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Police Officer Aproached Me At Jett Jiff Coffee Shop...


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I think you could have had a reasonable conversation if approached in the right way. Step by step using non -confronting questions and considered answers. Once you had established some trust and established the lay-of-the-land you could possibly ask a few leading questions and given some honest opinion opinions.

I agree, many Thia's are interested in what farangs have to say and why we think that way so a reasonable converstion should be considered as OK.

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He's probably just curious what you thought about it. Tell him you just got off the boat and don't know up from Adam about Thai politics. You are just a foreigner, who has no say in Thai politics, in any case. I can't believe all the posts on this site ragging on and on about this or that political issues here. Unless you are a citizen with voting rights, your opinion means zero.

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I'd tell him that, personally, I go with the darker shades when choosing shirts. Yellow and Red are both good but has he thought about a vibrant green to suit the tropical climate? Pretty much any colour is fashionable these days although pastels went out of fashion some time ago...

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It might be worth bearing in mind that Thaksin spent many years working in the Police Force, his last job was in charge of IT - he ran an IBM franchise on the side!

I would assume that anybody in the Police Force is possibly a Thaksin supporter, just on the grounds that he is an ex-cop. But I would definitely, absolutely, not express an opinion either way - other than saying how much I love Thailand!!!

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hahaha Thanks for the laugh. On a serious note, if you try too hard to ingratiate yourself to the locals by always telling them what you think they want to hear, they'll sense it and not find you to be terribley interesting. On the onther hand, it's easy to bore and offend by treasuring your own opinions too much. So it's a fine line to walk, a judgement call time after time. Of course, none of this applies at all in the OP's situation. Say whatever you need to to get the hel_l away from him with your wallet and freedom intact.

I'd tell him that, personally, I go with the darker shades when choosing shirts. Yellow and Red are both good but has he thought about a vibrant green to suit the tropical climate? Pretty much any colour is fashionable these days although pastels went out of fashion some time ago...
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Try listening to them, not just telling them your opinion. You might be surprised how much some Thais really do know. My wife surprised me by saying that she knew perfectly well Thaksin took money for his own use from the government funds. She then said that all Thai politicians have done that. At least this time, when Thaksin took money, some of the poor people got a part of it back. She called that progress for Thailand, because the poor never usually got any of it back.

The more I thought abut that, the more sense it made. If you're down on the bottom all the time, anything at all, no matter how little it is, looks like up to you.


Tell your nice wife (who thinks you're stupid) Chuan never took money. If she wasn't born yet, she should read about him. But if she has heard of him, let me guess, she thinks he's stupid as well. You can listen as much as you want but do you understand?

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To the OP: you could have given him the facts: The reds have legit rights to want more democracy and a better life. By lining up with taksin who is a thief, a hypocrite and lacks principles, they unfortunately lost all credibility.

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To the OP: you could have given him the facts: The reds have legit rights to want more democracy and a better life. By lining up with taksin who is a thief, a hypocrite and lacks principles, they unfortunately lost all credibility.

You have to be rather fluent in English to understand credibility.

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"Up to Thai people; I farang, not for me to say."

The correct response to such questions is, "As a guest in this country, I couldn't possibly comment. This is a matter for the Thai people and their elected representatives to determine."

There is no benefit whatsoever into getting into a political discussion in a country which isn't your own. While I doubt the policeman had any ill intent, one never knows, and it's best to steer clear of such topics with a polite demurrral.

Edited by disambiguated
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Make anything that you say seem like someone elses (Thais) opinion. (In relation to the current politics, anyway).

"Well, the yellows think this, and the reds think that, but the yellows are saying this about the reds, etc." without getting into any of your own opinion.

Probably keep your answers short. Ask him lots of questions too. Get him talking about what his opinions are. Don't get into an argument with him.

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I would courageously draw myself up to my full height an announce assertively: "My opinion is unreservedly in agreement with whatever the goverment prefers or demands that I think! Just as is the case with sergeant Schultz, I see NOTHING! I know NOTHING!"


Edited by kapasao
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You did the right thing no sense getting involved in another countries political matters , you are better off engaging in topics on thai visa.

OMG..a policeman!! I dont even dare tell my Thai g/f what i really think, she's a yellow shirt ! and i don't think Thais can really bare to hear anybody oppose their opinions. They seem to take it offensibly.

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"Officer, experience has proven to me that you do not just represent the law, you personally ARE THE LAW, and are fully empowered to do whatever the hel_l your testosterone directs you to do at any given moment. I most humbly beseech your

imminence to be so kind as to not drop-kick or bludgeon me any more than circumstances objectively dictate.

God bless all those who, by divine appointment, are our betters! Long may we be blessed with the sublime honor of interposing our bodies between their illustrious feet and the earth which is their birthright, the same earth which our own lowly kind can but besmirch with our repugnant presence.

It is simple justice that our kind should live in squalid, miserable penury, while our masters repose in splendor, eating the best

of foods, and drinking the best when dry. Had this not been ordained by Heaven, it would not be so! To think otherwise is

perilous, heretical lunacy!

The rich deserve the pleasure, and the poor deserve the pain, forever and ever, AMEN!" (Best said while engaged in


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OMG..a policeman!! I dont even dare tell my Thai g/f what i really think, she's a yellow shirt ! and i don't think Thais can really bare to hear anybody oppose their opinions. They seem to take it offensibly.

Methinks ye'd hafta be DAFT ta risk lettin' polyticks interfere wi' yer chances a "gettin' lucky!"

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To O/P.....

Of course with hindsight it is easier to think of what one might say, but thinking about it I would have replied that I like all the colors.......But my favorite is

wait for it.......


That should at least make him smile. And a smiling cop is better that a non smiling one.

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To O/P.....

Of course with hindsight it is easier to think of what one might say, but thinking about it I would have replied that I like all the colors.......But my favorite is

wait for it.......


That should at least make him smile. And a smiling cop is better that a non smiling one.

Great! :)

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Every color can be related to certain group of people.

In this case say "no, no English" and answer in a foreign language only. If you can't do that, try to act deaf-dumb. If you can't do that, pretend to speak a foreign language by speaking English back wards or put a "b" after every vowel and repeat the vowel, e.g. Ibi abam frobom Lobondobon, if you can't to that just say something not related and disappear.

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Every color can be related to certain group of people.

In this case say "no, no English" and answer in a foreign language only. If you can't do that, try to act deaf-dumb. If you can't do that, pretend to speak a foreign language by speaking English back wards or put a "b" after every vowel and repeat the vowel, e.g. Ibi abam frobom Lobondobon, if you can't to that just say something not related and disappear.


You go through a lot of trouble to not have to speak to the people in who's country you live. :)

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Every color can be related to certain group of people.

In this case say "no, no English" and answer in a foreign language only. If you can't do that, try to act deaf-dumb. If you can't do that, pretend to speak a foreign language by speaking English back wards or put a "b" after every vowel and repeat the vowel, e.g. Ibi abam frobom Lobondobon, if you can't to that just say something not related and disappear.


You go through a lot of trouble to not have to speak to the people in who's country you live. :)

Police are people?

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Every color can be related to certain group of people.

In this case say "no, no English" and answer in a foreign language only. If you can't do that, try to act deaf-dumb. If you can't do that, pretend to speak a foreign language by speaking English back wards or put a "b" after every vowel and repeat the vowel, e.g. Ibi abam frobom Lobondobon, if you can't to that just say something not related and disappear.


You go through a lot of trouble to not have to speak to the people in who's country you live. :)

Whever a taxi driver asks me what I think about Thaksin, I smile and give him a long answer with lots of smiles -

" Manchester United (smile) Chelsea (Smile) Arsenal (smile)" etc etc. You can have a 20 minute conversation if you throw in as many Premiership footballers' names as you can remember, with a bit of ooh, aah, and more grinning. Seems to be appreciated.

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