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Drugged And Robbed At Dynasty Grande Bkk

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young one with an old one: independent team......

getting more prevalent, this kind of thing.

Wonder how many go unreported.

Heard where, in the smaller hotels, one of them stays under the room window and the other chucks the wallet out and stays the night, professing innocence in the morning when the the guy wakes up (if he wakes-up)and calls the police/security.

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"Innocent bloke" is about as far from the truth as one could stretch it. :D To quote the O/P:
My father was out drinking and playing pool in BKK. This was his last night in town on his 97th trip to Thailand.

A person might be lead to believe that after nearly 100 frickin' trips to the glorious "Land 'O Thais" the man might have gleaned at least a modicum of common sense concerning the night life in the area he frequents especially given his "usual routine" of:

Big dog (a soi 4 <deleted> hole)

Morning Night (also a soi 4 <deleted> hole)

New Wave in Sukhumvit (a soi 7 semi <deleted> hole)

Now if ANYONE cannot see the reason he frequents bars of this type, please STOP reading now. Here's a hint, it ain't the frickin' ambiance. :D ..

Bangkok is a GIANT city filled with more bars than a person could even name much less hope to visit them all; yet he spends his time in dive bars filled to the overflowing with "time-share" or "rent-2-own" gurls. Hmmm, the mind wobbles at the insanity of it all. :D

FWIW; the Lumpini Police station is about the ONLY station in Bangkok which has translators on-site to facilitate the engrish/thai interactions which go on there. I am dubious as to the O/P's claim that his father was 'laughed at'. Believe me; I'm sure he wasn't the first guy who'd been drugged comin' in there to make a report.

The responsibility rests solely on the O/P's father, his choice in drinking establishments and/or his choice of 'drinking partners'.

As an aside, the Dynasty should bear some responsibility but a person would hafta be smoking crack cocaine to think a Soi 4 hotel would step up to the plate like that.

I am sorry, I do hope he recovers, and sincerely hope that perhaps by his 100th trip here, he'll catch on.

You must be one of those fluent in thai, never been a tourist, fully integrated in thai society, living in real thailand off the beaten track guys married to hi-so thai chinese. One of the rare breed that are immune to drugs and robberies just because of your superior intelligence compared to other humans. Good for you.

Live and let live i say and IMHO the lady who put the drug into his drink is responsible. Along with the others who cleaned him up at his hotel.

Common sense has nothing to do with it when someone slips the drugs into your drink. This case it was the ladies but sometimes it is someone you never see nor talk to. They just slip it in and follow you out to the street when you are losing it. I sure hope no one will do it in Brit's next TV piss up just to prove a point :)

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the digital safes are a joke, they all have an over ride code, or mag reed switch in case someone forgets their code or the battery is weak.

Only a guess but I would expect many write the code down and maybe even put in their wallet

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the digital safes are a joke, they all have an over ride code, or mag reed switch in case someone forgets their code or the battery is weak.

Only a guess but I would expect many write the code down and maybe even put in their wallet

or access the reset button through a mounting hole in the safe and put in any code they like

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the digital safes are a joke, they all have an over ride code, or mag reed switch in case someone forgets their code or the battery is weak.

They aren't meant to be bank vaults. They just give you some protection from light fingered visitors.

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

Lighten up man....................

He's just doing what most normal people do in BKK.

Don't be so judgemental. ( or are you jealous ??? )


Funny Phil...you sound judgmental, too.

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

First post. Congratulations, you have got the knack already.

I hope it is also your last post.

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First of all, sorry to hear about this man's misfortune. Whether he was sensible or not, he certainly wasn't looking for any trouble. It's excessively harsh to say he deserved what he got just because he wasn't in BKK to learn how to cook or look at the temples.

I think I can help with the mystery over how the safe got opened.

The drug they used was most likely to be Rohypnol, AKA "the date rape drug". There are many cases of robbers using it on someone, then, once the victim is stupefied, the robbers simply ask them what their ATM number is. Usually, after a little bit of prompting, the victim will tell them without hesitation. Then off they go and empty his account! It's highly likely this lot got the poor guy's roomsafe combination using the same drug and method.

As for the hotel's involvement - it's where I usually stay in BKK and I just can't see it, either intuitively or logically.

On the intuitive level, the place just seems far too respectable and well run, with porters and girls on reception and in the restaurant who've been there for years. OK, maybe they'd employed someone new who was the accomplice, but the suspect list there would surely be short.

On the logical level, it just seems like far too elaborate a scam. How would the girls in the bar know to home in on this guy as their victim? They'd have had to come over to Soi 4 and scope him, or get his photo from their accomplice at the hotel. Then they'd have to wait for him to turn up one day. Nah. It's too much.

And the guys covering their faces as they left by a back door? Well, all big hotels have more than one entrance. If, for whatever reason, you don't want to be seen going out the front, just go in the opposite direction and you're sure to find a back way. Obviously you'd hide your face as there'd be sure to be CCTV at the exit. No need for an accomplice to help you with that.

The biggest mystery is how they all managed to get up to his hotel room. But if they made a plausible show of saying they'd brought a drunken farang back and were worried about him, the receptionists would probably have thought it plausible.

Edited by paddydubai
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DGI has been my regular haunt too. I agree they are one of the strictest around on ID - girls without ID or under 17 are always refused (she looked older honestly!) and the extra charge for a second enforced. I always thought they were a bit Stase about it but now I can see why.

Not to say that this could not have happened as reported, but I look forward to asking the staff about it prior to paying on my next visit. If I get an unconvincing answer I will walk away immediately.

I have been drugged in Tokyo and Berlin before - never Thailand and hopefully never again, having settled down to married life.

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Just beware ,this sort of thing could happen to all of us.I mean it could happen at any country.I say play it safe and always keep your guard up.

It certainly can, I was drugged last week in a beer bar in Patpong 2, it took me a couple of days to get over it. I suspect they used some kind of Barbiturates.

Apologies if this is dealt somewhere else in the thread, but how did your drugging go down? I know from your posts that you are not naive about Thailand, so would be interested to know how someone got the drop on you.

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An almost unbelievable story. Sorry to hear about this but at least its only money lost and no worse.

What were the hotel staff thinking. And it aint a cheap hotel either....!

please dont blame hotel 4 ypur fathers silliness! agreed they could have done more, but shouldnt your pop know better than picking up hookers.......lol.

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Luckily his bank books and passport were hidden elsewhere.

be thankfull...the non fun side of fun city....sad but happens ....

Sorry mate, but is that the building at the end of Queen Victoria St, EC4 on your avatar? Just interested and wondering if i still remember my city of birth!

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Luckily his bank books and passport were hidden elsewhere.

be thankfull...the non fun side of fun city....sad but happens ....

Sorry mate, but is that the building at the end of Queen Victoria St, EC4 on your avatar? Just interested and wondering if i still remember my city of birth!

It's the pub on the corner of QVS and New bridge St. That rail bridge is now gone and the Mellon Financial Centre now blocks the view to the cathedral..

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Thanks for posting.

I have to agree with some others though that somethings seem a bit odd with the description of what happened.

The Dynasty (and Grande) normally have a fairly strict application of:

- ID Cards retained for visitors

- Extra guests being charged for entry

- Hotel staff phoning your room when your guest leaves

That they would let 4 people in, including Thai males, seem extremely unusual.

Anyway, good luck in finding them.

Have stayed at Dynasty Grande several times and they do retain visitor ID, although on one occasion they didn't bother asking my guest for it. I've never had extra guests so can't comment on that :) ! Have to say that I have never had reception phone my room when the guest leaves - they should clearly enforce this.

I would be quite surprised if 4 people were let in as there are always people on the front desk, whatever the time.

It seems a well-run establishment overall and I will stay there again. Not been overcharged on room service or had anything pinched from my room ever.


Edited by MarkyM3
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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

agree, he was asking for it.

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