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Thai Protesters Target Bangkok's Tourist Centre

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No one as usual...

If Abhisit has decided to declare a state of emergency without makin sure that he has

the support of the army OR the police OR both then he is not very smart and the whole

cabinet with him .

I find it real hard to swallow .

Anyway he should have formed a governement of national reconciliation with PT first .

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FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

You already have it plenty in your own country.

But you chose to be here.

Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.

That's a very general comment and tars all farangs with the same brush. Such general statements are usually a sign of lower intelligence and hatred. Think racism, bigotry, xenophobia etc

Bizarre comment.

There is only one person Thais adore and his portrait is on the currency.

A large number of Thais are obsessed with Thaksin but they are not forced, just misguided.


Its going to be interesting to see what happens tonight. The pure logistics of removing tens of thousands from BKK in the middle of the night

I don't see how they are going to pull that off. Bet you they are still there in the morning.

The TV pictures of thousands of protestors with bloody heads won't look to good to the world . Should have gotten rid of the ring leaders a while back.

No one as usual...

If Abhisit has decided to declare a state of emergency without makin sure that he has

the support of the army OR the police OR both then he is not very smart and the whole

cabinet with him .

I find it real hard to swallow .

Anyway he should have formed a governement of national reconciliation with PT first .

Maybe, but the military could make him believe that and hence good opportunity to embarrass him again. :)

Dissolving a political party is not an effective thing to do. It's a tool to get rid of the lawfully elected people. Political parties are NOT corrupt. PEOPLE are corrupt. Parties don't buy votes, parties don't take bribes. The effective way to clean things up is to prosecute the corrupt politicians who organize the corruption.

When it is the party LEADERSHIP that is involved then it is the party that is disbanded. When it is just a party member then it only effects the member. Seems straight forward to me.


End of this month we will see that the Election Commission recommends the dissolution of the Democrats to the Supreme Court.

After this it will become hard to continue with the accusation 'double standards'. :)

New elections won't come to soon, look at the mob in the street. Thailand is divided, people hating each other. Insanity on all sides. One side may win the election, but it is not a solution for real problem. Like the mob on the street the MPs will fight each other in parliament, instead of working together for the good of all people. Elections aren't about to declare victory of one side. No more selfish politicians with vested interests. :D

Before new and fair elections are hold, we will see a big reform of the system. It's about time for New Politics! And that the people are brought back to their senses and realize how great this Nation will be when everybody work together.

The people should select the honest and the righteous amongst them. Carefully selected Mp we can trust. Carefully selected diligent ministers who can shoulder the responsibility. Carefully selected wise leader with no other intention than to serve the King and the country and do good for all people.

A government the people respect - that is democracy. :D

Thai strength through unity!

:D :D :D


Honest Thai politicians ? :)

Rare as hens teeth always have been always will be.

More chance of growing hair on snooker balls than honesty appearing in Thai politics.



FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

You already have it plenty in your own country.

But you chose to be here.

Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.

That's a very general comment and tars all farangs with the same brush. Such general statements are usually a sign of lower intelligence and hatred. Think racism, bigotry, xenophobia etc

So you falang intelectual generalisation (or are you not intellegent to realise that you were generalising when you used "usually") trumps his heart felt and well writen post.

He is dead right about falangs being able to lord it up here in ways unthinkable in their home countries. It is this that the old deadbeat falangs who claim to love Thailand and support the PAD fear the most.

Just think, No missus to lord it over and belittle and shout at in Tesco, no staff to bully, no cleaners, car washers, gardners and and and... the unthinkable, no bar girls to sneak off to when the wife is away... omg!!! It's the end of the world.

FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

You already have it plenty in your own country.

But you chose to be here.

Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.

That's a very general comment and tars all farangs with the same brush. Such general statements are usually a sign of lower intelligence and hatred. Think racism, bigotry, xenophobia etc

So you falang intelectual generalisation (or are you not intellegent to realise that you were generalising when you used "usually") trumps his heart felt and well writen post.

He is dead right about falangs being able to lord it up here in ways unthinkable in their home countries. It is this that the old deadbeat falangs who claim to love Thailand and support the PAD fear the most.

Just think, No missus to lord it over and belittle and shout at in Tesco, no staff to bully, no cleaners, car washers, gardners and and and... the unthinkable, no bar girls to sneak off to when the wife is away... omg!!! It's the end of the world.

Have to confess that as I sip my G&Ts in the cooling shade of the club's palms- listening to all the shouting ( a different tone of shouting than I am accustomed to in the department store of preference) and the distant pounding of mohlim drums- I do find myself thinking- By Jove- the natives do seem a bit restless tonight.

A government the people respect - that is democracy. :)

Thai strength through unity!

:D :D :D

And just how, short of elections, would the 'people select'- perhaps you mean the people would be given.... in which case----

Mussolini couldn't have put it more eloquently.

FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

You already have it plenty in your own country.

But you chose to be here.

Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.

That's a very general comment and tars all farangs with the same brush. Such general statements are usually a sign of lower intelligence and hatred. Think racism, bigotry, xenophobia etc

So you falang intelectual generalisation (or are you not intellegent to realise that you were generalising when you used "usually") trumps his heart felt and well writen post.

He is dead right about falangs being able to lord it up here in ways unthinkable in their home countries. It is this that the old deadbeat falangs who claim to love Thailand and support the PAD fear the most.

Just think, No missus to lord it over and belittle and shout at in Tesco, no staff to bully, no cleaners, car washers, gardners and and and... the unthinkable, no bar girls to sneak off to when the wife is away... omg!!! It's the end of the world.

Have to confess that as I sip my G&Ts in the cooling shade of the club's palms- listening to all the shouting ( a different tone of shouting than I am accustomed to in the department store of preference) and the distant pounding of mohlim drums- I do find myself thinking- By Jove- the natives do seem a bit restless tonight.

I guess 500 baht buys you a lot of adoration these days.

Hate for foreigners and hate for gays makes our red/brown shirt representatives on the forum such an inspiring crew.


News reports say more and more Reds are now on their way to Bangkok.

Cannot blame them, with the government now looking to be "out of control" and certain members of it appearing to be wanting blood and revenge its very little surprise to see rumours that the Army have withdrawn support for the coalition.

House dissolution will be very bad for the small parties and also BJT as everyone in Thailand now thinks they are "turncoats" and their MP's will struggle to win elections. The Democrats (or some new name if they ever finally get disbanded) will come out of this ok.

I would imagine pressure is on Abhisit, not from his own people, but from BJT and the small parties who will be screaming for no dissolution of the House, they have everything to lose owing to their "turncoat" behavior that all the Thai people saw.

Dissolve the House Abhisit, new elections in 2 or 3 months.

The best solution and everyone can have a happy Songkran !!!!!!! Simple.


The simple solution is if Thaksin had some Japanese honor and quietly went away in a private ceremony consisting of him and a Tanto knife.

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