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<deleted>, a holiday on a tropical island with no weed?! That's just wrong! avatar49.gif

Daddy, when I grow up I want to be just like the druggie freak in this picture....... he's a great advert not to do drugs isnt he!

<deleted>, a holiday on a tropical island with no weed?! That's just wrong! avatar49.gif

Daddy, when I grow up I want to be just like the druggie freak in this picture....... he's a great advert not to do drugs isnt he!

Hey that's Mickey Rourke.


People with addictive personalities take things to excess, whether it be weed, alcohol, or building model trains. Personally I'd rather see an addictive personality smoking weed and spending all day listening to bad music and eating fatty foods, than getting drunk and violent or joining an extreme religious sect (re: Mel Gibson).

As usual, at the slightest possibility of sexual-related intertextuality, my sick mind runs off with me. As I saw the words Bangkok Hilton I suddenly started to think of Paris Hilton and her rather overrated (i have been told) video One Night in Paris (Hilton).

How would the spoof One Night in Bangkok (Hilton) turn out for our by now so besung hero, Mr Beaver?

You've been smoking a little something yourself, haven't you? :D:)


Poor fellas busted over a gram..

and a foreigner helped out with the bust...


greed and propangda. and a bunch of mindless typers encouraging arguments, to the benefit of whom?

who ALWAYS benefits?

Theres a parasitical element among us, they dont want us thinking out loud.

500BT for a gram doesnt seem fair, unless it was something sticky or potent like northern lights.

copweed is brown and coated with some chemical that stinks.

i know where i'd rather be...

Slightly off topic, but I thought the only reason hemp was made illegal was because DuPont invented synthetic fibre and wanted hemp taken off the market globally.

Close but no cigar... Dupont invented a process to pulp trees into paper much more efficiently than the previous process which was a labour-intensive method of refining hemp into paper... being good capitalists, and well connected in the upper echelons of US political power, Dupont moved to eliminate any competion - hence the criminalization and demonization of cannabis.

most of the west has NOT decriminalized Cannabis, including the good ole USA, Australia, Europe, Canada etc etc because it is a dangerous drug.

The reasons for the original and continuing criminalization of cannabis have absolutely nothing to do with it being a "dangerous drug".

Slightly off topic, but I thought the only reason hemp was made illegal was because DuPont invented synthetic fibre and wanted hemp taken off the market globally.

Close but no cigar... Dupont invented a process to pulp trees into paper much more efficiently than the previous process which was a labour-intensive method of refining hemp into paper... being good capitalists, and well connected in the upper echelons of US political power, Dupont moved to eliminate any competion - hence the criminalization and demonization of cannabis.

I'll settle for a cigarillo then. :)

I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

And I am always amazed that beer drinkers think that alcohol is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Europeans and Aussies with a few Yanks and Hosers thrown into the mix) drink vast quantities of the stuff. As a non-drinker of beer I can tell you beer drinkers are boring company and I am chagrined that Thailand tolerates such openly public addiction to this particular alcoholic drug in beverage form. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting drunk on fermented hops.


The sympathizers and pot heads have missed the point. Trying to compare pot and alcohol is stupid. Regardless of which is the worst or what your argument is, alcohol is legal and pot is NOT. There are plenty of warnings about drug possession here in Thailand. To ignore the warnings is pretty stupid.

The sympathizers and pot heads have missed the point. Trying to compare pot and alcohol is stupid. Regardless of which is the worst or what your argument is, alcohol is legal and pot is NOT. There are plenty of warnings about drug possession here in Thailand. To ignore the warnings is pretty stupid.

Gary, those couple of lines should be at the start of each of these druggie threads and then the thread closed. Its a simple thing. Don't do drugs in Thailand (if at all). If you do drugs then expect the worst and dont come whinging about it later when ur locked into a foriegn jail cell. SIMPLE.

0.9 grams is nothing.... How did they find it??? Using a microscope? :D

Maybe he got it from the cop next to him, as it is generally known that you get the best weed from.... yes indeed the police!

I feel sorry for the guy :)

Some posts here are just insane; we’re talking about a guy who just had bad luck. I’ve been on Ko Samed a few years ago, and a lad next to me was buying Ganja from a Thai, understandable that he was scared, but the Thai told him it wouldn’t be a problem, it comes from the cops. They make their own crops…..


Actually get your facts right ... it is becoming decriminilzed in the US and MANY states you can buy it at a store simply with a doctor note which could be written for anything from cancer to help one relax. And the majority of states where it is technically still illegal it simply results in a ticket (no attest) if the amount is small (under 28 grams) and your are not dealing. You can smoke weed in public in most parts of California without the only question be asked by police (if they even care to ask) is if you have a doctor's note.

Fact after fact is out there that having weed illegal is bad for society, creates criminals by sending these folks to jail with real criminals and putting a blemish on their record but it creates jobs for prison guards and private prisons as well as prison construction and it is political taboo because of all the old rich fuddy duddy drinkers who will ream their gov't reps for decriminilizing it.

Stop trying getting facts from 50-year old films such as "Refer Madness" that was designed to go after minorities in the US. The film shows how how crazed weed smokers rape women and other crimes that we know are more attributed to alcohol use.

Again, I no longer smoke weed but do drink but I am just not an idiot to the facts.

In the US and many states you can buy it in a store? Are you stoned? You can smoke weed in public in most parts of California, where you're not even allowed to smoke cigarettes in public?

It creates jobs for prison guards and develops private prisons?

Please, you should go for a doctors' note again………..




What's truly a joke about the whole situation and shows the hypocrisy of Thailand is right where the guy was stopped is a reggae bar, with the red gold and green flags, marijuana leaf symbols, etc. They might as well put out a sign "pot for sale here".

The cops could stop everyone walking out of there, and 75% would have pot on them. But they make a point with this one guy and his one joint..................ludicrous.

The sympathizers and pot heads have missed the point. Trying to compare pot and alcohol is stupid. Regardless of which is the worst or what your argument is, alcohol is legal and pot is NOT. There are plenty of warnings about drug possession here in Thailand. To ignore the warnings is pretty stupid.

Gary, those couple of lines should be at the start of each of these druggie threads and then the thread closed. Its a simple thing. Don't do drugs in Thailand (if at all). If you do drugs then expect the worst and dont come whinging about it later when ur locked into a foriegn jail cell. SIMPLE.


He just needs a good square meal under his belt that's all. Aussichick is on the case.


Enlighten me, is he a real cop or just a volunteer??

I don't know who he is, but I think he was trained by Seafood McGuinness in Pattaya


"In the US and many states you can buy it in a store? Are you stoned? You can smoke weed in public in most parts of California, where you're not even allowed to smoke cigarettes in public?

It creates jobs for prison guards and develops private prisons?

Please, you should go for a doctors' note again………..

I guess you have never lived in California by your comments. Medical marijuana is legal in California and has been for many years. There are medical marijuana stores in most California counties. Some counties have legalized or decriminalized marijuana. In the 1970's if you were in possession on less than an ounce (28 grams) of marijuana, it was a ticket and $100 fine. Smoking cigarettes is not allowed inside public buildings, outside it is allowed in most places. It is not allowed on some counties beaches though. It was found on beach cleanup days that cigarette butts were the single most collected item, therefore they were banned.

I wouldn't touch cannabis in Thailand since I'm aware of the absurd drug laws.

But I'm still aware that they're absurd. A reasonable man cannot walk by the hundreds of beer bars and people getting zonked out of their minds with alcohol, and think that is fine. While at the same time, think that any use at all of the scientifically much less harmful substance -- cannabis -- should be punished in the league of somebody committing a real crime.

Fortunately, more and more people are going back to commonsense and rationality on the subject of cannabis policy.

Scientifically much less harmful than alcohol!!!!!! wow you druggies really are into self dellsion arent you. A moderate to small amount of alcohol is good for you excessive amounts are not but with ganga even a small amount is potentially harmful that is why it is an illegal drug. Have all of the Governments around the world got the science wrong while you have it right?

Scientifically yes! Why don't you get your facts straight before making more nonsensical arguments. A small amount is potentially harmful? :) You work for the FDA? Most of the western world has either decriminalized ganga or is working towards decriminalization including the US where it is slowly being passed from state to state. Even Obama wants all trivial cannabis infractions out of the fededal court system which he has successfully been able to do since taking office.

We are talking about a guy on holiday who made a stupid mistake attempting to purchase a trivial amount of weed in a country who still has severe draconian drug laws. Keep in mind that not everyone who may partake in a little "herbal recreation" is a "druggie" anymore than a person slamming back a few beers is an alcoholic.

If the country has such "draconian laws", why would you want to live there? There are plenty of warnings about the penalties for drug possession in all immigration halls in all South East Asian countries and when in Rome....

And I am always amazed that beer drinkers think that alcohol is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Europeans and Aussies with a few Yanks and Hosers thrown into the mix) drink vast quantities of the stuff. As a non-drinker of beer I can tell you beer drinkers are boring company and I am chagrined that Thailand tolerates such openly public addiction to this particular alcoholic drug in beverage form. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting drunk on fermented hops.

Oh, my Lord, this.


I feel sorry for the guy, He was silly to have done what He did....But

How many of you people have procurred the services of a prostitute in Thailand and broken the law, or ridden a motorbike without a helmet, or drink drove or......... the list goes on.

People like living here because they believe it is not a over policed enviroment, that is untill you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The sympathizers and pot heads have missed the point. Trying to compare pot and alcohol is stupid. Regardless of which is the worst or what your argument is, alcohol is legal and pot is NOT. There are plenty of warnings about drug possession here in Thailand. To ignore the warnings is pretty stupid.

To ignore the warnings is STOOPID!!! But to fully know and understand the risks and to choose to live your life factoring in the risks and your ability to mitigate risk and maintain discretion is the way some have chosen to live their lives. For some of us it has been a 40 year long drug-fueled odyssey without any confrontation with members of law enforcement... To each his/her own path... One Love, Y'all!!


Most of the comments provided on this topic,or, any other topic in this forum, are smart****,matter-of-fact comments made by a pack of losers,who come to Thailand to live out their devious fantasies with all the markings of a true vocation.

Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America (behind only alcohol and tobacco), and has been used by nearly 100 million Americans. According to government surveys, some 25 million Americans have smoked marijuana in the past year, and more than 14 million do so regularly despite harsh laws against its use. Our public policies should reflect this reality, not deny it.

Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. According to the prestigious European medical journal, The Lancet, "The smoking of cannabis, even long-term, is not harmful to health. ... It would be reasonable to judge cannabis as less of a threat ... than alcohol or tobacco."

Since Americans spend so much money on health care, they should be getting a high quality of care, right? Unfortunately, that's not the case. Of the 783,936 annual deaths due to conventional medical mistakes, about 106,000 are from prescription drugs, according to Death by Medicine. That also is a conservative number. Some experts estimate it should be more like 200,000 because of under-reported cases of adverse drug reactions.

Between the years 1997-2006, numbers ranging from 11,000 to over 14,000 represent the number of motor vehicle deaths each year. Approximately 50% of these fatalities were caused by drunk drivers.

The argument that people who smoke cannabis are boring or don't have conversations the way you like is no justification for prohibition. We accept the enormous numbers of death and illness created by tobacco, alcohol, and even factory produced food products, yet when it comes to the use of this dried flower that carries none of the stultifying statistics, we are ready to spend billions of funds to incarcerate and essentially ruin the lives of about 800,000 people per year in the US alone. The majority of which, on average, are under the age of 19. Some people may not like being around a stoner, but just as many people have the same aversion to a drunk, a smoker, a junkie, a tweaker, etc.

I feel sorry for the guy, He was silly to have done what He did....But

How many of you people have procurred the services of a prostitute in Thailand and broken the law, or ridden a motorbike without a helmet, or drink drove or......... the list goes on.

People like living here because they believe it is not a over policed enviroment, that is untill you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What a load of rubbish. Why do people constantly try to defend one set of laws by referring to a completely different set of laws to get their point accross? :)

Most of the comments provided on this topic,or, any other topic in this forum, are smart****,matter-of-fact comments made by a pack of losers,who come to Thailand to live out their devious fantasies with all the markings of a true vocation.

Well at least you said most and not all.

Devious fantasies; Or did you mean deviate?

Vocation or avocation? a bit of a difference there too.

Devious fantasies as a job description, or as a hobby lifestyle?

Matter of fact implies that is it commonly known to BE fact.

Actually get your facts right ... it is becoming decriminilzed in the US and MANY states you can buy it at a store simply with a doctor note which could be written for anything from cancer to help one relax. And the majority of states where it is technically still illegal it simply results in a ticket (no attest) if the amount is small (under 28 grams) and your are not dealing. You can smoke weed in public in most parts of California without the only question be asked by police (if they even care to ask) is if you have a doctor's note.

Fact after fact is out there that having weed illegal is bad for society, creates criminals by sending these folks to jail with real criminals and putting a blemish on their record but it creates jobs for prison guards and private prisons as well as prison construction and it is political taboo because of all the old rich fuddy duddy drinkers who will ream their gov't reps for decriminilizing it.

Stop trying getting facts from 50-year old films such as "Refer Madness" that was designed to go after minorities in the US. The film shows how how crazed weed smokers rape women and other crimes that we know are more attributed to alcohol use.

Again, I no longer smoke weed but do drink but I am just not an idiot to the facts.

In the US and many states you can buy it in a store? Are you stoned? You can smoke weed in public in most parts of California, where you're not even allowed to smoke cigarettes in public?

It creates jobs for prison guards and develops private prisons?

Please, you should go for a doctors' note again………..

A doctors note also known as a PRESCRIPTION...

Yes you can buy Medical Marijuana in PHARMACIES in Calf. with a prescription.

It is prescribed for glaucoma in eyes, and nausea during chemotherapy and a few other things,

including calming effects in certain people. It is not recommended to just light up in the street,

some could, but would absolutely need the prescription ON THEM if they got stopped.

Yes in general small personal amounts are being decriminalized in some states,

and moves in that direction are being made in most states.

Even if underground production is still illegal and punishable for trafficking

Even if it is not 100% legal, it is reducing the degree of illegality in general for personal amounts.

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