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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler


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The Abhisit government should better start listening to its people, before it gets further out of hand.

That would make good sense were you refering to the 60 odd million who stayed at home and got on with their lives. You're not. You are refering to the 100,000 odd people on the streets, most of whom were being paid. Listen to them? For what? To be told Thaksin is the answer to all? I think he's heard that before. We all have. :)

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The one group he cares perhaps less about are most likely the NGOs and foreigners living inThailand....based on his past track record.

Someone please refresh my memory.....whats an NGO??

NGO = Never Going Outdoors...? Farangs who live in this country as if they were living back home, enclosed in their apartment?

Beats me... NGO anyone?

you mean like all the internet heros who know everything better than these rural uneducated indigenous people?

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I take it that the source of these 'quotes' is reliable and unbiased? Wouldn't be the first time. And reading through the posts on this thread, a lot of people are forming a lot of opionions based on them.

I dont know my friend . It is on the web .

Got a link for this - I'm interested in the source as well

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The Abhisit government should better start listening to its people, before it gets further out of hand.

That would make good sense were you refering to the 60 odd million who stayed at home and got on with their lives. You're not. You are refering to the 100,000 odd people on the streets, most of whom were being paid. Listen to them? For what? To be told Thaksin is the answer to all? I think he's heard that before. We all have. :)

Just because people stay home or can't afford to leave work doesn't mean they don't share a political opinion. Check the numbers of the last election and you should get a more clear picture of just how many people support Thaksin in Thailand.

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My "girlfriend from Issan" did study at the university and speak FAR much better English as the average Farang speak Thai. She knows about the "qualities" of the people in power in Thailand.

She knows what Thailand needs to make a next step in future. People who can win their inner battle and have their own good side overrule their own bad side. We all have our individual good and bad sides but, being white and black, but it takes inner spiritual strength to control your self. Thailand has the problem that many people who cannot control them self, their desire for power and money, are the ones that are in power, so the Thai people have to witness and endure what is the consequence of this. This is a tragedy and we only can hope it will not get worse someday. Thailand would be blessed when there would be a Thai Nelson Mandela, a Thai changing Thai culture because then Thai culture has developed and would be ready to embrace that kind of morality. My girlfriend from Issan does not protest, she does what one needs to do to change society, she is almost all the day helping other people with a morality Thailand desperately needs.

I think that Thailand lacks from western intellectual thinking and education. I meet students everyday that wouldn't have a chance on the international market. When it comes to education the Philippines are more motivated than the Thais, who's spending more braincells on how to avoid doing the effort of learning than it actually would've cost on doing it the right way. The clash in this country is not so much about retards against Einsteins. It's about laziness and take control over the situation. Imagine how US would've evolved if everyone just sat on the ground and waited for something of precious value to fall from the sky and bring fortune to everyone....

Of course Thai culture, society and civilization is radically different from all of the same that is definitively Western.

However, Chaucer wrote of these very forms of society, as did Dante, Shakespeare, Machiavelli and so many others. Thais too much think they have the corner on knowledge of the likes of Jekyll and Hyde and the duality within people. There's also Cervantes about idiots charging windmills and saving the sluts etc etc. I haven't even mentioned the Greek tragedies, comedies and dramas for their value in presenting perspective and self-examination, introspection.

The major problem with the Thai basis of civiliation is that its guiding principles were codified 2,500 years ago for those times and probably were valid until the Industrial Revolution, which Thailand missed completely as did most of Asia and the rest of the world, to include especially China. The latter day followers/believers in the Enlightened One, as with the Enlightened One, have blindly missed entirely the matter of wealth creation and the handling of wealth responsibly and morally, hence the inherent corruption of Thai culture and of so many of the Old World cultures and soceties.

A work ethic also never at all made its way to Thailand but in all fairness it's just too hot most of the time to even think about work, or to feel any ambition or a desire to produce material things - only after the invention of a/c by the West did economic productivty begin in the tropical societies and countries (for which we have yet to be thanked). Applying knowledge to economic transformation and development also zoomed over the heads of the Thai, but the same is true of the followers of Confucious who these days can be highly 'confusedous' especially when Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the rule.

Then there's the role of science in Thai civilization - oops, or should I say spirit houses, voodoo and tossing blood willy-nilly in a major urban center.


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You all say that Thaksin's comments are retarded, baseless and mere rants of a sad megalomaniac. Sure we can see it plain and clear.

...but just look at that red crowd roar when he said it. Makes you wonder if these people ~DO~ deserve to vote afterall?

And can any of us, with all our education and cultivated upbringing, fathom HOW and WHY the red shirts tick? Certainly it can't be the bribes, because some of my own folks here (in-laws) are red supporters and yet my wife's family is quite affluent, being city folk and not farmers. What do they see in such a transparently corrupt criminal? Is there a particular part of Thai culture that we absolutely missed? We like to joke that Thais worship money, that they are trained not to ask questions... so despite all the allegations and proof, a red farmer will simply not see how Thaksin achieved most of his wealth through dubious means. Certainly Thais can't be so stupid??

... and yet even my wife (who is anti-Thaksin) cannot give me an explanation as to why her mom is an avid Thaksin supporter. I don't speak a word of Thai to ask for myself, but I am bloody interested to know!! We are definitely missing something here~!!

I put it down to many years of 'Information Control' and 'Indoctrination.

Control the message they hear, and then discourage other messages

from reaching their ears, often with violence. Been watching this for some time now.

See Caravan of the Poor, Love Chaing Mai 51 and that Nakon area group.

Next is 'Group Think' and constant on message pandering.

Groups tend to reinforce their own thoughts in members,

part of the feeling of belonging to begin with, then just part of the way it goes.

A good group leader 'Alpha type individual can lead to most any direction given time.

And most recently the appearance 'Red Academies' to train good reds.

Someone read the right books on how to be a great demagogue for fun and profit.

If you are amoral enough it works like a charm.

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^Perhaps Khun T is a hero, not a criminal? ;)

:) He's a convicted criminal with plenty of other cases waiting for his eventual appearance in court to deal with :)

I am sure some would disagree with the convicted criminal aspect, and also challenge the legitimacy of said decisions. B)

How can anyone deny that he is a convicted criminal? It is a matter of public record including exactly WHY he was convicted. Legitimacy isn't an issue either since the man himself said he trusted in the courts (before his lawyers' bakery scandal!) How could legitimacy be an issue? The only issue is why anyone would support a criminal like him!

your last question (i know it becomes circular now, but that is the way how the argument goes)

because for his supporters he isn't that criminal like you him want to paint, for them "Khun T is a hero, not a criminal"

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LOL this is so funny. Looks like someone has lost his mind, resorting to personal attacks(which are totally baseless). He's not doing anything more than ridiculing himself.

Isn't this just great? I hope now some people will see that their great leader is not as great that as he is made out to be.

If things keep going the way it is, at the end of the day Thaksin will be the clown.

He's been a clown for a long time, but I'm sure, some of his loyal followers, will believe every word he says. :)

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The Abhisit government should better start listening to its people, before it gets further out of hand.

That would make good sense were you refering to the 60 odd million who stayed at home and got on with their lives. You're not. You are refering to the 100,000 odd people on the streets, most of whom were being paid. Listen to them? For what? To be told Thaksin is the answer to all? I think he's heard that before. We all have. :)

Just because people stay home or can't afford to leave work doesn't mean they don't share a political opinion. Check the numbers of the last election and you should get a more clear picture of just how many people support Thaksin in Thailand.

Check the numbers of the last election and you will see just how many people were paid to support Thaksin.

Cheers, Rick

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The Abhisit government should better start listening to its people, before it gets further out of hand.

That would make good sense were you refering to the 60 odd million who stayed at home and got on with their lives. You're not. You are refering to the 100,000 odd people on the streets, most of whom were being paid. Listen to them? For what? To be told Thaksin is the answer to all? I think he's heard that before. We all have. :)

Make that 66, 870,000 who didn't want to come to the blood letting party.

100 thousand ood souls,

Not on message, not in sync,, not making sense, and not a coherent political entity,

and then THE BLOOD came...

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Hitler ?

Next demo in Bangkok .



Not black, they wear Brown

Black would do.....but I think Hitler is associated with the Brown Shirts.

For the record, Hitler used bully-boy brown shirts to achieve power then had their leader killed (he was a homosexual). The black shirts were his special SS units.

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military imposed? :D

Newin switched sides, as I suppose he could do again. Deal with it.

Really? Who else would keep a miltary imposed government in power and not allow a vote by the citizens of the country, to decide otherwise?
I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

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Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said. We all know however that abhisit is not at all in charge. He is just the concierge or the bellboy. The real man in charge is Suthep. Given the fact that Suthep,the yellow shirts and their leaders have compared Thaksin numerous times with Hitler and how Hitler came to power there should be a little bit more evenhanded comments.

At least Thaksin came to power legitimate, the abhisit government came to power because of the army and people close to the highest circles.

Suthep orates about how he will easily win the elections but he does not take action, knowing that he is in power and taking lots of commissions without the support of at least 60% of the Thai population. Thaksin at least dared to call for new elections during the height of the yellow shirt demonstrations.

The reason Suthep did not take part was because he knew just like now that he would lose again. Suthep is a dictator, Thaksin is not.

The homosexual comment is taken fully out of context. But who cares? Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.

Now let's face it, mythBuster really is delusional

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How embarrassing. Talk about losing face, Takki just lost the whole head.

Hitler was Austrian, not German. I guess Thaksin didn't see Inglourious Basterds (great flick).

As if a significant percentage of the red shirt protesters aren't gay. They must be scratching their heads at that one.

Abhisit is the happiest man in Thailand today, surely sleeping soundly with a huge smile on his face.

I don't think even the writers of South Park could have come up with anything this good!

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How can anyone deny that he is a convicted criminal? It is a matter of public record including exactly WHY he was convicted. Legitimacy isn't an issue either since the man himself said he trusted in the courts (before his lawyers' bakery scandal!) How could legitimacy be an issue? The only issue is why anyone would support a criminal like him!

your last question (i know it becomes circular now, but that is the way how the argument goes)

because for his supporters he isn't that criminal like you him want to paint, for them "Khun T is a hero, not a criminal"

I can't believe how some people can twist facts into something completely different, twist black into white.

The man committed numerous serious offences against the well established decades long laws of Thailand. In fact many of the cases involve breaking the most basic laws, about theft.

Will you agree to that? Yes or no please.

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Just because people stay home or can't afford to leave work doesn't mean they don't share a political opinion. Check the numbers of the last election and you should get a more clear picture of just how many people support Thaksin in Thailand.

On the other hand there are many stories about people who came to Bangkok for the protest (and they have done the same thing many times before) just for the Baht handout, the free trip and the free food, but they have no allegiance to either the udd or to thaksin.

There's about 12 or more of them in my extened family, and all the food vendors in my soi, here in Bangkok went for two days to the event just finishing, they all went simply for the handout and they brag about it. My usual fruit man added "and I got a free T shirt as well".

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If the Govt. is not feeding the Bangkok elite they get put out. Thaksin stood up to them which proved his undoing.

So selling public land (heavily discounted) to the strife is acceptable behaviour for Australian PMs?

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Typical exchange in thaivisa forum

X Mr T is a retard

Y I think more of a rat

X...or a snake

Y he sucks

X And those red shirts how stupid they are

Y I wonder if they should be allowed to vote

X Such a bunch of morons

and so on and so forth ....

Well the only bunch of morons i can see in Thailand is you guys . Apart from a few people in here who have something intelligent to say about Thaksin or the red shirts with facts and arguments , be they pro Thaksin or anti Thaksin (i respect both views ) there is no much to learn here

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"Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems."

He is of course hinting at Prem with this remark. Prem is obviously gay but from a generation and background which would rather lie and demonise anything Gay then to come out and admit it - sad really - and Thaksin seems to have problems with his own latent homosexuality.

These personal attacks are now a sign of great desperation and totally inaproppriate.

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Just because people stay home or can't afford to leave work doesn't mean they don't share a political opinion. Check the numbers of the last election and you should get a more clear picture of just how many people support Thaksin in Thailand.

On the other hand there are many stories about people who came to Bangkok for the protest (and they have done the same thing many times before) just for the Baht handout, the free trip and the free food, but they have no allegiance to either the udd or to thaksin.

There's about 12 or more of them in my extened family, and all the food vendors in my soi, here in Bangkok went for two days to the event just finishing, they all went simply for the handout and they brag about it. My usual fruit man added "and I got a free T shirt as well".

Precisely ... fully agree

Edited by moresomekl
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If the Govt. is not feeding the Bangkok elite they get put out. Thaksin stood up to them which proved his undoing.

Stood up to them how? By offering their cheap and undereducated workforce a free and full education? Nope, that was Abhisit. By pushing new property taxes on vast land holdings and calling for inheritance taxes? Nope, that was Abhisit. What Thaksin did was offered them loans they had no means to repay. Some government ag schemes intended to foist more debt on them and enrich his cronies selling cows, rubber saplings, etc.. Ironic this bloodritual from the bloodsucker in chief.

Thailand needs a greater tax base to implement a welfare society. You can't get rid of corruption if you don't pay cops a living wage. You can't expect children to flourish if they spend all day in overcrowded sweatboxes which pass for schools. Did Thaksin change any of that? Did he even try? No, he didn't.

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I think he was looking at the mirror while he came up with this speech. Nothing could describe Taksin better than his own words. If one substitutes his name in place of Abpisit in his article, it would be the best description of Taksin ever. Where are good shrinks when we need one? Let's see who and who are on his hate list now: the well educated people (except himself who also has a Ph.D), the rich Thais who have Chinese parents (I guess, him included), now gay people. I can see that one can be a crook but to be a bigot too is beyond comprehension. Finally, either he is really lost it, or he at last shows his true self. :)

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If the Govt. is not feeding the Bangkok elite they get put out. Thaksin stood up to them which proved his undoing.

Stood up to them how? By offering their cheap and undereducated workforce a free and ull education? Nope, that was Abhisit. By pushing new property taxes on vast land holdings and calling for inheritance taxes? Nope, that was Abhisit. What Thaksin did was offered them loans they had no means to repay. Some government ag schemes intended to foist more debt on them and enrich his cronies selling cows, rubber saplings, etc.. Ironic this bloodritual from the bloodsucker in chief.

Politician bribing poor ppl for their vote has been practised pretty often by politicians of all spectrum since "democracy" exist in Thailand . No excuse for Mr T at all , but its the way things works in Issan .

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Typical exchange in thaivisa forum

X Mr T is a retard

Y I think more of a rat

X...or a snake

Y he sucks

X And those red shirts how stupid they are

Y I wonder if they should be allowed to vote

X Such a bunch of morons

and so on and so forth ....

Well the only bunch of morons i can see in Thailand is you guys . Apart from a few people in here who have something intelligent to say about Thaksin or the red shirts with facts and arguments , be they pro Thaksin or anti Thaksin (i respect both views ) there is no much to learn here

Quite to the contrary as you've been missing a lot.

It's pointed out that there are many factions among the Redshirts and that some of the Reds have legitimate grievances that urgenty need to be addressed, but that the dispossed rural poor are being exploited by the cynic Thaksin and his gang of highwaymen and pirates. The record of Thaksin while PM, then interim acting caretaker PM who was deposed and his obsessive compulsive mad actions against the country since being dumped are the acts of a mad man who now has thrown his marbles all over the floor by bleating that the PM is a Hitler.

TVF is more than instructive, informative and analytical. Then there are others who grossly call a strike a ball and a ball a strike. It's too bad you're among those missing some good calls around here.

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You all say that Thaksin's comments are retarded, baseless and mere rants of a sad megalomaniac. Sure we can see it plain and clear.

...but just look at that red crowd roar when he said it. Makes you wonder if these people ~DO~ deserve to vote afterall?

As difficult as it may be for you to understand, yes they should be allowed to vote. If people's votes are not being respected, if their concerns and voices are refused to be heard, they may become desperate. And desperate people take desperate measures. The Abhisit government should better start listening to its people, before it gets further out of hand.

You may say that Thaksin bought votes. Sure he did, but Newin and the Democrats were also convicted of vote buying. Every party in Thailand buys votes. But the people of Thailand voted for Thaksin's party and its then-allies. What happened is that a military coup removed that government and its allies jumped ship and joined the Democrats.

So, yes ...these people DO deserve to vote. And I find it disgusting that you even think about asking that question.

Overt threat of violence. Unfortunately today and in the future it is just a paper tiger. The tide went out last weekend and now you are swimming naked. Your primary aim of pardoning Thaksin is finished.

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Quite a bizarre outburst. Im sure any campaigners for true democracy would be critical of it.

Edited to add: There is also a certain irony in it if one is to beleive runours of who is gay and who isnt. Then again bringing sexaulity into things is a low place to go

Edited by hammered
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Quite to the contrary as you've been missing a lot.

It's pointed out that there are many factions among the Redshirts and that some of the Reds have legitimate grievances that urgenty need to be addressed, but that the dispossed rural poor are being exploited by the cynic Thaksin and his gang of highwaymen and pirates. The record of Thaksin while PM, then interim acting caretaker PM who was deposed and his obsessive compulsive mad actions against the country since being dumped are the acts of a mad man who now has thrown his marbles all over the floor by bleating that the PM is a Hitler.

TVF is more than instructive, informative and analytical. Then there are others who grossly call a strike a ball and a ball a strike. It's too bad you're among those missing some good calls around here.

Do you still really buy into this Publicus? We one faction heavily involved in voodoo witchcraft throwing blood around like primitive morons, another threatening to blow various people and buildings to kingdom come, and a loony convicted leader making absurd accusations during distant phone-ins. Their big plan to take Thailand back has left them arguably even more out in the cold than last Songkran and bumped Abhisit's popularity back up again.

If there are people with genuine political grievances in the red shirts, whether they be to the left or right it really is high time they moved on and found another vehicle to project them.

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If someone is similar to Hitler (as in: brainwashing the low educated to get them on his side, using his power to accumulate personal wealth, making himself a dictator and losing his mind when the power fades) then this must be Thaksin, not Abhisit.

Abhisit should sue him for the defamation, and should do so right away. I understand there's a few more billions ready to be seized - here is a good opportunity.

And Thaksin's son is a homosexual himself. My gaydar says so (one must be homosexual to sense that, and i AM homosexual and see no reason to hide that fact).

Seems Thaksin is jealous because of Abhisit's good looks compared to himself :)

Best regards.....


You don't need gaydar to know that Thaksins son is gay...it is as plain as the hole in my **** that he is a raging queen...haha

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