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Who Can Be On House Registration?

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I don't know if this topic has been addressed already but regarding tambien baan, I was curious as to whether a non-Thai person can be placed on a house registration? I am Thai so am already on a house registration. I was curious though, if I buy my own house in Thailand, can I place a non-Thai person's name on the house registration or would they have to be related to me in some way before I could do so?

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maybe you signed at the backside , but you are not in the bluebook. if yes, i think all users would be happy to see a copy

i build house on my own name goverment registration premit ,as well electris and gov.services, i make blue book by my self, but even than cant register. the yellow housingbook is not more aviable in our area.

so if youre in the bluebook as non thai show..................

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maybe you signed at the backside , but you are not in the bluebook. if yes, i think all users would be happy to see a copy

i build house on my own name goverment registration premit ,as well electris and gov.services, i make blue book by my self, but even than cant register. the yellow housingbook is not more aviable in our area.

so if youre in the bluebook as non thai show..................

I have removed my personal details from the document. You will note my nationality is shown as Australian:



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It would be much more helpful if this discussion included a distinction between the two places where one's name may appear.

The first section names the owner of the property, including in addition the name of anyone with a registered lease (which could be a foreigner).

The second section lists registered occupants.

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It would be much more helpful if this discussion included a distinction between the two places where one's name may appear.

The first section names the owner of the property, including in addition the name of anyone with a registered lease (which could be a foreigner).

The second section lists registered occupants.

My local amphur refused to accept my application for a yellow tabian baan book for my non-Thai daughter, saying that she would have to become a Thai passport holder before they would accept this.

Is their decision legal and is their anyway I can appeal it?

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My local amphur refused to accept my application for a yellow tabian baan book for my non-Thai daughter, saying that she would have to become a Thai passport holder before they would accept this.

Is their decision legal and is their anyway I can appeal it?

Foreigners can be put on the house registration and indeed in the blue book if they have permanent residency. However very few foreigners are in a position to get this. Me included. However we can go on a yellow book which is exclusively for foreigners. You will need some documents. Its quite simple though. I went to the Amphur. They did ask some questions, why do you want it? My wife said its none of their business why i wanted it and under Thai law if you have the appropriate documents they cant refuse it. Got it in 30 minutes. Very easy.

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I am on the blue tabien baan but only as the father of our son.

After some 3 months working with a guy in the amphur who finally ran out of stupid questions, rules and requests I finally have a yellow tabien baan.

Both my wife and myself asked him

Is this all you want,


are you sure


so I would go to BKK and get it done and his response was

what I really wanted is


are you sure


so I would go to BKK and get it done and his response was

what I really wanted is

I even got the lady in the translation office to speak to him and afterwards she told me he had no idea.

When I finally got it he wanted to keep the original letter from the Embassy and the original translations as well.

I politely (as I could) got my wife to explain that he only had a copy of my passport, our marriage certificate etc and if he wanted to keep the originals as soon as he paid me the 10,000 baht it cost me he could have them.

If not he could stick the yellow book where the sun don't shine.

My wife translated most of that and she was getting mad too so he got on the phone to his boss who told him copies were perfectly OK.


Now no problems any more.

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the copy above is from year 2539,,,aao about 14 years old.....at this time all was easy.

anybody a prove of a book issued after taxsin stay in power for 4 years, i maen after 2005 when many things changed

I never thought about that.

All I know is that he had a thick rule? book that he looked at as a reference a lot of the time.

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  • 8 months later...
It would be much more helpful if this discussion included a distinction between the two places where one's name may appear.

The first section names the owner of the property, including in addition the name of anyone with a registered lease (which could be a foreigner).

The second section lists registered occupants.

My local amphur refused to accept my application for a yellow tabian baan book for my non-Thai daughter, saying that she would have to become a Thai passport holder before they would accept this.

Is their decision legal and is their anyway I can appeal it?

Their decision is illegal under the 1991 Civil Registration Act, as amended in 2008.

Section 38. The district or local registrar shall issue a household registration

for persons without Thai nationality having been permitted to stay temporarily and

those having been giving leniency for temporary residence in the Thai Kingdom as a

special case in accordance with law on immigration and the declaration of the Cabinet

and their children born within the Thai Kingdom. ....

You may file a complaint against the district office with the Administrative Court.

The tabien baan does not specify who is the owner of the proper or any registered leases. It specifies the householder who may be the owner or leaseholder but both are listed in the same way as jao baan. And it lists the occupants. Information about ownership and long term leases is available only on the title deed. However, the owner of the property has to permit a tenant to be registered as a household of his property and many are reluctant to do this.

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Here's my experience with the Yellow Tabien Baan..

I am here on a retirement visa and have owner built my house (no contractor involved). Having just just moved in (albeit not quite finished :-( , I decided to get the Tabien Baan so I could get a phone line, etc., in my name.

Yesterday, I went to the local (village) Ampour office with my land owner and we gave them sight of the title deed with a 30 year lease in my name noted on the reverse of the chanote. They were very cooperative and having inspected some house plans and photographs of the sewage system, they issued a "Health Certificate" and instructed us to go to the main Ampour in Chiang Rai with all the documents.

The people at the main Ampour were equally friendly and cooperative. The "Deputy Sheriff" did consult his rather thick rule book but after a very short while he gave a lady at a computer terminal the nod and ten minutes later (and TWENTY BAHT poorer) I held the yellow Tabien Baan.

The front page states my name as "Owner" as well as the physical address they assigned to the property. There is no mention of the land owner in the book. I am not recorded on the following page which records details of persons actually residing at the premises (that's an Immigration matter). I mightl deal with that later ... or perhaps never, if the various parties that require proof of residence in the future accept my Tabien Baan document as is - which I suspect they will (see the next paragraph). I must clarify however that being noted as "owner" in this document doesn't confer any right of house ownership - but my having paid for the construction does.

I raced off to TOT to get my ADSL line application formalised (I had previously "booked a line"). They were very happy with the documentation and the technician is due tomorrow to measure up and install.

Feel free to ask any questions.

May I add that I have NEVER experienced better or more efficient service ANYWHERE, than what I have experienced in ALL MY DEALINGS here in Chiang Rai.

The Land Office chanote Lease Registration formalities were completed in under an hour. My two temporary driving licences were also issued in under an hour. The renewal of those with 5-year licences took all of twenty minutes. Yesterday's Ampour adventures took less than an hour. TOT have been an absolute pleasure. Buying and registering a new vehicle in my name was effortless. Banking here is simply a pleasure, I even got a proper Credit Card without any hassle (no, I don't have pots of money). The staff at Mae Sai Immigration are so pleasant, I think I'll take them the Thai equivalent of a cake next time I go up there. And I paid a parking fine in about five minutes flat. It's just wonderful here!

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I raced off to TOT to get my ADSL line application formalised (I had previously "booked a line"). They were very happy with the documentation and the technician is due tomorrow to measure up and install.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Why would you build a new house and then call the worst internet provider in Thailand ? Thats like buying a Ferrari and putting water in the gas tank.

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The tabien baan does not specify who is the owner of the proper or any registered leases. It specifies the householder who may be the owner or leaseholder but both are listed in the same way as jao baan. And it lists the occupants. Information about ownership and long term leases is available only on the title deed. However, the owner of the property has to permit a tenant to be registered as a household of his property and many are reluctant to do this.

This is not a topic that I have discussed with Thai authorities; I was merely going by my own experience. On the first page of the blue book for this house are listed two names. One is the Thai owner of the property, and the other is myself, shown as the holder of a long-term registered lease.

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I have seen quite a few tabien baan books, including two of my own blue books and none of them said who was the owner of the property or land. They all say who was the "head of household" or "jao baan" which is not the same as "owner". Maybe there are cases where they do record the name of the property owner but I cannot sure why. The tabien baan is a census document which shows who lives where, whereas the Land Dept's registry of title deeds shows who owns what. The "jao baan" has certain legal obligations under the Civil Registration Act but the owner of the property does not. Since the district office has no redress against the owner for not providing accurate information about the household, it follows that they don't care who owns the property.

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Perhaps because there isn't an alternative provider where I am .... other than intermittent GPRS .... ?

Why would you build a new house and then call the worst internet provider in Thailand ? Thats like buying a Ferrari and putting water in the gas tank.

Edited by JohnSkliros
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It seems that the wording on the first page of the Tabien Baan isn't cast in concrete and the officials type it as they see fit but irrespective of what is written there, it doesn't provide legal proof of ownership.

Nevertheless, before I brandished the Tabien Baan (only the first page completed), TOT wanted a 5000 baht deposit before they would register the account in my name. Now they have voluntarily waived that requirement.

Thank you TOT!

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Where I live , the or bor tor...tell me that it has to be a Thai name on the built permit...I don't want it...It will be my house ! but I don't know how to make them understand that's possible :(

Any help will much than appreciate...

There are other threads about this but you may have to get a lawyer to go and explain the law to them. Many local authorities don't know the law and/or enjoy making their own interpretations either to feel powerful or to extort tea money. The lawyer should be armed with relevant usufruct, lease and superficies contracts that entitle you to build on the land. In the worst case, you could sue the OrBorTor in the Adminstrative Court but that might not make for good community relations.

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Where I live , the or bor tor...tell me that it has to be a Thai name on the built permit...I don't want it...It will be my house ! but I don't know how to make them understand that's possible :(

Any help will much than appreciate...

There are other threads about this but you may have to get a lawyer to go and explain the law to them. Many local authorities don't know the law and/or enjoy making their own interpretations either to feel powerful or to extort tea money. The lawyer should be armed with relevant usufruct, lease and superficies contracts that entitle you to build on the land. In the worst case, you could sue the OrBorTor in the Adminstrative Court but that might not make for good community relations.

Thanck you.... I have only the lease contract register in Land departement...but not have the superficies ! is it too late to get it ..and how can I obtain this superficies contract (sorry first time i heard about it !)

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