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Why Do I Need To Love Thailand?


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Why, when asked by random thai people if I like/love Thailand, do they seem to expect me to gush on about it?

I usually reply with a "yes, it's ok" then they sit with an expectant face, like that isn't sufficient & I should then rattle off a bunch of reasons why Thailand is so great. :)

Unlike many non thais, I live in Thailand cause it is the place we need & want to be for the next probably 10 years. The last 5 years were spent living in UK with Thai husband as that is where we needed to be then & more likely will go back there when our son reaches senior school age. I like my home country & I like Thailand, both have good & bad but as a whole my life is pretty much the same in either & we use the opportunities in either as needed & as suits our desires at the time.

The immigration officer when I went to collect my extension last week kept asking what I loved about Thailand, so I told him honestly, "my husband & son." He then said, "no no, forget about your husband, what is it you love about Thailand", so I had to be honest again & said the weather is better than Uk sometimes but I don't love it, so sweaty. He looked quite crestfallen that I didn't go on about some bs or other & even said (in a not joking but trying to be joking way) "well no one force you to stay"

I got my passport back :D & managed to not lie to the poor lad so couldn't care less if he was offended or not. But why do they think that if we live here, we must really really love the place. I haven't seen or heard this issue from other expats in other countries, most are like me, they live somewhere that suits them at the time but can & do see/acknowledge the good & bad. But are also able to love & adapt to them & the locals accept that too.

Why can't (some thai) people understand that living here isn't paradise nor hel_l, only a place to live. Why must I have to "love" it sooo much, why isn't liking life here & understanding the current benefits enough?

Anyway, this is something that has been bugging me a bit esp after last weeks immigration story so thanks for reading :D

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cause they are asking me what I love. I don't love food, I am not a foody & imo thai food isn't as great as people go on about. Some things are good but then so is alot of other food. Besides giving some lame-o bs answer to make someone feel proud isn't my style. I like Thailand but I don't love it. Really, that should be enough.

And besides, I can't lie on the spot, I gave the immigration guy an honest answer, tough boob if he don't like it :)

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Recently my better half an I were accosted by a Thai gentleman who worked for Immigration. He wanted to know what I thought of Thailands beaches, as he knew we had travelled a fair bit. I hesitate in reply and after a very brief moment the other half stepped in and told him that many of Thailands beaches that we had visited were dirty, overcrowded and not that attractive. She then went on to tell him about beaches in Australia that she had visited. He was mortified with her, he then stated that there was no way that Australia's beaches could be better than Thailands, because if they were no Australias would be in Thailand. He virtually dismissed what she was saying to him.

As we left him I told him that Thailand was definately unique & he seemed happy with that :) .

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lol, yes this is what I mean, I mean, if you don't want to know the truth then don't ask. I suppose he does this with all farang coming through & they probably either give him the full gush or bs their asses off. I just can't do it.

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cause they are asking me what I love. I don't love food, I am not a foody & imo thai food isn't as great as people go on about. Some things are good but then so is alot of other food. Besides giving some lame-o bs answer to make someone feel proud isn't my style. I like Thailand but I don't love it. Really, that should be enough.

And besides, I can't lie on the spot, I gave the immigration guy an honest answer, tough boob if he don't like it :)

Often these questions are subtly asking about the extent of your selfishness, and whether you would put the wellbeing of your country before your own. If you relate to it that way, it's quite a simple question with a yes or no answer. Either you do or you don't.

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*ahem* I'm sorry, isn't that the prepackaged response?

It's just small talk on their part, and most likely, in their experience, the majority of foreigners they have asked HAVE gushed about it.

But be careful with your words, or you will have the onslaught of people rushing your threads telling you "if you don't love it here and realize everything is perfect here. I mean like my cousin's best friend's horse was living on $X in Y place, but you can like live on $n in M place!!! don't you understand!!!!, so if you can't understand just get out!"


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I understand about the nationalism, I have a 12 year relationship with Thailand, a thai husband & family & have birthed a thai person :D What I don't get is the expectation that I have to l-o-v-e (or at least rave about) the country above all others :)

Anyway this is a lighthearted thread so don't take me too seriously, was just the recent increase of this happening added to immigration guys sad puppy eyes when I didn't play the game. :D

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You're a brave woman Boo, I would have lied my face off to immigration or any Thai person with power. Love Thailand? YES the very Thai air I breathe is a sheer delight! Cough cough! :) I can't get enough! I wouldn't risk being truthful. I don't hate Thailand, but I don't love it either. It's got some good points for sure, but equals out with the negativity. Totally and completely disagree with you about the Thai food though Boo, clean quality Thai food is incredible.

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There was a recent thread about lying. One of the much repeated comments was, depends on the reason.

On this occasion I would have said a white lie to avoid disappointment for the fellow would have been in order. I think the word is diplomatic. I am not in the habit of telling people what they want to hear, but, if you have the choice of leaving somebody you barely know happy or disillusioned I choose the former.

Edit spelling!!!

Edited by 473geo
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I did tell immigration guy that I liked Thailand (& just to clarify we were also having a laugh before & after about other things so it wasn't a nasty or potentially dangerous situation, I'm not a moron & know when to keep my trap shut) but when he asked me first time what I loved about Thailand I answered straight off my head "husband & son". Well, they are in Thailand, have thai blood & I generally as a rule only "love" people & the family pet. (Haagen daaz praline & cream is the only food that gets my love :D ) So when he pressed me I said I liked Thailand alot, same as I like UK, just for different reasons. :)

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I actually do not like Thailand that much either, not much to like actually, besides the weather and some Thai people.

Not too sure why some foreigners think it is one of the best place to live in.

I'm here because I have a job to do here, the job is gone, I'm gone.

I will anyway have no choice, if my employment pass is cancelled, I have 24 hours to leave the country.

And if only for that stupid visa law, I will happily do it.

But for a few other reasons, I just can't do that easily.

So, indeed, why do I need to love Thailand?

Edited by eurasianthai
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funny you should say that cause I was reading yours & decided instead of hijacking your thread to start a new one. The similarities were too many (minus the political stuff of course)

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Nice, a moderator- thread :D

Boo, I think you know Thais have not that much to be proud of, so the correct answer would have been:"Chan rak Nai Luang!" :)

For me, as a non English person, I can understand that the officer didn't think too much about "love"/"like"

Sometimes I have a Big Mac at MC Donald's because I'm liking' it...

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The Story: Long, long ago, a frog lived at the bottom of a well. One day, the frog saw a turtle who was from the sea at the well edge. " Look, how happy I am living here!" He said to the turtle," When I am in a good mood, I can hop along the well edge. And when I am tired, I can go back for a good sleep. Sometimes I can swim for fun with only head and mouth above water, or walk through the soft mud. The crabs and the tadpoles all envy me very much because I am the master of the well. I am free to do whatever I like here. Come in and see how nice it is!"

On hearing this, the turtle did want to get into the well. Before he got his left foot into the well, the well fence caught his right one. He stepped back immediately and started to describe the sea to the frog." Have you ever seen a sea? It is tens of thousands of Li broad, and thousands of feet deep. In ancient time, there were floods nine years out of ten, yet the sea water never swelled much. Later, there were droughts sevens years out of eight, yet the sea water never dropped much. So you can see no floods or droughts can do much to the sea. It is a much better place to live in than this well."Staring at the turtle, the frog was silent and dazed.

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UG, The thread isn't about what you love or hate about Thailand, only why it is assumed we must love it if we chose to live here.

But fyi, there is plenty for women to be impressed with in los that don't involve having egos boosted, still don't need to love those things though. :)

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I have on many occasions been approached by high school kids with a prepared list of questions what do you like about Thailand? They log the responses. I guess as part of a school project. If they said 'love' about Thailand I guess I would not over think the question and provide the same answers.

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