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O Visa (marriage) No Income

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My Thai wife and I may shortly be relocating to Thailand from the UK. She has been offered a senior job at a leading bank, so joint income will not be an issue and I won't be seeking any kind or work permit, at least initially.

However, I have read numerous times that in the case of a Thai wife / foreign husband, that in order to get a Non-Immigrant O visa on the grounds of marriage, the foreign husband has to show an income of 40000 baht per month. Is this true?


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To get a 1 year extension of stay based on marriage the foreign husband must have 400k baht in a Thai bank for a minimum of 2 months or 40k baht per month income in his name alone. A non-immigrant "O" visa can be obtained by showing a Thai embassy or consulate your marriage papers and wife's Thai ID card. The non-immigrant "O" visa is good for 90 days per entry into Thailand, you can get a 1 year extension of stay thereafter if you qualify.

Edited by InterestedObserver
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I believe the money needs to be 'seasoned' in a bank account in the husbands name (not a joint account) and two months is for the first extension, as people often use a single entry non-imm o type visa (which is only valid for 1x90 day stay) which then gives you 30 days to sort the bank account and transfer the funds.

Subsequent extensions require the money to have been at or above that figure for 3 months.

If you go for the extension of the single entry visa then you report to immigration every 90 days, if you use the one year multi-entry non imm o type then you need to leave the country every 90 days and can extend the one year to 15 months by exiting the day before it runs out and get a further 90 days on re-entry (no financial info required).

There are many threads on this subject on this forum. If you find the forum search unfruitful try a google search and add 'Thaivisa' at the end of the search.

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As said, the financial requirements for obtaining extension of stay in Thailand are 400k in Thai bank account in your name for 2 months prior to first application (2/3 months for renewals, depend on immigration office) or 40k/month income (your income). If income is from abroad you will need embassy letter.

Believe you are in the UK, so if financial requirements are likely to be a problem would suggest that you obtain 12 month multiple entry Non-O visa from Hull consulate by post before you travel against show of marriage certificate. You will get 90 day permission to stay on entry and will have to do border runs every 90 days. A final border run just before your visa expires will give a new 90 day entry stretching the visa to 15 months. You can apply for extension of stay within the last 30 days of each 90 day permission to stay in the future should financial circumstances change.


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If you not having an income while you live in Thailand, is not an issue (or even if it is an issue), the 40,000 per month thing is not an issue.

You just need a letter from your embassy. You do not need to show proof of this income to anyone. You only need a letter from your embassy.

You never need any money in a thai bank account (in your, married to a thai girl, situation).

You only need a letter from your embassy.


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The information given by kdc1899 is wrong and/or misleading. In the case of the British consulate, I understand from posts in this forum that evidence of income has to be shown to the consular official, if this route is chosen for the extension of stay.



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The information given by kdc1899 is wrong and/or misleading. In the case of the British consulate, I understand from posts in this forum that evidence of income has to be shown to the consular official, if this route is chosen for the extension of stay.



I agree, the consular services will only issue you with a proof of income letter when you show them a P60 or a letter from an employer on headed paper informing them of your monthly/yearly salary.

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From Police order 777/2551

2.18 In the case of a family member of a Thai(applicable only to parents, spouse, child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse):

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM)

(2) Proof of family relationship

(3) In the case of a spouse, the marital relationship shall be dejure (legitimate) and de facto;

(4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the family, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

(5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Note: Two months first extension after that 3 months

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I must have missed the british part.

Does the british embassy require y'all to show proof of this income or do they just have you raise your right hand and say that you meet the requirements ( like most embassies).

The part about needing money in a thai account only applies if one's embassy wants proof of monthly disbursement of funds into a thai account and you do not actually have 40,000 baht per month available to transfer to a thai bank ( funds from a pension or equity dividends, rental income, foundation dispersments, etc, etc, etc).

At no time does one need BOTH 400,000 baht in a thai bank AND proof of 40,000 baht monthly transfers from your world to the third world.


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The part about 400k in a Thai bank account is the only way to obtain a marriage extension of stay if you do not meet the 40k income method.

It has absolutely nothing to do with an Embassy wanting proof of disbursement of funds into a Thai account - no Embassy can or would demand that.

There is no requirement of 40k transfers - it is income here in Thailand or income as listed on an Embassy letter.

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Does the british embassy require y'all to show proof of this income or do they just have you raise your right hand and say that you meet the requirements ( like most embassies).

The British Embassy requires written proof of income, this can be in the form of pension letters, earned income from investments , bank statements etc. In Pattaya the Embassy Letter now shows net income whereas in the past it showed gross income.

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That's a better way to put it.

If the OP has no income that can be verified by his embassy then he will have to use the other option (400,000 baht method).

The OP says he is coming from the UK.

He may be from somewhere else.


If you are from a country whose embassy only wants a verbal statement of income meeting the 40,000 baht per month option then just get that letter.

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Does the british embassy require y'all to show proof of this income or do they just have you raise your right hand and say that you meet the requirements ( like most embassies).

The British Embassy requires written proof of income, this can be in the form of pension letters, earned income from investments , bank statements etc. In Pattaya the Embassy Letter now shows net income whereas in the past it showed gross income.

My personal experience with that very same Consolate was that they do indeed require proof but quoted gross income for me a month ago, as they have done for me in previous years.


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If you are from a country whose embassy only wants a verbal statement of income meeting the 40,000 baht per month option then just get that letter.

You are not suggesting perjury, are you?



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