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Thai Women Are Great!


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Well, we read all these stories on TV of failed relationships, bitter break ups, and jaded and cynical personal accounts by the hundreds..bitter, cynical, angry farang writing the testimonials that make for juicy reading..the MOST POPULAR stuff on TV by a country mile.

How about the truth?.. that these stories are written by the vast MINORITY, as they paint a broad brush of negativity, portraying the thai women as this or that..

when in reality, the VAST MAJORITY of them make the most fantastic platonic friends, gf's or wives for farang.

the thing is, most of the guys with these gals don't bother to write their postive testimonials, leaving many to think thai women are a risky business, when they are NOT.

opinions on this issue please..

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In one week it will be 3 years. We dated for 2 months before I planned on marrying her, the next month I was back in the US (on a planned trip) and bought a ring and proposed the next month.

Funny thing is, we dated for a month longer than my parents, who have been together for almost 40 years.

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I've been very happily married to my Thai wife for almost ten years, wouldn't swap her for anyone. As for Thai women in general, the only ones I really know are my mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law, who are also all wonderful ladies, never had a cross word with any of them.

My wife and I have a lot of interests in common, which helps in a relationship, I think. We always have plenty of things to talk to each other about. Compared to my first marriage, in the UK, this one is much more rewarding, and a lot more fun.

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I have been with my Thai wife for 5 years, and I never had made such a great choice of a woman in my entire life.She is all I have ever wished for in a women, best friend, partner in life, soul mate. etc.

I thank Buddha every day for her.

Cheers; :)

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At last-good stories-I was wondering about why no one came whit this kind of things-allways complainings and so-never a good storie.

I wa beginning to think that all the old fellows here in Thailand,just was bitter and sad people all of them-and wondering,why they are here if they dont like it-fore me it seems as alot of folks realy dont like Thailand,Thai lady or enything about the country,so why stay?

It was realy good to see and here your stories-I am whit my woman-just fore 9 month now,but I must say that I have never had a better freind and partner in life-she makes everything so good and nice for both of us every day and it is a bless wakeing up in the morning-knowing,she is there.


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Thai women are no different than any other women in the world,there are some minor cultural differences but nothing significant. They all want,is the same things we all want, a little respect, love, some security, happiness for them selves and their family.

Firstly as the OP posted,and I agree, for the most part the people that post stories on that subject are people that had bad experiences, , not many people come to this forum to write " today nothing bad happen to me",people with normal, uneventful lives , are busy living their lives, so consequently all we hear from, are people with negative experiences, and unfortunately, others who come to this forum for information on Thailand, get the wrong picture.

It is my opinion that the "horror stories" are the minority and the vast majority of farang- Thai relationships are normal relationships with the same challenges that any other relationship faces.

I am happily married to my Thai wife, she is wonderful, and I adore her,not a day goes by that I dont thank my lucky stars to have meet her, we have our challenges, but like any other couple we work trough them. I have three other American friends married to Thai and they are all very happy.

Let me conclude by saying that:people usually find what they are looking for, if you look for a wife, in Pattaya at walking street in a bar , that is what you will find, ( I am not making a value judgment) it is possible to find a good wife there ,and I am sure some have, but in my opinion not probable!.

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Everything is fine and dandy until a situation pops up and i criticize other Thais. She is so protective over her people its a little OTT. Not a serious fault so I've learnt to live with it and turn a blind eye to many things i don't think is right. Whether that is right or wrong i don't know. And like she says your in Thailand now things are different....yeah yeah i know i know :)

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I think one of the big questions there should be in this topic is -- are we talking about bar girls or real Thais. The former are in a business. The latter are just people.

So the other are "just people" The bar girl is not a real Thai? Looks like there could be a major discrepancy in ones thanking.

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Sorry, but my experience here in 5 years would rate the local girls, who have any interest in a romantic involvement with a Farang, as highly toxic substances to be handled with extreme caution. Non-romantic relationships with Thai people I have found very positive, maybe better than those back home.

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Only a "newbie" would come up with a statement: Thai women are great!

Good luck with that fantasy.

Only a jaded "oldie" who had not read any of the real life success stories on this page would come up with the statement : "Good luck with that fantasy".

Met my GF a year ago and not even one problem. No hot temper either. But then I was very careful choosing her. In the initial stages of meeting Thai girls, I had a "one strike and you're out" policy. SOME girls are a little toxic. But there are plenty of great ones.

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Everything is fine and dandy until a situation pops up and i criticize other Thais. She is so protective over her people its a little OTT. Not a serious fault so I've learnt to live with it and turn a blind eye to many things i don't think is right. Whether that is right or wrong i don't know. And like she says your in Thailand now things are different....yeah yeah i know i know :)

It just shows you that each individual is different, no different to other ethnic backgrounds. My better half, besides being my much better half, is very critical of her own race. She get very annoyed with the way things roll here in Thailand and I often find I'm the one, very occassionally defending the place :D . She's had the luxury of living elsewhere outside Thailand and realises that the little things don't need to be made difficult.

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I think one of the big questions there should be in this topic is -- are we talking about bar girls or real Thais. The former are in a business. The latter are just people.

..both are just people.. some of the best wives are former bar workers I would guess

signed: time for a change

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Only a "newbie" would come up with a statement: Thai women are great!

Good luck with that fantasy.

7 trips to LOS, and the 8th coming up..although I have only been in LOS a little over a year total in those 7 trips..many one and 2 month trips..dated many thai women before settling

down and marrying a great one

signed: you be the judge

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This will be an eternal debate colored by everyone's personal experience. I've been married to two Southeast Asian women. Had I not met the second I would have a poor opinion of marriage to a Thai woman but now I am in the they are the best women in the world camp.

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I think they make great platonic friends, or gf's, or lovers, or wives for US farang, partially because of the EMPHASIS put on families in Thailand, and the way female children are generally treated and lovingly cared for in Thailand, to be almost GROOMED to be jai dee, happy, sensitive, graceful in movement, and probably most of all.. FAMILY ORIENTATED..

..Thailand is a MATRIARCHAL society, and perhaps there is something in a society of that nature that lends itself to bringing up the type of women we see in LOS..

..farang love their "exotic" looks as well..perhaps the melting pot of asian genes from the eons lends itself to create many of these beautiful, gentle, sensitive"creatures"

before some think I am in a FOOLS paradise, let me assure you that I am VERY cognizant that relationships with Thai women are like relationships with ANY woman in that..

good communication is at the heart of the matter, as is give and take, and knowing the unique nuances of the Thai lady, like backing off when their famous temper comes to the fore, but that is all part of the package, and noone is perfect eh?

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Now your predilection toward certain kinds of topics makes sense. Wow, 7 whole trips and as long as 1 or 2 months. Such a vast reservoir of experience. It is clear where we should be going for advice.

Coming up on eleven years of marital bliss. No failed marriages in my past so what do I know. I did put in more than twenty years of 'fieldwork' in Thailand before 'settling down', however.

Generally, living here and visiting occasionally are very different experiences.

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village farang..i hear you clearly..8 and 10 week vacations do not an expert make..the first few were the typical rounds of the bar, drinking, bg's many gf's etc..the last 5 have been with my wife, staying mostly with her large extended family, working with them, learning the language, travelling with them..

.. I won't B.S. you..its only 7 trips and about 13 months total..but guess what? It is possible to know Thailand pretty good in that short time, whether you choose to buy into that or not. my purpose is not to impress you with my extensive knowledge of Thailand..after all, I only had 4 or 5 gf's before I met my wife. Usually I targeted University graduates, but not always..there was a hotel clerk and a massage girl thrown in for good measure..

village farang..I could have BS'd I had been in LOS 20 times over a 4 year period, but impressing someone of your obvious well informed stature ( regarding LOS, and I say this with respect, not in jest) is not an ulterior motive I need to do..

I understand that to many.. my "limited" time in LOS would not provide much credo, but again, that fine? I do understand the inherent club mentality of TV, and the concomitant hierarchy that comes with more years living there. The thing is, my list of friends in LOS would perhaps impress even you..

a thai policeman in Pattaya ( who got out of bed at 130 am once to "rescue" me )

a thai policeman in BKK

a french ex 20 year foreign legion businessman in Phuket..etc..

but I am only inviting more ridicule, and I don't mind that either..

signed: quality over quantity


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village farang..i hear you clearly..8 and 10 week vacations do not an expert make..the first few were the typical rounds of the bar, drinking, bg's many gf's etc..the last 5 have been with my wife, staying mostly with her large extended family, working with them, learning the language, travelling with them..

.. I won't B.S. you..its only 7 trips and about 13 months total..but guess what? It is possible to know Thailand pretty good in that short time, whether you choose to buy into that or not. my purpose is not to impress you with my extensive knowledge of Thailand..after all, I only had 4 or 5 gf's before I met my wife. Usually I targeted University graduates, but not always..there was a hotel clerk and a massage girl thrown in for good measure..

village farang..I could have BS'd I had been in LOS 20 times over a 4 year period, but impressing someone of your obvious well informed stature ( regarding LOS, and I say this with respect, not in jest) is not an ulterior motive I need to do..

I understand that to many.. my "limited" time in LOS would not provide much credo, but again, that fine? I do understand the inherent club mentality of TV, and the concomitant hierarchy that comes with more years living there. The thing is, my list of friends in LOS would perhaps impress even you..

a thai policeman in Pattaya ( who got out of bed at 130 am once to "rescue" me )

a thai policeman in BKK

a french ex 20 year foreign legion businessman in Phuket..etc..

but I am only inviting more ridicule, and I don't mind that either..

signed: quality over quantity


Cognos, why waste your breath, oops sorry meant typing finger, I've been coming to Thailand for 8 years plus, never married but been with the same girl 6 years plus and still seeing her, problem is guy's like me and maybe you will allways be ridiculed by those who think they know better. :)

Let me tell you a story.!. When he was in Bagdad, we were in our dad's bag.

Being street wise can make up for experience, some guy's can learn more in a year than those who have done eleven :D

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