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Red Shirts Blood Campaign Is Dangerous : Health Groups


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I think they are saying that the anti-coagulant is being mixed 50/50 with the blood. I guess they are finding that they need to pad out the amount of blood they can collect. Maybe they'll add pig's blood as well? Or nam pla?

They will certainly have the full amount they are claiming they will have, even if some of the containers have only a single syringe of blood mixed in.

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I would agree that is an abuse of the code of medical conduct to draw blood for non medical or research reasons. Dumb I am sure that some symbolic substitute is available if they really feel a show is necessary, but I personally have never found lettering or defacing others property a meaningful statement.

Drama is a part of street actions and they are not the first group in the world with a dim wit idea and I am also pretty sure they won't be the last.

Agree, nothing is going to change by splashing blood around, except to take the already low credibility of the thaksin / red shirt mob down a few more notches.

Also interesting to note:

- There has been no reaction from the paymaster - does that mean he agrees with this idea? Surely if he has any concern for the personal safety and health of his red shirt mob then he would have already put a stop to this crazy idea.

- The red shirts never seem to learn that logical structured discussion might get a few ears.

This plan didn't come overnight, with everything prepared, donated and all.

The paymaster knew this already.

It's probably his idea. He's a genius, isn't he. Don't you get it? It's plan B. B. er, yes Blood.

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Thaksin is actually enacting an ancient black magic ritual designed to "destroy your opponents"

the ritual is actually designed that you sacrifice "slaves"

so you will actually line a bunch of slaves or prisoners up and slaughter them and offer their blood to the cause

so he is altering it slightly since it will not really be practical to kill his own in broad daylight....

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Ummm... now monks are donating blood... and women are drawing the blood!

Something is definitely wrong here...

This seems out of the clear blue, source Please.

edit never mind found it. thanks

Edited by RKASA
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I would agree that is an abuse of the code of medical conduct to draw blood for non medical or research reasons. Dumb I am sure that some symbolic substitute is available if they really feel a show is necessary, but I personally have never found lettering or defacing others property a meaningful statement.

Drama is a part of street actions and they are not the first group in the world with a dim wit idea and I am also pretty sure they won't be the last.

Agree, nothing is going to change by splashing blood around, except to take the already low credibility of the thaksin / red shirt mob down a few more notches.

Also interesting to note:

- There has been no reaction from the paymaster - does that mean he agrees with this idea? Surely if he has any concern for the personal safety and health of his red shirt mob then he would have already put a stop to this crazy idea.

- The red shirts never seem to learn that logical structured discussion might get a few ears.

This plan didn't come overnight, with everything prepared, donated and all.

The paymaster knew this already.

It's probably his idea. He's a genius, isn't he. Don't you get it? It's plan B. B. er, yes Blood.

In fairness Thaksin didnt mention the blood thing last night and in equal fairness Sae Daeng was scathing of the UDD leadership for doing it.

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This 11-year-old boy from Bangkok was one of the first people to donate 10cc of blood in response to the call by UDD leaders.

post-327-1268703497_thumb.jpg post-327-1268703509_thumb.jpg

post-327-1268703521_thumb.jpg post-327-1268703532_thumb.jpg


-- thaivisa.com 2010-03-16


Now they are sucking blood out of children. :) Disgusting, how low will these people stoop?

A much deserved <deleted>!?!? I thought you had to be above a certain age before blood banks (ones with legitimate, benifical purpose) permitted you to give blood?

Dangerous nonsense such as this highlights how primitive the leaders are. Shame on that doctor in the photos for getting involved.

It is shameful, and for those Nurses getting involved they are an embarrassment to theirs and also my profession. I am unsure as to what the implications under for Nurses who participate in this, but I can assure you that under UK NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) - these people would be hauled before a fitness to practice committee and would without doubt be removed from the register.

Some examples given here in respect of a UK Nurses code of conduct

Be impartial

* You must not abuse your privileged position for your own ends

* You must ensure that your professional judgment is not influenced by any commercial considerations

Uphold the reputation of your profession

* You must not use your professional status to promote causes that are not related to health

* You must cooperate with the media only when you can confidently protect the confidential information and dignity of those in your care

* You must uphold the reputation of your profession at all times

In respect of Children

Nurses and midwives have three over-riding professional responsibilities with regard to obtaining consent.

• To make the care of people their first concern and ensure they gain consent before they begin any treatment or care.

• Ensure that the process of establishing consent is rigorous, transparent and demonstrates a clear level of professional accountability.

• Accurately record all discussions and decisions relating to obtaining consent

and in relation the Nurses involved

“… confirm that the outcome of any delegated task meets required standards.” Interesting as the blood donation would certainly be on the boundaries of any acceptabele "standards".

Accountability is integral to professional practice. Nurses and midwives make judgements in a wide variety of circumstances. Nurses and midwives use their professional knowledge, judgement and skills to make a decision based on evidence for best practise and the person’s best interests. Nurses and midwives need to be able to justify the decisions they make.

NMC (2009) UK

Of course maybe some of the red defenders will say that these guidelines are UK and not Thai - however the principals and ethics of ones profession across the world remains. Shameful. :D

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In fairness Thaksin didnt mention the blood thing last night and in equal fairness Sae Daeng was scathing of the UDD leadership for doing it.

Great. The reds are rUDDerless now. No one can agree on what direction to move forward to.

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Mate, drawing blood from children (regardless of quantity) in the name of your political goals is just wrong.

What about forcing your kids into acting for your financial goals?

Kids are used for political gain ALL THE dam_n TIME because they draw strong emotional responses. Presidents going around kissing babies? Kids at political rallies in the US waving flags for presidential candidates they have no idea what they stand for.

If anyone thinks that any actual harm was done to this child they need to go do some research about:

1) Conversions

2) Human anatomy

3) Politics

4) Psychological development during pre-adolescent years

You only think it's wrong because the political goals being pushed aren't in line with yours and that's the only truth here.

That's a poor argument, and one really not worth pursuing.

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?

How about they all go home, and wait for the elections next year when they can express themselves in a rational manner? Abhisit had no reason to abide, he is in power legally, and will be until the elections next year. This isn't about politics, it's about one man's stolen money.

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If the picture of the child having blood extracted is published in the worlds press (which is indeed highly likely), it will do so much damage to Thaksin and his toadying acolyte attempt to steal Thailand from its people.

The cause will be, if it isn't already: lost, the world will see exactly what Thaksins plans and his form of DEMONACRACY actually entails

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This is so wrong on all counts. I doubt many of the participants truly understand just what they are getting involved in right now. The organisers, ring leaders need to be jailed, what's going to be next? persuading 1000 people to commit mass suicide on the steps of government house? The red leaders are doing this for shock tactics, and I feel when the international press get hold of this (as they already have), the knock on effect to the Thai tourist industry will be far more devastating than closing an airport down.

I believe they could get 1,000 to commit mass suicide on the steps of government house. Once you have 'lost face', what else is left? It seems they are painting themselves into a tighter and tighter corner with no way out.

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This 11-year-old boy from Bangkok was one of the first people to donate 10cc of blood in response to the call by UDD leaders.

post-327-1268703497_thumb.jpg post-327-1268703509_thumb.jpg

post-327-1268703521_thumb.jpg post-327-1268703532_thumb.jpg


-- thaivisa.com 2010-03-16


Now they are sucking blood out of children. :) Disgusting, how low will these people stoop?

A much deserved <deleted>!?!? I thought you had to be above a certain age before blood banks (ones with legitimate, benifical purpose) permitted you to give blood?

Dangerous nonsense such as this highlights how primitive the leaders are. Shame on that doctor in the photos for getting involved.

It is shameful, and for those Nurses getting involved they are an embarrassment to theirs and also my profession. I am unsure as to what the implications under for Nurses who participate in this, but I can assure you that under UK NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) - these people would be hauled before a fitness to practice committee and would without doubt be removed from the register.

Some examples given here in respect of a UK Nurses code of conduct

Be impartial

* You must not abuse your privileged position for your own ends

* You must ensure that your professional judgment is not influenced by any commercial considerations

Uphold the reputation of your profession

* You must not use your professional status to promote causes that are not related to health

* You must cooperate with the media only when you can confidently protect the confidential information and dignity of those in your care

* You must uphold the reputation of your profession at all times

In respect of Children

Nurses and midwives have three over-riding professional responsibilities with regard to obtaining consent.

• To make the care of people their first concern and ensure they gain consent before they begin any treatment or care.

• Ensure that the process of establishing consent is rigorous, transparent and demonstrates a clear level of professional accountability.

• Accurately record all discussions and decisions relating to obtaining consent

and in relation the Nurses involved

“… confirm that the outcome of any delegated task meets required standards.” Interesting as the blood donation would certainly be on the boundaries of any acceptabele "standards".

Accountability is integral to professional practice. Nurses and midwives make judgements in a wide variety of circumstances. Nurses and midwives use their professional knowledge, judgement and skills to make a decision based on evidence for best practise and the person’s best interests. Nurses and midwives need to be able to justify the decisions they make.

NMC (2009) UK

Of course maybe some of the red defenders will say that these guidelines are UK and not Thai - however the principals and ethics of ones profession across the world remains. Shameful. :D

This is absolutely ridiculous conduct by the reds. It will achieve nothing, make for a very bizarre semi occult spectacle and not gain them any friends domestically or internationally. I condemn it whole heartedly.

Now as for the conduct of the nurses. Very wrong in my opinion. However, the concept of what a medical person is and how they should conduct themselves is very different here in Thailand in comparison with the West. Lest we forget Chula hospital stating that it would refuse to treat police hurt in the clashes with the PAD. For which they were disciplined if I remember correctly.

Someone stop this insanity and deem the spreading of human blood an attack with a biohazard endangering the protesters themselves and arrest whoever is part of this stupidity.

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?

How about they all go home, and wait for the elections next year when they can express themselves in a rational manner? Abhisit had no reason to abide, he is in power legally, and will be until the elections next year. This isn't about politics, it's about one man's stolen money.

I don't think that going home will persuade Abhisit to come to his senses at all, in fact that is exactly the wrong way to achieve the objective. Unless, of course, they decide to fly home via Suvarnabhumi, but that's looking like a less peaceful manoeuvre already accorsing according to Webfact's latest update.

Please provide sensible alternatives to achieve the objective if possible.

<ed: typos>

Edited by SeanMoran
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If the picture of the child having blood extracted is published in the worlds press (which is indeed highly likely), it will do so much damage to Thaksin and his toadying acolyte attempt to steal Thailand from its people.

The cause will be, if it isn't already: lost, the world will see exactly what Thaksins plans and his form of DEMONACRACY actually entails

This is why I'd love to see a response by Unicef, they are the premier NGO for children's rights and protection. Someone on here must work for them...

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?


It was not a request.

It was a rude DEMAND with no room for negotiation of any kind. The leaders said quite clearly if you don't give in to our demand, we will paralyze the entire country. Of course, as their turnout was so sparse and they lack the majority support to do that, they aren't capable of carrying out their destructive threats.

Sugar coat it with your polite words, but the red shirt leaders are anything but polite. And now the blood. It is indeed disgusting. They want the world to think they are like Nelson Mandella and Burmese monks when actually what they REALLY are is clear to see.

Edited by Jingthing
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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?


It was not a request.

It was a rude DEMAND with no room for negotiation of any kind.

Sugar coat it with your polite words, but the red shirt leaders are anything but polite. And now the blod. It is indeed disgusting.

Okay then, if you want to split hairs because of your attitude, then please tell me what other peaceful mechanisms you would recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's demands?

Is that a better way to rephrase the same question more to your liking?

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?

Something that allows you to 'up the ante' for a start. Where do you go from spilling blood collected from protesters. A mass suicide?, a mass burning of monks? I am not even sure that your description of this being a 'peaceful mechanism' is accurate either. It is symbolic of a very violent mechanism, and maybe the next stage is to take out the symbolism. Of course Abhisit has refused Mondays request. The Government as it sits is legal and constituional and the thought of this group of red lunatics running the country would be enough to move myself and my family out of here.

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I can't make up my mind regarding which is the most idiotic - the original idea or the reaction to it.

It is safe to assume that the Shinawatra family will be sending a generous donation from somewhere that isn't in Germany, UK, USA etc etc. About 8 pints each should be enough.

I have to agree - the stance of the NMC is toothless, and the Medical Council is fence sitting. It is clearly not ethical and it is not best clinical practice. Nurses and Doctors involved should be struck off from their respective registers - simple.

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?

How about they all go home, and wait for the elections next year when they can express themselves in a rational manner? Abhisit had no reason to abide, he is in power legally, and will be until the elections next year. This isn't about politics, it's about one man's stolen money.

I don't think that going home will persuade Abhisit to come to his senses at all, in fact that is exactly the wrong way to achieve the objective. Unless, of course, they decide to fly home via Suvarnabhumi, but that's looking like a less peaceful manoeuvre already accorsing according to Webfact's latest update.

Please provide sensible alternatives to achieve the objective if possible.

<ed: typos>

I think that the point is that the red's objective is rationally deficient. Why overthrow the first government in years that has created stability and a beginning of recovery? They are legally allowed to stay in power for their full term unless they have done something that precludes their removal. I can't think of anything that they have done, (aside from re-claiming most of Thaksin's stolen funds), that hasn't been done on a worse scale by previous governments here. The only way forward is with baby steps, which Abhisit is achieving.

There are no sensible ways to achieve an insensible objective.

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Peaceful mechanism? Go home and organize for the next legal election. While you're at it, reds, consider dumping ALL of your leadership starting at the Thaksin top. They have led you down the wrong path.

They would also be smart to focus on specific policy interests they are fighting for. They don't even seem to have a coherent platform. For example, if they had come to Bangkok and said increase the education budget for poor areas by 100 percent, that is the beginning of a negotiation and would have given the government something to work with. Saying, government dissolve and give power to Thaksin OR ELSE, there is NOTHING to negotiate.

Edited by Jingthing
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If the picture of the child having blood extracted is published in the worlds press (which is indeed highly likely), it will do so much damage to Thaksin and his toadying acolyte attempt to steal Thailand from its people.

The cause will be, if it isn't already: lost, the world will see exactly what Thaksins plans and his form of DEMONACRACY actually entails

This is why I'd love to see a response by Unicef, they are the premier NGO for children's rights and protection. Someone on here must work for them...

Agreed. :)

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?

Something that allows you to 'up the ante' for a start. Where do you go from spilling blood collected from protesters. A mass suicide?, a mass burning of monks? I am not even sure that your description of this being a 'peaceful mechanism' is accurate either. It is symbolic of a very violent mechanism, and maybe the next stage is to take out the symbolism. Of course Abhisit has refused Mondays request. The Government as it sits is legal and constituional and the thought of this group of red lunatics running the country would be enough to move myself and my family out of here.

Yes, this is what I am most concerned about, and yet the protestors have reportedly refrained from violence so far. So what peaceful alternatives do you recommend for tomorrrow?

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?

How about they all go home, and wait for the elections next year when they can express themselves in a rational manner? Abhisit had no reason to abide, he is in power legally, and will be until the elections next year. This isn't about politics, it's about one man's stolen money.

I don't think that going home will persuade Abhisit to come to his senses at all, in fact that is exactly the wrong way to achieve the objective. Unless, of course, they decide to fly home via Suvarnabhumi, but that's looking like a less peaceful manoeuvre already accorsing according to Webfact's latest update.

Please provide sensible alternatives to achieve the objective if possible.

<ed: typos>

I am beginning to wonder if it is you that needs to come to your senses. The way forward is by the due electoral process. What reason at all do you have that Abhisit should stand down?

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Does anybody find it slightly amusing that Thais would rather part with their own blood than try the more traditional political protest of a hunger strike?

Hunger strike, are you kidding? :D Thai people will do anything, but never a hunger strike. After all, they spend most of their day talking about food, thinking about food, preparing food, growing food or eating food and maybe the nights dreaming about food :) (not that there is anything wrong with that)

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