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Large Coke, No Ice Please.


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OK, now the OP has opened the door to serious lifestyle issues in LOS. I would like to register my own complaint. About the ice cream cone in MacDonald's, most often they will only start the fill from the top rim of the cone, leaving the base hollow with no ice cream. Definitely a deceptive practice. What should be done? I think I will make a "scene" in front of the manager next time.
There's the well known trick of employing a bilingual gardener, something that according to hard facts has an incredible impact on price and expensiveness.

an alternative is to wànk in a dark corner over a picture of a financially out of reach BMW because the bank wouldn't finance a downpayment :)

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OK, now the OP has opened the door to serious lifestyle issues in LOS. I would like to register my own complaint. About the ice cream cone in MacDonald's, most often they will only start the fill from the top rim of the cone, leaving the base hollow with no ice cream. Definitely a deceptive practice. What should be done? I think I will make a "scene" in front of the manager next time.

I notice this too.... To remedy I push the ice cream (with my tongue) down inside the cone as I'm eating it. That way when I get to the cone it actually has some ice cream inside it which allows for a more soggy cone....... Beats the hel_l out of arguing with a Thai over what, 9 or 10 baht???? :)

7 bht now, on special. I don't know I want to stand up for what is right. One of my favorite movie quotes is: "doin' right ain't got no end". But seriously, I need to save my tongue energy for kissing Thai ladies, if only I could find a partner to match my skill.

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OK, now the OP has opened the door to serious lifestyle issues in LOS. I would like to register my own complaint. About the ice cream cone in MacDonald's, most often they will only start the fill from the top rim of the cone, leaving the base hollow with no ice cream. Definitely a deceptive practice. What should be done? I think I will make a "scene" in front of the manager next time.
There's the well known trick of employing a bilingual gardener, something that according to hard facts has an incredible impact on price and expensiveness.

an alternative is to wànk in a dark corner over a picture of a financially out of reach BMW because the bank wouldn't finance a downpayment :D


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Never had a problem in KFC and McDonalds, I often have a lot of ice left in my cup, so I ask for a Coke without ice and always got a full glass, this I pour than-in two or three times in my glass with ice.

For the OP problem, I do not know, but does the menue only say, small, medium, large coke? does it not also state how much these quantities realy are?

Than there should be that quantity in the glass or cup.

Anyway, if the quantity is nowhere written, its a loophole in the law, the customer should know how much he buys from something, not only a small or a big glass full with ice and a bit drink!

I would have checked that out first and than decided if I open my mouth or not.

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Agree I would do the same, you needa hold those peeps on a short line for sure.

Usually it happens in Mc. Donalds where they give you just a half filled box of fries, not hot enough, fried up for the 2nd time and a coke that's 70% just icecubes.

Most easy to tell them in advance you want HOT fries, and naam keng nidnoi.

When you ask for salt AND mayonaise stick up one finger for both, or they remember just salt. Many are so pre-occupied with themselves and their hard job and never learned to use their ears.

The good ones though I treat very polite and respectful like years ago I did to every Thai.


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you needa hold those peeps on a short line for sure.

Usually it happens in Mc. Donalds where they give you just a half filled box of fries, not hot enough, fried up for the 2nd time and a coke that's 70% just icecubes.

I've never had any problem with the fries and the Cokes are huge and cheap. Who cares if they use a lot of ice? :)

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you needa hold those peeps on a short line for sure.

Usually it happens in Mc. Donalds where they give you just a half filled box of fries, not hot enough, fried up for the 2nd time and a coke that's 70% just icecubes.

I've never had any problem with the fries and the Cokes are huge and cheap. Who cares if they use a lot of ice? :)

When you pay for a coke you can call it stealing when it's 70% ice and only 30% coke, that's fooling sheep and I don't wish to support that mentality. Beside that 'plastic bag with sirup' coke from McDonalds is way cheaper to produce then bottles and cans so it's double stealing.

Same with toilet tissue, ever mentioned that they invent bigger airbubbles all the time ? (now even MORE SOFT for your sore a$$ !!!) rolls getting shorter but not cheaper. Cadbury chocolat bars getting more expensive but smaller every few months, packages of many products getting smaller but the price never goes down.

Naieve people in a culture where complaining is not done are very easy to fool by the industrial mafia and I'm not gonna support that !

More respect for the fried chicken cart opposite AUA at sundaymarketstreet where they sell pretty large chunks of fried chickenbreast for only 5 bath.

Edited by ManilaLover
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Yes the big ice trick.

It happened to me at cineplex, no ice so they give me half a cup of coke. When i quizzed them they just said it because theres no ice, they are just doing what they are told. There brains only know how to push a button and not see the sense when we are paying for a large coke and not for the amount of coke a machine is preset to.

Most people would walk away to avoid complaining, best to just stick by your guns and get them to top it up as its what you are paying for...

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I've sent fries back to McDonalds and gotten new ones 5 times because the fry box was literally half full. First thing I do is accuse the delivery boy of eating half my fries, when he looks horrified I smile and shake my head, then call and get the fries replaced. If you're paying extra for JUMBO you don't expect to get a small size. Guess I did it so much they attached a note to my account... fries always come full now. :)

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Dumb rule but not worth losing face over. I would have asked how much to fill it to the top and paid that amount or done nothing at all.

They are allowed to institute any policy they want with regard to selling their beverages. If they wanted to fill every cup 20% full if it had ice or not, they could do that. People could then decide whether or not to purchase their beverages.

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Dumb rule but not worth losing face over. I would have asked how much to fill it to the top and paid that amount or done nothing at all.

They are allowed to institute any policy they want with regard to selling their beverages. If they wanted to fill every cup 20% full if it had ice or not, they could do that. People could then decide whether or not to purchase their beverages.

Only sheep accept crappy service and scammy policies, and I'm not interested nor disturbed by the 'loosing face hoax'

A: If I order coke I pay for coke not for ice

B: If the fries box is not full they can top it up

C: If fries are cold I want new ones, not fried up ones

Simple :)

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Indeed! Kudos to member "tangcoral" for posting a story that gets right to the hearts of the posters at TV. :)

Jingthing must be kicking himself that he didn't think of it. :D

Indeed. Also goes to show that excessive coke consumption really does impair judgement and may lead to paranoia and erratic behaviour. :D

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Mods, can I have permission to call the OP an (edited out as read some of your followup posts, and you sound humbled). If not, I won't then. I just love self-righteous farang's. Your logic may be correct, but why be an "edited" about it. Seriously, what did the little guy do to you.

"It's my god given right to get more coke without the ice or else I'm going to be a load mouths ignorant "edited" of a farang." say it out load.

Thai people are gradually changing their friendlieness to westerners, it's "edited" like you that lead the way. "edited abuse" 555.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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You are wrong... ice or no ice, the amount of coke is measured... They just press the button and coke fills your glass according the usual automatic calculated measure set (i used to work at Mc Donalds when I was student)...

However... usually nice guys would have filled to the top with the manual button (like 95% of the guys are doing).

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You are wrong... ice or no ice, the amount of coke is measured... They just press the button and coke fills your glass according the usual automatic calculated measure set (i used to work at Mc Donalds when I was student)...

However... usually nice guys would have filled to the top with the manual button (like 95% of the guys are doing).

Things must have been changed since you where a student, I always ask for coke with a little bit ice, they just fill it up until it's full no big deal.

Few times I joked and took a big sip and asked them to fill it up again, no problem :)

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You are wrong... ice or no ice, the amount of coke is measured... They just press the button and coke fills your glass according the usual automatic calculated measure set (i used to work at Mc Donalds when I was student)...

However... usually nice guys would have filled to the top with the manual button (like 95% of the guys are doing).

I guess that was my point. Regardless if the dispenser was automated there is always an override buttom to manually top off a drink. Like you said 95% of the guys would of topped it off, I guess I had the luck of meeting the 5%. But I doubt it, like most thai workers they are pretty much told to do one way only. Ever noticed they are not trained to anything out of the ordinary. However I do noticed most thai do go out of thier way to please you as a customer. I guess he was more afraid of going against company policy then to oblige to a customer request.

I'm sure it was isolated case and I didnt expect him to explain why he couldnt fill it up other than saying since I requested no ice it is filled to a certain level if the dispenser was not automated. My point? I guess if it was up to him and if he had any common social sense he would of probably filled it up. But like any incidents of this nature, the anger is usually directed at the little people especially at the heat of the moment.

What could I have done better? Maybe held my tone of voice but at the same time firmly request an explanation of why my cup was 60% filled and if there was any way to get it topped off to satisfy a buyers request.


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Maybe your noticing a disturbing trend about me, but I was a Makro the other day buying supplies to stock my family's restaurant business.

We needed about 50kg of potato which is usually never stocked to that level in the produce section. However there are boxes of potatoes packaged into 10kg boxes stacked up 6 high in 8 sets off to the side.

We usually like to hand pick our potatoes as we are looking for a specific size.

Thai wife asked for a pair of scissors to cut the band around the boxes so we can sift through our pickings.

The lady at the produce said there is no need to open any boxes as there are more than enough at the produce section.

We explained we needed 50kg of it and not enough to hand pick the specific size we needed.

This is when it got a bit ugly.

She said just to take the box as a whole as they are not rotten and should all be uniform in sizes.

Wife said, we would like to pick and choose which is what we have been doing the past couple of times and none of the employees had said or had any problem with that.

Makro lady said, "since you got to do that last time you want to do it again this time" all the while she had a disgusted looked and tone.

Obviously she was annoyed that we might make a mess which would mean we created extra work for her by having to re-box or reorganize the mess,

That is when my wife said, yes we will do it this time, tomorrow and whenever we come back here. (normal tone of voice)

Nothing further was said and the lady handed the scissor as she knew there was no convincing us to not to sift through the boxes.

Still annoyed with comment, after our purchases we headed straight to customer service desk to complain to the manager the words that were exchanged by his employee.

The manager decided to go to the back of the store to have a few words with the lady and ultimately brought her to customer service desk to confront us.

Not surprisingly, as it has happened to us twice before the lady had massive amount of tears down her cheeks.

I'm sure there are some of you that might think that we took an incident to an unnecessary level,

but I cannot let these type of inapproriate behaviour and treatment go on.

No, I'm not an excessive complainer but when there something is to be said as a buying customer it should be said at a cost of losing ones face.

Edited by tangcoral
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