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So, What Is Your Final Conclusion About Thailand ?

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I just love the place.

I think that after you put on the Rose-Colored Glasses you stop seeing reality.

Your impressions are painted with a very narrow brush.

You withdraw and only consider YOUR LIFE.

It is amazing that people who have been here 30 years can actually think things are getting better.

Over half of the population is in a revolutionary state..........they do not think things are getting better (no problem.........they are ignorant).

The cities have become polluted (with cars and people) beyond imagination (no problem...just wear a gas mask...why complain?).

The beaches look like waste dumps (no problem...adjust your rose-colored glasses....things are wonderful).

The entire country is corrupt top to bottom (no problem......all countries are corrupt).

The visa and business rules are totally nuts (no problem.......just follow the rules and if you can't you are scum).

The heat is increasing each year and becoming unbearable (no problem....imaging how cold it is back home).

Xenophobia is increasing (no problem......just smile and be nice and nothing bad will happen to you).

I could go on.......but why bother?

Unless you remove your rose-colored glasses you will not see any of this.

I am not saying there are no good things here.

I am saying there are lots of bad things, and things are not getting better.

The country is deteriorating under the weight of ignorance and corruption.

Have a nice day :)

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My conclusion about Thailand is that things are good, considering it is a culture of people that can't plan past tomorrow, that are governed but not represented by self serving morons, that have no idea there's a world outside it's own borders, have institutionalized corruption, never hold anyone to their responsibilities, and believe saving face is life's primary objective. Yes I think things are going very well considering.


I am never going to remove my Rose coloured glasses if its all real where you are talking about :) .

I just love the place.

I think that after you put on the Rose-Colored Glasses you stop seeing reality.

Your impressions are painted with a very narrow brush.

You withdraw and only consider YOUR LIFE.

It is amazing that people who have been here 30 years can actually think things are getting better.

Over half of the population is in a revolutionary state..........they do not think things are getting better (no problem.........they are ignorant).

Doesnt effect my dailey life at all.

The cities have become polluted (with cars and people) beyond imagination (no problem...just wear a gas mask...why complain?).

Only in the citie because my children schools, weekend outside and holidays overseas.

The beaches look like waste dumps (no problem...adjust your rose-colored glasses....things are wonderful).

Stayed 3 weeks ago at Hilton pukhet, beautifull beach.

The entire country is corrupt top to bottom (no problem......all countries are corrupt).

If do nothing wrong obeen at the wrong place at the wrong time or have money to pay, no worries.

The visa and business rules are totally nuts (no problem.......just follow the rules and if you can't you are scum).

Dont have a visa and don't need one, have businesses for 20 years here, yes there are some difficulties with the rules and regulations.

And wen it happening i just think about the 45% tax i needed to pay in Europe if i did the same and that gives me again a big :D .

The heat is increasing each year and becoming unbearable (no problem....imaging how cold it is back home).

Airco at home, airco in car, airco in bar, airo at Airport, Big fan at my terras and a big cold beer :D .

Xenophobia is increasing (no problem......just smile and be nice and nothing bad will happen to you).

As English is my third language i am not familiar with this word sorry

I could go on.......but why bother? Agree

Unless you remove your rose-colored glasses you will not see any of this.never going to remove them, Thanks.

I am not saying there are no good things here.

I am saying there are lots of bad things, and things are not getting better.

The country is deteriorating under the weight of ignorance and corruption.

I agree with some point offcourse but i dont have to make my income here, see myslef as a tourist each time i arrived here.

Stopped to get ignored every day by small issues, just take it all easy and this makes business and live more easy and happy for me.

Have a nice day :DI am working so it isn't but thanks.


Agree with much of above. Too hot. Too polluted. Too noisy. Too much careless driving. Prices are rising. No-one worth talking to apart from falangs.

Yes, Thai people are charming. Yes, many things are still inexpensive. Yes, much of the food is delicious.

But, on balance I prefer Europe/Americas, I have decided.


Has someone mentioned you can have a relationship with a lady 20 years younger than yourself ,without giving her half your house and assets!

(Of course you can still give her a house if you want to, it's just the courts don't do it for you)

I do agree it's a little bit too hot this week, but I prefer that to being much too cold for 6 months of the year.


since i came here years ago

the list of bad has always been longer than the list of good

however the power of the joy of the good keeps me here

one very good thing can outweigh all of the bad

i can go out anytime, alone or not, and have a good, NO, GREAT time, as long as i have a positive attitude, open mind, and snaook spirit

i am increasingly under the belief that i make my own reality

how i view the world and my experiences in it are 99% my responsibility if not more

for the people that dont like it here i want to know where they go that is better and what it is they like about where they go

'life is hard if you think it is hard'

rose colored glasses or not


Its 'horses for courses'.

Some things about living here are v unpleasant, but then again - so are some things (different things) about life in the West.

Final conclusion? Only those who have either left or lived here for 20 years or so can really comment on this. The rest of us have no idea how we will feel in the future.

I just love the place.

I think that after you put on the Rose-Colored Glasses you stop seeing reality.

Your impressions are painted with a very narrow brush.

You withdraw and only consider YOUR LIFE.

It is amazing that people who have been here 30 years can actually think things are getting better.

Over half of the population is in a revolutionary state..........they do not think things are getting better (no problem.........they are ignorant).

The cities have become polluted (with cars and people) beyond imagination (no problem...just wear a gas mask...why complain?).

The beaches look like waste dumps (no problem...adjust your rose-colored glasses....things are wonderful).

The entire country is corrupt top to bottom (no problem......all countries are corrupt).

The visa and business rules are totally nuts (no problem.......just follow the rules and if you can't you are scum).

The heat is increasing each year and becoming unbearable (no problem....imaging how cold it is back home).

Xenophobia is increasing (no problem......just smile and be nice and nothing bad will happen to you).

I could go on.......but why bother?

Unless you remove your rose-colored glasses you will not see any of this.

I am not saying there are no good things here.

I am saying there are lots of bad things, and things are not getting better.

The country is deteriorating under the weight of ignorance and corruption.

Have a nice day :)

I see where you are coming from.



...if you can choose your place, then do that. I for one don't like Thai cities, well Had Yai is ok and so is Mae Hong Song.

But there are many real nice places along the coast line in the South and East, living next to the tropical sea, eating fresh, inexpensive seafood, relaxing in stunning nature, that's what you can do here.

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