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90 Day Report At Chamchuri Bangkok

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I did my 90 day report (retirement visa) at Chamchuri in January before they changed the rules again. I've been told they now have a sign there saying that people who have previously reported at Chamchuri can report there again.

Any experience with this? Is it true or just wishful thinking.

Edited by justyn
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I did my 90 day report - for the first time - at Chamchuri on Feb 22. I had no problem - it took about 20 min in the morning to complete. I saw no sign that I could not continue to have my 90 day report here - which is ofcourse much more convenient.

At this point - I am not aware of any "rule changes" - If so - please advise.

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I have been told by someone who was there recently that they have a sign saying, roughly, "if you have done your 90 day report here before, you can do it here." Does this apply only to BOI companies or to anyone who reported there during that brief window before they changed the rules on March 8 and started sending people out to Siberia (Chang Whateverandaday)?

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I have been told by someone who was there recently that they have a sign saying, roughly, "if you have done your 90 day report here before, you can do it here." Does this apply only to BOI companies or to anyone who reported there during that brief window before they changed the rules on March 8 and started sending people out to Siberia (Chang Whateverandaday)?

I went to Chamchuri on Monday. They told me to go to Chang Wattana even though I had previously reported at Chamchuri. Only people who received their ORIGINAL visa at Chamchuri can report there. Sad.

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For the last five years, my 90-day reporting has been handled by the school where I teach, or by virtue of my taking a trip out of the Kingdom. Today, with everyone at school on holiday and me having not left Thailand in over 90 days, I had to do the report myself. I looked at the Thai Immigration website, and found that I could do my 90-day report at Chamchuree Square. The website contains no mention of the fact that Chamchuree Square is only for BOI-issued visas. Great!, thought I...I live only 5 minutes (40 Baht) on a motorbike from Chamchuree Sq. I can see the towers from my apartment!

I went to Chamchuree Sq today and was told flatly that there was no way I could do my report there as my last extension of stay was issued by the old office on Suan Plu. I had to go to Siberia. So much for saving time and money. I even met with an Inspector there who apologized profusely, but said that there was no way that I could report there. I mentioned that the website did not reflect that information and got nowhere. Clearly trying to help someone was either not within the realm of possibility or not within their desire. (I was told that the head of the Chaeng Wattana office prohibits Chamchuree Square from processing extensions of stay for Visas not issued there. Not sure how true that is...)

So...three hours and over 600 Baht in taxi fares and tolls later, I returned home to my apartment...with a view of Chamchuree Square. Next time, I'll book a trip to HKG and do some shopping, further draining the Kingdom of resources that could stay here. I'll have a much more enjoyable time, accumulate some frequent flyer miles, and the trip back through Immigration will take care of the 90 day report.

Adding insult to injury was the fact that the people at Chamchuree Square seemed very pleasant (save the first women with whom I came into contact) while the folks in Siberia seemed overworked, unsmiling, not helpful, threw numbers at you without any indication as to where you should go, etc. Basically, they fit the model of the typical "I could care less" government employee. Sigh.

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So...three hours and over 600 Baht in taxi fares and tolls later, I returned home to my apartment...with a view of Chamchuree Square. Next time, I'll book a trip to HKG and do some shopping, further draining the Kingdom of resources that could stay here. I'll have a much more enjoyable time, accumulate some frequent flyer miles, and the trip back through Immigration will take care of the 90 day report.

Adding insult to injury was the fact that the people at Chamchuree Square seemed very pleasant (save the first women with whom I came into contact) while the folks in Siberia seemed overworked, unsmiling, not helpful, threw numbers at you without any indication as to where you should go, etc. Basically, they fit the model of the typical "I could care less" government employee. Sigh.

Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine.

The BOI location when it was up near Mo Chit did 90 day reports as a favor for convenience...not because they were required to. When they moved to Chaumchuree and Immigration moved to Chang Wattana, Chaumchuree was flooded and couldn't handle the load. After all...it's not their responsibility. There are companies who sponsor that service in cooperation with the government. You don't work for those companies. Period.

I understand the inconvenience. I can take the subway to Chauchuree, but I will have to drive to Chang Wattana.

You say, "adding insult to injury". First. you were not injured. Second, you were not insulted. You were simply sent to the proper venue.

Maybe Thailand is too tough for you.

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reported in jan no probs in and out in five mins. Went last week and saw the same nice lady as first time. She pointed out the sign and told us to go to chaeng wattana, went there only to find 55 in front on us and lunch time looming so it took 2 hours.

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When oh when will they ever do away with this retarded Draconian reporting?

I guess I don't see it as "Draconian", but it is an inconvenience.

But I guess my question is, what exactly is the reason they want it?

And isn't it too bad that they don't do any online version to cut down substantially on their own workload?

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 Applying by post

•Photocopy of all passport pages (up to the latest arrival stamp or latest visa stamp)

- the personal info and photo page

- the original visa page (or the page showing the original visa from any previous passport)

- the page showing the most recent visa extension approval

- the page showing the stamp of the most recent entry into Thailand

- the current re-entry permit page, if you already have a valid re-entry permit

•Photocopy of departure card (front and back)

•Original previous 90 days slip (but keep a copy at home.)

•Form TM 47

•SAE B10 stamp affixed

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That is the link to mail reporting at





Despite the inconvenience, I will continue to go to Siberia to do the 90 day reporting. The mail-in procedure does not look like it would save me any time at all and perhaps would not save much money, not to mention the anxiety of worrying whether they will mess it up. If I am standing there in person and they mess up, I can insist that they fix their mistake on the spot. With the mail-in option, I am assuming perfection on their part. Besides, I have never had a problem with doing any of this stuff in person. I went to Siberia on the Wednesday before Sonkran and did the 90 day reporting and renewed my retirement visa in one trip. The total elapsed time, including round-trip travel, was 3 hours. This was on a day with very bad traffic and about 4 times the normal quantity of people at immigration. That is perfectly reasonable under the circumstances.

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Despite the inconvenience, I will continue to go to Siberia to do the 90 day reporting.

Are you really Sarah Palin? Sarah claimed she could see Siberia from her window. For you (well, from Sukhumit), "Siberia" is only 20 kilometers, that's 12 miles.

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While this is anecdotal to the Chamchuree Square topic title, it still is about 90 day reporting.

I just heard back from two retired friends of mine who previously had been using Bumrungrad Hospital for their 90 day reporting (to the tune of a 500 baht fee to report for you).

Both guys went there today only to find out Bumrungrad Hospital will no longer accept or do 90 day reporting for people; effective today. :)

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