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Need To Gain Weight


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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

I dont but if you want to fall for the propoganda that is now spouted in all magazines tv commercials etc etc I find it rather sickening, rather than being a good person taking care of family being polite etc You can be perfectly fit without looking like mr muscles. Try walking for a few miles a day. Looking healthy doesnt mean you are healthy. Dont fall into the media circus trap of the "perfect" man/woman look.

That is how the perfect guy looks (for now fashion always changes) just get used to it. But its good that you know what you want and don't feel the pressure to change. I workout because i like it and of course because i like packing some muscles. But did you know you can look good AND be good for your family so that remark doesn't really cut it.

Looking healthy certainly does not mean your healthy there are many "fat skinny persons" who look slim but have loads of fat around their organs and are not healthy. Usually muscles do not say much about ones over all endurance. I have to be honest and say that mine is not great.. better as average but not great. I do cardio too but i should do it more most of us weightlifters hate it.

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Subject seems to be funny for the many overweight people.

Driving past a sign "loose weight massage" made me remark to the other people in the car " I need a gain weight massage" - I am 1m.94, and weigh 72 kilos.

During my lifelong fight against weight loss, a few times I tried for long periods the method suggested above of a

daily intake of a large quantity of beer - it sure was fun, but it didn't help. It all depends on your metabolism.

Oh well, often skinny people maintain good health untill they are well into their eighties/nineties.

Edited by keestha
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Subject seems to be funny for the many overweight people.

Driving past a sign "loose weight massage" made me remark to the other people in the car " I need a gain weight massage" - I am 1m.94, and weigh 72 kilos.

During my lifelong fight against weight loss, a few times I tried for long periods the method suggested above of a

daily intake of a large quantity of beer - it sure was fun, but it didn't help. It all depends on your metabolism.

Oh well, often skinny people maintain good health untill they are well into their eighties/nineties.

Before you go any further in trying to boost your own self-esteem you should know that muscle is much heavier than fat.

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Subject seems to be funny for the many overweight people.

Driving past a sign "loose weight massage" made me remark to the other people in the car " I need a gain weight massage" - I am 1m.94, and weigh 72 kilos.

During my lifelong fight against weight loss, a few times I tried for long periods the method suggested above of a

daily intake of a large quantity of beer - it sure was fun, but it didn't help. It all depends on your metabolism.

Oh well, often skinny people maintain good health untill they are well into their eighties/nineties.

Before you go any further in trying to boost your own self-esteem you should know that muscle is much heavier than fat.

Also harder to gain muscle :)

If i wanted to gain a few kg of fat.. id go for beer.

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I'm 195cm/65kg. If like me you can't gain wieght no matter what you do please go see a doctor just in case. I have Marfan Syndrom (a lot of basketball players have this I'm told) and if unchecked could become life threatening. If you know someone who goes to the gym a lot and can't gain weight and is tall tell them to see a doctor.


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Thin people tend to live longer.. Being thin is probably in your genes and you'll never be bulky. It's a good thing.

If it's fat you want to gain (and unless you're about to go on chemo why would you?) eating simple carbohydrates is the surest way.

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Metabolism aids in digestive function as well as absorption of nutrients. It is most affected by nutrition, hydration and physical activity. Each of these items is an imperative aspect of optimum metabolic health. When any one of these is lacking, the metabolic rate decreases. Consequently, weight loss and weight maintenance are directly related to healthy metabolism.

While lowering your calorie and fat intake may be important parts of weight loss, both decrease your metabolism. It is therefore essential to stimulate the metabolic rate through other means such as routine physical activity. It is not a good idea to skip meals or to reduce calories by an extreme amount, since decreased metabolism causes the body to burn fewer calories and less fat. It may also cause your body to store excess fat in reserve.

Metabolism is also the process the body uses to break down chemicals such as drugs. When you take medication, your body employs catabolic metabolism, to break down larger molecules into smaller ones that can be more readily absorbed. Anabolic metabolism is the opposite of catabolic. It uses enzymes to structure larger molecules from smaller ones.

Metabolism is an issue in regard to other substances such as nicotine. Nicotine tends to increase the metabolic rate, which is one of the reasons some people gain weight when they quit smoking. However, by stimulating the metabolic rate through other methods, weight gain may not be a threat. Quitting smoking is best for you, so look for other ways to increase your metabolism.

The body utilizes the many complex processes that make up metabolism to facilitate physical function, assist growth, aid in healing and in essence, support life.

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There's some silly suggestions on here to gain weight, beer <deleted>!?

It's all about calories in and calories out. The average adult male uses about 2100 cals per day so you have to be eating more than that to put on weight.

There are a 3500 cals per pound of body fat so to gain weight healthy you should be looking at increasing that average intake by 7000 per week and you *should* gain 2 pounds of fat each week.

Muscle is better although it's far harder to gain. You need to be lifting weights and have a good protein intake, about 1.5 grams per pound you weigh. Although don't expect to gain more than 3 pounds of muscle per month.

Finally if you need a routine google "Starting Strength" and "Stronglifts", Stronglifts is harder as you're doing more reps but either one will sort you out.

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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

I dont but if you want to fall for the propoganda that is now spouted in all magazines tv commercials etc etc I find it rather sickening, rather than being a good person taking care of family being polite etc You can be perfectly fit without looking like mr muscles. Try walking for a few miles a day. Looking healthy doesnt mean you are healthy. Dont fall into the media circus trap of the "perfect" man/woman look.

That is how the perfect guy looks (for now fashion always changes) just get used to it. But its good that you know what you want and don't feel the pressure to change. I workout because i like it and of course because i like packing some muscles. But did you know you can look good AND be good for your family so that remark doesn't really cut it.

Looking healthy certainly does not mean your healthy there are many "fat skinny persons" who look slim but have loads of fat around their organs and are not healthy. Usually muscles do not say much about ones over all endurance. I have to be honest and say that mine is not great.. better as average but not great. I do cardio too but i should do it more most of us weightlifters hate it.

The media is dictating you should look good, everywhere is plastered with their idea of the so called perfect body and a particular way you should look , beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Ghanaian women are huge as there its seen as a good thing. If I was him I would stop worrying about how he looks rather than how he is. Too much of modern life is revolving around looks, take Pop Idol virtually all talentless, its solely looking at appearance. Would we have had some of the great singer songwriters from the 60's today. They probably wouldnt have even got a look in with their crooked teeth and less than "perfect" torso's.

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Sumo wrestlers are, hands down, the world's foremost experts at gaining weight.this is a link to an article on that subject http://www.tinajuanfitness.info/articles/011403.htm

take note that sumo wrestlers do not eat breakfast, I know it sounds counter intuitive but it works.

also keep in mind that muscle weights more than fat, so if you change the proportion of fat to muscle in your body, by working out and engaging in a high protein low carb,low sugar diet , you will gain weight. Late night meals are good for gaining weight ( but not good for your health in my opinion)

Good luck

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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

I dont but if you want to fall for the propoganda that is now spouted in all magazines tv commercials etc etc I find it rather sickening, rather than being a good person taking care of family being polite etc You can be perfectly fit without looking like mr muscles. Try walking for a few miles a day. Looking healthy doesnt mean you are healthy. Dont fall into the media circus trap of the "perfect" man/woman look.

That is how the perfect guy looks (for now fashion always changes) just get used to it. But its good that you know what you want and don't feel the pressure to change. I workout because i like it and of course because i like packing some muscles. But did you know you can look good AND be good for your family so that remark doesn't really cut it.

Looking healthy certainly does not mean your healthy there are many "fat skinny persons" who look slim but have loads of fat around their organs and are not healthy. Usually muscles do not say much about ones over all endurance. I have to be honest and say that mine is not great.. better as average but not great. I do cardio too but i should do it more most of us weightlifters hate it.

The media is dictating you should look good, everywhere is plastered with their idea of the so called perfect body and a particular way you should look , beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Ghanaian women are huge as there its seen as a good thing. If I was him I would stop worrying about how he looks rather than how he is. Too much of modern life is revolving around looks, take Pop Idol virtually all talentless, its solely looking at appearance. Would we have had some of the great singer songwriters from the 60's today. They probably wouldnt have even got a look in with their crooked teeth and less than "perfect" torso's.

The ugly or the ones who dont want to put in the effort always find ways to justify themselves. Most people would want to be muscular (within limits) if it did not cost that much effort. I do agree looks aren't everything i could not stay with a super model without brains (ok id screw her for while but then id get bored). Looks are important but not all important. The thing is its not a IF you can have someone who keeps fit and packs some muscles and is nice.

Your trying to portrait all those who put effort into their body as shallow, maybe because you don't want to give up your beer and are justifying yourself like this.

I know enough guys who work out and keep in shape who are smart too and nice guys. Most of them are not perfect like the guys you see on TV but that is normal only a real small percentage can look like that. They are called the genetic freaks.. some can eat what they want and still have a nice body. Life is not fair but its also not fair to put down the people who do try just because you can't be bothered yourself.

I got ten times more respect for the fat guy or the skinny guy going to the gym doing a serious workout (but progressing slowly or not) then for the beer guzzling guy putting them down. (not saying your a beer guzzling guy im not looking for a flame war here)

And if i could dine out and eat all the crap i wanted get drunk a lot and still pack muscles i would like it even more. But for me that is not possible so i make sacrifices for it. Alcohol is known to lower your testosterone levels, and inhibiting muscle growth and promoting fat growth because of that. Its not just the calories.

But i agree you just have to find a way to be happy with your life and enjoy it the way you like it. Some just like the extra muscles because it gets you even more attention from the girls (money helps a lot too if your after those kind of girls). Other guys just like to enjoy life.. eat a lot and drink a lot, that is ok with me but they should not put down the dedicated guys because they are out of fashion.

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Yes, a large chain store her called Robinsons sells protein powder....different brands....in the same section as sports equipment and weights.

Saw it yesterday.

You are right but it is really expensive, people on this board sell better quality for less.

I used to sell it but i stopped because there was not enough profit to be made for the effort.

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loads milk and protein or glenbuterol, you can buy it in most pattaya pharmacies or try steroids sustanon and deca mix , dont know if you want to go down that route though but guaranteed weight gain for sure

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loads milk and protein or glenbuterol, you can buy it in most pattaya pharmacies or try steroids sustanon and deca mix , dont know if you want to go down that route though but guaranteed weight gain for sure

glenbuterol = clenbuterol = used to loose weight im pretty sure he does not want to do that.

The other part of your post is right but to start on steriods without knowing anything about them is dangerous and stupid. If the guy wants advice on steriods he should go to a bodybuilding forum.

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thanks for all the replies, im not self conscious but hey who doesnt want the perfect 'beach body'.

as of monday im starting a strict diet regime and combining it with weight gainers and a workout plan setting a 3 month target weight of 85 kilos with a good build, we will see how it goes.

eat regularly - 5 smallish meals a day. Workout. Use the energy drinks (but be caregul to balance the input to your calories burned). If you want to put on weight (get fat) that's easy! Lean mucsle mass is much harder to get, especially form extomorphs like me.

When I was 22 I was unhappy with my appearance, so joined the gym. I worked out 4-5 times a week 2 hours a time. I was doing a lot of cardio and weights (but not the real heavy stuff). My weight actually dropped but I looked totally different. Lots more muscle and flat stomach! Ahh those were the days! You probably cant turn into Arnie (as you may not have the muscle fibres top begin with), but u can certainly change the way you look.

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