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Thai Troops Retreat In Face Of 80,000 Protesters

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Can't we use Taksin confiscated money and send

these red shirted idiots to Montenegro to live on

the island he is alledgedly buying?

Wish they would go back up north soon, I need

people up there to pick the fruits from my mango trees

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Good preventive move!

What is the army supposed to do in the case some of the

soldiers are attacked or otherwise provoked,

maybe even taken for ransom?

Someone needs urgently a provocation, some wrong move and this is at "all cost" to be avoided!

this confirms ,,,, a weak goverment ..

on the positive side ....the thai bart would be even stronger ,

if there was not the , current political unrest .

The Thaksin apologists can be very sly.

But it gives everybody else an idea of what the red tactics are.

It works like this:

First, the red forces nudge forward, hoping that the government forces will push back.

The reds can then go violent claiming 'self-defence'.

On the other hand, if the government forces step back, then the red apologists leap in to say the government is weak.

And claim a little red victory.

But the war is being lost by the reds.

And they know it.

There you go again...dammed if they do ....dammed if they dont. If just one of them says something a bit over the top....it's clear evidence that the whole movement

is violent.....if they do nothing, or back off a bit, they are cowards....if they engage in confrontation without violence....then its a victory for the government...or army...or somebody.

If one hot headed red makes a "violent rhetorical speech"...that should be the benchmark...never mind the hundreds of speeches and statements to the contrary made by other Reds.

If they only assemble 100,000+ on the first weekend...its a total failure.... they "promised a million" Actually they never "promised" anything...they may have had a goal

of getting a million people involved and if you add up all the people who have attended at various times they probably have.

when many of they go home on Monday or Tuesday because they have to make a living....even more evidence of failure

When tens of thousands more come to replace them....well of course that's just because they are being paid.

Everything is about Thaksin....if someone posts without being viciously anti-Thaksin....then they must be pro-Thaksin

If someone posts in a non biased " lets wait and see" mode....they are being deceptive....closet pro-Thaksin supporters.

I wonder....have you ever actually met or talked with any of these people? Do you really have a clue what they are really about?

They have "lost the war" and they know it???

Here is what I know: I live in a community where I am surrounded by red supporters.

I would say that 90% or more are not active (ie. they don't go to Bkk in pickup trucks to protest because they have work to do and families to feed)

Those that I have met who are active are very non-violent people..I recently had a whole work crew at my house doing some renovations...really good people...all pro-red.

Many of them think Thaksin was a hero....and many of them don't really like Thaksin any more than I do....for a variety of reasons.

They are not by any means all uneducated rice farmers... the family next door to me are university teachers and they support the reds

My wife monitors the red TV channel for about 14 hours a day...(and it drives me nuts)...and again she is a passive supporter but is not active. She most certainly does not

support acts of violent and disagrees totally with some of the red leaders statements and over the top rhetoric. Believe it or not a person can support a movement--without

agreeing with the extreme elements which seem to be present in most movements of this sort.

I know that your mind may be made up, but maybe somewhere in your makeup there may be just a little bit of space to acknowledge that everyone who puts on a red

T-shirt is not necessarily see Thaksin as a hero, nor are they a violent thug. Some of them may be a bit rough around the edges and I don't think their strategies are always well advised but that does not make them bad people.

I truly hope this whole situation an be resolved, but if the Thais are as vitriolic towards each other as the ex-pats seem to be then I feel it will not end well...and the ex-pats are not even directly involved...can you imagine if we were?? If you want to see real violence just wait for the protesters at the next G7/G8 meeting...or the trade unions in Greece when they get their "perks" cut.....or the French fishermen and farmers next them the subsides come up for review.

I fully expect to be accused of being a coy---or closet Thaksin supporter again....it's pretty standard operating procedure for some TV members.

I really don't know what else I can say to establish that I am not....believe whatever you like...as they say in Thailand "UP TO YOU"

I appreciate some of the well reasoned responses even when they disagree with my own views. There are good arguments to be made on both sides of this issue, What is not helpful to anyone are the nasty, disrespectful cheap shots that often seem to dominate these "discussions" These frequently come from the those who have for whatever reasons developed some kind of anti-Thaksin fixation. Personally I have many reasons to dislike Mr. Thaksin. I would not wish to buy a used car from the man, but to me he is not the real issue

EXCELLENT POST . My experience is similar to yours in the Khorat area

Dont bother about the few fanatics here , they always bring it back to

Thaksin because otherwise they would have no arguments


No expert here but it looks far more than that.

One red shirt wife is laughing at this post, in agreement with you. She says they would be more accurate at guessing a million


This is a battle between the elite of Bangkok who control the judiciary, supported by most of the army and the rural poor.

Think what you like of Thaksin but he harnessed this previously politically deprived group and gave them an identity.

The army overthrew Thaksin while he was abroad knowing he wouldn't return. When the next election was won by his followers they used the judiciary to overturn it several times and eventually bought the parliament. No way can the current goverment be thought of as legitimate.

Abhisit may well be a good guy but he is just the front man for all the dodgy guys behind him who don't like the power they feel is theirs by right being threatened which is why they want to disenfranchise the poor and take the vote away from them. As a front man he was a good choice.

I am no great fan of Thaksin but at least he challenged the status quo and used the ballot box to do so. Sure he spent some money but that is true even in our so called western democracies. You need a few billion to stand a chance of becoming president of the USA and if you want to be mayor of New York then $50m should cover it. Politics is dirty everywhere but at least these reds are not just sitting back allowing the traditional elite to have it all their own way without a fight.

Thailand is at least showing that free speach is not dead even if their media is ranked as one of the most censored/supressed in the world.

I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't elected.

Ah yes, Our man from jolly ole England has spoken! He can tell you all about how the elected PM of Thailand wasn't elected because he knows better than those of us that live here in Thailand. Why? because he has the BBC!

I am sorry Robin, that you do not understand how Parliamentary democracies work even if you live under one, but the PM is elected by the MP's and Abhisit was elected. End of story!

Oh ... and just as a reminder the South and Bangkok are actually in Thailand. England is NOT in Thailand. If you live in BKK or Surat Thani or Chiang Mai then you know the real Thailand. If you live in Manchester, then you probably don't :)

Britain has long had a tradition of fair play, which is why when the army took over control of Thailand in a military coup Britain agreed to take the ousted Prime Minister in, it was only after he was shown to be a legal fugitive that they revoked their decision. My sense of fair play (speaking as an ex pat Brit of some 6 years) tells me that there is something very unfair in Thailand going on and the poor people are now on to it. Justice needs to be seen to be done.This could be achieved by having a referendum on this question "should Abhisit continue to be Prime Minister?" If he were to lose this referendum then there should be an election. Is that being oversimplistic?

I reckon we will stop hearing the pathetic comparisons of Thaksin to Gandhi for a little while. There are limits even to propaganda.

This is civil disobedience and should be applauded and nurtured. Very Ghandi like and he would be proud. :)


This makes me think that the Reds are more of and better organised than what they are given the credit for. It looks like both sides are playing the game well and are worthy contenders. The Reds are taking a role of 18th century peasant movements fighting with the feudal state. Which of course Thailand is in my mind. Although modern but the strings that were enslaving the rural poor then work equally well here now. And what's happened with these movements? Most were drown in blood but some succeeded in bringing the end of feudalism and the rise of the newly rich bourgeois.. that Mr T. is of course an example and the champion of. What a pity! So who knows where all these leads?


Britain has a tradition of Fair play -- I remember being issued with a pick axehandle to beat up the women protesting at Geenham Common

Can't we use Taksin confiscated money and send

these red shirted idiots to Montenegro to live on

the island he is alledgedly buying?

Wish they would go back up north soon, I need

people up there to pick the fruits from my mango trees

You could also put them in concentation camps


Some reprots about reds backing down at GH

After injuring 2 soldiers in the channel 5 bombing, the Reds decided that maybe, just maybe, the military might take offense at this. Instead, apparently, they are reasoning it is best to retreat today and live to fight tomorrow.

Abhisit and Suthep need to decide quickly what will happen. If Abhisit keeps the gloves on, the Reds will continue to get bolder, attracting more from upcountry who think the military will continue to back down. I was on Wireless today and Reds were zipping around on the motorcycles yelling as if they have won the war. Today was a battle so to speak. Winning may be around the corner if Abhisit caves in. However, this is not likely. Not likely at all.

So what happens when the army decides not to back down in a particular situation?

Eventually, there is going to be violence.

And the reds will come up with some lame propaganda to say that it was Abhisit's fault.

Yes, the government cannot keep backing down, and the red shirts are pushing it to the limit. They will not stop till here is violence...

So what happens when the army decides not to back down in a particular situation?

Eventually, there is going to be violence.

And the reds will come up with some lame propaganda to say that it was Abhisit's fault.

It is terribly sad, as Abhisit has been the most outspoken 'no violence' person so far, his comment when he heard of the blood-buckets idea was "I worry about their health, withdrawing blood in a medically unsafe way".

I just hope people remember this quiet, humble man and his words during this sad affair.

And people also remember during the Airport and Government house blockade what he said ????????????

No i don´t, please remind me!

Exactly the point , nothing

Some reprots about reds backing down at GH

After injuring 2 soldiers in the channel 5 bombing, the Reds decided that maybe, just maybe, the military might take offense at this. Instead, apparently, they are reasoning it is best to retreat today and live to fight tomorrow.

Abhisit and Suthep need to decide quickly what will happen. If Abhisit keeps the gloves on, the Reds will continue to get bolder, attracting more from upcountry who think the military will continue to back down. I was on Wireless today and Reds were zipping around on the motorcycles yelling as if they have won the war. Today was a battle so to speak. Winning may be around the corner if Abhisit caves in. However, this is not likely. Not likely at all.

If abhisit wants to cave in there may be people ready to replace him who wont. The kline was drawn at GH by the government and it looks like they prevailed on that one. Tomorrow will be another edgy day and we ahve to get through tonight first


TAN Network: ASTV: PM will take a helicopter back to Bkk from Hua Hin to attend CAPO meeting at 8 P.M.

TAN Network: CORRECTION: Bomb attack at the bus STOP in front of Channel 5; one soldier injured

MCOT: Red Shirt protesters, after talks, agree to withdraw from Government House, demand troops stay only inside compound

TAN Network: ASTV: Number of injured in front of Ch 5 at 6; 1 soldier, 5 civilians

One might assume now that a line has been drawn in the sand, (subject to info confirmation) notwithstanding our brave forum Thaksin apologist cheerleaders clapping anything and everything.

Red shirts should go back to school they're obviously in need of an education. Watching them makes a good case AGAINST democracy...sigh...

military and judiciary coups leaders should go back to school they're obviously in need of an education. Watching them made a good cases AGAINST democracy...sigh...

p.s. there's someone as brave here to claim that a coup to depose an elected government is not against democracy (and uncostitutional)?

Certainly! Just because a government is elected doesn't mean that it has the right to pass un-democratic laws (such as condoning vote-buying); to stack the judiciary and military with political cronies, mates and members of your family; to attempt to change the constitution to allow them to hold onto power; to pass laws and use political power for personal gain. Under those circumstances, and I believe they all apply, removal of a government is required. BUT as Thaksin's mandate had expired and he was unable to form a government,

it really doesn't apply here, does it?

the point is: you believe they all apply, i don't, as the judges and storytellers are devils wearing vestal virgin*

*made in china


"Women threw flowers at the departing troops while other demonstrators created a carnival-like atmosphere as they sang and danced to rock music blaring from trucks, and threw sweets into the crowds."

Yes we have to stamp out this type of behaviour it is not thai the way to demonstrate is to storm the airport and cause kaos in Thailand and show the world. Sweets and flowers are not the peaceful way. Who wants to have a dandelion drop on thier head. Yellow shirts know how to conduct a peaceful demonstration shut down the airport.

The Thai Military are a bunch of pussy's.

This country lost face when they retreated and let the Japanese invade them.

Nothing has changed since then - they lost face long ago ......

No doubt the only country which you think hasn't lost face is......


I reckon we will stop hearing the pathetic comparisons of Thaksin to Gandhi for a little while. There are limits even to propaganda.

This is civil disobedience and should be applauded and nurtured. Very Ghandi like and he would be proud. :)

Yes problem is that Thaksin is not Gandhi . Nor he is Lenin as he wanted to appear with his

class war bulshit . People owning land are not more marxist then he himself is .

What about Hitler ?

1929 crash - 1933 in power .... 1997 crash - 2001 in power

the same 4 years . Populist policies followed by abuse of power

on the positive side ....the thai bart would be even stronger ,

if there was not the , current political unrest .

The current political "unrest" is the reason why the Baht and the SET are at two-year highs. Thaksin's best efforts have been unsuccessful and the government is perceived to have an air of stability about it. Foreign investors have been snappig up Thai shares which are now seen as being cheap, secure and high yielding.

They'll learn. :)

Strong exports is the reason why the baht is at a two year high. The continuing global bullish trend and good recent earnings are the reasons why the SET is strong.

Wonderful. A people that are labelled as red shirts-but in actuality have the guts/balls to face a gov't that has been put into power illegitimately. You Brits, American etc. can learn a lot from them. Your gov'ts have taken away most of what you enjoyed living for and with. How dare you criticise these protesters. Take your shirts-off and look back at the mirror..you see the yellow streak. I don't need to see your bare backs to know what nervous-paranoid-desperate-self-motivated opportunist and cowards you are. Sitting at your notebook or PC and criticising others who have the guts to make what was wrong, right again. Irregardless, who these protesters are...they are doing the RIGHT thing..what have YOU done to make it right in YOUR country? ..I thougt so.
Probably want to avoid provoking these types of people, giving them an excuse and justifying violence. Good on them.

"these types of people"? What type of people would that be? People who believe in a democratically elected government not one imposed on them my a military coup? Live free or Die. I love my country but I fear my government.

oh finally, i was starting to think to be an E.T.

thanks guys

Effectively thoughtless?

I would be MUCH more afraid of a vindictive Thaksin return to controlling Thailand's government

even by proxy like Samak or Somchai, than the worst excesses seen in Abhisits government....

That is a government I could TRULY fear daily.

Who would I be lead by.

a ) Thoughtful well spoken internationaly respected, caring and diplomatic.

b ) ranting, anmoral, convict, self-absorbed, prejudiced, vindictive, confirmed liar, over-flowing with hubris

Not hard to choose.

By the way "Live Free or Die" is the state moto of New Hampshire.

Where I am a registered Republican to vote in primaries,

against the likes of George Bush.

Since the GOP is in such dire need of common sense voting...

as witnessed by their current insane rantings

after the long overdue Health care bill passed.

The Thai Military are a bunch of pussy's.

This country lost face when they retreated and let the Japanese invade them.

Nothing has changed since then - they lost face long ago ......

What a stupid statement.

I might also ask, in relation to what event do you make this statement?

Is is the fact they have shown incredible patience today?

Is it that they are not armed when facing protesters ?

Prey tell what brilliant thought gave you the confidence to say such a thing ?


And people also remember during the Airport and Government house blockade what he said ????????????

No i don´t, please remind me!

Exactly the point , nothing

This is an idiotic answer. Abhsit wasn't the PM then so what difference does it make.

Get to the point and tell us what the PM at that time said? I believe he was Thaksin's brother or brother-in-law. And if my memory is correct he ordered the troops to clear the airport but they refused ... and there was no violence there and good for them if we are praising Gandi.

Some reprots about reds backing down at GH

After injuring 2 soldiers in the channel 5 bombing, the Reds decided that maybe, just maybe, the military might take offense at this. Instead, apparently, they are reasoning it is best to retreat today and live to fight tomorrow.

Abhisit and Suthep need to decide quickly what will happen. If Abhisit keeps the gloves on, the Reds will continue to get bolder, attracting more from upcountry who think the military will continue to back down. I was on Wireless today and Reds were zipping around on the motorcycles yelling as if they have won the war. Today was a battle so to speak. Winning may be around the corner if Abhisit caves in. However, this is not likely. Not likely at all.

If abhisit wants to cave in there may be people ready to replace him who wont. The kline was drawn at GH by the government and it looks like they prevailed on that one. Tomorrow will be another edgy day and we ahve to get through tonight first

Well it appears the Reds Push is coming to shove.

And the line in the sand will be made of firmer stuff than grit.

Government House is symbolic for both sides in this:

The Reds want to do as PAD did, regardless if that was good or bad,

Double standard excuse to cause chaos argument.

The government not being as weak as Somchasi or Samaks can't allow this to happen.

We must maintain order or it will forever be a slippery slope.

Reds may have finally found the balls to storm the Bastille,

but not without looking like agressors on international tv.

If the army just repulses repeated Red attacks, it can stay that way.

And if grenades hit the Army more, and they don't go balistic in response,

that only re-enforces the attack and defense scenario,

and makes the Reds look pathetic

and the army look like they are just doing their job.

It will be a long night...

Red shirts should go back to school they're obviously in need of an education. Watching them makes a good case AGAINST democracy...sigh...

I wonder where you went to school to learn about democracy? Cuba?

Some reprots about reds backing down at GH

After injuring 2 soldiers in the channel 5 bombing, the Reds decided that maybe, just maybe, the military might take offense at this. Instead, apparently, they are reasoning it is best to retreat today and live to fight tomorrow.

Abhisit and Suthep need to decide quickly what will happen. If Abhisit keeps the gloves on, the Reds will continue to get bolder, attracting more from upcountry who think the military will continue to back down. I was on Wireless today and Reds were zipping around on the motorcycles yelling as if they have won the war. Today was a battle so to speak. Winning may be around the corner if Abhisit caves in. However, this is not likely. Not likely at all.

If abhisit wants to cave in there may be people ready to replace him who wont. The kline was drawn at GH by the government and it looks like they prevailed on that one. Tomorrow will be another edgy day and we ahve to get through tonight first

The Reds keep poking the military in the face, over and over trying to prompt a reaction. Sooner or later there will be a reaction.

Probably want to avoid provoking these types of people, giving them an excuse and justifying violence. Good on them.

"these types of people"? What type of people would that be? People who believe in a democratically elected government not one imposed on them my a military coup? Live free or Die. I love my country but I fear my government.

No, "these types of people" being the type that would accept money for votes, accept money to protest when the goal is returning a corrupt leader to power and not democracy etc etc. The current government was not imposed upon anyone by a military coup and was in fact elected by the people. Sadly for you, but good for the rest of us, the people that elected the current government aren't the reds :)

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