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Police Officer Aproached Me At Jett Jiff Coffee Shop...


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Every color can be related to certain group of people.

In this case say "no, no English" and answer in a foreign language only. If you can't do that, try to act deaf-dumb. If you can't do that, pretend to speak a foreign language by speaking English back wards or put a "b" after every vowel and repeat the vowel, e.g. Ibi abam frobom Lobondobon, if you can't to that just say something not related and disappear.


You go through a lot of trouble to not have to speak to the people in who's country you live. :)

Police are people?

Yes they are. Why the negativity? Also the poster above who isn't able or willing to have a discussion about something with a taxi driver..

Honestly if it's beyond you guys to have a regular polite conversation with a Thai person while in Thailand, then Thailand may not be as good a fit for you as it appears. I now wonder if the communication/socially-impaired people are also the ones who immediately start whining when prices go up or their exchange rate goes down: people who aren't actually a very good match for Thailand or Thai culture/people, but for whom Thailand is or was simply a relatively affordable place where people can indulge.. But 'oymygod' if I have to talk with a Thai man.

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Every color can be related to certain group of people.

In this case say "no, no English" and answer in a foreign language only. If you can't do that, try to act deaf-dumb. If you can't do that, pretend to speak a foreign language by speaking English back wards or put a "b" after every vowel and repeat the vowel, e.g. Ibi abam frobom Lobondobon, if you can't to that just say something not related and disappear.


You go through a lot of trouble to not have to speak to the people in who's country you live. :)

Police are people?

Yes they are. Why the negativity? Also the poster above who isn't able or willing to have a discussion about something with a taxi driver..

Honestly if it's beyond you guys to have a regular polite conversation with a Thai person while in Thailand, then Thailand may not be as good a fit for you as it appears. I now wonder if the communication/socially-impaired people are also the ones who immediately start whining when prices go up or their exchange rate goes down: people who aren't actually a very good match for Thailand or Thai culture/people, but for whom Thailand is or was simply a relatively affordable place where people can indulge.. But 'oymygod' if I have to talk with a Thai man.

Winnie, I'm going to assume you're female. Human interactions are very different depending on the gender if the actors. The world is a different place to a female than it is to a male. As a male, I speak in a completely different way with females than with males.

As a guest in Thailand my number one rule is 'not to offend'. In my experience Thai people are friendly, open, and tolerant....to a point. I have seen other farang take Thais past that point and it is not pretty. I always enjoy talking with every Thai I meet; I 'feel them out' to discover where they stand and look for common ground. There is good in every viewpoint so it is not difficult to be in alignment with someone even when not in agreement. Agreeable people make the world nicer and disagreeable people cause friction and friction leads to heat. It serves no purpose to create friction during brief encounters with strangers i.e. taxi drivers, police, shopkeepers, etc. It also make farangs look bad to be opinionated on controversial subjects. I have friends with whom I can debate as I know they will not be offended.

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Police are people?

In 16 summers (averaging 4+ weeks each)of traveling pretty much all over Thailand, and now living here for the past year, I've yet to meet a single policeman that isn't relatively friendly or at least neutrally polite. Even the two highway stops I've experienced were professional with no fine or money under the table or even hint of such. I'm sure I'll meet the other type sooner or later.

But yes, they are people.

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Yes they are. Why the negativity? Also the poster above who isn't able or willing to have a discussion about something with a taxi driver..

Honestly if it's beyond you guys to have a regular polite conversation with a Thai person while in Thailand, then Thailand may not be as good a fit for you as it appears. I now wonder if the communication/socially-impaired people are also the ones who immediately start whining when prices go up or their exchange rate goes down: people who aren't actually a very good match for Thailand or Thai culture/people, but for whom Thailand is or was simply a relatively affordable place where people can indulge.. But 'oymygod' if I have to talk with a Thai man.

As posted in another reply, yes, or at least they ought to be treated as real people until one knows differently. Fair is fair, and in this particular topic, I've never been treated badly by a Thai policeman. I'm not naive, I'm sure I'll meet up with another type some day.

And yes, I agree, it's possible to have a conversation that is not meaningless, yet satisfies the Thai asking the question. Here are a few possible answers to the "How do you like Taksin?" question:

I know the upcountry people really seem to love him.

He certainly did some positive things for the poor people upcountry.

I'm just a visitor. It's your country. It's more important what you think.

I'm still learning about the situation. I know he was the longest serving elected PM.


I think a problem a lot of us Westerners have is that we seem to think that we always have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in everyday interpersonal exchanges.

When I was a principal back in the States and would formally observe a teacher's class, in the follow-up report I didn't need to discuss every negative that I observed and demoralize and overwhelm the teacher. I learned to pick a couple of significant points and work on those items. There's such a thing as a measured response.

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Every color can be related to certain group of people.

In this case say "no, no English" and answer in a foreign language only. If you can't do that, try to act deaf-dumb. If you can't do that, pretend to speak a foreign language by speaking English back wards or put a "b" after every vowel and repeat the vowel, e.g. Ibi abam frobom Lobondobon, if you can't to that just say something not related and disappear.


You go through a lot of trouble to not have to speak to the people in who's country you live. :)

Police are people?

Yes they are. Why the negativity?

Just one recent example. The runaway police guy who committed the murder on his friend, the wife and 2 of the 3 kids yesterday was apprehended in less than a day. He was on the loose after skipping bail in a murder case on a woman in her car, witnessed by many, last year.

This means his police 'friends' knew all along where he was but didn't found it necessary to arrest him. He's still one of us, you know. So, no, they are not people.

P.S. I'm sure someone out here knows a decent cop, probably the brother in law who's such a good guy.

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Winnie is pro red and hangs with pro red people so no problem there. I know many pro red Thais as Pattaya is thick with Isaan people, and there is no way I am going to confront them politically. That is insane. In the US, frankly, I always avoided being friends with people with opposing politics. I would talk and debate them though without fear. Here I don't mind because it is their country and if they want to follow a megalomaniac, that is their business, nothing I am going to say is going to change their minds. Speaking out would just make them hate me, or worse. Cheers. I don't like cops ANYWHERE. Sorry.

Edited by Jingthing
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" Manchester United (smile) Chelsea (Smile) Arsenal (smile)" etc etc. You can have a 20 minute conversation if you throw in as many Premiership footballers' names as you can remember, with a bit of ooh, aah, and more grinning. Seems to be appreciated.

True story.

I was in Japan a few years back and was in the hotel restaurant with the waitress and the sole other customer neither of whom spoke any English and I speak no Japanese. The only English the guy knew was the word 'good' (Japanese = oishi so now I know one word other than sayonara), Bobby Charlton and George Best. The three of us downed several bottles of sake and had a real nice evening proving language is not a barrier.

When I visit Thailand I like to walk around town, Pattaya, as it gives me a bit of exercise and is more interesting that travelling by taxi. I also have several red tee shirts, mostly with a single yellow star, which I wear without a second thought. Sometimes the girls at one of the bars will call out "Hey, Mr Red shirt" to which I turn around as say "Khun Abhisit, very good man". Then we all have a laugh.

If anyone asked me what my views were on the political situation I'd tell them straight, gently and respectfully, but straight and honest. Obviously if there were a bunch of Thai men who were drunk I'd be a bit reticent but all in all the Thais, even the policemen, are good people individually (a bit like most nationalities).

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