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Need To Gain Weight


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Im a wirey person 180cm and 75kg which is a good bmi 22 ( iirc ) but im thin in appearance.

i have been using the protein shakes back home in Ireland but they are working but they are quite costly and progress is slow, ill be off to pattaya in the next few weeks and im just wondering is there any weight gain products available in the pharmacies or at supermarkets?

thanks for the help in advance, dc.

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180 cm tall and 75 Kg sounds about right to me, I'm the same height and was down to 61 Kg when I weighed myself 5 days ago !

Probably due to the Hepatitis A, Bronchitis & Delhi Belly I'm getting over.

Because of the Hep A I'm doing it without dairy products, alcohol, red meats and fatty foods.

So think pasta, potatoes, rice and good breads, plus fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish and seafood etc.

Cheers & Good Luck

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Try to workout with it and you could try to blend oats with milk .. that goes in easy if you drink it and is a lot of calories.

Ha hahaaa aint that what we call "porridge" :)

if you put it in a blender you can drink it.. its well known that fluids fill up less then when you eat solids.. your never to old to learn yabaaaa

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Try to workout with it and you could try to blend oats with milk .. that goes in easy if you drink it and is a lot of calories.

Ha hahaaa aint that what we call "porridge" :D

if you put it in a blender you can drink it.. its well known that fluids fill up less then when you eat solids.. your never to old to learn yabaaaa

:):D Ill stick with the poridge thanks and the people kicking sand in my face :D

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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

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Protien shakes and the like are expensive in Thailand. Bring your own.

However, I wouldn't be worrying about what you look like when you go to Pattaya. If you have fully functioning limbs, your own hair, your own teeth and you don't look like one of the cast of 'Dads Army' you will be ahead of the majority there. :D:)

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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

10 kg muscle.. in 3 months.. even with steriods that will be real hard. Set goals you can reach.

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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

10 kg muscle.. in 3 months.. even with steriods that will be real hard. Set goals you can reach.

He didn't say muscle, did he?
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Those 'Instant breakfast' packs made by Carnation, mix with milk and icecream in blender. This is a high protein/calorie mix which is much less expensive than the high protein packets sold for weight/muscle gain. Two or three of these along with normal diet each day and you will see weight increase gradually, if you will excerise along the way.

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Seriously, here's what I would do if I was the OP:

1. I would refrain from trying to gain weight by adding fat.

2. Dont eat massive amounts of food three times per day, eat a little less many times each day, preferrably 6-7 times / day or even more.

3. You will want to eat large amounts of protein. Note that this is not going to do you any good unless you actually go to the gym and excercise. And dont just go there and pull a couple of cables, you need to FOCUS.

4. Even though your level of metabolism is unknown, I suggest you go down to they gym and FOCUS when you excercise. The higher the metabolism the better your body will correspond to the increased supply of energy and protein.

5, And here's the magic trick: get hold of a good creatine and start adding it to your protein shakes as a supplement.

The real kicker in the above is the creatine. The creatine will help your body retain water, this is called a volumizer. Remember that you will get no volume effect unless you go to the gym and get some real pump. But trust me, if you have three months and dedicate, you will be able to transform your body. It will not be all muscle, but you will look good and you will feel good. But whatever you do, stay away from food that will only help you gain fat. And go to the gym, go to the gym and go to the gym again. And again. And trust me, the creatine will add that extra volume you're looking for.

Good Luck Mate!

Edited by Forethat
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im just wondering is there any weight gain products available in the pharmacies or at supermarkets?

Yeah its called beer!

Yea, a couple of gallons and there's his 10kg..

Just make sure you dont take a leak and it's all sorted :)

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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

I dont but if you want to fall for the propoganda that is now spouted in all magazines tv commercials etc etc I find it rather sickening, rather than being a good person taking care of family being polite etc You can be perfectly fit without looking like mr muscles. Try walking for a few miles a day. Looking healthy doesnt mean you are healthy. Dont fall into the media circus trap of the "perfect" man/woman look.

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Forethat, you speak about Focus when you work out, and I read about it in other weight training books but I really don't know how to do this.

I think I'm guilty of the go to the gym and pull and push a few weights, I always read about Focus but how ..... I have a very very short attention span and usually drift off and watch MTV while working out.

I'm also 182cms and 74 kilos and would like to put on some weight.

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Forethat, you speak about Focus when you work out, and I read about it in other weight training books but I really don't know how to do this.

I think I'm guilty of the go to the gym and pull and push a few weights, I always read about Focus but how ..... I have a very very short attention span and usually drift off and watch MTV while working out.

I'm also 182cms and 74 kilos and would like to put on some weight.

I know a lot of people who's been a regular at the gym for years and years without getting ANY visible result, they sweat a little and spend maybe one hour three times a week. At that level you are probably maintaining a decent level of fitness, but you will never be able to gain muscle at a rate OP is asking for.

For this to happen, the three important things is what you eat, how much you eat, and finally what level of excercise you undergo.

By focusing during your sessions at the gym, I am talking about making sure you get a thorough bleeding of the muscle each time. This translates to ecercise the muscle to the point where it reaches a collapse. Focus is also about performing the excercise in a correct way so that it targets the muscle that has isolated in a given excercise. For instance, a lot of times you see morons doing all sorts of shitty curls by hefting and rocking their bodies in order to lift something far heavier than what they would need. Check out this video and you'll get the idea:

So, by focus I mean properly performed excercises to the point where the muscle collapses. My best advice is to get a workout buddy, that way you cant slack without someone else pointing it out to you. Being lazy will NEVER give you any muscle, but if you work out to the point where you're ready to throw up, you WILL get muscle :)

Edited by Forethat
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Forethat, you speak about Focus when you work out, and I read about it in other weight training books but I really don't know how to do this.

I think I'm guilty of the go to the gym and pull and push a few weights, I always read about Focus but how ..... I have a very very short attention span and usually drift off and watch MTV while working out.

I'm also 182cms and 74 kilos and would like to put on some weight.

I know a lot of people who's been a regular at the gym for years and years without getting ANY visible result, they sweat a little and spend maybe one hour three times a week. At that level you are probably maintaining a decent level of fitness, but you will never be able to gain muscle at a rate OP is asking for.

For this to happen, the three important things is what you eat, how much you eat, and finally what level of excercise you undergo.

By focusing during your sessions at the gym, I am talking about making sure you get a thorough bleeding of the muscle each time. This translates to ecercise the muscle to the point where it reaches a collapse. Focus is also about performing the excercise in a correct way so that it targets the muscle that has isolated in a given excercise. For instance, a lot of times you see morons doing all sorts of shitty curls by hefting and rocking their bodies in order to lift something far heavier than what they would need. Check out this video and you'll get the idea:

So, by focus I mean properly performed excercises to the point where the muscle collapses. My best advice is to get a workout buddy, that way you cant slack without someone else pointing out to you.

I workout a lot, got my own small home gym here but its not healthy to always go to faillure you can't do that all the time. When i workout i go to my limits (panting like a 80yo when doing deadlifts). But even i dont always go to faillure.

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