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Yes he is as i found out on New years day, belive me that hes not here to help you!
The old cop close to him is a farang?

I was surprised to see it too... what the hel_l is that about?

Bad enough to have the holiday ruined, but to get tagged by the Grim Reaper!? The one on the left looks more like a hardened criminal. What shifty looking eyes.

Does the BIB do background checks on the farangs they put it unforms. Criminal record, credit history, family maintainence enforcement dodging?

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I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

Addicted? i suggest your learn a little about the substance before making such a stupid post!

I agree mr beaver should have known better than to carry this .9 gram but it does,nt seem many here actualy question if this law is just totaly wrong , My self i,m of the opinion it should,nt be a criminal offence in any country.

Addicted, the definition that I have from my dictionary is as follows:'compulsively or phyologically dependent on something habit forming'

in the case of my friends they use it every day, some will not go out without smoking it, one is totally anti smoking so he uses a paint stripper to heat it up and then breathes it in! It alters their lives and they are addicted to it ie they can't go without it, they are dependent on it and it has become a habit for them so meets the definition of addicted. I know its trendy to say legalize marijuana but it doesnt mean that everyone has to go with the trend. If it is such a great drug why hasn't it been legalized in most of the world? 100 years ago it was fashionable to use opium that doesnt mean it was or is a good drug.I go back to my point before that these friends are great when they are not using this drug but become boring, lose their sense of humour and cannot engage in a proper conversation when using this drug. Its not a sociable activity.

Yes he is as i found out on New years day, belive me that hes not here to help you!
The old cop close to him is a farang?

I was surprised to see it too... what the hel_l is that about?

Not another John Johansen?!

Whenever you see a farang guy in some sort of cozy relationship with Thai cops you can be sure that someone out there is getting totally screwed over.

These farang pets that the Thai police keep around are nasty pieces of work ...

Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


This is a very old and wrong argument used by drug addicts to justify their addiction. We are so much better than people who drink alcohol, that my friend, is druggie bullsh*t. You are participating in an illegal activity with a drug that causes all sorts of problems with the addicts such as insomnia and depression to name just 2.If this drug is so good for people why hasnt it been legalized? Are countries all over the world wrong? and why are my friends so addicted to this unsociable drug if its non addictive?


As a matter of interest, What would happen if you were on a Government Bus, which got stopped by the police, searched etc and a bag of yaabaa found, to which no one owns up - Would everyone on the bs get jail time? :)

Be warnesearched d that the law for drugs here is simple possession. If an undercover cop trying to sell hands you a baggie, and you accept it, even just to check it out, you are in possession and busted. If your gf has drugs in your room, you are in possession.

My sister- and brother-in-law got a ride in a pick-up south to BKK, stopped, searched and a bag of ya-ba found. Nobody claimed it, so all 8 thais in the truck got 12 years each, because they were in joint possession. Apparently quantity affects sentence, but there are no classes of drugs - just a prohibited list.

Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


This is a very old and wrong argument used by drug addicts to justify their addiction. We are so much better than people who drink alcohol, that my friend, is druggie bullsh*t. You are participating in an illegal activity with a drug that causes all sorts of problems with the addicts such as insomnia and depression to name just 2.If this drug is so good for people why hasnt it been legalized? Are countries all over the world wrong? and why are my friends so addicted to this unsociable drug if its non addictive?

Your argument is even older. Where do you come up this this utter nonsense? Alcohol is not addictive? Really? Oh, that's right it's a social drug!

Yes he is as i found out on New years day, belive me that hes not here to help you!
The old cop close to him is a farang?

I was surprised to see it too... what the hel_l is that about?

yeah, it looks like so meth head farang

Exactly! Couldn't have said it better. I've been here for 20plus years and seen more than my share of people going mad with drug use. Most of them have been long-term weed smokers, they lose it good and proper in the end.

The class A lads normally run out of money or get fed up at getting ripped off and go home or turn to Yaa baa as a cheap alternative , then go mad.

Either way they go back to their home countries well and truly broke and mad, sometimes they avoid the nick here, sometimes not.

And why do they always leaves dogs for some-one else to deal with?

Rant over

And what has yabaa to do with marihuana ????

Guess you better stick to topics you know more about because this makes no sense. :)

Makes perfect sense to me and theres plenty of literature on it as well.

Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


Trouble is you cant really keep company with an older long term smoker anyway,

A lot are schitzophrenic, social phobias, paranoia issues, cant function in society, and generally confined to their bedrooms..


Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


Trouble is you cant really keep company with an older long term smoker anyway,

A lot are schitzophrenic, social phobias, paranoia issues, cant function in society, and generally confined to their bedrooms..


Thank goodness not all TV posters are drugies!!!! I was starting to worry!!!! :):D:D and I recognize all of the symptoms you list in some of the potheads I know


Heading Phuket Forum.

Stop And Search In Nai Harn, Man charged with cannabis possession.

According to the Phuket Forum, Post 1 and 17 he is actually Canadian not Australian.

Another <deleted>*k up by the media. :)

Umm 0.9 grams..? Thats about half a teenth..! Must be the smallest bust ever..

Why didnt he just give the coppers 10,000 and be done with it..?

I cant believe this.. literally.. he MUST have been up to something else.. smoking ya baa too..?

Hmm.. fishy..

I know people that have been caught with 10 times that amount and paid their way out.

Yo 28, maybe first time here? Remember back when.


^Standard stuff really oze, whatever bits they don't know they just pull out of thin air, happens alot here apparently but also other parts of the world. Ozzie, Canadian, same thing mate, all from Farangland.

Heading Phuket Forum.

Stop And Search In Nai Harn, Man charged with cannabis possession.

According to the Phuket Forum, Post 1 and 17 he is actually Canadian not Australian.

Another <deleted>*k up by the media. :)

I was thinking that. "Aussie?" I thought. "Nah, maybe if he was a Wombat or a Platypus, or even Mr Koala-Bear, but Beaver? That's more your North American, aint it?"

Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


Looks “scientific”.

good for him drugs here its a serious offense now for him not possible to come back Thailand

How about the beach dealer???? or does he work for the police? What a crock of shit!

Exactly! Couldn't have said it better. I've been here for 20plus years and seen more than my share of people going mad with drug use. Most of them have been long-term weed smokers, they lose it good and proper in the end.

The class A lads normally run out of money or get fed up at getting ripped off and go home or turn to Yaa baa as a cheap alternative , then go mad.

Either way they go back to their home countries well and truly broke and mad, sometimes they avoid the nick here, sometimes not.

And why do they always leaves dogs for some-one else to deal with?

Rant over

And what has yabaa to do with marihuana ????

Guess you better stick to topics you know more about because this makes no sense. :)

Makes perfect sense to me and theres plenty of literature on it as well.

Plenty of literature available from the jw's as well, but does that make it the truth?


I wouldn't touch cannabis in Thailand since I'm aware of the absurd drug laws.

But I'm still aware that they're absurd. A reasonable man cannot walk by the hundreds of beer bars and people getting zonked out of their minds with alcohol, and think that is fine. While at the same time, think that any use at all of the scientifically much less harmful substance -- cannabis -- should be punished in the league of somebody committing a real crime.

Fortunately, more and more people are going back to commonsense and rationality on the subject of cannabis policy.


I was in Jaco, Costa Rica last year, just walking down the street in the early evening, minding my own business. A lady approached me and asked if I wanted to buy some marijuana, to which I politely replied "no thanks." About five minutes later, a police truck pulled over off the road, and said they wanted to search me for drugs. They did, and none were found. Immediately thereafter, I figured out the lady dealer was in cahoots with the police, who assumed I purchased because I stopped to talk to her.

My guess is it was probably a similar deal here. Seller on beach surely in on the whole charade. Sad, but I learned my lesson in Costa Rica. If one wants to partake, best never to do so from a street dealer, especially in a foreign country.

.9 grams of marijuana for 500 baht?

They mentioned it was dried marijuana. wow the most dangerous kind. What a danger to the community.

my main concern is he was silly enough to pay that much money for such little weed :)

I was in Jaco, Costa Rica last year, just walking down the street in the early evening, minding my own business. A lady approached me and asked if I wanted to buy some marijuana, to which I politely replied "no thanks." About five minutes later, a police truck pulled over off the road, and said they wanted to search me for drugs. They did, and none were found. Immediately thereafter, I figured out the lady dealer was in cahoots with the police, who assumed I purchased because I stopped to talk to her.

My guess is it was probably a similar deal here. Seller on beach surely in on the whole charade. Sad, but I learned my lesson in Costa Rica. If one wants to partake, best never to do so from a street dealer, especially in a foreign country.

Had it been a similar deal then an on the spot 'fine' would have been paid in order for the seller to get his/her share.

If you read the post you'll see that the joint was bought in Patong and the bust was in Nai Harn. Not on the same patch.

I was in Jaco, Costa Rica last year, just walking down the street in the early evening, minding my own business. A lady approached me and asked if I wanted to buy some marijuana, to which I politely replied "no thanks." About five minutes later, a police truck pulled over off the road, and said they wanted to search me for drugs. They did, and none were found. Immediately thereafter, I figured out the lady dealer was in cahoots with the police, who assumed I purchased because I stopped to talk to her.

My guess is it was probably a similar deal here. Seller on beach surely in on the whole charade. Sad, but I learned my lesson in Costa Rica. If one wants to partake, best never to do so from a street dealer, especially in a foreign country.

Had it been a similar deal then an on the spot 'fine' would have been paid in order for the seller to get his/her share.

If you read the post you'll see that the joint was bought in Patong and the bust was in Nai Harn. Not on the same patch.

Good point. I overlooked that in my initial read. Though, as others have mentioned, I can't help but wonder how they found the weed on him. Was he publicly smoking, or they just decided to search him out of the blue?


Why has this made the news? 0.9 grams of dried marijuana? That's about 1 joints worth of smoke! The only reason marijuana is illegal anywhere is because there is no tax paid on it. Thailand's draconian drugs policy makes you think twice. What damage would this guy cause with such a small amount of smoke? Alcohol is far worse for you and creates much more problems. What a ridiculous world we live in.

good for him drugs here its a serious offense now for him not possible to come back Thailand

THE BOYS BKK must be proud over this major bust.

Why is it posted here? To show everyone this is LA LA LAND

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