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Dog Bite At Big Buddah


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They are approximately 600 baht each and if the dog's owner can be identified they should pay.
If the dog owner can be identified I would first check if the dog has had any injections recently. Because if so, maybe you won't need anything. e.g.: rabies is valid for 1 year, so if he has been vaccinated against rabies within the last year, no injections needed for that.
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I wouldn't trust the owner to give accurate information in the case of rabies risk. I would get the shots! (In the entire known history of rabies infections I think there is only one person that did not die from it when it got ahold of them fully. There was a great documentary on the girl that they treated. She is even able to talk now!)

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I wouldn't trust the owner to give accurate information in the case of rabies risk. I would get the shots! (In the entire known history of rabies infections I think there is only one person that did not die from it when it got ahold of them fully. There was a great documentary on the girl that they treated. She is even able to talk now!)

If done properly they might even have a booklet with the vaccin history. So why not trust that, in stead of getting painful and expensive shots that you would not need.

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I was bitten by my own dog (foolishly stuck my hand in to break up a dog fight) and told the nurse that my dog had had all her vaccines. She said, "Not all vaccines are 100%". I got my rabies shots.

** and no, they are not painful, they are simple injections in the arm. And, considering the alternative, no, not expensive at all.

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call your travel insurance company, tell them you need the shots, go to a hospital they recommend (ie one they will pay for) and get the shots. When you are there the doctor will tell you everything else about follow up shots, when you need them etc. I very much doubt you will be given rabies vaccine to take home with you.

You might have to pay first then claim it back when you get home, depends on who your insurer is.

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thank you all !!!

Am on vacation here for one week. Do I need a series of shots, if so do I take the serum back to the US with me?

Or can they all be done in the next 5 days? here in PHuket

thank you

Rabies vaccine shots are needed on Day 1, 3, 7 and 14. (also one shot of rabies immune globulin is required on Day 1)

The vaccine is available in your own country.

Get Day 1 and 3 here and get the rest back home.

Cost in Thai Goverment hospital is about 100 baht a shot.


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re ..... Or can they all be done in the next 5 days?

nahhh im affraid not !

ive just finnished having the 5 injections ( day 1 day 3 day 7 day 14 and day 30) after i got bitten by a cat in chiang mai.

get day 1 and 3 done here but the other 3 you will have to get done in the states

its 600 baht a shot here .... they are totaly painless and in your arm.

what youll pay back home ive no idea : (

bifftastic .... re .... I very much doubt you will be given rabies vaccine to take home with you.

i agree .... its probably going to be a no no on taking the vaccine out of thailand or into the states : (



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Phuket has not had rabies for a number of years. Google it if you want more info on how long Phuket has been rabies free.

Sorry to bring the thread back to a rational level, but spreading unwarranted fear never helps.

Having said that, it never does any harm to get a rabies shot to be on the safe side. There's always the concern that a bat or whatever that travels long distances may bring it back to Phuket.

Unlikely as they'd probably die of the disease before they got here, but as I said, playing safe is always a good option.

Edited by F1fanatic
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I wouldn't trust the owner to give accurate information in the case of rabies risk. I would get the shots! (In the entire known history of rabies infections I think there is only one person that did not die from it when it got ahold of them fully. There was a great documentary on the girl that they treated. She is even able to talk now!)

If done properly they might even have a booklet with the vaccin history. So why not trust that, in stead of getting painful and expensive shots that you would not need.

They aren't that painful nor that expensive in relation to your life, 620 baht to be exact and you should also have a tetanus series as well if you have not had that recently. You purchase all sorts of insurance for protections and this is as serious as it gets and the shots are your insurance, there's no second chance to be had.. The expensive one is the hemoglobulin shot you should have at the site of the injury if you can not quarantine the animal and that has to be done within 72 hours and can cost as much as 36,000 as was quoted to me at Viphavadi hospital in BK that one is expensive so will be cheaper at a government hospital but I would also get the police involved for compliance and confirmation.

I would not trust the owner exclusively, I would go to the owners vet with them to confirm their dog has been vaccinated..

Agree totally post #11 Dave2 just had the series of Verorab myself last month, still to get my 6 month tetanus..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Or then again you could just get the shots to be on the safe side.

Did you miss the point that Phuket has been rabies free for many years? :)

How would you like to be the first case to be recorded in years? That kind of goal does not inspire me...Uht ahh! Not worth it....Phuket is a small island and not isolated in the least..

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Coming from 3 weeks history of a dog bite.

Total of 5 injections needed. Go for it.

No, you will not get vaccine for all 5.

Total cost about 2,500bt.

Forget about any compensation from owner (unless he is willing to pay???)

The usual routine here is: Dog is a Thai, you are farang.

Ownership here is not proveable. No dog registration exists. As soon as a dog bites, it has no owner to pay for this. Legally.

Forget the incident and don't try to be smart,- no use.

Your insurance Co will want to ask questions you can't answer, or prove.

Bon voyage! Cheers :)

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A friend of mine was bitten at the Wat near the end of the beach, he went directly to the hospital to have his first shot and the next in Bangkok and the rest in Australia.

While he was speaking to the Doctor in Phuket he informed him that there are dogs in phuket with rabies as they are always bought in by Thai people from all over Thailand who come here looking for work.

So Phuket being rabies Free does not ring true.

Get your shots right away.

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Have begun the shots at Phuket International Hospital, it is not worth the risk.

The US has the follow up shots but the doctor is also saying it is important to get a

Rabius Immune Globulin shot near the bite. Does anyone know about that? as the hospital never mentioned it. Thank you

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re ..... The US has the follow up shots but the doctor is also saying it is important to get a

Rabius Immune Globulin shot near the bite. Does anyone know about that?

i never had that ..... the only other thing extra my doctor did was to start me on a new anti tetanus course of three injections coz ive not had any for twenty years


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There's an article in the local weekly newspaper that came out yesterday.

just briefly

100 injection centres set up Feb 16 to April 28 2010 to vaccinate Phukets cats and dogs against rabies

there have been cases of human infection on Phuket, peaking in 1992

in 1993, one in five dogs checks carried the virus

since 2000 there have been no detections of the virus in humans or dogs

Phuket Provincial Livestock Office counted 12958 dogs on the island, but believe they only found 80% but of cours an exact figure is impossible

Not just strays - owners are not having their pets vaccinated

Phuket Provincial Livestock Office have funded the sterilisation of 1200 stray females for next year

For info on the rabies vaccination drive ph Phuket Provincial Livestock Office 076 216 934


If I get bitten, I'd take the shots!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got bite a couple of days ago, went to Phuket international hospital (next to big c)

2000tbh without medicine

800tbh - doctor fee - he come in for 2 sec and say "vaccin" then leave, pretty good money for just telling that :)

580tbh - vaccin

200tbh - dressing wound

200 -register fee

then some other small fees, doctor wanted me to buy painkillers,antibiatoic,anti flammatori and some other stuff but told him to write the name up and i pick it up outside the hospital, he wasent happy about that.

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