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Thailand's Thaksin Appeals 1.4 Billion US$ Asset Seizure

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Thailand's Thaksin appeals 1.4 billion dollar asset seizure

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Lawyers for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Friday filed an appeal against a 1.4 billion dollar asset seizure, saying they had new evidence to reopen the high-profile case.

Thaksin's chief counsel Chatthip Tantaprasart said they lodged a 500-page appeal with the Supreme Court on behalf of family members including Thaksin's ex-wife, Pojaman, and his two children, Panthongtae and Pintongta.

"Today we have submitted new evidence and new witnesses which the court has not yet deliberated on," Chatthip told reporters, adding that they also sought a halt to the execution of February's asset seizure ruling.

He said the Supreme Court would establish a five-judge panel to decide whether to accept the appeal.

The court had found Thaksin guilty of conflict of interest while he was prime minister between 2001 and 2006, and confiscated 1.4 billion dollars of a 2.2 billion dollar fortune in frozen assets.

The ruling triggered demonstrations by Thaksin's red-shirted supporters from March 14, with plans for a fresh mass rally on Saturday which organisers said would exceed last week's street parade that drew 65,000.

Thaksin, who lives in exile to avoid a jail sentence for corruption, has slammed the asset seizure as "very political motivated."


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-03-26

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Thaksin's appeals lodged, injunction sought to delay asset seizure

BANGKOK: -- The defence team of ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra and his family members on Friday filed a series of appellate writs seeking to overturn the Bt46 billion asset seizure verdict on February 26.

The defence also applied for an injunction to delay the seizure pending the appellate review.

In separate writs totalled more than 246 pages, the defence argued for Thaksin, his ex-wife Khunying Pojaman na Pombejra and their two children, Panthongtae and Pinthongta.


-- The Nation 2010-03-26



NACC Sends Notification to for Immediate Seizure of Thaksin's Assets

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission has sent an official letter to the Finance Ministry informing them that they are able to immediately seize Thaksin Shinawatra and his family's 46 billion baht worth of assets.

It was argued by the Shinawatra family legal team that a seizure would have to wait until the appeal is heard by the Supreme Court.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-26



500 pages of legal mumbo-jumbo. awesome. This will not be swift. (And imagine the cost to produce this material.)

I guess the NACC's decision lit a fire to the feet of Thaksin's lawyers!

Shame it didn't light a fire under the apparatchiks! Why wasn't this lot siezed within MINUTES of the court's decision??

Disgusting sloth and dereliction of duty to justice and the people.

Not that I'm biased in any way, you understand........

Can't wait to hear what this new evidence is and why it has only now suddenly come to light. How could they have overlooked this before?

AND new "witnesses" as well! What a funny old thing!

500 pages of legal mumbo-jumbo. awesome. This will not be swift. (And imagine the cost to produce this material.)

I really think he must be loosing the plot or must just enjoy giving his money to lawyers. Can any sane person imagine Thailand overturning the ruling? After all, we all knew the outcome before the trial didn't we :)


I thought the Supreme Court is final rule of law

I guess this is Thailand nothing is for certain. Following the law, breaking the law, etc etc. everything that is convenient is left open and soon so on.


^ No, with Thai law, you can appeal with new evidence up to one month after the decision. What I'm surprised about is that the analysis that came out right after the decision also stated that Thaksin would have to be present at the appeal. I guess that isn't true?

I'll be surprised if there is actually anything resembling new evidence in those 500 pages. This is a delay tactic, Thaksin hopes to topple the government before everything is finalized.

I was wondering if he was going to show up today, and try to claim diplomatic immunity as one of Hun Sen's aides for the MRC meeting next month, (I guess it is a little early for him to try that). Regardless he might still try this as it's only a couple of weeks away.


You're right, the supreme court is the ultimate decider, but it's decisions can be appealed. I wonder if he realizes that the penalty can be increased on appeal.

I remember some time back reading of an african convicted of murder and given life in prison. He appealed twice and got sentence reductions, and on the third, and final, appeal the judge sentenced him to hang. You pay your money and you take your chances.

You're right, the supreme court is the ultimate decider, but it's decisions can be appealed. I wonder if he realizes that the penalty can be increased on appeal.

I remember some time back reading of an african convicted of murder and given life in prison. He appealed twice and got sentence reductions, and on the third, and final, appeal the judge sentenced him to hang. You pay your money and you take your chances.

I've never been in a Thai prison (or any other prison for that matter) but from what I have read these prisons are "hel_l on earth"... so maybe the convicted African got what he wanted in the end...


Obviously a tactic to win time in the hope he'll topple the government and take back "his" money... the never ending story of former PM Thaksin and his ill-gotten wealth. What I don't understand is why nobody (government, the elite or whoever) hasn't hired an assassin to take care of this... problem.


500 pages, and much of it boiler plate any good judge would browser through.

A long weekends reading and then a Monday or Tuesday meeting.

Another 250 injunction pages, just to add another hoop to stall with.

Lawyers with a big fish like Thaksin in their creel bill by the hours AND by the page.

This doc was ready to g minus about 20 pages BEFORE the triasl started,

they just waited and billed till the filing date's last hours.

The real slow down is motions about NEW WITNESSES... to allow or not.

I suspect the judges can handle this expeditiously.

Obviously a tactic to win time in the hope he'll topple the government and take back "his" money... the never ending story of former PM Thaksin and his ill-gotten wealth. What I don't understand is why nobody (government, the elite or whoever) hasn't hired an assassin to take care of this... problem.

because the reds will really get violent in reaction to it I'm sure is the only reasoning. I think Uncle Weasel knows that, and he feels immune to make brash and bold statements thinking there are few consequences.

I guess the NACC's decision lit a fire to the feet of Thaksin's lawyers!

Shame it didn't light a fire under the apparatchiks! Why wasn't this lot siezed within MINUTES of the court's decision??

Disgusting sloth and dereliction of duty to justice and the people.

Not that I'm biased in any way, you understand........

well the court gives a month for the chance of an appeal only granted when there is new evidence that could affect the outcome of the case, but weird that a case that has taken this longs still has new evidences to uncover. I wouldnt be surprise if thaksins lawyers kept this evidence quiet for the chance that they could prolong the seizure of assets


So Mr T's lawyers want to get their beaks wet? What's new? Justice delayed is justice denied. Let's hope this cause is disposed of quickly.

500 pages of legal mumbo-jumbo. awesome. This will not be swift. (And imagine the cost to produce this material.)

i dont really think the 'cost' of producing a few hundred pages of legal writs is a big deal!!!! (considering that 46 billion baht is at stake!!!)

I thought the Supreme Court is final rule of law

I guess this is Thailand nothing is for certain. Following the law, breaking the law, etc etc. everything that is convenient is left open and soon so on

the supreme ct ruling is final for sure..

this panel is stuck it won't let me delete....

tis jokers file to the same court for appeal citing new evidence....

500 pages of legal mumbo-jumbo. awesome. This will not be swift. (And imagine the cost to produce this material.)

i dont really think the 'cost' of producing a few hundred pages of legal writs is a big deal!!!! (considering that 46 billion baht is at stake!!!)


my friend, i miss your innocent humour.


First thing is that a panel has to be appointed to ascertain if the documents contain new evidence that is relevant to the case. They could simply find that there is no new relevant evidence and refuse the appeal.

On the other hand, they could allow it to go through knowing that it will not be up held and smirking over the money it cost Thaksin to submit it.

Of course this being Thailand a deal could have already been struck giving Thaksin back some, if not all his hard earned cash if he just goes away?

That way he retrieves some face and dignity, and the present Government gets rid of the thorn in its side.

Well, if I was about to lose 1.4 billion US$, I would sure appeal also.

I would too! :D If no one can see the strategy of new witnesses and evidence. I would fight for my money too but I sure would of have these new witnesses and evidence from the start especially if it warrants appeal :)


If things go according to type the reds should go relatively quiet while the appeal is considered as long as Thaksin believes there is a 1% chance or to give time to reassess tactics. If it is rejected we should expect things to be cranked up again. After all the current demo was released upon the country only when Thaksin lost his court case. All red activity and its peaks and troughs can be charted against Thasksin's court cases and a remarkable pattern is found consdiering the red movement isnt about Thaksin. While the reds may not to a man or woman be about Thaksin their leadership are 100% about the man.

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