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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler

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Cheers for the link frodo, well looks as if he offended gays, but certainly never mentioned Hitler. Anyways personally if you have nothing good to say about someone then you should just keep your gob shut.

You're welcome, Brit.

There is a story in the Post (I can't post it here) that is stating that Abhisit is in the process of suing both Thaksin and the red leaders. Thaksin, due to remarks made comparing him to Hitler. The red leaders for playing, yet again, a doctored tape that maliciously defames the PM.

He mentions Hit-ler' and Abhisit many times beginning at just past 8 min.: http://www.manager.co.th/Politics/ViewNews...D=9530000037207

You don't need to understand Thai to make the connection

^hmmm haven't seen anyone worthy of "evil" yet.

Also man who speak too much get fist in face. :)

How much speech is too much? You get to decide with your fist when someone speaks too much? I see now why you identify with Dr. T. so much. I'm done with you as you are and irrational bully and I won't respond to any more of your posts.

^hmmm haven't seen anyone worthy of "evil" yet.

Also man who speak too much get fist in face. :)

I see the laughing emoticon but don't see the humor. Your carrot directs the comment to rametindallas and is on the edge of physical violence against rametindallas if he/she continues to voice his/her views, "Evil triumphs when good men stand by and say nothing".

If I'm off base please explain.


^Simple people who run their gob too much usually get smacked in the gob. (not hard to understand and this does include Khun T and his silly comments) And No I am not going to smack rametindallas in the mouth. (might be a bit hard to do that over the computer anyways) :)

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

Seemed a self description to me, with remarks primarily to stir up those who are left.

It's called " PROJECTION "

I have outright condemned it in several posts - you don't read them apparently - I said that neither Abhisit nor Thakisn should be compared to Hitler nor Mother Theresa

You are condemning it in general hypothetical terms, and in doing so, avoiding actually having to single out and condemn Thaksin. This isn't a general or a hypothetical situation. This is what Thaksin said.


Cheers for the link frodo, well looks as if he offended gays, but certainly never mentioned Hitler. Anyways personally if you have nothing good to say about someone then you should just keep your gob shut.

One might advocate the same for you, mate.


Thaksin added that just like the German schizophrenic dictator, Abhisit does not like to talk alone, has problems controlling his ambitions, and violent tendencies.

Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.

Toward the end of this call, Thaksin thanked his supporters again and urged them to continue their fight against the government for the sake of the younger generations.

However, he warned the protesters that the government might resort to violence since Abhisit has a mental disorder.

I believe that Hitler had full control over his faculties and was conscious of his actions

I believe that emotional problems are not limited to homosexuals

Neither is being surrounded by homosexuals a basis for schitzophrenic behaviour

Emotional problems arise from not taking responsibilty for ones own actions and the issues that arise therefrom

I believe that responsibility relies on taking responsibilty and not projecting ones issues.

Noone likes to talk alone - first sign of madness!!


Thaksin was known while in power for ONLY listening to those saying what he wanted to hear.

Surrounded himself in the cabinet with compliant sycophants, and general did all the talking.

I guess this is what he means by 'Abhisit doesn't like to talk alone'.

Abhisitlikes to talk with others and actually listens.

So much defensive projection on that Khun T's part

Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.

As Abhisit enjoys his new career as housekeeping manager in a 5 star hotel in central Bangkok. :)

I'm genuinely interested to know geriatrickid - as someone who has long stood up on this forum to defend Thaksin from attack, do you unequivocally deplore his words and if so, has it changed your opinion of him at all?

My opinion of Mr. Thaksin is unchanged. Mr. Thaksin and the movement for civil rights and a free vote are not one and the same. The issues at stake are bigger than Mr. Thaksin. I have said it before, and I will say it again, once the new election is held, Mr. Thaksin will most likely be cast aside by his followers. He is like Moses. He will bring his people to the promised land, but his sins will prevent him from entering the promised land.

I have gone back to the original speech and believe that the english translation is not accurate. My understanding is that Mr. Thaksin is saying that a psychoanalysis would show that PM Abhisit's conduct resembles a modern despot. Mr. Thaksin was refering to the authoritarian nature of PM Abhisit. He did not express himself well. That is not an excuse, but when one gets away from the biased interpretation, it becomes nothing more than the angry political rhetoric that a statesman would not use. The comments are those of a very frustrated person. The statements while inappropriate, are much milder than the garbage that is flung in the US Congress or Parliaments around the world.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful. Rather, they reflect an ignorance common to people that should behave more responsibly. I deplore the ignorance, but the sentiment expressed is again the product of a frustration that sees a certain group of what my friends and I would call the self appointed beautiful people holding sway over some issues. Again, it does not excuse Mr. Thaksin, but shows that he is no different than the typical citizen. If everyone that held similar views was removed from positions of power in Thailand, there would be alot of empty offices and work stations. Sorry, but that's the sad reality, despite the arguments some will offer that everything is welcoming and warm. Gays are discriminated against on a daily basis, as are women and people with disabilities.

I'm genuinely interested to know geriatrickid - as someone who has long stood up on this forum to defend Thaksin from attack, do you unequivocally deplore his words and if so, has it changed your opinion of him at all?

My opinion of Mr. Thaksin is unchanged. Mr. Thaksin and the movement for civil rights and a free vote are not one and the same. The issues at stake are bigger than Mr. Thaksin. I have said it before, and I will say it again, once the new election is held, Mr. Thaksin will most likely be cast aside by his followers. He is like Moses. He will bring his people to the promised land, but his sins will prevent him from entering the promised land.

I have gone back to the original speech and believe that the english translation is not accurate. My understanding is that Mr. Thaksin is saying that a psychoanalysis would show that PM Abhisit's conduct resembles a modern despot. Mr. Thaksin was refering to the authoritarian nature of PM Abhisit. He did not express himself well. That is not an excuse, but when one gets away from the biased interpretation, it becomes nothing more than the angry political rhetoric that a statesman would not use. The comments are those of a very frustrated person. The statements while inappropriate, are much milder than the garbage that is flung in the US Congress or Parliaments around the world.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful. Rather, they reflect an ignorance common to people that should behave more responsibly. I deplore the ignorance, but the sentiment expressed is again the product of a frustration that sees a certain group of what my friends and I would call the self appointed beautiful people holding sway over some issues. Again, it does not excuse Mr. Thaksin, but shows that he is no different than the typical citizen. If everyone that held similar views was removed from positions of power in Thailand, there would be alot of empty offices and work stations. Sorry, but that's the sad reality, despite the arguments some will offer that everything is welcoming and warm. Gays are discriminated against on a daily basis, as are women and people with disabilities.

In summary what you are saying is what you always say when addressing Thaksin's bad side - whether it be corruption, whether it be greed, whether it be nepotism, whether it be abuse of power, whether it be tax evasion, whether it be inciting violence, whether it be insulting homosexuals (the list goes on but you get my point) - "other people do it" and "Thaksin is no worse than other politicians / people".

The topic is Thaksin and what he said. Just for once, it would be nice for you to address him and his words / actions, without bringing other people into it. It's nothing more than your usual feeble attempt to deflect away and play down the words / actions of one man, and spread the blame out as far and wide as you can.

I'm genuinely interested to know geriatrickid - as someone who has long stood up on this forum to defend Thaksin from attack, do you unequivocally deplore his words and if so, has it changed your opinion of him at all?

My opinion of Mr. Thaksin is unchanged. Mr. Thaksin and the movement for civil rights and a free vote are not one and the same. The issues at stake are bigger than Mr. Thaksin. I have said it before, and I will say it again, once the new election is held, Mr. Thaksin will most likely be cast aside by his followers. He is like Moses. He will bring his people to the promised land, but his sins will prevent him from entering the promised land.

I have gone back to the original speech and believe that the english translation is not accurate. My understanding is that Mr. Thaksin is saying that a psychoanalysis would show that PM Abhisit's conduct resembles a modern despot. Mr. Thaksin was refering to the authoritarian nature of PM Abhisit. He did not express himself well. That is not an excuse, but when one gets away from the biased interpretation, it becomes nothing more than the angry political rhetoric that a statesman would not use. The comments are those of a very frustrated person. The statements while inappropriate, are much milder than the garbage that is flung in the US Congress or Parliaments around the world.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful. Rather, they reflect an ignorance common to people that should behave more responsibly. I deplore the ignorance, but the sentiment expressed is again the product of a frustration that sees a certain group of what my friends and I would call the self appointed beautiful people holding sway over some issues. Again, it does not excuse Mr. Thaksin, but shows that he is no different than the typical citizen. If everyone that held similar views was removed from positions of power in Thailand, there would be alot of empty offices and work stations. Sorry, but that's the sad reality, despite the arguments some will offer that everything is welcoming and warm. Gays are discriminated against on a daily basis, as are women and people with disabilities.

"Let's put some lipstick on this pig!"

I'm genuinely interested to know geriatrickid - as someone who has long stood up on this forum to defend Thaksin from attack, do you unequivocally deplore his words and if so, has it changed your opinion of him at all?

My opinion of Mr. Thaksin is unchanged. Mr. Thaksin and the movement for civil rights and a free vote are not one and the same. The issues at stake are bigger than Mr. Thaksin. I have said it before, and I will say it again, once the new election is held, Mr. Thaksin will most likely be cast aside by his followers. He is like Moses. He will bring his people to the promised land, but his sins will prevent him from entering the promised land.

I have gone back to the original speech and believe that the english translation is not accurate. My understanding is that Mr. Thaksin is saying that a psychoanalysis would show that PM Abhisit's conduct resembles a modern despot. Mr. Thaksin was refering to the authoritarian nature of PM Abhisit. He did not express himself well. That is not an excuse, but when one gets away from the biased interpretation, it becomes nothing more than the angry political rhetoric that a statesman would not use. The comments are those of a very frustrated person. The statements while inappropriate, are much milder than the garbage that is flung in the US Congress or Parliaments around the world.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful. Rather, they reflect an ignorance common to people that should behave more responsibly. I deplore the ignorance, but the sentiment expressed is again the product of a frustration that sees a certain group of what my friends and I would call the self appointed beautiful people holding sway over some issues. Again, it does not excuse Mr. Thaksin, but shows that he is no different than the typical citizen. If everyone that held similar views was removed from positions of power in Thailand, there would be alot of empty offices and work stations. Sorry, but that's the sad reality, despite the arguments some will offer that everything is welcoming and warm. Gays are discriminated against on a daily basis, as are women and people with disabilities.

Thank God someone has posted and intelligent post! I agree entirely but they will flame you here and twist and turn your words - truth is not in abundance on these 'we hate everyone who does not agree with us' threads.

Thaksin will be cast aside - no doubt - and rightly too as he is tainted by greed - and now he is starting to say some foolish things - but Thaksin is NOT the movement for a free and fair election - he thinks he is - most here try to position him as such - but he isn't.

There are some on these threads who are merciless with the truth, haranguing those who dissent the 'yellow is the colour of Gold' line and flame and crucify any opposing views to the point of pushing those people off the discussions (but not me I'm still here hehe - much to the annoyance of some).

I'm genuinely interested to know geriatrickid - as someone who has long stood up on this forum to defend Thaksin from attack, do you unequivocally deplore his words and if so, has it changed your opinion of him at all?

My opinion of Mr. Thaksin is unchanged. Mr. Thaksin and the movement for civil rights and a free vote are not one and the same. The issues at stake are bigger than Mr. Thaksin. I have said it before, and I will say it again, once the new election is held, Mr. Thaksin will most likely be cast aside by his followers. He is like Moses. He will bring his people to the promised land, but his sins will prevent him from entering the promised land.

I have gone back to the original speech and believe that the english translation is not accurate. My understanding is that Mr. Thaksin is saying that a psychoanalysis would show that PM Abhisit's conduct resembles a modern despot. Mr. Thaksin was refering to the authoritarian nature of PM Abhisit. He did not express himself well. That is not an excuse, but when one gets away from the biased interpretation, it becomes nothing more than the angry political rhetoric that a statesman would not use. The comments are those of a very frustrated person. The statements while inappropriate, are much milder than the garbage that is flung in the US Congress or Parliaments around the world.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful. Rather, they reflect an ignorance common to people that should behave more responsibly. I deplore the ignorance, but the sentiment expressed is again the product of a frustration that sees a certain group of what my friends and I would call the self appointed beautiful people holding sway over some issues. Again, it does not excuse Mr. Thaksin, but shows that he is no different than the typical citizen. If everyone that held similar views was removed from positions of power in Thailand, there would be alot of empty offices and work stations. Sorry, but that's the sad reality, despite the arguments some will offer that everything is welcoming and warm. Gays are discriminated against on a daily basis, as are women and people with disabilities.

In summary what you are saying is what you always say when addressing Thaksin's bad side - whether it be corruption, whether it be greed, whether it be nepotism, whether it be abuse of power, whether it be tax evasion, whether it be inciting violence, whether it be insulting homosexuals (the list goes on but you get my point) - "other people do it" and "Thaksin is no worse than other politicians / people".

The topic is Thaksin and what he said. Just for once, it would be nice for you to address him and his words / actions, without bringing other people into it. It's nothing more than your usual feeble attempt to deflect away and play down the words / actions of one man, and spread the blame out as far and wide as you can.

Quite some years ago now, thaksin generated (read bought) a situation whereby he was the abolsute chief and along with that he made it clear that the spotlight was on him and him alone 24/7.

So if he wants that position he needs to behave accordingly with balanced comment.

More to the current point, he wants the world to take him seriously and see him as an Asian statesman, and see him as a clever genuine man who has been mistreated*.

I say again, if he wants that position he needs to behave accordingly with balanced comment.

You might like to note that the

* (In reality, 99% of the world couldn't care less, proven by the fact that he is banned from entry by most of the developed world, and its' also true that these countries don't ban people simply on the request of the current government (whoever that may be), they ban people resulting from their own detailed and professional analysis of the situation.)

He's lost the pink vote then.

i wonder if many people he is talking to actually know who Hitler was and that Thailand was on his side anyway.

Check your history -- Thailand was not on Germany's side nor Japan's. It was forcibly occupied by the Japanese.

That was certainly not the UK Government's view in 1945/6. That Thailand did not declare war on the US is down to the inaction of their Ambassador in Washington. The facts are that certainly Thailand intended to. Thailand certainly declared war on the UK and France. Check your history.


Yes, during that time Thailand had a fascist, pro-axis government. If you also check your history, you will find it was the Thai fascists who pushed the name change from Siam to Thailand.

He's lost the pink vote then.

i wonder if many people he is talking to actually know who Hitler was and that Thailand was on his side anyway.

Check your history -- Thailand was not on Germany's side nor Japan's. It was forcibly occupied by the Japanese.

That was certainly not the UK Government's view in 1945/6. That Thailand did not declare war on the US is down to the inaction of their Ambassador in Washington. The facts are that certainly Thailand intended to. Thailand certainly declared war on the UK and France. Check your history.

For info... maybe this is why some of our cousins on this thread are so yellow? (just a joke guys)

In the immediate aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces invaded Thailand's territory on the morning of December 8, 1941. Only hours after the invasion, the then prime minister Field Marshal Phibunsongkhram, ordered the cessation of resistance against the Japanese. On December 21, 1941, a military alliance with Japan was signed and Thailand declared war on Britain and the United States. The Thai ambassador to the United States, Mom Rajawongse Seni Pramoj did not deliver his copy of the declaration of war, so although the British reciprocated by declaring war on Thailand and consequently considered it a hostile country, the United States did not.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful.

That was very weak, sorry. Given the context of the violent anti-gay hate group, the Chiang Mai 51 pro Thaksin reds, you simply cannot dismiss these comments with all Thais hate gays.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful.

That was very weak, sorry. Given the context of the violent anti-gay hate group, the Chiang Mai 51 pro Thaksin reds, you simply cannot dismiss these comments with all Thais hate gays.

Please STOP quoting saying I said this when I did not - maybe another poster is being quoted??? I'm not sure whether this was done intentionally or not.


Thank you - pleaes set the record straight

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful.

That was very weak, sorry. Given the context of the violent anti-gay hate group, the Chiang Mai 51 pro Thaksin reds, you simply cannot dismiss these comments with all Thais hate gays.

Please STOP quoting saying I said this when I did not - maybe another poster is being quoted??? I'm not sure whether this was done intentionally or not.


Thank you - pleaes set the record straight

You are correct. It was a totally innocent posting error. I am very sorry that happened and will try to be more careful in future. Of course it was not intentional and I totally understand your objection. The poster who did write the text I was commenting on is geriatrickid. Cheers.

In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful.

That was very weak, sorry. Given the context of the violent anti-gay hate group, the Chiang Mai 51 pro Thaksin reds, you simply cannot dismiss these comments with all Thais hate gays.

Please STOP quoting saying I said this when I did not - maybe another poster is being quoted??? I'm not sure whether this was done intentionally or not.


Thank you - pleaes set the record straight

You are correct. It was a totally innocent posting error. I am very sorry that happened and will try to be more careful in future. Cheers.

Yes I thought it might be... thanks for setting record straight (bad enough being hung for things I DID say! :) )

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

The public mental breakdown of Thaksin is rather hilarious. His ongoing rants will be comedy classics in years to come, similar to those Hitler rants that are so often spoofed on You Tube.

what about the money ????

the thai govt , should have made him bankrupt,

and taken all of the money off him , and returned it , to the thai people . :D

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