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Is Thai Visa Losing Its Credibility


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Some may be awaiting the Messiah during this traditional millennial month, but I am still awaiting the Pickle King to deliver the same coup de grâce to TV that his presence delivered to the old soc.culture.thai usenet group.


:D Thank you for your kind words. I am still alive and kicking. However, feel that this ole farts club is not my cup of tea. LMAO!

Pickle King

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ut oh. :)

Please bear in mind that some of the quality you refer to came from people that have now left Thailand, either in a box or with boxes. There was an old veteran of the Malay colonial days that I first met years ago. He was a great source of knowledge. Not the stuff you get in books but experience. He showed me how to kill a papaya with jungle blade. One year I left and came back and discovered the old major had died. TV's like that. Although I certainly don't miss the wackos with their new age cures of colonic irrigation that drift in and out of here, or have warm and fuzzy feelings for the oddball that shows up to complain about a leaking abscess on his buttocks that was so large he had to wear a diaper.

I may be aggressive, acerbic even harsh at times, but never cynical :D i'm fed up with the comments about low IQs, or how everything is bad in the west or bad in Thailand. It's a <deleted> mixed bag of secret delights. This is a country where right can be wrong and wrong can be right, where the pretty girls are really men and some of the sweet ladies that will love you a long time may actually kill you. It's a place where the foreigners are often more devious and dishonest than the locals. It's why Thailand is both frustrating and loveable at the same time.

Read the special interest sections like animals or farming if you are feeling down, because there is no nonsense there.

Say Hey!

Sounds to me you are ready for the rope. If you know what I mean.

5555 Yee Haw !!

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I fail to see how any forum could maintain credibility without cynicism.

TV is the way it is because that is the way it has to be.

TV is not a forum for free or uninhibited discussion and it could not be, even if it wanted to be (which it does not).

Inevitably TV is a product of (at least) three principal factors: its raison d'être (making money for its owners), its environment (the laws and social mechanisms of Thailand) and its fodder (the web page clicks of its users).

The second item on that list ensures that serious and open discussion of probably the most important single influence on power, politics and society within the Kingdom is strictly off limits, on pain of potential imprisonment. So if you want discussion of that kind you have to look for it outside TV and, indeed, outside Thailand.

Other restraint mechanisms are less obvious and more subtle but nonetheless real. A high level of usage can only be maintained by ensuring that the general atmosphere does not become unacceptably unpleasant and this is secured by means of moderation which (irritating and unreasonable though it may be in particular instances) is accordingly an element sine qua non, required for the stability of the TV edifice. An ironically amusing (or frustrating) byproduct is the fact that discussion of moderation policy is also contrary to the rules.

While these arrangements are evidently unsatisfactory in many ways, the fact that TV is still here and flourishing is proof in itself that the positive elements of the institution outweigh the negatives. But if you want freedom of discussion, you must certainly look elsewhere. To say exactly where that might be is (probably) against TV rules, though.

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Some may be awaiting the Messiah during this traditional millennial month, but I am still awaiting the Pickle King to deliver the same coup de grâce to TV that his presence delivered to the old soc.culture.thai usenet group.


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I have no problem with the cynics and even less problem with the flamers. You have to have somewhat of a thick skin to enjoy the forums.

What gets on my nerves most of all is the erroneous information that gets posted. Those people post opinions about things they have absolutely no knowledge of. If you wish to post about things you have no knowledge of, Google it first and at least get an idea of what is fact. It is actually scary that other members may think you know what you are talking about and it could cause them problems.

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For me TV has been a source of very useful information at times. There are many good writers who post well reasoned views on the political situation, as well as many other subjects, and then there is a great mass of people who appear to have nothing useful or helpful to say, but post anyway. The result is that you have to scan through a lot of material to get to the good stuff. It can be like trying to hear your watch ticking while standing behind an F16 ready for takeoff. All in all, a good forum and much more diverse that any others in Thailand... if only we could keep it civil...!!

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Do you know who Britmav is? 25,000 (very odd posts :D ) and most if not all in support of the Reds.

:D you legless again bkkjames? - not even made 20K yet. :D

I was including all the one's that got deleted or i got you mixed up with Sir Acha John? :)

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This forum is about as far from losing credibility as any anonymous public forum can be. :D

Sadly the same cannot be said for the forum's illustrious patrons. :D

To solve that problem I believe there is a nifty feature you can use which is called "IGNORE USER". Unless I am mistaken (which I could be) once a person is ‘ignored’ it doesn't show the posts said ignored user makes in a thread. :) It can greatly increase your enjoyment of the forum

FWIW: I think the Modz do a great job reigning in the errant posting penchants by some posters thru deletion of posts and/or inviting them for an 'extended holiday'. I know this first hand, having taken my fully justified share of holidays :D . ..

P/S: I post under my own writing style which I have titled, acerbically, cynical, condescension. I like to think of myself as an “equal opportunity disparager”. I don’t discriminate by race, creed or color. :D Believe me; it’s not for everyone and takes constant vigilance on my part not to morph into another “wanna-b-thai foreign sock puppet wearing a color coordinated shirt and matching snazzy rubber wristband with a tattooed gold encrusted thai-in-tow” spouting posts that start with "My thai wife said", or "My Thai g/f told me", but I do my best. ..

Oh, that's right!! No one can read this as I am ignored by all. :D

And now back to the pissing match already in progress . .. ..

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Oh, that's right!! No one can read this as I am ignored by all. :)

And now back to the pissing match already in progress . .. ..

Actually I find your posts both entertaining and useful, reluctantly...

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This forum is about as far from losing credibility as any anonymous public forum can be. :D

Sadly the same cannot be said for the forum's illustrious patrons. :D

To solve that problem I believe there is a nifty feature you can use which is called "IGNORE USER". Unless I am mistaken (which I could be) once a person is 'ignored' it doesn't show the posts said ignored user makes in a thread. :) It can greatly increase your enjoyment of the forum

FWIW: I think the Modz do a great job reigning in the errant posting penchants by some posters thru deletion of posts and/or inviting them for an 'extended holiday'. I know this first hand, having taken my fully justified share of holidays :D . ..

P/S: I post under my own writing style which I have titled, acerbically, cynical, condescension. I like to think of myself as an "equal opportunity disparager". I don't discriminate by race, creed or color. :D Believe me; it's not for everyone and takes constant vigilance on my part not to morph into another "wanna-b-thai foreign sock puppet wearing a color coordinated shirt and matching snazzy rubber wristband with a tattooed gold encrusted thai-in-tow" spouting posts that start with "My thai wife said", or "My Thai g/f told me", but I do my best. ..

Oh, that's right!! No one can read this as I am ignored by all. :D

And now back to the pissing match already in progress . .. ..

Nobody has you blocked tod, we all want to know exactly where you are at all times, espeically in case your lurking in some shadow with a selection of your special vibrating toys :D:D

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Actually, it has improved considerably thanks to strict moderation. It was much more rough and tumble a few years back. :)

I find the strict moderation stifling, except when it comes to outright bigotry which some/many here feel they must share with everyone. Nothing wrong with a bit of rough and tumble

If anything bit too lenient with the political rubbish people are posting these days. However forum maturity leans toward strict control when you have many sponsors to consider.

Too lenient??? Good point, though, in reference to sponsors . . . the economic imperative reigns supreme

(I prefer your other bodacious av!)

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I was told by a poster to home today when I replied telling him that I did not appreciate his comment, It was me who was blamed for getting into a shouting match. He also asked me if my mother dressed me. I doubt he was ever here 35 years ago as I was. But there always has to be a smart ass know it all somewhere now on this forum.I agrree with your posting.

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If you want to visit the "pits" and see how nasty it could get, go to ajarn dot com!!!!! As a former teacher and retired principal, I am appalled at the "professionals" (and I use the term loosely) that post there.

TV is great. How did people get along with out before there was a forum? The amount of information I learn on a weekly basis, from immigration matters to FBAR to where there's an Indian grocery store...just unbelievable.

The policies of how it is all run are...hmmm...reasonable, and I usually understand why certain actions are taken. It's a tough job...I wouldn't wade into it if I were asked. Most of the moderators deserve a friendly pat on the back for doing such a great job.

There is a lot of whining. And there is a clique attitude that I experienced when I first joined over a year ago...at that point I often heard responses akin to -- you don't live here, so your opinion doesn't count. Then, after I moved here in retirement, it changed to -- you haven't lived here long enough, so your opinion doesn't count. I call it the Exclusionary Club...and I learned to just ignore it. My comments are just as valid as some drunk who sits on a bar stool every night down in Soi Cowboy who has been in a stupor for 20 years. :) Did I say that?????

It's a great forum.

There IS some validity in the different arguements between expats and newcomers. Those that have been in Thailand for a while start to see all the subtle things that newcomers overlook with their fresh new ideas. And, of course, the expats are often bored with the sameness of Thai life and they naturally grumble a bit more. There is a vast difference between visiting Thailand as a tourist and actually having to live in Thailand. It's the same with any country.

Despite the negativity, if a reasonable question is asked, then someone will try to give a valid reply. If it is an interesting question then it will get far more action than just asking where is the best place to buy a decent hamburger. Of course, that simple question could also start a funny bunch of replies.

Right now, Thailand is in a turmoil between the Yellows and the Reds. It affects everyone and both sides of the topic get heated replies. That is only natural, and expat farangs have no say in how it is all going to play out. That would frustrate anyone who has an investment in the country.

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Thaivisa have three categories.

1. The wannabe

Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

2. The expat

Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

3. The looser

Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

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Some may be awaiting the Messiah during this traditional millennial month, but I am still awaiting the Pickle King to deliver the same coup de grâce to TV that his presence delivered to the old soc.culture.thai usenet group.

Sorry for the generaliization of TF rude escalation of posts,change of time ,oh yeah.

I write posts in many topics,so do others,I am a academic MSc,BSc(not bullshit corier),

have a wide spectrum of interests ,so do the the majority of members,got banned for some days if I got too fat with my ideas(serves me right)learned better etiquette, and manners by being reprimanded.

And that at my advanced age of almost 70,YouCAN teach and old dog new tricks.

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I think its as GOOD as ever..otherwise...... :)

In the past it was all questions.....wherr is the nearest pub to?..I get into Bangers at 3 in the morninfg and want to go to............fill in the gaps....

need a hotel under 200Bt a night etc.....but as said above times change and new topics like the "reds under the beds" and limited political discussions fulfill the new gendre....and if you want to go deeper on the "cant talk about etc" ...just send a dink......lots of good emails and info from individual members (No Rednecks) ...but of course cant etc.... :D


anybody seen or heard recently from "Edith Clampton" the lady ( or not) writing in the BP.

Now I hear GRRRRR,not again.

Just like the Judge Judd,disapearing dinosour in the media.

I LOVE TV,here you can pig-out,writing to your gusto about cabbage,murder,blood and guts in one sentence and you only got Moderated if you use th F... word.

Why the ladys of the night dont protest in the streets for losse in their trade,

noway, they have a booming business with all the protesters of any colour(color) if the shift is over.

Ther they get a bodymassage and a hot bath,just use the condom the size of a innertube of atruck.

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Thaivisa have three categories.

1. The wannabe

Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

2. The expat

Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

3. The looser

Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

its a pity TV can not show which categoies people are in then as a 2 i would not have to waste time with a 1 who knows way more than me.

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Ian, I resemble that comment you make below.... I say, Forget the reds and yellows....

There is no more important subject or thread than where to find a decent hamburger around Bangkok, or in Thailand, for that matter. Countless TV posts exist to document that fact....more than a few of them written by me... :D

OK...well...and I guess, we can't forget the discussion of Tod's voluminous sex toy collection....

Just for that and hamburgers, TV earns its stripes for me... :)

If it is an interesting question then it will get far more action than just asking where is the best place to buy a decent hamburger. Of course, that simple question could also start a funny bunch of replies.
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I think its as GOOD as ever..otherwise...... :)

In the past it was all questions.....wherr is the nearest pub to?..I get into Bangers at 3 in the morninfg and want to go to............fill in the gaps....

need a hotel under 200Bt a night etc.....but as said above times change and new topics like the "reds under the beds" and limited political discussions fulfill the new gendre....and if you want to go deeper on the "cant talk about etc" ...just send a dink......lots of good emails and info from individual members (No Rednecks) ...but of course cant etc.... :D


anybody seen or heard recently from "Edith Clampton" the lady ( or not) writing in the BP.

Now I hear GRRRRR,not again.

Just like the Judge Judd,disapearing dinosour in the media.

I LOVE TV,here you can pig-out,writing to your gusto about cabbage,murder,blood and guts in one sentence and you only got Moderated if you use th F... word.

Why the ladys of the night dont protest in the streets for losse in their trade,

noway, they have a booming business with all the protesters of any colour(color) if the shift is over.

Ther they get a bodymassage and a hot bath,just use the condom the size of a innertube of atruck.

Never mind EC.

The Brit embassy has never been the same since Clare Sakornpant left.

Bring this lady back with immediate effect, where is she, whats she doing now?

Standards have dropped Clare, please take up your previous post, sadly missed.

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Thaivisa have three categories.

1. The wannabe

Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

2. The expat

Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

3. The looser

Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

its a pity TV can not show which categoies people are in then as a 2 i would not have to waste time with a 1 who knows way more than me.

I don't call that a balanced view.....so you actually don't fit anywhere it would appear.... :)

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Thaivisa have three categories.

1. The wannabe

Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

2. The expat

Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

3. The looser

Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

While I think there is some truth to your three categories, there is one caveat, and it's an old saying -- you can't see the forest for the trees.

Sometimes being right in the center of things doesn't necessarily give one the best perspective on things. There are times that one sees a bit more clearly from a distance.

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If you want to visit the "pits" and see how nasty it could get, go to ajarn dot com!!!!! As a former teacher and retired principal, I am appalled at the "professionals" (and I use the term loosely) that post there.

There is a lot of whining. And there is a clique attitude that I experienced when I first joined over a year ago...

Why does a former teacher and principal start sentences with a conjunction? I am appalled!

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