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Thai Protests Turn Bloody -- But Not Violent

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Protesters pour blood in front of Democrat Party

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt protesters poured collected blood on the ground in front of the Democrat Party head office at 6:45 pm Tuesday.

A Brahmin poured the blood and kneeled down to perform a cursing ritual against the party.


-- The Nation 2010-03-16


I wonder how many cases of HIV and Hepatitis will be spread thanks to this superstitious poppycock. I wonder how many time these hicks reused the same needles.


Well It seems to have hit about every major news agency around the World.

How are they going bring down a government without violence? or hijacking an airport?

Protesters pour blood in front of Democrat Party

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt protesters poured collected blood on the ground in front of the Democrat Party head office at 6:45 pm Tuesday.

A Brahmin poured the blood and kneeled down to perform a cursing ritual against the party.


-- The Nation 2010-03-16


I wonder how many cases of HIV and Hepatitis will be spread thanks to this superstitious poppycock. I wonder how many time these hicks reused the same needles.

Hicks calling hicks hicks! And yes administrator I mean the Hick who's post I'm responding to. Not all the rural poor are hick idiots like the mug who wrote that. Delete it!

Do you suppose those same donors would be prepared to give blood at a Red Cross or hospital donation day in order to save lives, a rhetorical question.

You hit the nail; those people, who ‘donated’ blood, would never give that to those who really need it. I’m so sorry, but I just don’t understand it. Education is power.…………….. :):D:D

Do you suppose those same donors would be prepared to give blood at a Red Cross or hospital donation day in order to save lives, a rhetorical question.

You hit the nail; those people, who 'donated' blood, would never give that to those who really need it. I'm so sorry, but I just don't understand it. Education is power.…………….. :):D:D

When was the last time anyone posting here gave a blood donation? At a guess I'd say 1% if that so put your money where your mouth is and do it. Too much hypocracy!


From what I've seen they have only used a very small amount of blood, maybe they are saving the rest until tomorrow.

I expected them to drench the buildings with it, why did they need so much ?

This was basically a publicity stunt to try to save face - The PM to his credit handled the whole situation calmly and simply rode out the storm, the media whipped itself into a frenzy, schools closed and people stocked up on food, water and beer fearing and impending crisis.

The Reds have been more than defeated they have been humiliated and humbled by the sheer stupidity and lack of planning by their leaders.

This blood ritual is simply a prank to gain publicity and to allow them to have closure on their terms, stagger off and lick their wounds and wait for the election when they will have another opportunity to test the water and see if they actually have the support they believe they have.

Personally I think this demonstration has made the government look better than it has in a while and made the reds and their political allies look like complete <deleted>.

And for all those constant whiners who complain that this isn't a legitimate government - well the lack of popular support spoke volumes about the view of the majority on that issue. An illegitimate government - debatable yes, but get use to it until the next set of elections cause it ain't going anywhere.

Personally I shocked to think that his majesty is sick in hospital and this fiasco goes on.

Would you rather the reds committed an act of political terrorism such as closing the airports as this governments yellow shirted friends did? This protest has been a peaceful one full credit to the Reds for that but they probably wont get what they want because they are acting within the law....rather ironic isnt it?


The thing that bothers me most about the bloodletting is the emails I'm getting from family and friends in several different countries.

I've been telling them about how good it is to live in Thailand, and now they've seen the news. Being pretty astute, they wonder what kind of opposition party is trying to get into power, and would I please leave now before things get worse.

No, I won't leave. But I do feel a bit discouraged when trying to explain the political situation here. My answers are not complete, of course - I don't pretend to know the workings of Thai government or politics, but I'm learning. Some responses are that I'm just trying to justify my staying here, and they don't believe that this country is worthwhile as a home. Perhaps they're right, but I'm a stubborn old coot who believes that Thailand will move forward.


They poured blood at Government House and the Democratic HQ. Tomorrow, they will march to a private residence to do the same. Regardless of whose home it belongs to, I think this is going a rather bit to far. Perhaps once everything settles down, the natives return to their homes, the leaders hopefully will be arrested and charged accordingly.

On a side note, I can only wonder if the PT HQ will now become a target. If so, they did bring that on to themselves.


These people known as Red Shirts demand to be recognized as political forces to be reckoned with, yet resort to throwing feces in bags, conduct cursing ceremonies to lay bad on the government, and now let blood in the name of their cause. How in the name of democracy do they hope the rest of the world think them not a Third World nation? These antics did nothing to enhance their cause in the eyes of the world and the rest of the nation. Where were their million-men for their Million-Man-March? The projected 100,000 last Friday turned out to be 6,500, their 1-million for Sunday was 100,000. I would dare say their credibility has suffered rather than improve. The former PM had best find himself a new tactic and approach. Maybe he can send his children to lead the charge next time, if there ever is one of credible means.

What image does Thailand have to lose? :)

to me... NONE.

but for those who believe at the fake historical that the people is good and friendly, this blood poured is shocking...

black magic and macabre rituals are a part of thai "culture"..

video not suitable for weak-stomached

shocking videos there. Hope they get blasted.

good on them and good on monks who dare to join protests against the government - they might become a new symbol of a fight against the injustice, as monks became symbols for the same ideas in the other countries (vietnam, myanmar)

rituals do play role in politics as well, but won't replace a rational, scientific education and a clear political program - for that we have to wait yet.

i'm sorry, i'm a bit intellectually handicapped, so please excuse my ignorance.

but as far as i can read your comments: to achieve democracy, it's fine for members of the sangha to transgress the Lord Buddha's vinayana? to achieve democracy, it's fine to let a hindu priest perform "rituals" & spill blood?

while, to achieve democracy, for you, it's fine "to wait yet" for a "clear political program"?

may i ask you, _what is "democracy"?_ as i said, i'm intellectually handicapped & i'd appreciate your answer.

A man should not feel it necessary to apologise if he is intellectually handicapped.

The simplest way to understand "democracy", - just google the word.

We are here to help.


Can someone explain the story I heard that Taksin thinks he is recarnated from King Taksin and in order to get "his" land back a fortune teller/ dream? told him that the land would not be returned unless blood was spilled on the ground.... A Thai was trying to tell me but it was so crazy that I couldn't fully understand the whole story. :)

//Edit: Replies to this post have been deleted because discussion of Royals, past and present, is not allowed by the forum rules. -- Maestro

What image does Thailand have to lose? :)

to me... NONE.

but for those who believe at the fake historical that the people is good and friendly, this blood poured is shocking...

black magic and macabre rituals are a part of thai "culture"..

video not suitable for weak-stomached

shocking videos there. Hope they get blasted.

Are these real?

Who are the WHITE?


I completely agree, she's rubbish. Fresh off the boat, playing to an audience as ignorant as she is of Thailand and its politics.

No mention of anything except the sensationalism of the moment. Very disappointed in the BBC at the moment.


I would be very grateful to learn why I can't post below the following text? And why I can't move my cursor around?Is it my keyboard or my connection or my brain or....

It was the lead story on the BBC news at 19:00. The reporter said something about all Thais seeing it as a powerful symbol as "the body should not be separated from the blood" and generally raved on as if all Thais would be impressed by the symbolism of it. Where does the BBC get these idiots from? My wife is not one for high emotion, but even she was extremely pissed off by this woman making out that all Thais are black magic, voodoo worshippers. If the BBC wanted to be completely fair why doesn't it get a neutral translater and randomly pick out a young, middle aged and elderly male and female from the protestors and ask them, on live television, why they are there? No doubt at least some of them would say to kick out Abhisit, but then ask them "and then what?" Let's see what the average red shirt supporter on the streets really thinks.
good on them and good on monks who dare to join protests against the government - they might become a new symbol of a fight against the injustice, as monks became symbols for the same ideas in the other countries (vietnam, myanmar)

rituals do play role in politics as well, but won't replace a rational, scientific education and a clear political program - for that we have to wait yet.

I thought Monks were against equal rights for women in Buddhism as Bhikkhun & had tried for years to prevent them even entering monastries & then preventing them having similar stature in the heirarchy ? How does this misogeny equate to 'monks fighting against injustice'.

The OP says 'Hindu priests'. In fact this is a black magic ceremony presided over by Brahmin magic men known as phrams to Thais. It's typical Thaksin. The blood will force Abhisit and his government from office apparently. His brother lead a black magic ceremony in Chiang Mai a few years ago. Thaksin regularly consulted his astrologer and various phrams while in office.

I was wondering about the significance of the Brahmin - interesting.

In case anyone wondered: voodoo-like black magic is alive and well in Thailand. What happened today was a ceremony, no more no less.

Trouble is the secular socialists didnt like it


It seems to me I recall reading here about a Red Cross appeal for blood donations in Bangkok some time back, because there was a shortage of donated blood. Pity that those donating their blood today couldn't have done so for a more practical, useful purpose.

As for the ceremony and its supposed placing of a "curse," does that mean folks soon will be forthcoming with voodoo dolls of the Prime Minister and others they dislike, and using those for their curses???

I can see it in the headlines soon.... Thailand, the Hub of Curses... :)


The only ironic think about the airport saga is that the Samak government didn't prosecute the yellow leaders, but now the democrates are in power, the new manifestation of the old regime demands the dems do what they didn't. That's irony. On the subject of political terrorism it maybe worth getting the opinion of the Vietnamese FM on that as he was whicked away from the ASEAN summit last year as the reds stormed the hotel.

But thisthread isn't about the past it's about the present. The Reds were completely outthought both politically and strategically - end of story.

PS - I support neither red nor yellow as I have no vote. I'm just expressing what i have seen.

This was basically a publicity stunt to try to save face - The PM to his credit handled the whole situation calmly and simply rode out the storm, the media whipped itself into a frenzy, schools closed and people stocked up on food, water and beer fearing and impending crisis.

The Reds have been more than defeated they have been humiliated and humbled by the sheer stupidity and lack of planning by their leaders.

This blood ritual is simply a prank to gain publicity and to allow them to have closure on their terms, stagger off and lick their wounds and wait for the election when they will have another opportunity to test the water and see if they actually have the support they believe they have.

Personally I think this demonstration has made the government look better than it has in a while and made the reds and their political allies look like complete <deleted>.

And for all those constant whiners who complain that this isn't a legitimate government - well the lack of popular support spoke volumes about the view of the majority on that issue. An illegitimate government - debatable yes, but get use to it until the next set of elections cause it ain't going anywhere.

Personally I shocked to think that his majesty is sick in hospital and this fiasco goes on.

Would you rather the reds committed an act of political terrorism such as closing the airports as this governments yellow shirted friends did? This protest has been a peaceful one full credit to the Reds for that but they probably wont get what they want because they are acting within the law....rather ironic isnt it?

I thought that when trying to practice WITCHCRAFT it is pig's blood that's supposed to be thrown. Rememebr Carrie? Maybe there is still one other Thai way/western way nuance I am not informed of in regards to which blood each side uses when practicing WITCHCRAFT?

They are not giving anything they are jsut wasting things.

Witchcraft from hedge-wicca, in England, a truly ancient discipline of midwifery, herbalism & folk remedies for everything from piles to STD. Highly effective by all accounts, as are most things that more than a few thousand years, the trial and error shows which (no pun) remedies are effective. Most of the herbs and roots came from the hedgerows which used to be a beautiful and abundant part of rural England, before the mega-farms arrived. Hedge-wicca also involved psychotropic plants such as the liberty-cap & fly agaric etc. Often misused by the modern quick-buck media merchants today to make it a goth dark sexy kind of affair, it was usually old grannies who just knew a lot about their local flora and fauna.

What image does Thailand have to lose? :D

to me... NONE.

but for those who believe at the fake historical that the people is good and friendly, this blood poured is shocking...

black magic and macabre rituals are a part of thai "culture"..

video not suitable for weak-stomached

shocking videos there. Hope they get blasted.

Are these real?

Who are the WHITE?

I think another poster hit the nail on the head when he mentioned the word "loonies"..

The whole thing and everything to do with Taksin just keeps getting sillier (LOS- land of silliness??)

I just feel sorry for people who need blood transfusions or have died in circumstances where they couldnt get blood quick enough..

And here these guys are throwing it around with total contempt :D

Why do these people think that as long as it is themselves who are doing these stupid superstitious things they are the ones that will be protected and in the right?

SO,If going by there own sillness and superstiton and talk of evil spirits and black magic, then surely the ghosts and demons of innocent people who have died from lack of blood must surely come back and haunt them for this blatant waste :)

The thing that bothers me most about the bloodletting is the emails I'm getting from family and friends in several different countries.

I've been telling them about how good it is to live in Thailand, and now they've seen the news. Being pretty astute, they wonder what kind of opposition party is trying to get into power, and would I please leave now before things get worse.

No, I won't leave. But I do feel a bit discouraged when trying to explain the political situation here. My answers are not complete, of course - I don't pretend to know the workings of Thai government or politics, but I'm learning. Some responses are that I'm just trying to justify my staying here, and they don't believe that this country is worthwhile as a home. Perhaps they're right, but I'm a stubborn old coot who believes that Thailand will move forward.

One of my Thai friends who was born and raised in Bangkok, and works with international investment firms there, telephoned me last night in tears because she said she was so embarrased to speak to her foreign clients today, she felt this blood incident made her look like she was part of some barbaric race. Her words.

Its so sad, I've never met any of these loonies with the blood buckets etc. but I have met hundreds of professional and smart Thais who all get tarnished by this.

What image does Thailand have to lose? :)

to me... NONE.

but for those who believe at the fake historical that the people is good and friendly, this blood poured is shocking...

black magic and macabre rituals are a part of thai "culture"..

video not suitable for weak-stomached

shocking videos there. Hope they get blasted.

Are these real?

Who are the WHITE?

I let it through a video analyzer and there are no parts that have been edited so far as I can see.

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