecting poor farmers to know how to behave at an English high tea, but I feel it insults them further to imply they cannot learn that throwing blood and feces is just not done in civilized society. They are not that stupid, they are adults, if they are going to behave like childish hooligans, they DESERVE to be harshly judged.

This is the rugby forum isn't it?

I noticed reds being mentioned and heard they lost after a couple of well executed efforts by the forwards bot eventually were let down by there under-performing backs.

I tend to agree with most pundits that the overall management is well past its 'sell-by date' and should look ahead for a more stable coach. I was very disappointed to here about the blood substitutions - let's hope all concerned are careful next time and play in the spirit of the game.

Good sportsmanship prevailed anyway apart from a few slaps here and there.

Come on the blues! I've got my saltire, are there a few thousand with me? A hundred? Okay I'll meet the ten of you's in the bar before kickoff!

Sorry, the reds forfeited the game, they were all sent to the blood bin and had no one left to play for them.

AGREED. These people are behaving like wild animals, absolutely disgusting and very disrespectul. :)

This is the very line of thinking that has many of these Red Shirts angry. Yes, they are not as educated as many of the patrons of this forum, as well as the majority of the white collar workers typically residing in the cities. But that doesn't give the so-called "educated" the right to relegate them to a less-than-civil level of humanity, or categorize them as "wild animals".

This elitist attitude is just as big a problem that needs to be addressed as the lack of education of the huge segment of Thailand's population that make up much of the Red Shirt movement. To these predominantly rural poor, it is this attitude that they find "absolutely disgusting and very disrespectful. :D "

Since I would never carry around a bag of shit all day or allow someone to stick dirty needles in my arm, guess I'm an elitist.

Yes, but tossing blood and feces is rather primitive. You can't escape that reality.

Not to mention "absolutely disgusting and very disrespectful. :) "

Funny.. wasting all that blood, when up here in Chiang Mai there's a shortage of B+ blood and people are trying to find donors. :)

Last I heard there are shortages in Bangkok too. Anyway that's particularly stupid and gross, even by country bum standards.

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