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Sort Of Good News From Alan Greenspan

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Did you hear the Bill Maher joke about Greenspan's own estimate that he was right about 70 percent of the time while fed chairman? We needed a fed chairman who used the pill, but turned out he was using the rhythm method!

Edited by Jingthing
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He used a few things :)

kidding aside....

Seriously he & his buddies should all be stood against a wall.

They all knew & know now full well what their doing & who they benefit.


Edited by flying
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I read "Maestro" by Bob Woodward.

A biography of Greenspan, probably published in 2003 or so.

Maestro fawned over Greenspan, describing how brilliant he is.

Who cares about Brilliant? That's academic brilliance.

Larry Summer is brilliant. Geithner is probably "brilliant." Bernanke is probably "brilliant."

When Greenspan speaks I'll listen - if it's convenient for me to do so - but as for credibility, he doesn't have much left anymore.

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I think Greenspan is right on this one. I also think the federal reserve is an excellent and necessary institution. Of course, I am not a radical right wing conspiracy theorist ...

The federal reserve system can work well when guys like Paul Volcker or in control but when misguided keynesian economists are running it, it has no hope of working.

You seem to think George bush is brain dead but people pay millions to hear him speak all over the world too.

Well what does that say for the people who pay millions to hear him speak.

And also for the millions of people who voted for him, not once but twice.

Some people believe that Hitler types should be stopped before they can inflict hitler type damage. That is a whole other argument. Too bad George Bush wasn't in power before WW2.

Maybe George wasnt but Prescott sure had his hand in the cookie Jar

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Alan Greenspan?

You mean THIS guy:

"The U.S. housing market appears to be emerging from its recent travails and the “worst may well be over,” former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan was quoted as saying on Friday.

“I suspect that we are coming to the end of this downtrend, as applications for new mortgages, the most important series, have flattened out,” Greenspan said at an event in Calgary, Canada, sponsored by BMO Financial Group, according to a transcript BMO made available..."

That was in >>>>20006<<<<<.


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