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Thai Court Sentenced Briton To 14 Year Jail For Having Sex With Underage Boys

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Briton gets 14 year jail term for having sex with 2 underage boys

BANGKOK: -- The Ratchadapisek Criminal Court Monday sentenced a 47-year-old Briton to a 14-year jail term for luring two underage boys and molesting them.

According to the lawsuit, defendant Robert John Alexander Hoseman allegedly lured the two 12 year olds in Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district in late 2004 and performed oral sex on them. Hoseman, however, denied any wrongdoing, claiming that the boys had consented to the sexual act.

After considering evidence from both sides, the court found Hoseman guilty and sentenced him to 14 years in jail - of which 12 are for molesting children under the age of 15 and two for luring minors away from their parents.


-- The Nation 2010-03-15


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Hope the message gets out that Thailand is not a haven for such crimes. Sadly, many in the west think this activity is tolerated here. Just the other day a famous talking head on Fox News said as much.

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Are jokes about his family name permitted? :)


Good sentence.

However, it says in the article that molesting kids under 15 gets the 12 years. I thought the legal age is 18 in Thailand and it a statutory rape to have sex with anyone under 18? Or do you get harsher sentence for molesting younger ones, that would make sense I think...

In any case good to see that justice is done.


First of all that's great news, let children be children, no one has the right to take advantage of them.

But I am curious, does anyone think the same thing would happen if it is a male offender and female victims? Both are just as wrong, but I suspect sex with young females may be a bit more acceptable. Hope I am wrong.

Well regardless, at least this creep was dealt with.

Hope the message gets out that Thailand is not a haven for such crimes. Sadly, many in the west think this activity is tolerated here. Just the other day a famous talking head on Fox News said as much.

Do they still sell the videos at Mea Sai over the border with child sex? It may not be tolerated but it certainly goes on unfortunately. Here is one group doing there bit to help reduce it http://www.thegreyman.org/main/index.php?o...4&Itemid=30


should be mandatory castration for crimes like this as well - hope he has a long and painful 14 years inside to think about how he ruined the lives of two young innocents

14yrs is long time in thai monkey house though...

That is true. It likely means he will die in jail. This happens in the west as well. Certainly in the US people in jail for this class of crime have a high chance of being murdered there. That is wrong too.


This kind of news should be spread much more to deter the thousands of sex tourists coming every year to THL ... Most are under the impression they can get away with it

Good sentence.

However, it says in the article that molesting kids under 15 gets the 12 years. I thought the legal age is 18 in Thailand and it a statutory rape to have sex with anyone under 18? Or do you get harsher sentence for molesting younger ones, that would make sense I think...

In any case good to see that justice is done.

The way Thai law is written, they fall on the laws of the country that the foreigner comes from. For Thai minimum age of consent is 14 and 16. Example, using the US, each state has their own chosen minimum age for adult consent. If an American is found guilty of doing the dirty with someone younger than his home state's minimum age limit, he hangs here, then if and when he gets out and is sent home, he faces US prosecution.


^don't think the lad can be tried twice for the same crime. If he does his time in Thailand I would think that would be the end of it, course deported back to yankland.


:) Happy 14 years , aged 47 = 61 old beaten rotten man .

Its about time Thailand sent a message to the perverts , that this is not paradise for them but a country where if you break the rule there are massive implications .

Too long has Thailand been too soft. That Whirly face ( Canadian ) got off easy with 3 years after a worldwide manhunt . must have splashed some cash in the right direction .

People think they can come here and mess with little kiddys well they cant and the law stipulates anyone Paying for services with a girl or boy under the age of 17 . is illigal .

Hopefully he will die of eating rotten food , Hopefully flies will lay eggs in his face and maggots will eat him from the inside out. Hopefully he will get bummed rotten .

<deleted> like him spoil it for all that come here to enjoy Thailand for the beautiful kingdom that it is ..



I'm all for being against, and thus regard dumping someone in jail who has clearly violated laws as the right thing.

I'm all against generalizations, the very thing that drives Fox News and all other "serious" media outlets of the yellow-ish color. Anyone in this 100% "yes" thread with personal experiences as to "how he ruined the lives of two young innocents"?

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