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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler

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Definately a comedy classic. What a clown. I wonder if he does kids parties?

Would you trust him with kids? :)

I would not trust him with a bent clothes peg


What a shame ... after these comments and the public loss of face of the mob throwing dozens of liters of healthy blood on the streets yesterday, the mental state of the Red Shirts's leaders and their beloved fugitive puppet player must seriously put in question.

Seems he is increasingly losing contact with reality, unfortunately the mob is too uneducated to realize that they are exploited by a man who belongs to the 'super elite' and is just another leader who just has his personal interest in mind... and obviously filled with outrageous hate, borderless greed for power and without any respect for democratic rules....


Of all the news item threads that digress to red vs anti-red, this is the first one that I have read that has so few pro-red voices......is it that there is NO positive spin to be made this time?


Oh, and seeing as Thaksin likes comparisons.........How many people people died as a result of Hitlers policies, how many from Thaksins policies and how many from Abhisit. Maybe he can use it in his next brodcast, just twist the figures a little bit...........

does he know who is Hitler?

sure he has a copy(or maybe a signed original??) of "Mein Kampf"

I think he is a bit of a Ich bin ein Berliner bowl of boat noodles. For those wondering, this is also available in the Thai language networks as well.

given his close relationships with Mingkwan and Jakapop, as well as the rumours which swirl around his son, you would think he would not comment on homosexuality. I suppose the Chiang Mai 51 group have proven the homophobia within some of the red shirts, but I would have hardly expected a supposed leader (oh I mean, someone unrelated to this democratic movement, but that just coincidentally happens to have his image and his name plastered over the motorcade today) to come out with homophobic drivel like this.

My red shirt mates assured me that some of the blood poured around today was not actually human blood but pigs blood - but I take that with a grain of salt.

Seems a bit to have wasted potentially life saving human blood, but without proper testing who knows whether there was any HIV, hep, etc among the donors; let's hope next time they are generous enough to donate again but to red cross or one of the many organisations that provides blood to the multitude of motorcyclists who get drunk or fall off their bikes upcountry. On the other hand....the potential sales of dishes involving animal blood - it seems like you would have been able to feed quite a few people, even with the small amount of blood they wasted today.

Still...mine is not to reason why. And 1,000 cleaners got to work today.

A job with true dignity. Just as much dignity as the small group of red shirts who are now in the motorcade but concealing their faces with masks and hankerchieves. Proud to fight for democracy...but not proud enough to dare show their faces.....of course one would expect this is for entirely legal reasons, just as there were concealed faces in Songkran last year.

My guess.... numbers are down again, but still a substantial motorcade today and well planned not to inform the city. Quite a few angry folk in the Wireless Area given the speed with which the motorcade came in and effectively shut down roads. Lined the streets nevertheless, and no doubt red shirters are being told 'see the city folk love you as well'.

Entirely unsure how bailing up the US Embassy is critical in the fight for democracy, but then again this 'democracy movement' has more brain power than me in selecting which points to fight about.

Personally I would be demanding the ends, not the entirely unimportant means:

- true education of equivalent level to the cities for rural poor which not govt has really given them

- an improved social welfare system again which has never been fully provided

- continuation of the start of policies in the 1970s to extend roading, infrastructure and telecoms to the provinces

- continuation of the crop guarantee pricing system instigated by the dems, and a promise to never reintroduce crop pledging again

- controls on the barons like CP, the sugar mills, the rice mills with open education programs assisting farmers

- worker education programs to improve crop yields

- a promise from governments to never do an FTA like TRT did with China with zero involvment from the farmers themselves or the NGOs resulting in massive losses for no benefits

- true democratic representation with no vote buying; stiff penalties for cheating organisations in elections and individuals singled out and punished for cheating or corruption while in office

instead...it's all about pardoning thaksin which has no relation to democracy at all, and removing the currently elected house of representatives. And blood.

Dream on Bro

Has anyone noticed that the more stupid stuff Thaksin says, the more the SET gains? Keep it up! lol

See, he is good for the economy. :)


Not surprisingly, many members of the United Demoralization of Democracy (UDD) are lapping up his words. Looking at various UDD sites they actually agree with everything, which includes foreigners. Nothing but brainless sheep.

Of all the news item threads that digress to red vs anti-red, this is the first one that I have read that has so few pro-red voices......is it that there is NO positive spin to be made this time?

Yes, I can think of a few names that are normally all over any thread with their dear leaders name involved - seems they have gone a bit quiet.


I've been monitoring the one sided diatribe on Facebook UDDThailand and there they were comparing Thaksin with Aung Sang Su Kyi! And the amount of wonderful farangs on their inciting bloodshed in someone elses country is outrageous. Their usual response is "Obviously you don't understand or haven't spent enough time in the Kingdom to do so" They certainly hate dissent over there. After they made the comparison between Aung Sang Su Kyi and Thaksin I rebutted with the fact that just because Hitler and JFK were both "Times Magazine's Man Of The Year" doesn't make them the same kind of guys.

I've been monitoring the one sided diatribe on Facebook UDDThailand and there they were comparing Thaksin with Aung Sang Su Kyi! And the amount of wonderful farangs on their inciting bloodshed in someone elses country is outrageous. Their usual response is "Obviously you don't understand or haven't spent enough time in the Kingdom to do so" They certainly hate dissent over there. After they made the comparison between Aung Sang Su Kyi and Thaksin I rebutted with the fact that just because Hitler and JFK were both "Times Magazine's Man Of The Year" doesn't make them the same kind of guys.

I think we're looking at the same site. So much diatribe there, especially from a few foreigners who are no more than an occasional tourist here.


Seriously anyone who compares anyone to Hitler has lost the plot. Abhisit nor Khun T aren't remotely in this time as nutty as that evil/sadistic POS german was. Anyways Abhisit is more like a poodle. :)


Herr Thaksin To the Krankenhausen Raus Raus :D .

Best stop taking what you shouldn't be taking or start taking what you should be taking. :)

Will be interesting to see which TV Red Shirt will be the first to step up and defend their master's latest rant.

The usual ones will be here, but they wont discuss this rant, just talk about blah, blah, coup, blah, blah, unelected, blah, blah he was stitched up guv :) etc, etc

Either that or try and deny he ever said it.

Is anyone besides TAN reporting this "news"???
Will be interesting to see which TV Red Shirt will be the first to step up and defend their master's latest rant.

The usual ones will be here, but they wont discuss this rant, just talk about blah, blah, coup, blah, blah, unelected, blah, blah he was stitched up guv :) etc, etc

Either that or try and deny he ever said it.

Is anyone besides TAN reporting this "news"???

Where is Rainman, our resident Thaksin Minister of Disinformation? :D


couple of observations

The most vociferous homophobes tend to be repressed homosexuals themselves

The most insane people think they are sane and everyone else is mad

Neither of these bode well for Mr taxin

Outside Germany; Nazi types did seem to go for black as did the SS. Brown shirts, Black shirts I think we all know what they mean.

//deleted by Admin //

The use of bodily fluids, seems to strictly apply to the Red Shirts at present. :)


Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said. We all know however that abhisit is not at all in charge. He is just the concierge or the bellboy. The real man in charge is Suthep. Given the fact that Suthep,the yellow shirts and their leaders have compared Thaksin numerous times with Hitler and how Hitler came to power there should be a little bit more evenhanded comments.

At least Thaksin came to power legitimate, the abhisit government came to power because of the army and people close to the highest circles.

Suthep orates about how he will easily win the elections but he does not take action, knowing that he is in power and taking lots of commissions without the support of at least 60% of the Thai population. Thaksin at least dared to call for new elections during the height of the yellow shirt demonstrations.

The reason Suthep did not take part was because he knew just like now that he would lose again. Suthep is a dictator, Thaksin is not.

The homosexual comment is taken fully out of context. But who cares? Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.


Oh, you have woken up then?

Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said. We all know however that abhisit is not at all in charge. He is just the concierge or the bellboy. The real man in charge is Suthep. Given the fact that Suthep,the yellow shirts and their leaders have compared Thaksin numerous times with Hitler and how Hitler came to power there should be a little bit more evenhanded comments.

At least Thaksin came to power legitimate, the abhisit government came to power because of the army and people close to the highest circles.

Suthep orates about how he will easily win the elections but he does not take action, knowing that he is in power and taking lots of commissions without the support of at least 60% of the Thai population. Thaksin at least dared to call for new elections during the height of the yellow shirt demonstrations.

The reason Suthep did not take part was because he knew just like now that he would lose again. Suthep is a dictator, Thaksin is not.

The homosexual comment is taken fully out of context. But who cares? Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.

Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said. We all know however that abhisit is not at all in charge. He is just the concierge or the bellboy. The real man in charge is Suthep. Given the fact that Suthep,the yellow shirts and their leaders have compared Thaksin numerous times with Hitler and how Hitler came to power there should be a little bit more evenhanded comments.

At least Thaksin came to power legitimate, the abhisit government came to power because of the army and people close to the highest circles.

Suthep orates about how he will easily win the elections but he does not take action, knowing that he is in power and taking lots of commissions without the support of at least 60% of the Thai population. Thaksin at least dared to call for new elections during the height of the yellow shirt demonstrations.

The reason Suthep did not take part was because he knew just like now that he would lose again. Suthep is a dictator, Thaksin is not.

The homosexual comment is taken fully out of context. But who cares? Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.

You actually believe what you have written, dont you?

Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said. We all know however that abhisit is not at all in charge. He is just the concierge or the bellboy. The real man in charge is Suthep. Given the fact that Suthep,the yellow shirts and their leaders have compared Thaksin numerous times with Hitler and how Hitler came to power there should be a little bit more evenhanded comments.

At least Thaksin came to power legitimate, the abhisit government came to power because of the army and people close to the highest circles.

Suthep orates about how he will easily win the elections but he does not take action, knowing that he is in power and taking lots of commissions without the support of at least 60% of the Thai population. Thaksin at least dared to call for new elections during the height of the yellow shirt demonstrations.

The reason Suthep did not take part was because he knew just like now that he would lose again. Suthep is a dictator, Thaksin is not.

The homosexual comment is taken fully out of context. But who cares? Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.

Okay, what did he really say?

Could you also provide the links to the areas about Suthep calling Thaksin, Hitler?

Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said.

It appears to me you have the original source on hand. Please enlighten us and

post it here.... or maybe you can give an excerpt?


ok, aside from the adolescent name calling, comparisons to hitler and alienating gays to the red cause

there are a couple of issues here i think ought to be aired:

ok just for arguments sake lets say i am a devoted red shirt supporter from North Thailand

i am supportive of Thaksin and i took his 2000baht to travel to the rally

however my motives are genuine and thought that it was a worthy cause

i travelled for many hours in the back of a pickup truck to get to the rally

i have been in Bangkok now since friday

its been very hot, dusty and dirty in the capital

whilst it was exciting at first, i did not think it would take this long to achieve our goal

i have gone along with everything that was asked of me

i have marched where i was told to march, protested loudly when told to so and gave blood when told to do so

i can see the rallys numbers are waining everyday but i still stay and support the cause and Thaksin

today i listened to him tell me that my friends and neigbours who have left already to go back to their families and jobs, that they have taken bribes from the government to go home

these are the same people i have stood shoulder to shoulder with for the last five days to support him and his party?

also hypothetically, what if i did get money from the government to go home to my family?

is it any worse than getting it from Thaksin to go to Bangkok?

surely by getting it from the government, i am helping the red party and Thaksins fast deleting pocketbook

by doing so, i do not expect to be treated with traitorous contempt by our ''leader''

how dare he say that?

he has been seen sitting on the balcony of his 5* hotel room sipping coffee and eating cake whilst i suffer for the cause?

i have played my part, i have endured huge discomforts and now i want to go home.

i feel totally betrayed by Thaksins rhetoric and he should be ashamed of himself.

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