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It strikes me, you have more chance of getting a UK Visa for your Thai G/F or wife, if you are on some kind of benifits, the reason i am saying this, is when i applied for a visa for my Thai G/F, ( now my wife) 10 years ago, i had a ###### of a problem, the 4th time she got the visa, i produced business accounts, all details asked for by the embassy, since then i know 3 chaps that have brought there Thai G/Friend's back to the UK, they do not work the three of them are on benifits, they have all got the visa, first visit to the embassy, it seems to stink, i have wrote this post, as my mate who went to the Embassy last Friday, 2nd time, was once again refused a visa for his Thai G/F, she has a good job in Bangkok, he is a builder in the UK, owns his own house, paying taxes, self employed, own Business, doing well, he now feels let down by these civil servents us tax payers are paying for, maybe they are taking backhanders, who knows.

It seems the honest hard working chap has less chance than those on benifits.

What do you guys think about this.


I doubt whether it is as straightforward as you say. You need to look into why your friend's partner had her visa rejected. You claim that she had a good job in Bangkok which if true means that you have good grounds for investigating the case, and I'd strongly advise you/your friend to do so. Bear in mind though that he will have to prove that their relationship is genuine and that they genuinely intend to settle in the U.K.

Much of the questioning during a visa application is to determine whether or not the relationship underpinning the application is genuine or not. Personally I'd say that civil servants weren't doing their job if they didn't adopt such an approach, owing to the fact that so many women who apply for such visas have, shall we say, 'dubious' work histories. Many women who have visas rejected have had previous rejections. I would advise your friend to look into this and determine what the exact reason for the visa rejection is.

You never know, he may end up thanking the civil servants that knocked back his rejection rather than cursing them.


As fw1 says, in order to pass comment and advise we need to know why she was refused.

As one of the main criteria for a settlement visa is financial support without claiming public funds, the comment

It strikes me, you have more chance of getting a UK Visa for your Thai G/F or wife, if you are on some kind of benifits
is utter and complete rubbish and, I think, just sour grapes on you and your friend's part.

As for your 3 "chaps" who

have brought there Thai G/Friend's back to the UK, they do not work the three of them are on benifits
I suspect this falls under the heading of "I know someone who met someone in the pub who heard from someone at the betting shop who was told by someone in the Job Centre that......." Maybe they did all get visas for their partners despite being on some sort of benefit, but they would have needed a very strong case.
As fw1 says, in order to pass comment and advise we need to know why she was refused.

As one of the main criteria for a settlement visa is financial support without claiming public funds, the comment

It strikes me, you have more chance of getting a UK Visa for your Thai G/F or wife, if you are on some kind of benifits
is utter and complete rubbish and, I think, just sour grapes on you and your friend's part.

As for your 3 "chaps" who

have brought there Thai G/Friend's back to the UK, they do not work the three of them are on benifits
I suspect this falls under the heading of "I know someone who met someone in the pub who heard from someone at the betting shop who was told by someone in the Job Centre that......." Maybe they did all get visas for their partners despite being on some sort of benefit, but they would have needed a very strong case.

Not sour grapes, quite true, one of the guys is now working as he is now paying me rent, the other 2 are still on benifits, it makes me sick, as a tax payer it took me 3 attemps to get a visa for my wife, that was 10 years ago, and my mete is going through the same old problem.

the one guy who is now working, is another mate of mine, he got a visa for his Mrs no problem, first time, he has been living in Thailand for 3 years, he moved back to the UK, no job, no address to go to, and no cash, just the 500 Quid he brought over with him, the reason he has returned he has gone skint in Thailand.so something is wrong somewhere.


Then they must have been able to prove that a family member or similar would be supporting them. As Scouse says in another topic, no work, no money means no visa.

  • 1 month later...

I know this is resurecting an old post, but Im suprised even the scouser didn't pick up on this. If you are claiming benifits, you are NOT allowed to leave the Country PERIOD.

Also a person who is on Benefits would not fall into the Embassys category of being able to look after their guest, With Benefits being £120 every 2 weeks (£60 per week), for an Adult, and if your on the 'Sick' its £160 every 2 weeks (£80 per week). Not only that but the British Embassy, would be VERY interested as to how you were able to afford a holiday in Thailand, and would contact the 'DHSS' (benefits) office back in the UK, and upon your return you'd be called in by there Fraud investigation team! And if nothing else, your benefits would ALL be cancelled, as you were out of the Country. You'd be banned from claiming any type of benefit for 8 weeks!

If you are claiming benifits, you are NOT allowed to leave the Country PERIOD.

Mr Helper, it's funny how we all read into things differently when a limited amount of information is available. :o

I didn't think Thaicoon meant these guys where claiming benefits whilst in Thailand. I read into it that he was meaning they where returning to the UK after running out of money and with no job to return to, thus they would go straight onto claiming benefits when they returned.

Thaicoon, could you clarify the point.

Mr BoJ


Every UK benifit claimant is entitled to a holiday and 'yes' they can leave the country, And Besides it's their afair how they spend that allowable 2k. Since when has this changed.


Bangkokblue >>> WRONG. I worked for the DHSS, so I know. It has been changed for a few years now. That allowable 2K limit is now 1K. And UK Benefit claimants are entitled to a holiday thats right, but that holiday must be in the UK only. Your not even allowed a holiday in another European Country, even though Britain is a member of the EU. The only places off the mainland of Great Britain that you are allowed to holiday in are: Channel Islands, Jersey, Isle of Wight, Isle Of Man, and Northern Ireland (Not Southern Ireland). That has been the rule ever since I started working for them, back in 1997, and thats still the rule now. And I think you will find that Thailand is a little bit further than Jersey.

Bangkokblue >>> WRONG. I worked for the DHSS, so I know. It has been changed for a few years now. That allowable 2K limit is now 1K. And UK Benefit claimants are entitled to a holiday thats right, but that holiday must be in the UK only. Your not even allowed a holiday in another European Country, even though Britain is a member of the EU. The only places off the mainland of Great Britain that you are allowed to holiday in are: Channel Islands, Jersey, Isle of Wight, Isle Of Man, and Northern Ireland (Not Southern Ireland). That has been the rule ever since I started working for them, back in 1997, and thats still the rule now. And I think you will find that Thailand is a little bit further than Jersey.

Thank's for the update. Yes, a little bit further in distance but a lot less in monetary terms. Are we talking benifits in general here or specifics, for i know of numerous claimants in Los.


bangkokblue>>> Yes I am talking about ALL Benefits. There are people who live & holiday in LOS, and many other Countrys round the world and claim benefits, well thats pretty easy. Most people get on 'The Sick', or DLA 'Dissability Living Allowance'. Then they will have their benefits paid direct to their Bank account (British Bank of course), and withdraw it from an ATM in Thailand, or wherever. When you check in for a flight you only need to show your Passport, NOT your 'National Insurance Card', so the DHSS would never know if somebody had left the Country.

If you were claiming 'Ordinary Dole', now called 'Job Seekers Allowance', you would have to return every 2 weeks to 'Sign On', yes you could always get a friend to go and 'sign on' for you, but that would be risky. But with the 'Sick' (now called Incapacity Benifit), and 'DLA', and 'Income Support', where you DON'T have to sign on every 2 weeks, just go for an assesment once per year, well this would make it easier for you to live or holiday for an extended visit abroad. The DHSS will only know you have left the Country if you tell them, or if somebody grasses you up!!! which is exactly what would happen if you went into a British Embassy abroad and told them you were in recipt of benefits! :o

bangkokblue>>> Yes I am talking about ALL Benefits. There are people who live & holiday in LOS, and many other Countrys round the world and claim benefits, well thats pretty easy. Most people get on 'The Sick', or DLA 'Dissability Living Allowance'. Then they will have their benefits paid direct to their Bank account (British Bank of course), and withdraw it from an ATM in Thailand, or wherever. When you check in for a flight you only need to show your Passport, NOT your 'National Insurance Card', so the DHSS would never know if somebody had left the Country.

  If you were claiming 'Ordinary Dole', now called 'Job Seekers Allowance', you would have to return every 2 weeks to 'Sign On', yes you could always get a friend to go and 'sign on' for you, but that would be risky. But with the 'Sick' (now called Incapacity Benifit), and 'DLA', and 'Income Support', where you DON'T have to sign on every 2 weeks, just go for an assesment once per year, well this would make it easier for you to live or holiday for an extended visit abroad. The DHSS will only know you have left the Country if you tell them, or if somebody grasses you up!!! which is exactly what would happen if you went into a British Embassy abroad and told them you were in recipt of benefits! :o

Oops, There goes the uk sick claimants figures just jumped.

Ok, Best i not go into specifics for many a reason. Not one for knocking a guy when their down neither am i jealous of those who have too much, live and let live i say. I'm all for the underdog getting a bit of the action good for them. As for the uk embassy decision making machinery - no comment.

It strikes me, you have more chance of getting a UK Visa for your Thai G/F or wife, if you are on some kind of benifits, the reason i am saying this, is when i applied for a visa for my Thai G/F, ( now my wife) 10 years ago, i had a ###### of a problem, the 4th time she got the visa, i produced business accounts, all details asked for by the embassy, since then i know 3 chaps that have brought there Thai G/Friend's back to the UK, they do not work the three of them are on benifits, they have all got the visa, first visit to the embassy, it seems to stink, i have wrote this post, as my mate who went to the Embassy last Friday, 2nd time, was once again refused a visa for his Thai G/F, she has a good job in Bangkok, he is a builder in the UK, owns his own house, paying taxes, self employed, own Business, doing well, he now feels let down by these civil servents us tax payers are paying for, maybe they are taking backhanders, who knows.

It seems the honest hard working chap has less chance than those on benifits.

What do you guys think about this.

the answer is simple, get all applicants to wear a false beard and a turban and confess to being an Islamic fundamentalist and then you get a visa without any problems!


buddhists are persona non grata ,whereas Islamic fundamentalists are welcomed especially if they have attended Afghan training camps ! :D


I think this topic has run its course and, indeed, is now more to do with the rights and wrongs of benefit claimants being able to go to Thailand than it has to do with visas.



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